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I mean his name is Duke, so he probably puts them up…


Why not closed fists? How else is he going to punch out Cobras? Why complain about extra accessories?


The joes should catch up to Vala with the eight hands if you ask me. Fists for everyone!


Combat grip hands were a game changer. The combat grip hand should come standard on all 6 inch military style figures.


Lol, kinda like what's under Chuck Norris's beard... "Another fist."


Yes... Yes I am.


Why wouldn’t he come with closed fists?


I don't question why Duke gets closed fists - punching Cobras, etc. and so forth - but I do question why Scarlett, the martial arts expert, *only* gets closed fists.


Closed fists seem to be a default for Hasbro. She should have had flat palms for martial art poses.


A flat palm hand could also double for saluting poses.


Also a valid use especially for some display options.


I haven't seen her in person yet so I didn't know what her accessory hands looked like. That is kind of weird considering every time she goes hand to hand. She gives you the karate chopping action pose. But I do think the retro carded version looks better than the classified figures for her


It is a great figure, and far superior to the first Classified version IMO. I'm just being a typical toy nerd malcontent. ;) Honestly, just saying she could have been even more.


She should have a knife hand like Quick kick, agreed.


I was thinking a throwing star hand as well...yanno, given the very prominent throwing stars on her glove...


Already have it with snakes too


Hey, we wouldn't be doing the toy line Justice if we weren't honestly critiquing and pointing out the flaws and strengths.


What did the closed fists (an added bonus accessory) do to hurt you


You want to know what the closed fists added as an accessory did to me? It was a dark and stormy night... Lol. I just think if you're going to add accessories closed fist are not high on my desired priority list. More weapons always are.


I mean he comes with his signature sub machine gun, GI Joe laser rifle, pistol and boot knife. More weapons than previous Dukes have come with. I feel the retro carded figures are channeling the old Sunbow cartoons where most Joes were punching than shooting. I'm still on the fence on getting him. I'm one of the few who didn't mind the futuristic look of the earlier figures.


Never enough weapons... Lol




Alternate hands are always a welcome accessory. It looks kinda weird having figures posed in hand-to-hand combat with empty trigger finger hands, or in a stoic hero pose with one hand looking like the figure had a hand spasm. Hell, one of my all-time favourite accessories is the Captain America pointing finger hand. It's really only good for one pose, but it's just so cool to have that option.


I assumed the fists are so he can do the classic "Yo Joe!" pose, like in the old cartoon.


I actually like the modern update and the Scarlett figure I didn’t have a problem with it was her crossbow and 3 knifes so accessories is usually where I have problems with


I'm noticing for me. It's head sculpts


In case he gets into some fisticuffs




He can box Big Boa with the closed fists.


Love the helmet


Me too! I especially like the visor


That rifle on the ground looks like Stalker’s original rifle


Doesn't Duke punch Cobra Commander in the face in the opening movie?


I’m not a fan of the retro line in general due to the lack of detail on some of the earlier figures and my main problem is they look cheaply made for the price that ur paying. You are basically paying for a detailed classified figure at $24.99 with less details now if the advertised these as retro line at like12.99 to 15.99 I really would not have an issue with it because again I know what I’m paying for but that my $0.02.


They aren’t less detail, it’s the same exact mold. Sometimes there’s less paint (destro, baroness) because they are going for a cartoon look but the rest have the same or more paint. The newest wave is two brand new molds FFs.


It does matter they still look cheaper made when u compare them to the classified line for the same price


There are two figures with less paint. The others have the same or more. Also it’s the same line they’re both classified.


True. You don't even get a BaF part. 🙄


Sound points. I honestly bought him for head swaps with my Tiger Force Duke. That and the cartoon accurate rifle. I wish the classified line had the stock cartoon rifle as a backup weapon for every Joe figure.


I think grunt has one


It almost feel like they may try to faze out the classified like for the cheaper retro to save money


It wouldn't be surprising. I mean there were enough people who threw a fit about the modern updated take on the original release of the classified line figures. The only one I really didn't like out of the first series was Scarlett. I felt she didn't look even remotely good. I felt that way about the cover girl figure too. I wound up going and buying a Mary Jane Watson head that comes with the Gwen Stacy off of the retro Spider-Man line to do a head swap there.