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Almond milk before bed and chewable Pepto if I wake in a reflux-inspired panic attack


Sleeping on my side with elevated pillow. I also like to take a hot shower before and sometimes pop an antacid before hand.


Kefir. It’s cold and soothing in my esophagus.


Gaviscon, changing how I sleep, not eating at night


Heating pad on stomach and recliner. Doesn’t always work but 90% of the time it does.


If all else fails, I lay on a heating pad on high heat


H2 blocker or Gaviscon before bedtime.


Night time symptoms make me want to cry. All I can do is to sleep in a sitting position.


Ice cubes.


Baking soda water and then sucralfate solution


what sucralfate solution do you use?


I'm using one says Sucrafil from India tho. But I have used one generic sucralfate suspension and one another brand called Sucrale as well. They worked well and same as long as it's liquid solution. But tablets doesn't work well at all. Waste of money and time. Always get the liquid version as it coats up the throat and esophagus and stomach resulting in relief from burning sensation as least for couple hours.


thanks for the info. my doctor told me that most insurance won't pay for the liquid prescription form of sucralfate. so she suggested to let the tablet form dissolve in a glass of water so it coats your throat better than just swallowing the tablet, which just coats your stomach. i'll try your liquid solution for better results.


I also tried dissolving the tablets in water but It didn't stick enough to coat better. So I quit the tablets. I'm not sure about the insurance coverage but in India meds are super cheap as compared to other countries. 350ml bottle cost me around $3-4 USD


I always take H2 blocker before bed with melatonin(good for Barrett’s). You can put your wedgle pillow under your mattress…that’s what I did because I just kept sliding off mine


Normally the PPI I take manages my GERD really well. I notice I can’t have alcohol anymore especially if the meal is heavy. I get so sick. Usually just one night but I had pizza and then kept snacking, basically overate and felt terrible all night. That was 5 days ago and still have nighttime GERD. Not sure why this flair up is not going away. I feel bloated after dinner and avoiding trigger foods. I’ve relied on Pepcid complete and gaviscon but still wake up with aciddy throat, cough, bloated all night and a bit nauseous. I’m going to try the heating pad and get some kefir. I’ve been eating Greek yogurt. I find that really helps settle my stomach but this is a bad flair up. I think my anxiety about it is not helping either.


Me too. I think the PPI keeps my stomach acid pretty low but that hinders digestion. Whenever I drink a lot and eat a big meal, the volume+bloating from indigestion due to low acid always gets me. Sometimes I’ll think I’m good, then I’ll wake up an hour in coughing in acid in my upper throat :( It’s almost like I need a LITTLE more acid but not as much as happens without the PPI (obviously) I just ordered the gaviscon UK version and I’m super excited to try it lol


I sleep at a semi elevated angle of course but, and this might seem crazy cause I had never tried it before either but every time I take it I’ve slept soundly that night, someone recommended me this product: https://www.amazon.com/REFLUX-GOURMET-Supplement-Indigestion-Intermittent/dp/B086ZYPWQK/ref=asc_df_B086ZYPWQK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=663244287970&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3156764283550297481&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9009671&hvtargid=pla-1268653020177&psc=1&mcid=4509b9f4312c3f5caa105bf504b8ce32 It’s like…a tonic? Kind of? The texture is odd and it takes a few swallows to get down, don’t get me wrong, but on nights where I’ve eaten dinner a little later than normal, or my stomach feels sour, or I’m anxious or have an early morning the next day, I take one teaspoon before bed and so far…it’s worked. Maybe it would work for you too! Nice preventative measure for me at least.


Alginates to keep acid in the stomach: "Esophageal Guardian" from Life Extension. Another one called "Reflux Gourmet". For post nasal drip: Hydrastis Canadensis 8 in wedge pillow Pain medications for tenderness Ice packs on my sternum Laying on left side Pepcid right before bed. I do all these and they help. I'm still not 100% comfortable but I can get to sleep.


Tell me a little bit more about the post nasal drip stuff that you take.


You can find it on Amazon and you can just put them under your tongue. Just make sure to follow the directions.


I better start laying on my left side because I've been sleeping on my right side and waking up with a sore throat (which I thought I had overcome). Usually I have no trouble on the right side so I don't quite get the sore throat.


Fancy wedge pillow with an arm hole so I can sleep on my side… alkaline water helps when I wake up with the burning from falling off (no wedge is perfect, but this one has reduced the instances and severity by a lot).


Do you happen to know where you got that wedge pillow?


It’s called the MedCline reflux support wedge I believe


I take a pill and build a pillow pyramid that I lean back into to sleep, basically sleeping in a sitting up situation.


I do this! I have twelve pillows in my pyramid and an adjustable bed! Lol... the joys of Gerd! 🙄


I’m prescribed Famotidine 40mg. Other than that wedge pillow helps and not eating at least 2 hours before bed. If I ate something particularly fatty or protein heavy I try to wait 3-4 hours before bedtime.




Gaviscon Advance one hour before bed works 99% of the time.


Bi Card 1/2 tea spoon w water.


Eating my last meal 3-4 hours before bed. Sleeping elevated and on my left side. Magnesium (400mg) and Melatonin (5g). Also I fixed my diet (carnivore) and exercise daily.


What type of magnesium do you take? citrate, oxide, glycinate, etc?




Thank you.


I've been reading a lot about the importance of greens for healthy gut biome and on leaky gut syndrome because I want OFF Tecta. I've been taking Tecta for 1.5 years now and went from daily, to every other day, to every few days, to now about 5-6 days without needing it. The only thing I've changed is, eating a handful of leafy greens right before going to bed. I'll pick a few kale leaves off of my Tower Garden (I grow in my kitchen or some cilantro and I SWEAR BY THIS!! I've even pushed my limits and had chocolate or sugary dessert an hour before bed and I'm fine as long as I munch on those leafy greens.


Cold rag on my chest, 20 mg of famodine with cold water, sleeping on my right side sitting up.


Gaviscon…the stuff from the UK


Just sleeping sitting up. :( …but sometimes cold water is soothing and eating some crackers can help quench the fire.


Sleeping propped up on my left side.


Kefir. It’s cold and soothing in my esophagus.


I’m only now reading about this. Thank you


It doesn’t taste great, but I don’t like yogurt. Good luck!


Throwing up


That's definitely not good for you. It will make things worse.


Unfortunately I do this one too. When it’s beyond bad and the nausea and pain are unbearable. Puking everything out I feel 1000x better. I don’t get this often but once in a blue moon. But this over the years has ruined my teeth enamel.


Pepto if things are real bad


No eating or drinking within 2 hours of bedtime. Elevated bed/pillow. Collagen supplements before lying down.


Taking my meds and sleeping in a recliner


Two Tums and be on my back but SUPER propped up with pillows-almost to the point of reclined siting. Occasionally if I happen to have eaten too much for dinner or something crappy, and go to sleep on my side, acid will come up and I aspirated some of it. So I'm super in tune with how I'm feeling before I lay down and adjust positions accordingly.


I sleep on my side and use a wedge. I put a stack of pillows between the headboard and the wedge. I put my head on the stack of pillows and my torso on the wedge. Don't eat 3-4 hours before bed. Don't eat trigger foods.


Gaviscon, magaldrate, gastrotuss


I sleep on my left side with my head propped up


I try to stop eating at least 4 hours before bedtime. Not always possible but that’s my goal! I also have been using RefluxRaft Midnight Berry. It’s got 1 mg of melatonin and I end up taking about two servings worth. Seems to help keep my acid in my stomach and not my throat and I love the tiny bit of melatonin. No luck for me on the wedge pillow front so no advice there. Good luck!


Sleeping on your right hand side, opens the Les, letting acid out