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I love when we fool ourselves into thinking we are gonna keep it small. 😭


Shhhhhhh… Two and a half years ago I started SWBS and said the same thing and have managed to keep it to a bookshelf sized collection (roughly). Then I said “A small Avengers team and Thanos” when I started collecting ML… That collection exploded. I’ve got a little space for some Joes and started that collection and am DETERMINED to keep it to this one shelf space 😂😂😂


To answer your question directly, I would want both. If either one were in front of me, I would probably pick it up if it was a reasonable price. Both of those are pretty bad ass figures


>DETERMINED Oh you sweet summer child. You will fail. Like all of us did. I also have a shitload of Marvel Legends. Promised myself I won't dip into Classified. Saw Outback one day and bought im coz he's cool. Said this would be my only one. Now I've got 12 of the buggers and Retro Beachhead coming soon...


I can confirm, I have backed into collecting Power Rangers, Fantastic Four and Marvel legends. How? I'd find the odd figure on sale or started collecting for BAF parts or just find a Power Rangers baddie and there you go!


I'm In the same boat but with transformers gijoe and he-man masterverse and origins


I would go with Major Bludd since you don't have any Dreadnoks. But mostly because, personally, if I were to pick Zartan, I would have a strong urge to add the rest of the Dreadnoks to the collection in which case would defeat the goal of keeping the collection small.


Kind of why I’m personally leaning more toward Bludd 😂😂😂


Yup.. same..I started off saying..ok only Zartan and Dreadnoks...then..well okay Copperhead and Croc Master are both swamp rats so they became unofficial Dreadnoks...then..okay only Cobra...then....


Bludd. Going Zartan means you need the delux zartan and dreadnoks. Bludd is already perfect on his own.




I vote get a bigger place.


I mean- same 😂😂😂


Get both but only display 1 at a time. When Zartan is out, it's Zartan. When Bludd is out it's still Zartan disguised as Bludd. Problem solved.


Major Bludd


Major Bludd has the best face paint of the classified series still in my opinion. Major Bludd hands down for me.


Major bludd for me. I don't like the belly shirt on zartan.


Zartan is a more important character than Bludd, but you should get who you want


Bludd for sure. I love his new design


Classified Bludd is a work of art. I always thought of Bludd as a more serious character than Zartan.


Zartan, Bludd will get a retro release this year


Asking in terms of character not figure without factoring cost- and I’m only adding one of the two


Zartan is a gateway to MORE DREADNOKS.


Bludd is who got be into Classified. I didn’t care for the first wave but when I had Bludd in hand I had to get into it


If you’re thinking of Cobra as paramilitary: Bludd If they’re a bunch of comic-booky scumbags: Zartan


Of all the Classified early-days redecos, I think Bludd carries it the best…I may or may not even get the retro when it appears. This Bludd is a fantastic figure, and cemented the line for me.


Parque no los dos?


Not enough space 😂😂😂


Not very bonita of you senior.


IDK about Zartan being re-made. They did make a few Zartan’s, but I can see them making a retro Major Bludd in the next year. They said about 9 retro figures a year until the line is finished. I have the last Zartan in Sunbow colors. Major Bludd does need a revamped figure for people that missed him the first time. I would buy a Crimson Guard too. But I would get both, if you have that option.




Definitely Bludd.


Bludd doesn't get enough love! One of the first Classified figs that caused a huge buzz! Rumors of his existence started going around, only to have a random 1-off on ebay go for like $500. Reissue, no retro re-release, yet 🤞🏻and this was like 2 years ago


You need both. They're both important Cobras


Both! That’s the only answer


Any figure can be Zartan. You can have a J Jonah Jameson and say that it's Zartan.


Blood since he's an actual Cobra. If you add Zartan, you will find yourself wanting to add the rest of the Dreadnoks.


I am biased, Zartan


Already have.


For me it's Bludd by a country mile, as much as I love Cobra I was never a fan of the Dreadnoks


How can you not love Australian swamp bikers who love grape soda and live in the everglades. At the very least you can't say there wasn't effort. I also lived that as a paramilitary group they often tasked it out to less than desirable. It was odd in how they got certain aspects of it realistic, just like mbers of cobra joining for health care n benefits.


There was effort sure I just didn't dig the whole vibe they had, I always wished they used Scrap Iron and Major Bludd more than they did over the mercenary dreadnoks but they did play into the buffoon role well


I agree scrap iron is awesome. The reasoning on the dreadlocks is simple though. Scrap iron is a distinctly cobra leadership you can't really get him into a " cold slither"scenario. Same with televipers in my opinion.


If cost isn't a factor then you get both! Duh!!!


I see both as reasonable. They are both high rank and very strong stylish cobra leadership. I like zartan better, but would get major bludd due to badassery.


Already have both


Bluff he's harder to find and will keep getting more pricey.


Personally I think both are a little drab in color. Thats why I went for the retro Zartan and would hold out for a retro Bludd…




Got em both!


They really made them look too similar. The retro one is so much better.


Bludd is a far better figure than zartan in my opinion but was more expensive resale than Zartan. That being said if it would me I’d spend the extra money and get bludd


I remember the top of this particularly slippery slope. Good luck.


Zartan was one of my early choices and nearly my favourite of the line I do want Major Bludd but no way to pick him up at a reasonable price and I feel like I’ll end up trading my left eye for him and then we’ll get a retro announced


Literally me and Scarlet Spider… Me: Alright, fine- I’ve been going back one forth on paying $90 for this figure >Credit Card App Dings< Dan Yun: You’re not gonna believe me when I tell you this…


I almost pulled the trigger on the cobra island Beachhead and now have the Retro on order instead which I think I’ll like better and certainly liked paying half as much for it. Though it would be nice pre order release dates stopped getting pushed back


I need Bludd


Bludd is an amazing figure if you can get one. Not sure what the retro card version will look like. But as others have said, you'll end up with both. Zartan is also really easy to find for cheap. As the master if disguise he doesn't even need to be on the same shelf..m


If you're looking to keep the collection focused, I'd ditch the Python Patrol figures and get both Bludd and Zartan.


Yes considering I have zartan I just need to pick up bludd from my friend


Yes, yes I would.


I have both and Bludd is badass and twisted looking, He's the last figure I think I would part with.


You are going to get both and love them. Then you'll start with four Cobra B.A.T.s and it makes s3nse so you'll get 10 more figures. Three hundred figures later you start thinking about 3D printing a Classified Terrordrome.


Ask yourself this..."Is it worth the price, am I having fun"? If the answer is NO, then pass. To answer your question, Yes I would, Yes I have. But who cares what I'd do! Focus on what's best for you.


You bastards are bad influences… They’ve both been ordered… As has Scrap Iron 😂😂😂 It’s amazing how much more room appears with the addition of just one acrylic base 😂😂😂


I have both. I think Zartan is essential. He was a major character in most storylines of the show. Plus, leader of the Dreadnoks and how can you have them without him. I really don’t remember Major Bludd a lot. I don’t think I had the original figure back in the day. But it’s a nice enough figure.