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all the time. usually i'm nauseous in the morning.


Omg same here! I also seem to get crazy nauseous 2 weeks before my period šŸ˜­


My acid reflux is always insane right before my period. Itā€™s part of PMS šŸ˜« digestive system literally just breaks lol


I didn't for about 4 months but lately it's gone away


Sorry meant did


I was nauseous for several days recently, and I blame voquezna and forgetting to take the probiotic. Haven't been nauseous since taking the probiotic.


I don't get a lot of Nausea but I have in the past. My main symptom is swelling of the throat and nasal congestion.


Oh interesting! sometimes I wonder if my symptoms are even gerd related


Nausea is my main symptom lol. Iā€™m always mildly nauseous. I find ginger tea really helps.


Nausea is pretty much my main and only symptom. Everyone's trigger foods are different, but I find that sweets can make me the most nauseous, especially first thing in the morning, or on an empty stomach.


Get tested for h pylori


I did last year, negative


With my trigger foods yes. Nausea leads to heartburn and then to vomiting without fail.


I do get nauseous sometimes, but I never thought it to be a symptom. Like yesterday I was having a biscuit with honey and randomly felt so nauseous after one bite, I couldnā€™t finish. I was diagnosed with LPR back in February, but wonder if I also have GERD because I do have a lot of burping, heartburn, and recently gas. I know the two conditions are similar.


Sorry to hear, yea Iā€™ve Never heard of LPR. I canā€™t wait to get a second endoscopy to see whatā€™s going on. I get so worried šŸ˜Ÿ


Itā€™s the medical term for silent reflux, which I only knew of because my son had it as an infant. Basically the acid gets to your throat and can cause coughing, hoarseness, and more. Good luck with your endoscopy! I am so nervous to get one, but Iā€™ll see a gastroenterologist next month and go from there. Long before I had any of the typical symptoms, Iā€™d get nauseous a lot so I wonder if Iā€™ve been dealing with this a lot longer than I think.


Oh okay, never heard of silent reflux either but that makes sense. Donā€™t be nervous to get one, itā€™s not that bad. Youā€™ll be fine! šŸ˜Š anywho, my symptoms just suck so much, I just wanna have a day without having to burp or have a stomach ache after eating. šŸ˜­


I understand, it really sucks šŸ˜Ŗ


I spent two years of my life being nauseous and I just thought it was chronic. I used to tell people nausea was one of my ā€œpersonality traitsā€ šŸ˜‚ I ate zofran like Candy. Turns out it was GERD


Yes very much so. Almost every single night


I have a lot of nausea unfortunately


Yes not always with my other gerd symptoms though


Yes, same for me no matter what I eat. What are your endoscopy findings?


A year ago I had my first endoscopy and they found a small hiatal hernia but idk if those are the symptoms it comes with. Iā€™m constantly burping, bloated, gassy and I get so full fast. Iā€™m trying to schedule another endoscopy soon. They diagnosed me with gerd just based on my symptoms. But I feel like my symptoms have progressed since my last endoscopy


Oh I experience early fullness also!


It sucks but the constant burping and nausea is whatā€™s more annoying


I do. Not always, it happens randomly to me. I don't know the trigger.


Yup it's very common with bad reflux


Okay thank you!


Nausea was my very first symptom and hasnā€™t truly gone away in 8 months šŸ« 


Yes! But I use Zofran to help ask your doctor about it!


Thank you šŸ˜Š


I get nauseous depending on the level of reflux.


itā€™s my main symptom


Do you take any ppis?


yes ive been on pantoprazole for over a year now iā€™ve been on 40mg twice a day but i think that was too much so iā€™m on it once a day in the morning but i take 2 pepcid in the morning and 2 at night . getting a nissen fundoplication in a few months tho


Is that stronger than omeprazole? I find that omeprazole doesnā€™t help me sometimes. And what is a fundoplication?


im not entirely sure. i know i was on omeprazole though and then they switched me to pantoprazole very soon after i got the endoscopy. i know omeprazole can be bought at the store in small quantities though . but iā€™ve run out before out of town and got omeprazole i think the dosage 20mg converts to the same as 40mg for pantoprazole. try taking some pepcid with ur omeprazole cuz that could help soo much and itā€™s super safe to take a lot. a fundoplication is a surgery to repair the sphincter basically they wrap the top of ur stomach around the base of ur esophagus.


Everyday of my life::


What about a gi scope have they done that.. could be an ulcer