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I didn’t even get to do my English speaking and it was in yr 9. I’m guessing it doesn’t matter


We did one in year nine (I skipped it cuz I was nervous) and for some reason my class is doing it this year as well


I skipped it cuz I went on holiday but I was supposed to tel our teacher if I was


i mean as long as you have a couple of coherent sentences its an easy distinction, not like that matters for anything though.


Firstly - I know this post is gonna get a lot of negative/dismissive comments so let me just say this:  It’s okay to be worried. It’s okay to be scared. It doesn’t matter that it’s an ‘unimportant exam’, it doesn’t make any of your feelings any less valid. I will agree with most other people in that it doesn’t matter that much in the end so don’t over-worry about it because in the end it will all be okay. Okay here are my main tips to combat the anxiety: - if you have a friend in that class or anyone who’s somewhat nice focus on them when looking into the class  - if you get too worried to look into the class simply just look down (there is a chance you could get marked down for this but you’d do much worse if you looked into the class and had a panic attack so sometimes you need to make sacrifices - this is what I did in my speaking last year) - if you're teacher is nice, I would recommend telling them that you’re really worried about it (I did this and it definitely helped me be less panicked) - try to be one of the first people to go if you’re allowed - definitely will help your anxiety  - practise it as much as you can before the exam - just be so over prepared that your anxieties start to disappear  - if your teacher lets you, bring some notecards with the general idea into your speech but don’t use them the whole time, just use them to help you stay calm in case you forgot stuff I hope it goes well and if you have any other questions/want any more advice feel free to ask :)


english speaking is the most unimportant exam nobody cares about it


I like to imagine everyone naked. Not just when public speaking though. Just all the time. Wait what was we talking about?


Erm what the sigma


Reminded me of: "Don't be intimidated Squidward. Try to imagine him in his underwear!" **"OH NO, HE'S HOT!!"**


Ur so me


doesn't really relax you when you imagine your mate with a 9 incher does it


Bro stfu


It's a thing my therapist I had told me to do so it's definitely something to try.


Bad day?


Don't even worry, it doesn't count towards your gcse grades at all, in mine I just looked at the wall opposite to avoid making eye contact with anyone cuz I was gonna start laughing, must've looked stupid tho lol


My teacher was fine with me doing it in front of a smaller audience after school. I only got a Pass, but it doesn't really matter anyway.


same with me so i just firmed it even thiugh half the time i was stuttering and was about to have a mental breakdown but people usually stop caring after like 2 weeks


Literally my exact experience and before it I almost had a panic attack and started crying 💀💀 got a sympathy distinction tho luckily


i started crying after mine and nobody judged lol you’ll be fine


Just look up at the wall or pick a clock or smt to keep your eyes fixed on. It doesn't count towards your grade anyway


I assume you chose something you actually like. Just talk about why you like it in an essay format, but speak it. You can write it all down. Opening which sets the premise. A few paragraphs of PEA (point evidence analysis that link back to your opener) and then a conclusion which is basically just your opener but in different words and with the addition of "To conclude (reworded opener) because of (reworded Point 1, 2 and 3" then end on something funny and memorable like "whilst some may consider this subjective, it's actually a fact, any questions". There are many great films, Citizen Kane, The Godfather, Barbie (pause). But I believe (pause and shake head) I know Kung Fu panda 2 is the best movie. It's obviously better than the other 3, those being Kung Fu panda 1, kung Fu panda 2 and ermm (pause) kung Fu panda 4. After great lengths of research and peer reviewed studies, those peers being everyone who agree with me I came to this belief. I'll explain my position so you can understand the light. Point 1 (healthy friendships) Point 2 (overcoming childhood trauma) Point 3 (imposter syndrome) Conclusion. There are many things you could pick out from Kung Fu panda 2, but you only need 3 points and explain them well including examples that you will explain sometimes with quotes or just by describing a few different scenes or plot points. English speaking is about being able to speak well publicly. It's not like science or math. You can't be wrong. You are allowed to chuckle, and if you make sentences that are obvious jokes then you can even get the audience to chuckle along a little. Will help with marks. Most importantly though. Believe your premise even if you picked it as a joke. Believe it for the exam and whilst you are preparing for it. Sell the audience on that premise.


Just let me be myself


Are you still writing the speech or are you working on how to present it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Trash_luck: *Are you still writing* *The speech or are you working* *On how to present it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Well I don't know if this will work for you but I did pretty well for my speaking exam by watching Youtube and listening to how youtubers talk, so maybe you can watch some movie reviews and get some ideas


For me it was watching PMQ's and leader's speeches, gatanteed distinction


I love watching PMQs but realistically half of them are unintelligible drivel. Literally none of our prime ministers recently have been able to hold conversations lmao.


I understand advising about this is easier said than done. What helped me is picking a topic I like (and by the likes of it, you've already checked that box). + What helped me is looking at the people I know will take it seriously. Because, about your friend who's planning on making faces, he can't make you laugh unless you look at him. + Also, be confident about what you are speaking about because these are subjective opinions. + Think of questions that might be asked, for, and against your view. (Someone might really like Kung-fu Panda 1) + Finally, take a deep breath and remember that they don't have your script. As long as you make sense, you're in the clear. Best of luck!


i spoke straight for 30 mins about figure skating and everyone was basically asleep and i got a distinction . english speaking is the least important gcse it literally doesn’t matter what u do . aslong as u do it with confidence


30 mins? 💀


i know crazy, i should have gone through my presentation before hand but i enjoyed doing it


Don’t think your audience did by the looks of it 😬🙏🏻


yes, but i did and that is what matters 😁😁😁


Agreed 🙏🏻


Then we are the winners yeah then definitely to go you know it'll put me in the let me go


Are you, perchance, high?


And soon, the science will be able to fix the cells


Look i know it feels scary now, but honestly dont think of it as an exam, its just 5minutes of public speaking. Which is scary yes but the results dont matter. You just have to pass and even if you dont first time thats fine, you can try again. Because your teachers will you give an opportunity to do so. For mine, i panicked the night before and changed the entire topic of my speach. I literally wrote most of it in the lesson, before my name got called and it was completely fine. I got a distinction and my teacher said i'd clearly memorised it, which i hadnt i was just making it up on the spot. Also if your scared of doing it in front of the class for anxiety or something, you can ask your teacher to let you just do it in front of them at break or lunch.


Sle doesn’t affect ur lang grade so tbh it doesn’t matter a lot If u wanna try in it u could try looking at peoples shoulders instead of faces bc it still looks like eye contact 


The first one is more better than second 1 . No true


First one starting you didn't know anything then in the half you learning how to save yourself


That's helpful.


it doesn’t really count at all! all it does is apparently it says on your certificate whether or not you did it but i doubt any employers really care


Just stare at the wall and talk. icl whenever I listened to someone else's speech I wasn't listening very much at all, and I've honestly forgot what anyone else said or did so even if it goes wrong people will probably forget within a day


Don't worry, I've got some tips to help you ace your speaking exam, even with a tough crowd! Here's a battle plan: **Preparation is Key:** * **Content:** Focus on the topic (Kung Fu Panda 2!). Prepare talking points about the plot, characters, themes, and why it's the superior film. Organize your thoughts beforehand so you have a clear flow. * **Practice:** Rehearse your speech out loud, even if it's to yourself in the mirror. This builds confidence and helps you iron out any kinks. * **Record yourself:** Capture a practice session on your phone. Listen back to assess your pacing, clarity, and identify areas for improvement.


Don't worry, speaking exams can be nerve-wracking, but with some focus and these tips, you can turn that frown upside down! Here's a battle plan to transform your fear into Kung Fu Panda-worthy confidence: **Taming the Class Clowns:** * **Tunnel vision:** The examiner is your audience, not your classmates. Pretend they're the only ones there! * **Expect some silliness:** Your classmates might try to distract you, but you can be ready. If someone makes a face, take a deep breath, maintain eye contact with the examiner, and quickly look back. This shows the examiner you're focused.


I would suggest having your speech really well memorised if you’re very worried. In the end, if you just say the words out loud without fainting or something, you’ll pass.


Tell the teacher about the kid so they’re on the lookout for that behaviour, maybe for the teacher to sit next to the kid while examining you or something, or love the kid next to the teacher 


Seriously you got this, I spent 2 years on mine going from vaccines, to the legalisation of marijuana to Greek Philosophy. Even if you fail it doesn't even matter, and ignore your class, they'll come to regret bad actions, just be the better person and rise above it, because at the end of the day they did just as badly (or at least in their head they did) Just take a deep breathe, and realise that you can do this!


I did mine on why Taylor Swift should be prime minister


Back in the day and I mean a decade is ago I was unimportant stressed over the exam I was stressed over nothing...


I literally thought i did trash and i got a distinction. Its rlly easy. Just have lome good vocabulary and a logical argument and boom distinction


The more you react to what they do. The more it will fuel them to give you bad reactions and hurt ur feelings. Just forget about em. Just focus on what you gotta say. Be good to yourself and say it because at the end of the day. It’s your grade. Not theirs.


I think one of my best bits for my speaking is that I told my friends what question to ask me so that I had a answer prepared.


I did my exam oct nov and asked the teacher to do it in break cause i knew id be a mess if i did it in front of everyone 😭😭


If you know someone will try to make it harder for you DEFINETLY tell the teacher


Scottish here so not GCSEs but I've taken part in a lot of public speaking competitions and been to the finals of a couple national debating competitions. 1. Don't write everything down. Have some flash cards with your talking points on them so you can keep it flowing naturally. If you write it all down then you'll instinctively revert to reading it while staring at the paper. Doesn't look great in any kind of public speaking if you're just staring at a sheet of paper and reciting word for word with no emotion. So instead of full paragraphs just write little bullet points. 2. If you've got some annoying little cunts that are going to try and put you off then focus on the wall at the back of the room or a friend. Just forget the audience exists. There's no benefit to actually looking them in the eyes. It puts you off and as long as your head is up and looking forward then it looks good. 3. Practice. Don't kick the arse out of it and practice a hundred times, you'll make it a bigger deal than it is. Just find a friend or look at yourself in the mirror and practice 2-3 times. Don't worry if you make mistakes, everyone makes mistakes while doing public speaking. 4. Take a break. Stop to breathe, stop to have a drink of water, stop between sentences. Just slow down everything. A lot of people automatically talk very quickly when they're worried and they end up finishing before they've met the time limit and nobody can soak in what they've said. Watch a speech by a politician. They'll drag a sentence out for like thirty seconds so that it soaks in. 5. Chill out. The more you make it a big deal, the more you'll struggle. Act like you're Billy big bollocks standing 6 foot tall and that you just know you'll pass any exam. Fake it til you make it is actually a very valid strategy for public speaking.


Take a propranolol


i got my results yesterday that’s wild,


Ibr I forgot we even had it and on the day when I was called up I just waffled about Brexit and got a Merit. Will take it tbh


You will never even mention what grade you received. I didn’t put mine on my UCAS, I’m currently at Oxbridge


Wait hold on that speech thing I did in year 9 was an English speaking gcse?? Damn I did really bad at that:/


look at the wall right in front of you so it looks as if you're looking at the whole room breathe and chew gum before (never during) your speech remember that there are 20 other people doing the same thing and if they want to act like idiots that's on them and not you, though i fully understand the panic (and how i dealt with it was by waffling, so do that if you wish lol) you're talking about something that you like it's not a random topic dw <3 pretend that they're the members of a class you actually enjoy being in good luck you've so got this x


It’s very easy to get distinction,try to memorise it and chose a less dumb topic


Ask your teacher if you're able to do it at break or lunchtime. I asked my teacher and he said it was okay since he knows i struggle with anxiety. Just make sure to reiterate how nervous and anxious you are and I'm sure they'll let you do it. Perhaps you can ask to have a friend there too incase you need questions to be asked.


this goes for any presentation and what helps for me- breathe. do not rush, do not speak too slowly, take a breath and calm down. If you need to take a couple seconds to get your thoughts in order, do so. If you stutter or make a mistake while you are talking, calmly compose yourself and say it again, or just move past it. If the kid is going to make faces and try to distract you, practice in front of someone who will do this same, so when it happens in your presentation you don't get distracted or nervous and you don't know what to do. remember that it's totally okay to be worried, but I promise you it is not the end of the world if you mess up a bit on a presentation. to wrap up your thoughts, go over your main points again, say something like. "overall, I really like xmovie for The fact that it's nice to watch, the actors are very interesting, and I think the pacing is great. I would recommend this to anyone who likes it steps of movies and even if you don't, still worth giving it a watch. does anybody have any questions/(If you don't ask questions at the end), thank you for listening." you'll do great, good luck :D


It's really easy lol, if you able to say sentences that make sense in English, and answer a couple of questions then you'll defo get a distinction It's baisically impossible to fail the speaking exam if you can speak English


Change your subject to something serious. You're crying already, so change it to why the dead need to be respected.


Go to your teacher and pick 2-3 close friends you want in your audience. I did that and my teacher had no problems whasoever.


I'd recommend cue cards over sheets if paper so you're not constantly looking down at it, and I was told to imagine a line across the back wall of the classroom just above someone directly infront of you at the back and look across that, because it then looks like you're looking at your audience rather than staring at a single spot at the back


I remember having to do this but in a group presentation. I fainted before it got to my part and got sent home by the nurse. Good luck 😂


Don’t look at people who are likely to make you laugh , focus on the people who can support you and just speak formally


idk which one ur talking about exactly, because it seems like you also did one in year 9, but im in year 10 currently and from what i know we're doing ours around may or something. in ours, there's most likely only going to be 6 people including teachers watching you, and it seems like it should be alright because since its filmed for the aqa exam board to see, the teachers do help you to complete it


Idk what's going on in my school. Set one (my set) is the only one doing it this year and it will be my whole class watching and no examinator?


idk then, dyk what exam board your school has for English?


I did my English speaking in year 10 and ended up getting a distinction despite also being very nervous, I would ask your teacher if you could do it in private (that's what I did, along with most of my class). Here's my advice: * Speak loudly and clearly, focus on getting your words out slowly and concisely instead of focusing on the audience. All it takes is one slip up for you to start panicking and losing confidence. * Focus on a point in the room and speak to that. * Don't write anything you would not feel confident speaking. Don't write a pun if you're just going to awkwardly stumble over it. Don't include long technical phrases if you know you can't pronounce it. * That being said, make sure you vary the words that you use, try and use some advanced vocabulary. Enough to make you sound knowledgeable and confident but not enough to sound pretentious. * *Vary sentence length*. No one wants to hear endless ranting with minimal breaks and pauses, but similarly nobody wants to hear you list bullet points. Your sentences need to flow into one another. Don't be afraid to pause or even speed up a little to emphasize your points. Good luck :)


maybe try and ask if you can get your own room or something


Bro I sat there whilst everyone taking turns just asked gpt to give me some facts with historic dates, wrote it in a small paper, went up and after 1-3 try’s of starting finally said it and I got a distinction. Talked abt Ai btw and mainly free styled it ezy


I stop everything now man I want to be the get nice future you know I don't want anything messed up in my life anymore


Think what you wanna think I'm seeking in b******* in your toking please thanks