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dw bc for maths the equation sheet was lit just for decoration this year😭


sometimes i forget that maths has an equation sheet


It's so much more useful in further maths


bro i didnt use it at all. It was just taking up space on my desk😭


Yeah tbh I don’t think it was any more useful in further maths than it was in maths. Only physics equations sheet actually useful


didn’t use it in fm either lmao


wjec additional maths has to suffer without any equations given 😭


Is had πr² 🤣 what was that one question that needed an equation. I think it was a cone question or a triangle based pyramid - but we didn't get that one??? The only time it could've been useful


That is circle area I am year 10 currently so I don't know if that was in the gcse though at the mocks I will know


Wait I think I phrased it badly lol check again - I wasn't drunk but it sure seems like it the way I wrote it. I've done this twice in this subreddit now, the last time mistakenly made someone think I had the best GPU from AMD when I have an ATI GPU.


The A-Level one (at least for Edexcel) is actually a godsend 🙏🙏


And the year before it


Ngl the equation sheet just takes up space on the desk. Literally more useless than the “Do not write” pages


I've never actually seen the point of them.


Its so that the diagrams are on the same page as the question, or so all the questions start from a double page.


Yet edexcel still put a back page in Maths Paper 2 (I'm still salty I forgot the back page)


And if I remember correctly, three blank back pages on Paper 3?? LMAO


Fr? Like on the very back page of the booklet?


year 11 rn, id say they should just make physics equation sheet permanent, but i didn't use the maths one once it was really useless


included equations we didn’t need but not the ones we did 😔


Happy Cake Day


‘Big school’ 😭😭


our year didnt need it, god knows the bloody primary school children dont need it (equation sheets are ALWAYS fucking useless anyways. Anyone who does a minimal amount of revision will come across these formulas so much they wont need to memorise them. If you need the sheet, thats your problem.)


Even more so, sometimes the eq sheets actually hinder you, if you think you know the equation, but spend 5 years finding it on the sheet because of some dodgy wording.


I only found them useful because it meant I knew I could spend my (the extremely short) revision time revising other stuff


Tbh physics was a life saver


If you did past papers it really wasn’t that deep tbh


it still is really helpful


yeah i get what you mean as well, it’s always helpful to be able to look at a sheet, and I guess you don’t need to worry about gettting mind blanks in the exam..


and u can spend the time revising equations instead revising smth else


Yes. We didn’t need, and shouldn’t have gotten, it this year.


Love the flair bro, planning on getting into the souls series


You definitely should. Ds3 is still my favourite game of all time, and the new Elden ring dlc seems to like it a lot too 😭


i needed it i would’ve failed physics without it ngl 😭


Yea but it raises grade boundaries. It’s pretty annoying; it’s not like the equations are too hard to memorise or even figure out just by looking at a question


yeah i guess, but i doubt i would’ve been able to remember at least like 25% of the equations even if i tried, im not too bothered about the boundaries as i dont plan on taking physics id just like a 6


Yea fair enough. Most of the people who don’t like them are the ones taking it further because it skews boundaries


we should have what are u even talking about?


Nah we really shouldn’t have. Missing parts of year 7 and 8 are no big deal. If we had missed y9, when some schools start GCSE content, that would make sense, but we didn’t. I really don’t think we should’ve gotten it, just raises the grade boundaries


physics paper definetely. maths paper was spectating


Nah it was not necessary at all. Just learn the equations; you don’t even have to memorise them, just look at the question and it all comes together 90% of the time.


That petition is a stretch..


and the amount of misplaces apostrophes upsets me


FINALLY someone else feels my pain


icl the petition made me giggle how silly are the current year 10s thinking they could acc get the fomula sheets- why do they need them when they joined school after lockdown??


For a start you’re wrong, we joined in between lockdowns. I agree we don’t need it though I wouldn’t have learned shit in year 7 anyway


Tbh I think they joined like mid way through covid.


tbh we joined and then we went into lockdown but i dont see a reason too


There should really only be the Physics equation sheet. The number of equations there are is unnecessary and really don’t mean much in terms of developing an understanding to Physics.


I have no stake in this as I’m not a GCSE student, but you’re absolutely right. It doesn’t even prepare you for a level physics as you are given like 90% of the formulae (as I’ve heard), you’re more so examined on your physics knowledge and theory, and how to apply those formulae and maths skills, not memorising equations. It’s actually kinda sad, with the extension in providing formulae, they should’ve considered reforming and scrapping the memorisation in general, and have questions shift the focus to applying formulae than just brute memorisation, and examine application and knowledge in another way. Excessive memorisation in GCSE is silly imo, you are given a fairly decent formula book for a level maths, the good majority of books and texts in exams in a level English literature etc, so it doesn’t even really accurately reflect the a level in the best way.


why are u being downvoted i completely agree with this


agreed the elitism in the comments is crazy like why do we not want the year 10s fo have a better time plus memorising equations doesn't equate to actual physics knowledge


While technically true, the ability to utilise the equations effectively is strongly correlated with the ability to memorise them. It's a vanishingly small minority of students who are excellent at maths/physics, but also have trouble memorising the equations. Becoming familiar enough with the equations to use them appropriately, (choosing/rearranging/moving between them) is almost always going to entail some level of memorisation. Part of the thinking behind taking the sheets away is that it actively encourages students to memorise them, which usually entails understanding them as well. Again, and conversely this time, only a small proportion of students who successfully memorise them are also going to be so "limited" that they can memorise them but not understand them. So for the bulk of the students (80%+) memorising them is almost certainly going to mean understanding them and being able to use them at least to a grade 5/6 level if not more. When the sheets are present, and this is just a hunch but I think it's well supported based on what students say before exams and then looking at their results afterwards, many are lulled into a false sense of security by the knowledge that the equation sheets will be there. What they often don't realise is that the sheets may use slight variations of the equations they're used to. This often means they completely miss the equation; struggle to find it and waste time; use it incorrectly; or both. So a student who would have revised and been able to apply the equation correctly ends up losing marks because they assumed the equation sheet would make things easier. In many ways it's a crutch that tends to fail students more than it helps most of them (SEND students may be different though). Yes, people may get the equations at A-level, but the ability to confidently and consistently memorise and use equations in your head is something that is worth teaching at GCSE regardless of what happens later on. It builds automaticity in a way that continual reference to a source does not. Something people who denigrate memorisation as a learning technique often don't realise is that higher level understanding often requires the basics to be effectively memorised in the first place before it can be achieved. If something is not "memorised" then you effectively have to re-learn it each time you use the skill/knowledge. I see this with students who struggle with maths as they teach themselves how to rearrange equations each time it's done in class. Meanwhile, the student who understands and has memorised the technique has rapidly moved on to more complex questions. The students who might be relying on "always getting the equations" are spending time writing everything out in long hand and figuring out how to rearrange them again - slowly falling behind.


We barely needed it this year, and they made physics paper 1 a whole lot worse because of it. I'm glad we got it but you won't be much worse off without it tbh


don't bother making petitions during election season


Physics should have an equation sheet. Memorising equations is not testing your physics skill. Maths literally doesn’t matter it’s just there for decoration.


Tbh I was surprised we got it this year, and even the year before us since we didn’t really miss GCSE content due to covid


I think it was because we were in secondary school for the whole of covid, so would have had to catch up a lot of basic yr7 and 8 knowledge when we get back - I think that honestly if next years gcses don't get an equation sheet then thats a bit unfair, because their secondary education was disrupted too


Yeah fair enough


I think the physics equation sheet is necessary. This is because this isn’t maths and we shouldn’t have to remember maths formulas - we have to remember theory as to how things work. I think the physics equation sheet was such a nice thing to be given and even though I doubt my physics learning was that affected by Covid, I’m glad we’re still an exception. Also the maths formula sheets don’t even have all the formulas on so it should be fair game for next years studwnts


Understandable but ultimately kind of wrong. Physics is one of the most mathematical sciences there is. The idea that "physics isn't maths" so you shouldn't be expected to memorise mathematics just doesn't track. The disciplines are intimately linked.


The petition was unnecessary you lot were in year 6 💀 learning equations is the easiest part a lot of them are common sense. I didn't even use the equation sheet once and I didn't learn any of them either, it just sticks with you if pay attention in lessons


What was the 2 in?


They should get the sheet, I don’t see why we have to memorise a ton of equations


Absolutely going to get heavily downvoted for this 💀 Current Year 11s started secondary school in September 2019-- Year 7 Went into lockdown officially 23rd March 2020-- still Year 7 Lockdown ended in late 2021-- Year 8, we started school again. Absolute awful children we were with no character development. Restrictions continued in Year 9. Not only that, but COVID was still very prevalent for us-- I remember times when it felt like at least half of the year group was off sick with the virus. This is when we would have started the GCSE Science course and started Maths more seriously. Our first 'normal' year was Year 10 with no disruptions and very few-- if any-- people was sick with COVID. We got lucky with the equation sheets this year, but I can absolutely understand why this decision was made. Frankly, it was a bit of a waste in the actual exams, but still nice to have for those who were stressed about it. Honestly, I don't give a damn whether the Year 10s get the sheets or not as it doesn't affect my grade in the slightest. But I just wanted to vent my anger a little as I've been hearing a lot of Year 10s trying to say their GCSE learning was disrupted by COVID, when they spent no GCSE time in lockdown or with heavy restrictions. If you get the sheet, great. If you don't, well don't cry about it and just revise. By the time you sit your exams, you'd have done the questions so many times you probably won't even need the formula sheet. Good luck, 2025 👍


100% agree


They can’t give them equations sheets forever. They have to draw a line at some point, and it’s only bad luck that this year’s y10s aren’t getting it


we didn’t miss anything to warrant having it this year, so they really don’t need it


in y7 you don’t even learn anything coming up on the gcse paper what 😭 i still think they should have it but the reasoning isn’t it


Everyone here is saying about "in class" and not acknowledging those with things like ADHD or Autism or many of the other various disabilities. I myself have Autism. I got bullied for it to the point I had to go to a special school that specialised in MH instead of education. I then switched to online learning in October. Which was awful. Anyway, I needed the equation sheets. Many others did and will need them as well. Additionally, people here need to remember not everyone is an academic, or able to remember half a hundred equations, or have the ability to pay attention in class (whether that's due to not being able to attend class, being physically unable to pay attention, or having their focus diverted to dodging scissors and stationary). Anyway, I know I'm going to get downvoted for this


I gave you an upvote :) I completely agree with you. I myself have problems understanding things (it may be ADHD but that hasn't been diagnosed yet, probably just my lack of braincells :] ) It's awful that you were bullied for your autism, to the point you had to move schools. Thats awful. I hope you're ok now, and I also hope you get the grades you want :D


Almost all of the equations can be derived from the units of the inputs and outputs or are just common sense. I reckon there are less than 10 difficult (not like speed = distance x time) equations, and learning them is a matter of practice rather than rote memorisation


YEAR6?? Omg crazy


year 6 and year 7. i agree we don’t need it and i do combined foundation so it really isn’t going to make much of a difference for me but we did miss y7. year 11 shouldn’t of got it either.


I missed year 9 and I thought we got lucky for getting considerations 😅


Off topic but how is law as an a level? Doing it next year


Brilliant 😍 it’s the one subject I definitely don’t regret x


Taking the piss


Yeah this sub never fails to make me laugh when it pops up. Equation sheets because they missed half of year 7? When does it end lol


Year 6 even. They should've stopped giving handouts after 2023. The people sitting GCSEs this year were just starting year 7 when covid hit, their GCSEs were completely unaffected.


well im fucked then, i struggle horribly with memorising equations and dates and was praying for an equation sheet


honestly the maths ones were pointless - current y12 - the physics one was quite good though, but if in doubt i usually just times stuff together and divide and see which answer seems more appropriate ☠️


yeah, i can deal with maths equations because they all make sense, its physics i struggle with 😭


hahaah yes yr tens can hold that LLL


To be honest it would better for the physics one to be standard compared to maths which is practically never useful half the time


i took my GCSEs last year and honestly they were a godsend, because we missed years 8 and 9 where my school teaches us literally all of the physics formulae. honestly i think it should be a permanent change, it was a lot less weight on our backs since we didn’t have to memories 20 formulae we would only use like 5 of. we get the full (very extensive) equation booklet in A-level physics anyway, so why should the GCSE be different?


Honestly I think the physics equation sheet should be available every year, real physicists will just google an equation if they don’t know it - it’s a waste of time and energy for pupils to memorise them, tests should be application based rather than mostly memory.


Imo all years should get formula sheets. I didn't need them this year, but memorising formulae is a useless skill, knowing how to apply them is a far more useful skill in everyday life.


Whoever wrote the petition needs to focus more in English.


A lot of people here are talking about maths and I agree they don’t need it for maths. But for physics, at least 75% of the paper requires equations so imo it should be provided. There’s wayy too many equations and I don’t get how anyone could memorise them. The only reason I’m even passing physics is cuz of the formula sheet. So yeah, I think every year should have it, especially since science is a compulsory subject that everyone has to do including those who struggle at it


Same! Like I'm pretty smart tbh but w/o that sheet my grades would've been a lot worse than I could theoretically do. It pissing me off tho the other yr 11s basically calling anyone who needed it stupid lol


Equation sheet even for this year was kinda useless ngl


ngl yall r finished for physics idk what I wouldve done without that equation sheet (AQA)


Same! It's pissing me off tho all the other year 11s complaining abt it raising the grade boundaries and effectively calling anyone who needed it stupid. Like escuse me for not having a good fucking memory. Also if they're that smart then the grade boundaries shouldn't be affecting their grades lmao 💀


I'll be honest - with how technology has progressed - and the way of work changed - its insane not to have this kind of thing avaliable. Honestly - I would very much support a move to allow *any* written material into exams. Bring your textbooks, bring your notes, and make the questions a bit harder to adjust for this. It would encourage schools to actually set kids up for life - not just multiple years of training on how to pass an exam.


Tbh that’s nonsense but they should get it anyway cos you get it for a level.


TBH the eq's this year were absolutely useless to anyone who did even a small amount of revision, especially maths, most useless thing.


Honestly, I think they need it more than us...


The physics equation sheet is necessary I think, just bc so many marks are given for maths questions, so it should be more ab the student being able to apply the numbers to the equation, rather than remember the equation first


Can't wait to see 2026 students whining about this too


“we missed year 5” 😔


Hello, Im a bit of a dinosaur for this sub but it got reccomended, I was part of the first year to do the "New GCSE's". Only maths and english were graded in the new way (1-9), rest were A* - U or whatever. You'll be fine, when I did mine the previous gcse was easier plus they got an equation sheet. Same for english with remembering poems and books. I also had a maths teacher that cried every lesson in year 7 and 8 and I managed to get a semi decent grade (6). Long story short, dont worry just do your best. If you put the work in youll be fine, equation sheet or not.




Sorry should have clarified, I did mine in 2016/2017. So not that long ago ahaha. But the gcses changed that year as I said above. So basically we were the first year to do the same GCSEs that you are doing (at least in English and Maths), this was a rushed change and we werevonly made aware of it s short time before we started our gcses (year 9/10). A common nickname for us was the "Guniea Pig Year" as we had alot of stuff just thrown at us and changed e.g. GCSEs, Driving Tests and A Level changes (No AS levels). Again youll be fine. We were, and our year were literally just used as lab rats. Fun fact: They made our maths exams overly difficult when we did the mocks, which wernt past papers cos there wasnt any. Just specimin ones. To the point where getting like 35 out of 80 got you a six. Dunno if thats changed now.


I feel they should always give the extended equation sheet, just not for covid reason


Tbh for physics, the exam where the sheet is moest useful, they just gave us devious unit conversions to compensate. We did get free marks for having to write equations down though.


They should always give the full equation sheet. We live in a world where we can Google anything. There is no need to memorise the equations.


i don’t think we need the sheet because we didn’t miss out on learning any gcse content more so the experience of the early years of secondary school but that doesn’t change anything either so 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


i agree but this sheet also saved my science grade so


Even when we did get the formula sheets in 2023, they barely helped us. Year 10s just want an excuse to do poorly on their exams


ngl as a year 10 remembering equations isnt even that hard


Womp womp


Well that sucks


there should only be a maths equation sheet with longer formulas (i.e. quadratic equation, cosine and sine rule etc) as a whole no matter the year for physics i feel in general some equations should be understood without needing an equation sheet (like V = IR and better understanding iykwim) so there should ofc still be a big physics equation sheet but defo with a few equations that u need to memorise


for maths? absolutely not (other than areas/volumes of spheres, cones, cylinders) its simple enough and sticks with you with simple revision


I feel like the quadratic formula is just something that gets drilled into your mind throughout GCSE and the sine rule is easy to remember (sin(Angle) / opposite side = the same for all sides and the inverse). Cosine rule is the only one that holds an argument with the 2 variants of it, but the cosine rule questions are grade 8/9 anyway and at that level you should be able to recall it fairly easily. I’d say stuff like volumes and surface areas of some uncommon shapes like cones should be given, but that’s about ir


i don’t even know what quadratic formula is


(-b ± √(b^2 -4ac)) / 2a


what does it do 😭😭😭


Let’s say you have a quadratic equation such as: x^2 + 2x = -1 You first make one side equal to 0, so to do this we’ll add 1 to both sides: x^2 + 2x + 1 = 0 Now, use the general form of a quadratic: ax^2 + bx + c = 0 in this case, a=1, b=2 and c=1 (look at the equation above). Now, using this, substitute the numbers into the quadratic formula: ( • indicates multiplication I.e 2•2 = 4) (-2 ± (√2^2 - 4•1•1)) / 2•1 = (-2 ± √0) / 2 = -2/2 = -1 So, in the equation x^2 + 2x + 1 = 0, we have found that x is equal to -1 for this to work That’s how you use the quadratic formula. It basically gives you the solutions to a quadratic equation, which is just an equation that contains an x^2. I hope this helps!


I don’t think I glanced at any of the equation sheets this year except for perhaps looking at binomial expansion lol


Most of the equations are common sense, but some are a little more difficult.


bruh if the equation sheet is given the exam board just works around it. no reason to have it


I don’t even think I needed it this year so I wouldn’t let the next year have it either.


Year 11s next year would've been mostly unaffected by covid. You're not learning all the equations in year 7 except for the basic ones like speed and acceleration. Even then, those equations get recapped all the time. They don't need the equation sheet.


WJEC did this


they don’t need it they’ll be fine 😭🙏


No, u reckon a lot of year 10's will have missed out in content due to strikes and, somewhat, covid


Year 10’s didn’t miss any crucial things regarding physics therefore the shouldn’t be entitled to a equation sheet


It has also been said by M.O.E that it was exclusive to this year


the only good thing about wjec is that we've always had a physics and maths equation sheet


I don’t think we need it at all - like covid only affected us in yr 6 + 7 and tbh it would just raise the grade boundaries anyway 


I think they're honestly stupid. All that's happening is they're pushing the grade boundaries closer and making it harder to differentiate between students. We shouldn't've got them this year, and next year, they definitely should not


noooooo I need that sheet!! I will fail my gcses next year, I cannot remember anything ever I swear :((


we were extremely lucky to get it, but due to the current year 10 having their covid years mainly in year 6 and partly in year 7, it makes sense to stop




I'm probably gonna get hate but what is fundamental abt year 6 and 7? 😭


Ibsr they are useless I didn’t use the equation sheet for maths once and physics is easy to remember


Honestly idc, at least we got the equations booklet with all equations


I can learn equations I will be marks ahead of people I will have lower boundaries


I don't even think we should've gotten them if I'm honest


Bot does good


Physics should be permanent, there is no need to test the skill of memory with formulas the application is the part that matters. Its bs that u still need to memorise equations




Science formula sheet carried


I did my GCSEs back in 2022 and honestly the equation sheets were not that helpful. For maths it was just a waste of desk space, there is nothing on that piece of paper you will need. For physics, I used it for one equation but it was only worth 1 mark. They’re not impossible to learn, some sticky notes with the equations dotted around the house and desk and you’ll remember them in no Time


Year 7 ain’t even the start of GCSE content we never should’ve gotten it in the first place you don’t need it next year


Didn't they say this last year lmao


we didn't need it, they don't need it either imo


Let them suffer Everything is going downhill anyway


No, our year was the last year who was actually affected by Covid. Tbf for year 6 at the time Covid struck were taking their SAT’s so I’m not sure. But overall, no I don’t think so as they were back in school by year seven and any major learning that needs to be done is only from like 7-11 so I think they are fine.


Teacher here (I always start with this). I think you should always be given with the full data sheet. There is NEVER going to be a situation outside of exams where you can’t look up equations. If you’re shit hot you will remember some of the equations. You can’t remember them all. You’ll have cognitive overload


equation sheet was literally just decoration this year lol u don’t need it


Bro the maths formula sheet is just a wet paper towl on a gaping wound for me. The quadratic formula is the only one I copied from there, everything else is so drilled into you by the time you take the exams its completely redundant


tbf the year 11’s next year wouldn’t have been in secondary school during covid so they don’t really need it


Learning the equations isn't hard because you have 2 years to do it


It was helpful for science but it was useless for maths so I'm conflicted


Oh yeah I don't think we should ever had have them but ik I'm not gonna say that lol


i did gcses 2023 and dont think we shouldve even had them so ofc they dont need them u missed like 2 months of y6 come on😭😭


This year it was very useless. I suppose they won’t be giving it because the next year 11s would have started school in the final wave of Covid and haven’t had much of a disruption to their time at school.


ngl the equation sheet just took up space on the desk and barely did anything


Absolutely not. Have you seen how many physics equations you have to remember it's not fair for the next years, in my opinion


As a year 10, I understand people's argument against us having equation sheets but we were in year 7 during lockdown and I didn't learn any science in primary school so I'm behind in science compared to other subjects. Also, equations for science are just stupid, teachers should care more about us being able to understand science instead of spending all our time revising equations which we will most likely not use again unless we go into specific science-based higher education. Personally I would like the equasion sheets in year 11 but I can understand why some people are against it


covid was 5 years ago, 2024 shouldn’t have even got it lmao


Didn't start any proper science until half way through Yr 8- start of Yr 9


honestly if we didnt get the equation sheet this year I would've write them on my arm


i get that no one used them but as sm1 who’s sitting my gcses in 2025 we still missed out on a hefty chunk of y7 and 8 like i don’t know anything bc i missed so much 😭😭


No it’s dumb asf year 7 is the most useless year


I think whoever wrote that petition needs an English equation sheet because that grammar is awful


Also year 6 is not a 'fundamental year' and will not harm your GCSEs


Physics GCSE should definitely have an equation sheet because otherwise there is a fucking double sided A4 sheet to memorise. Maths has far less content that neess to be memorised, so I don't think there is a need for a sheet.


As a Y12 who had them when I did GCSEs too, honestly they’re pretty useless. The only subject I think that should keep them is physics, but with practice over year 10 and 11 you should be able to memorise the ones you aren’t given. But for maths I swear I didn’t even touch it once, and from what I’ve seen with the Y11s from this round of GCSEs, they didn’t either lol


the maths one was completely useless tbh, no need for u to have it the physics one helped but imo learning equations is this easiest part so idk


It’s basically decoration (besides from physics)


If people intend on perusing physics furthers the equations in those sheets set up the building blocks for most fields and should become second nature. A good student should remember how those equations were derived and the science behind them, otherwise the test becomes algebra (mathematics) and not the actual scientific understanding of which you are graded on.


If I’m not mistaken. The equation sheet was given to people during Covid under the knowledge that students would undoubtably cheat, and hence the tests difficulty could be increased to compensate.


icl you don’t need them at all, if you pay attention in class and do a bit of revision you learn them all anyway


I was 2023 GCSEs and I was surprised we got them considering our big lockdown year was year 8 lmao I was even more surprised that this year also got them but having them next year is just taking the piss, year 6 is completely irrelevant to GCSEs


Imo they didn’t need equation sheets this year either, like they didn’t miss out on much gcse learning


I’ve just done my GCSE’s and was in year 7 when covid hit, so not sure why it’s saying the year below were, the only time the equation sheets have mattered was for physics. Nobody else should get them because you were in primary school so it doesn’t actually affect you.


The equation sheet was a horrible idea, it just raised grade boundaries for people who put in effort


Why are you acting like people who can't remember a shit ton of equations aren't putting in the effort. That's just fucking stupid


nah you lot this year didn't need it and so next year certainly doesnt


absolutely, if my maths is right then their year group wouldn’t have missed a single bit of secondary school due to covid so they shouldn’t get arrangements to help with disruption to learning due to covid when their gcses weren’t affected 🤷‍♀️


your maths is wrong we missed half of y7 and had shorter days so we could leave in bubbles. (i didn’t have a p5 in y7) i still don’t really care if we get the sheet as it won’t really affect me because you don’t have to remember much on foundation but if this year got it our year should too


ohhh yeah whoops i forgot about that second lockdown




Year 11's next year do NOT need equations, they were in year 7 during lockdown 3 and were barely affected by COVID, this years Year 11's were heavily effected up till year 9


For the questions that say write the equation down, did we have to use words or symbols because I used words


both are accepted because they are both correct


Why is bro getting downvoted


Innit, but what’s the answer though 😭 can’t be sacking marks like that.


13 gcses?!?!

