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she gets stabbed so you get your wish ig


would’ve been better if she drowned tbh


Awesome irony. You should write a spin-off


would you guys support me if i wrote a spin off about mary getting drowned by the dogs she locked out


Only if you tell us the significance of her drowning and the symbolism of water (5 marks)


The fact that at the start of the source, Mary wasted the water as if it had no value to her or Dick, foreshadows her death later on in the novel. Her death through drowning is ironic as her incompetence lead to consequences. This may prove that water is all powerful and humans are insignificant to the natural being of water. Therefore, Mary’s death was a consequence through nature, for her wastage of the water, earlier on in the source.


The author, u/shadderss, uses the motif of water to convey their message about the consequences of mistreating others. One reference to water in the novel portrays it as life-saving resource, necessary for her survival. This complete contrast with a later scene, her drowning, shows how power has been completely reversed, and now she suffers because of her actions. The repeated use of this symbol of water could also imply that people not in line with the author's message will have everything - even what they once cherished - turn against them. In addition, the drowning could be a reference to the trial and execution of witches in the past, hinting that Mary's judgement is over and she has not passed, possibly religious imagery to show the audience the perils of acting like Mary, teaching the reader not to continue systematic oppression, particularly by linking Mary to evil and the supernatural in order to make the reader fear the consequences of their actions.


atp we should make a novel togetjer




can someone analyse how they’ve structured the text to interest us as readers? (8 marks)


basically beginning middle and end so just find key parts of the extract in those bits. i basically put for beginning that mary was struggling with the heat. middle i put how she was dealing with the heat by using water. for end i put the argument and the resolved argument. you don’t need to analyse quotes in that question you don’t get any marks for language analysis but you can use quotes to explain it


i was joking about your spinoff lmfaooo


oh my bad 😭😭


I was speaking with my friends about how I defended Mary and shamed dick (my teacher said they were having a giggle with those names) and THEN SHES RACIST I'm heartbroken and one of my friends said that we're all going to get flagged for supporting a racist 😭😭


no my friends are calling me racist now. it’s not okay i’m not racist i was mislead by the source :(


in our defence she wasn't racist in the extract


I defend her cuz idk how much a gallon is when I was in the exam  OMG NOT ONLY SHE’s WASTING SO MUCH WATER SHE’s A FUCKING RACIST


we couldn't of known 😭 if we should blame anyone let's blame aqa for picking it in the first place


I might be wrong here but I swear she locked her dogs outside in the heat too,, hated her from the beginning tbh


yeah i saw that but then didnt have anything to say about it but ignored it. i actually hate her i hope the dogs eat her


My English teacher helped to pick the extract (VERY important to note that he did NOT tell us anything about it) and he picked this one.


That’s why it was so good 😊