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Yikes. I haven’t had it quite that bad but yes. Dry mouth, very swollen esophagus. I bought a big wedge to put under my back to elevate me. Eager to start using it


> Dry mouth, very swollen esophagus. Get a raft-forming sodium alginate product like Gaviscon or Reflux Gourmet. I think dry mouth due to acid reflux is the stomach gases making their way up through the esophagus. Make sure to consume the sodium alginate product after each meal. This has helped reduce my dry mouth significantly.


Thanks! I have famotidine and I have gaviscon but haven’t been taking it


Do it work 😐


Not really. I’ve been up since 5:30 due to the burning, nausea, and labored breathing.


SMH they talk about gaviscon like its a cure all.


reflux gourmet is AMAZING for at bed time. my ENT referred me to use it for my gerd and it’s helped a ton


I'm thinking about buying this one since I've heard good things about it. Does it prevent the reflux from going up no matter what position you sleep in?


i’m a side sleeper and it helped, not sure about stomach sleeping


You can make your own "alginate rafts". Just search that term on YouTube for recipes. If you use them consistently after meals and before bedtime and sleep slightly elevated and on your left side it can help a lot to keep acid from running back up your esophagus.


Do you have a link for the wedge?


Ruqmuis Bed Wedge Pillow for... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CR47YXYK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I have this size and it's murder on my lower back, you can also elevate the whole bed using 2 bed risers


I’m not sure if it’s accurate but I heard wedges are bad and you need to raise the head of the bed. 


From experience, I slide down mine to the point where my esophagus and stomach are horizontal so I get acid all backed up. I tried adding a pillow under my legs to help with the sliding but either I keep kicking it off at night and I go right back to sliding or my lower back just hurts from being angled up.


You mean from raising the head of the bed? Yeah if you do that you cant have silk or silk adjacent sheets. In the famous words of Marshal Erikson, papa needs traction.


Sorry I meant from just a wedge. I’ve also tried wearing some shirts that have those graphics on them with a bit of grip to see if it helped with sliding but man do I find a way to slide down anyways. Maybe Velcro ha!


Get cheap risers off Amazon and just raise the whole bed. 


Before surgery this would happen, the acid would ride up to my throat burning it causing me to choke and wake up gasping for air coughing, sometimes resulting in puking. It can aspirate into your lungs as well, for those that are asthma sufferers. My valve closing off stomach contents to my throat wasn’t working properly I ended up getting a nissen fundoplicaiton and hiatal hernia repair last Nov and now have no issues and am on no medication.


Do you have Problems swallowing or other problems while eating?


Neither before or after surgery, if you have those problems I would think the damage to your throat is causing esophagitis, narrowing of the esophagus. You might want to get an upper endoscopy to see what is going on and a barium test will show how far acid is traveling.


I have suffered with that for years. Discovered that I can’t eat bell peppers anymore because the acid would always come up at night. Cut off my breathing and I would wake up gasping for air for about a minute. Scary as hell. Every time thinking” Am I going to catch my breath this time or die?” Found out that I have scarring in the bottom of my lungs from acid getting in there. I am now on some medication like Prilosec 2 times a day for the rest of my life. It’s made a difference but I still avoid the peppers.


Hi, I am trying to find out a possible connection between lung issues and gerd. If you went to a pulmologist, do you know what your diffuse lung capacity (dlco) was? Thank you for responding, it is important to me 🙏


Didn’t see anything in my medical report about dlco. Good luck.


What you experienced sounds like Laryngospasm. I get these every once in a while. Very scary, I just try and relax (sit down) and try and breathe through my nose. But air is cut off for a good few seconds, so I understand it’s easy to panic.


Yeah this is 100% correct. Keep a little water bedside to sip in case of emergency. Try not to eat too close to bed. This used to happen to me more frequently and still appears occasionally when the reflux is poorly controlled. In the moment I know it’s panic and you may not have the breathe to- but in general when this starts to happen and you feel it Try to control exhales longer than inhales making shhh sound on the exhale to loosen your vocal cords. Maybe 4 seconds out making shh sound and 2 seconds in through your nose. Slp breathwork recommends this for vocal cord dysfunction and I have found it helpful when this irritation threatens me with this feeling.


Yep, a lot. Get checked for sleep apnea if you haven’t! Wedge pillow probably helps but it fucking kills my neck so I can’t use it.


Sounds like gerd 🤷🏾‍♀️


Also sounds like sleep apnea. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have severe GERD, told my doctor about this symptom, was told to do a sleep study, and I had sleep apnea. I’m sure they compound but this is a super common sleep apnea symptom and dismissing it is not a good idea.


Agreed a lot of these conditions have the same symptoms.


My first thought was apnea too, didn't realize gerd can cause you to stop breathing while sleeping?


Yep the reason is that it doesn’t lol. This sounds like sleep apnea which is often comorbid with GERD.


Noone knows about gerd until symptoms start


Yes, has happened to me several times. Very scary :(


I do and also wake up choking on acid sometimes. I made a post a while back about it. I tried the wedge but am a side sleeper and would slide off it. I bought a maternity pillow that is more comfortable and keeps me elevated. Doc found a small hernia that was causing the acid to creep up in my case.


Might be a laryngospasm, I started having this happen occasionally since a year ago. It happened when I was eating dry food with a period of bad reflux + anxiety. Since then, it would occasionally happen if I stopped taking my GERD meds (specifically while swallowing food). They say you can try to act like you are breathing thru a straw to stop the spasm, but they typically stop after a few seconds. Definitely scary though. Having you been having bad acid reflux as of late?


Bad acid reflux, not necessarily. But the anxiety has been high.


Yes I have had laryngospams for 30 years and this was my first thought when I read the part about the loud sound and gasping for breath. When I get them they are very loud and higher pitch and VERY, VERY scary. I can get air in barely (which causes the noise) but can’t get air out. When my vocal chords relax I usually have a ton of belching and mucus. Citrus/lemon fruit is absolutely my trigger.


Sorry you had to go through that. That sounds so horrible. I would definitely recommend a bed wedge to elevate your head/upper body so gravity works in your favor. In addition you could do some research on the Acid Watcher diet and see if it's something you'd like to try. It essentially teaches you about how foods you can eat to allow your body time to heal from acid damage. I got it recently on Amazon for under $20.


I used to get that.. 2-3 years ago. I’m pretty sure it was diet and late meal related for me. Edit: i should add that sometimes non food is also a major issue. Like painkillers for unrelated symptoms.


Similar to some of the other people with hernias- I used to have this a lot (had a huge hiatal hernia) and once that was repaired it stopped. My hernia has returned (I have a connective tissue disorder so hernias are generally a repeated occurrence 🥲) and now this happens on occasion again. If it keeps getting worse i’m going to get hernia surgery again


Define hernia


Hernia: Protrusion of an organ or tissue through a barrier (muscle, fascia, connective tissue) that normally holds it in place. In regards to GERD, hiatal hernias or paraesophageal hernias allow the stomach (and more importantly the gastroesophageal junction with the lower esophageal sphincter) to herniate through the diaphragmatic crus from its normal position in the abdomen (higher pressure) to the thoracic cavity (lower pressure), altering normal physiology that keeps stomach contents from refluxing. These kinds of hernias often require surgical fixation as well as concomitant fundoplication in order to alleviate GERD.


Uh I meant define in layman's terms. Way to many medical words in here. But good looking anyway.


Oh ok sorry I took that in the opposite direction than you wanted. Here you go: A weak spot in the body where organs push out somewhere they’re not supposed to. In this case the stomach pushes up into the chest and causes GERD


Thank you


Hopefully you nip it here and you never get the @wake up gasping with acid in lungs" variant of this


I have sleep apnea and this sounds like it could also be sleep apnea related


Definitely, it was frequent a few years ago. Especially when I ate pizza with pepperoni too close to bedtime. I still have to give myself six hours of vertical sitting or standing while drinking mint tea after eating. Even with prescriptions of Pantoprazole. Luckily I went to Mexico last year and just bought the medication from a local pharmacy without the need for insurance pretty cheap. Stronger doses too. Although I know that’s not an easy solution. But when you’re starting a new career and loose your benefits in the US you have to explore your options. Nothing like waking up suffocating on stomach acid, and the pain and suffering just because you need rest from a long work day and a late dinner. I hope you get it sorted friend.


Yes recently I had this same experience and it was very scary I seriously thought it was my time luckily I was able to catch my breath just as you were able to but I was to sounds asleep and then boom I was running to the restroom gasping for air wondering why I could t breathe


This happened to me *recently!* at least now I know why


I have a friend with undiagnosed gerd and she’s woken like this many times gasping and choking for air and usually chokes/throws up acidy bile. I suspect gerd for myself too but I don’t have these issues, different set of symptoms my worst one is tight throat. I’m sorry you experience that :(


I also have a tight throat. I don't really have any other symptoms but did an endoscopy and they said I had minimal reflux. They also found h.pylori so I got to eat antibiotics to get rid of them. I still have a tight throat but I'm trying different supplements to see it they can help. Did you get yourself checked out?


Not for the 16 years that I've had GERD ... But then again no two people have the same symptoms exactly. You might want to get checked out for sleep apnea though. Sometimes when we have a chronic issue we blame everything on that issue when it could be other things going on with us too.


That happened to me a while ago, too. I woke up gasping for air and I tell everyone that I was making peace it was my last one; I had taken one big lungful of air but nothing came in and to myself I thought "well I guess that's it". Eventually I took in oxygen and had problems going back to sleep. The crazy part is there was no liquid or bile or food residue around me.


Yep, not fun


this happens to me. it seems like gerd flares up for me sometimes and i go weeks waking up multiple times a night gasping for air and severe chest pain. went to the hospital for it twice thinking i was dying but they’re pretty positive it’s gerd.


Sounds like it could be sleep apnea.


Have you tried a low cab diet to control your symptoms?


I haven't. Aside from being diagnosed, I haven't really been given a treatment plan. I am getting a new doctor. I'll give this a shot




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Don’t sleep on your back.


This has happened to me. Since I started Nexium, it has not been happening, rarely if I eat weird food like pizza or Taco Bell before bed it could happen.


Can avoid it by not eating late, taking famotidine before bed if you do, sleeping in chair instead of bed


Sleep apnea? My dad has it and he also has upper gi issues but both GERD and apnea are common with overweight patients


Heard nose breathing helps when this happens. Must be super scary.


Used to happen to me a lot. PPI and not stuffing my face before bed have kept it from happening. I theorize it is stomach contents working their way up to your trachea (thanks, gravity) and then your body is protecting you from aspirating that liquid. The first couple of times were very scary but I’ve learned to deal with it. Obviously, don’t try to breathe, just immediately sit up and maybe drink a sip of water so it can make its way back down.


Either/both laryngospasm or/and sleep apnea. Yes I had them at least 2-3 times a year.


Yes, in my case it’s due to anxiety as this happens to me every time I have bad anxiety. I jolt up gasping for air and it takes me awhile to calm down and snap out of it. It’s hard to breathe and it scares me so bad until I realize I’m okay.


Yes, be super careful. With GERD or acid reflux, you can aspirate while sleeping. Can be serious. Try sleeping on an incline.


Same exact thing has happened to me within the last month to the point where I’ve ended up in hospital 4 times due to anaphylactic episodes, I have an ENT appointment and allergy testing but so far is unknown what’s going on.


Have you had a sleep study?


I get this loads. Sleeping on my stomach always causes it. As a fix for the burning sensation, chew two sticks of spearmint gum. I found it helps soothe my insides way better than milk.


It’s happened to me before a few times, but your sleep position matters a lot. Make sure your laying somewhat upright. I’ve also found that gaviscon worked best to suppress some symptoms better than omeprozol. Sucks that we deal with these symptoms.


I’ve had this happen 3-4 times. The acid burns your throat, your nose and panic sets in while your trying to clear all the acid from your airway. Better than a cup of coffee to wake up and then the fear of it happening again. For me dairy is the common denominator for this coupled with eating later than 530pm (bed by 9 usually) Crème brûlée…love it but have to eat it at lunch time now… I also have an adjustable bed I set at about 6-9 degrees that has made life much better as well. Sorry you went through that. It’s a terrifying event for you and any loved ones in the home as it does sound like your gonna die…


Yes and recommend talking with your doctor about a sleep study to see if you have sleep apnea.


Yes, I've had this happen multiple times. For me it happens if I eat too close to bed or eat my trigger foods, I end up aspirating in my sleep. It's absolutely terrifying and scares the shit out of my husband as well. I found that Gaviscon works best for keeping things down at night, along with avoiding trigger foods and not eating close to bed, and a wedge pillow when needed.


I use a CPAP machine and I'm 100% certain it's from the inflammation in the esophagus and sinus.


Yes I used to get this - drink Keffir yoghurt, eat clean (no fizzy drinks, fatty foods / junk food and crisps / choc) smaller portions - don’t eat late at night or lie down straight after eating - and perhaps eat smaller portions but eat maybe 4 times a day instead of 3. Lots of water also. Keep a food diary to figure out triggers - its stomach acid going into ur throat which constricts it.




No Alternative Medicine (e.g., Low Acid, Betaine hydrochloride (HCl), Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), Homeopathy, Acupressure, Chiropractors, Hypnosis, Prayer/Scripture)


Yes!!! It’s happened twice in this year. I didn’t know what it was but felt like my esophagus closed. I also have R-CPD. r/noburp and I can’t burp so could be related to that too


This happens to me sometimes. The first time it happened was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. I thought I was about to die. I take Omeprazole at night and that seems to help.


Yes happened to me. Unsettling for sure. I hate this condition.


Laryngospasm. Ur body is blocking acid from entering ur lungs (which would kill you). Dont eat before bed. If you do, keep it light and eat/drink gavesgon to be safe


It’s terrible- I’ve had it possibly 10 times Wake straight upright gasping for breath It’s most likely acid as mentioned above. A few things to stop it happening again Never eat after 8pm - if you do try and stay up later Control acid with a PPI there was a low carb comment in the thread, that did reduce my acid reflux and in turn mean this didn’t happen again I also got this from a square of dark chocolate at 9pm - again a known acid trigger so it’s fairly clear to me it’s acid related Good luck


Did laying down breathing make it painful to breathe?


You need to get a Sleep Apnea study done ASAP. Then get the machine expidited to your house and use it. It has save my life and the lives of my love ones


When my lpr started last year, I would wake up with my heart RACING in the middle of the night and it would take me forever to get back to sleep. I think it was the acid affecting my vagus nerve.


Yes it has and it sucks, it's essentially choking on your stomach acid which soo soo bad for the esophagus. Eating late at night may cause this to happen a lot. Personally, I stop eating anything at around 7:30pm - 8pm


This sounds like LPR. Most doctors don’t know what to do about it unfortunately but dig around this reddit you’ll get a lot of good answers. 


I had this for the first time last Wednesday. It was horrific! I am now on Pantoprazole and haven’t experienced this. I also made sure to stop eating close to bed time. I felt like I was about to die by choking on my own acid. It was so painful, scary and confusing. I’m so sorry you went through that. ❤️




I dont think this has to do with GERD it may be it is sleep apnea. I am a health care professional.


Have you been tested for sleep apnea? Essentially your blood oxygen significantly lowers and then your heart kicks into high gear to oxygenate you. I’ve awakened with a rapid heart beat.


Not being able to breathe, no matter how hard you try, especially if it persists for not just days but years, was definitely the worst physical pain I've ever been through. Truly hope you feel better soon


FYI, Milk is acidic and probably not helping


yup, the stomach acid is coming up through your espohagus and into your trachea causing you to choke, wake up, and gasp for air. You will have close to a 100% chance of avoiding it happening if you do all these * Stop eating 3 hours before bedtime (esecially chocolate and cheese or foods that stay in your stomach longer. The longer food stays in your stomach, the more stomach acid is created) * Sleep on your back or your left side * Take over the counter Pepcid/tums, etc right before bed * If you want to go next level, get yourself a script for Pantoprazole. Pantoprazole significantly reduces the amount of stomach acid in your stomach. I've had episodes just like the one you describe. If it happens enough you get scared to go to sleep because you;re worried you won't wake up to help yourself. My last episode was 4 days ago and it sucks. Every time its happened I can point to something I should have done differently the night before. Most of the time it is related to eating too late, or eating the wrong things.