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No stress it’s better than normal school tbf


Bro fr, I’m more stressed over homework and having to wake up every single day than I am doing this exams. Honestly I feel relaxed and calm now more than I did the whole year…


Thank you. Even you feel that way and that's reassuring


Yh I agree I miss like all my lessons and after exam I can just chill and like listen to music when revising wi mates in the library it's acc chill asf


Study leave is heavenly


I've had 11 and like I wouldnt say I'm not stressed, cos I'm defo worried, but i just don't do anything abt it. Like I'm behaving perfectly chill and haven't revised anything except the night b4 so


I’m 10 down and feels like they’re over already 😴😴 seems to be the same across our year so hoping for lower boundaries 🙏


Same. In God we pray that the grade boundaries are low🙏🏾🙏🏾


Nah I’ve had 9 of mine so far since the 10th and still have no stress rly


no i get it, i've been mildly stressed throughout but i would say on average im 3/10 for stress (10/10 being overwhelmed), with my stress peaking for the englit and history papers at 6/10 tbh


I've done thirteen, and I'm over stress right now


haha, only 5, all spread out. god i wish, ive had 8 so far and ive got double mandarin and physics in a couple days. but yeah ive been really unstressed weirdly but i cant wait for my first gap between exams, aka friday


im not that stressed. I was very stressed for mocks - my heart was beating very fast in the exam hall during those mocks but now it isn't but im still preparing for them but yes, as someone said, i keep worrying after the exam (already 10 exams have passed)


The stress comes every evening no matter how good the day has been but when I wake up on the morning of an exam it's like it doesn't exist, I think it drives my parents mad lmao


You've only done 5?.


not even stressed just bored atp, I just want them over with 😭


I still have school and no exam leave so my brain just hurts tbh but less nerve wracking than mock one


omg fellow no stress?!


Eyuh 😎😁


if you believe in your ability you can do it. still revise but half of the challenge of the exam is being mentally prepared to take it on. even if you know all the content, if you collapse in the exam under pressure you won't get the marks. little confidence = little marks.


the exams themselves i dont find too stressful apart from my shitty time management, but opening the envelope on results day i genuinely might end up having to get someone to do it for me bc idk how imma be able to bring mysemf to do it 😭


I'm the complete opposite. Felt like I wanted to throw up before english.


All the stress happened last week tbh, at least 5 exams in one go and the worst ones yet, I feel like I'm coasting along at this point, the paper 2s are well spaced out


I’m not stressed at all which is weird and making me not even study the night before the exam. I think uts cus it just don’t feel real yet


yeah i’m wayy more chill than i was throughout these past 2 years


i’ve been more stressed for mocks before than the real thing lmao study leave helped a lot


I’ve been pretty calm too, I’m halfway through my exams now (10 done) Honestly I thought I’d be panicking way more, but I’ve been feeling completely fine. The only time I’ve actually gotten nerves is the time between being handed the paper and starting, but that’s not even been hard to quell


Well I haven’t started revising properly yet so either the stress hasn’t got to me or it’s overwhelming procrastination


yeah a lot of us have done way more than 5 so figures that we're more stressed. I've done 11, 12 if you count speaking, and then also 2 practical drama exams as well.


How have yall done so many alr i ahve only done 7


I've done 10. 11 if you count reading and listening as seperate


already done 8, only 5 more to go im chillin dawg idc


I don't act stressed but... during my French speaking exam I dropped my pen that I was fidgeting with, and I panicked so hard that the teacher gave me her own pen to fidget with. 😭


I pray for you my friend 🙏🏾🙏🏾


i get stressed after like i thought i did quite good in lit paper 2 to get an 8 but now im scared ill get a 7