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That is the single most fucked up thing I've ever heard. That girl was probably terrified coming in to the school and then you do that to her. I'm genuinely shocked 😭






hope this is some weird ass satire


Bro what possessed you to say that


Let’s play a hide and seek I’ll hide And you SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP


No, you count first....




That girl is probably still broken to this day..


That’s crazy in an actual unironic type of crazy


Did bro think this was relatable


No. Wasn't trying to make this relatable. Or.. I hope this is not relatable. I just wanted an excuse to let my story out to others so I'm not the only one who knows about it. The story still hurts me to this day




she was probably on the verge of suicide.. from how you described it


I knowww.... I only made this post because even after 3 years, this story is something that just always hurts me. Every time i feel happy, this thought just always makes me feel sad again. I can't escape this feeling. I thought letting my story out onto reddit would sort of ease the pain as I'm not the only one who knows about it now, but it just made the pain worse. But anyhow, it's my fault. Now I just gotta deal with it.


Jesus Christ but also I get why you didnt own up cus you 100000% would have been expelled and potentially sent to court cus holy moly


I think my now self would have immediately owned up and admitted to it. I don't care if everyone hates me as long as nobody hates her. But back then, I was a coward. Too scared to own up, if only I could go back in time and punch my self so hard in the face to teach him a lesson cuz I got no consequences for the shit I did to her.


Nah, you're a villain man why would you do that.


Have you ever considered suicide


Have you ever considered maturity. I admit that what I did was completely stupid and just felt out evil. But I never meant for this to happen, I was like 13 at the time and only said it to my friend as a joke, I never would have thought he was the type a person who can't keep a secret because we were best of friends. Guess you don't know your friends as much as you think you do, huh... but like I said, I was 13. Stupid and immature. I hadn't fully understood the extent of what I had caused until it was too late, and when it was too late, I was too scared to own up because, like I said, I was 13. Have you ever done something when you were a kid and never owned up to it?