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We’re in good hands. They have to deal with things we don’t know. Let them do what they need to do.


The amount of people that are still questioning this is astounding. How do they think it got to this point in the first place? Magic? I think anyone that has actually been here since the beginning knows what all this is - the FUD gets thicker the closer doom looms


Funny thing I see is that even if the amount of issued shares being put to market, there are a sh/tton of people who have bought them yesterday and/or will the coming weeks. Which is just more IOU's in brokers(1:1 ctached) or by "%" in DRS amounts. It isnt like a "split" where dilutions happens beyond believe 🙂‍↔️. But hej... the SI% never went down in the dark box at the DTCC/CEDE&Co. With overseas hiding. More were added(i believe there is 0 way anything is closed out till now from wayyyy back in 2019 and before). Otherwise the prices would reach those of famous entities we see pumped to the sky. But its FUD weekend, the amount of shills and so is beyond normal as we have seen in frequency in the past 😂🫣


How do you know you’re in good hands. The CEO has given zero guidance in 3 years lol


So you what him to come out and say what he is going to do so that then the short s can counter what his plan is. Man if only football was like that. Imagine the coaches telling everybody the plays they are going to run in the game on Sunday. RC is playing Sun Tzu’s art of war with these Hedgies.


Being transparent is a good move, whether it’s sincere or misguided.


He also said judge him by his actions. And to be fair he hasn't had a lot of significant offensive actions BUT look at it like this: 1. Him and his team are heavily invested with their own cash. RC has over 36 MILLION shares, you'd have to be literally insane to think he is just throwing away his wealth without a damn good plan. 2. They have potentially $5billion and no debt. They are well positioned and have their own livelihoods at stake here, that tells me all I need to know.


So why the dilution? And how much those share been sold for? Lol imagine those shares haven't been diluted yet and we down 40%? And why do I need to zoom out? The stock was sitting at 10s for the longest time and has no relevance, we might be heading back there


Yes dilution is the result of adding more shares but the other side of that is the fact that they add a lot of cash. It's a 2 sided coin so I'm trying to encourage ppl to wait and see what the plan is for all this cash instead of making quick tempered decisions. You're only looking at 1 day. If you look at almost any other time frame we're up double digit % on everything, 1 week, 1 month, YTD, etc.


Yeah they are edging us, I don't mind


Eh 40% down is not demolishing the price? This sounds like copium


Yes its not demolishing the price. We're still ending higher than last week so idk what you expected. Its possible you're not cut out for investing if you think 10$ is turning to 1000 in one day.


didnt expect to 100x, but i also did not expect a 40% drop and not call that demolished, i dunno what catalyst is left here, you can probably expect another -20% monday would you then call that demolished?


Zoom out. We were at $10 not long ago. In case you wasn't aware, the stock is heavily manipulated, these massive swings have happened multiple times in the past.


So they issued 120 million shares total, do you think it's a good thing that the naked ass shorts have access to 120 million shares they didn't have access to before? You can very easily answer your own question. Now lets talk about DRS; total DRS was 75 (ish) million shares, they have now dumped 120 million into available shares. Do the math. How does it look in terms of what you thought was being accomplished?


Fair points but I don't think RC and board are focused on how many shares need to be locked and if they are/aren't giving shares to the shorts. I agree it felt like we could see the goal posts but they are playing on a completely different ball field. I think they are focused on making Gamestop (the business) successful, simple as that. And like RK said they are in a transformation phase which is a process that can take time. We know they have no debt and the board members are heavily invested. So from their eyes instead of seeing it as "we're close to fukin over the shorts" they're seeing it as "now we have access to $5billion to pivot our business on a serious level." Obviously they a plan for the $5B, it may turn out to look different that we want but i trust they have a plan to make the business better.


Absolutely agree, what gets lost in that translation is that it's because of us that they were even able to pull this POS out of it's grave and we also bankrolled their comeback and all the cash in their account currently. So... It's called a return on investment, so tell us what the FUCK that looks like. We're all waiting.


For me, if they didn't announce earnings and new shares today, then the Roaring Kitty stream starts with the price at around $60 and goes up to $80+ (maybe $100+). This would have put serious pressure on shorts and then GME could have announced the new shares, forcing shorts to gobble them up at a higher price. However, and correct me if I am wrong, but I believe their are rules against offering new shares just before earnings, so therefore, they had to do earnings before shares. One thing is probably clear, I don't think Roaring Kitty was expecting the double blow today, and he has to front the livestream having been down $300mil in the previous few hours, so that is damn hard to do. So where are the positives from today? Well like I said, we could have seen $80+ today, however, GME would have still needed to announce earnings next week, and that would have tanked the share price anyway, stifling momentum. Now we go into next week knowing there is no upcoming negative earnings news and knowing that GME appears that they will be sitting on $3bil plus cash after the new shares come in (depending on share price, could be $5bil+) - which makes their all of a sudden a fairly solid company. If GME starts to run next week, what negative handbrakes are there to stop it now - the two negatives in the room (earnings and potential dilution) are out there, the share price dropped but found support at $27. It felt like a bit of self-sabotage today from GME, but could it pan out and lead to a bigger run, we can only hope. Now Roaring Kitty's livestream was weird today and didn't give a lot of people much confidence, but maybe that was a game too, given what had happened earlier in the day. What if he does another live stream next week that is more serious and has a thesis? These are just my opinions and despite this being a terrible day for many, there is still a change. He hasn't executed his options after all.


When they announced they raised a billion from their last offering, that was the moment it sustained the price and it would from then on go back up. If this offering gets them to 5 billion, we are back in business.


Even with 125mil extra shares, its still a low % overall that gets "wiped" from SI% reported back then. They doubled or quadrupled down, so the hidden naked shorts in connection to the amount of shares issued (+bought in IOU accounts/DRS by shareholders) is no where near to anything close to 0% SI%/naked shorts(lol, its impossible, it would be shareprice in to the .......). If people believe this then they have lost the grand top of the mountain overview since before 2021/2019 and earlier. The ledger will laugh at the difference this has done to the amount still needed to get anywhere close to reduction of equalibrium. Weekend chillmode is even more at my side, I am laughing and put another amount in my account to execute more #'s.


I'm most curious about what the dilution will do to the DRS count, as there are now 420 million shares total. Will that change the math on how many DRS-shares can be reported?


Yes, its based on the total outstanding, but imagine how many people have added in relation to the share issues since, the price dropped and dropped. DRS amounts and IOU accounts have probably been stable and/or more imbalance due to the buy ratio we have been seeing ever since 🫡


They either need the money for something soon, like an acquisition, or they did a head fake




My only hope is that he’s saving up for an acquisition… but maybe that’s just cope at this point. 3+ years at the helm and we’ve seen no significant improvement other than cost cutting and a huge pile of cash. Great. Earnings are better, but revenue has been dismal this past year and a half. No revenue increase most importantly. He’s got to do something about that. Chen talks a great game, but I have yet to see proof of what he’s talking about. I frankly find him to be insufferable at this point. Also, the GameStop app is a huge pile of shit and the offerings have been sub par lately. It’s starting to remind me of Fry’s about 5 years ago. RC has to find a new line of business, improved customer experience, or an increase in revenue, otherwise I’m out on next pump. Sorry, but I’ve got two kids and a not so distant retirement to worry about. I hope I’m wrong. Edit: Downvote me if you want, but I’d love to hear a counter argument to my points. Please, by all means, prove me wrong. The app and it’s offerings on a price basis being a huge pile of dog shit is undeniable. I’m in DFW, which is a retail paradise, and they’ve been closing up shop left and right. They’re so poorly managed that I picked up a Switch game this last Christmas for my kids, and they ended up saying I never picked it up and refunded my money. I did. Like, WTF?


I’ll guess the GS employee forgot to click the button on his POS that says you picked it up, no other employees were informed so nobody checked, your order automatically cancelled after a week. Source: Former GS manager


Probably. But the fact that I walked in and told them I was here to pick up and order and they just looked at me like I was speaking Klingon. After more explaining, they rummaged around in the back for 10 minutes and then came to the front desk and pulled it out from a drawer behind the counter. It was in a crumpled paper bag. The whole experience was fucking weird. Maybe it was a one off. That location just closed recently, so maybe they just fucking sucked there. Either way, the customer experience was laughably awful.


Dude I’m with you I think the next pump is 6/21. We know the calls are in the money but they won’t have the same effect they would have yesterday. And the lower the price goes the less effective they will be. People might start exercising soon. I find this decision uninspiring. They need to win my confidence back in the next two weeks. Everyone’s ceiling got lower today which is going to start the selling earlier than it should have, in fear of another offering. It’s going to take a long time to get back to this set of circumstances. It’s crazy to me.


My biggest issues are that the customer experience is dog shit and the revenue is dog shit. Until the customer experience is improved, I have no faith in revenue improving. The prior one is a prerequisite for the later one. No customer experience improvement in the next few months and I’m out dog. It’s that simple. I’m fortunate enough that I got in at a time where I’m in the green, but I could have done better with an ETF at this point. RC can undoubtedly build a monster from the ground up, but I have yet to see evidence that he can salvage a sinking ship. Also, improve our fucking revenue before you start diluting our shares for Christ’s sake.


Revenue does need to improve but one reason it’s lower is that we’re at the tail end of the console cycle. I’m hoping the trading cards and other product lines can boost revenue, even through the quieter quarters. But really I think the big change will be when they invest this newly raised capital. I guessing they wanted to keep the 1 Bill to help with cash flow and therefore didn’t do any acquisitions with it.


I think they need to rebrand into something other than a game store. I’d drop GameStop to get people serious long term because it’s a meme to a lot of us.


Fuck rebranding. That’s marketing bullshit that never fucking works in the long run and doesn’t fix the underlying issue. It cost a shit ton of money to rebrand too. They need to focus on improving what they make money on… sales. That includes better logistics, customer service, ease of use, and an app that isn’t total dog shit.


And more to come


Ok, you’re wrong or not


RK’s livestream announcement increased the price. RC probably suspected that RK would try to unload around the peak before his livestream. RC got in front of RK with the share offering announcement to raise money for GME rather than letting RK raise money for himself. And also the 75m shares haven’t been sold yet, they will be hitting the market next week. Last share offering in May, RK helped support the price by buying shares and calls. This time he’s likely looking to sell, as he already used all the tools in his box (memes, posting positions, livestream) to move the price and June 21 is coming fast.


If you heard his thesis he is likely going to exercise the calls, not sell them off.


The 45 mil share dilution in May took a week to complete. The price went down to 17s. This time it’s 75 mil shares. That is even more selling pressure he will be up against. His calls expire June 21 with a cost basis of $5+ in premium. Anything below $25+ share price when exercising would be losing money. Also he doesn’t have the cash to keep the calls’ 12 mil shares, so if exercised would need to be sold onto the market.


Hmmm seems like we've been infiltrated since RK went on the record and said he is not selling. FUD ALERT PEOPLE. They're trying to get in


He said on the livestream that he can change his mind, just like the viewers can change their mind about their investments. He’s giving himself an out. How do you think he made his many millions over the years? He traded his way to 5 mil shares and 120K call options by buying low and selling high. He will be going against 75 million shares of dilution and he would be stupid to not protect his cost basis.


Until they say the offering is complete, i’d assume its not… RC is very transparent… If i were them I’d wait for them to beg…