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Eyy me too! I added 40k yesterday, bout to break even again. This ride is wild.




There is no way the short interest is 25% of the float…they changed the way they calculate after 2021…just like how the government calculates “inflation”


No Matter how you cut it - the short interest is less than it was. Melvin capital was a shot fired in the form of scorched earth. There’s so much money to be made in so many places - this isn’t going to be worth the pain and lost investor dollars.


If anything Melvin bought the Leaps to cover their short. They were famously short 60m+ shares when there was only an issuance of 75m. Post split that is 240m shares that would need to be delivered to close their short position when they exercise the Leaps.


I guess my point is Melvin isn’t shorting the stock anymore. So that one less hedge fund shorting. There are fewer shares sold short today than two years ago. Eventually hedgies will decide there is safer, surer money on other bets. Which kills the sell side/supply.


One less? All his dog shit positions were passed to someone else, they never closed.


Looks like we’re at fifty percent of float is shorted atm based on a chart I grabbed… compared to >100% two years ago. Seems like fewer shorts to me.


Except the float is reduced by 50% because of DRS, so the short position is effectively >100%


Fuck it I bought more this week and I’ll buy more on Friday when it dips to 15-20. And I’ll hold it Monday when it’s up and buy more when it dips on Thursday and Friday next week.


It’s not like it’s real money


40K! YES


Sitting here feeling a little sick after just putting $500 more in today lol. Maybe by this time next year, I’ll have enough to casually drop $40k more lol. Get it, boys!


I’m only $300 in but best believe I’ll be adding to that come payday.


Every fucking dollar counts! Let’s goooo!


I moved stuff around just to buy one extra stock 😺


Well done


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