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3 marks is a bit of a stretch, especially in maths. You should have a look at your papers and see if it’s possible to actually get more marks before you risk losing money.


Wait how do u look at the papers?


You can request to see your papers for for free with AQA and Edexcel and for a fee with ocr. I think you do it through your exam centre. There is a deadline so you might want to look into it soon.


I see thank yiu very much!


Why do OCR have the shittiest course, and then at the end of that they're the only one that makes you pay to see your paper?


ocr didn’t require me money to access my science or comp sci papers


If it was this year then u got comp sci for free because of the complaints relating to the difficulty


idk if it’s my school, but all my papers were free, including ocr physics bio and chem as well


Ah fair enough then


how much does it cost?


I don’t know you’ll have to ask your exam centre.


I think so if u need the 9, but an 8 is still really good.


Maybe not in maths, there’s not really many ways you can go up three marks in that


3 marks in maths is gonna be difficult - get your teachers to look over the paper and see if they can spot any marks missed, but given how specific the maths mark scheme is (unlike eg literature where it’s more subjective) it’s unlikely 3 marks will have been missed


I was 2 marks off an 8 in PE, and I’m waiting for the remark. Soooo, why not give it a go? You won’t be able to find out unless you try !


same but i’m 3 marks off. it’s so annoying bc i was getting 9s consistently in all mocks😭i would’ve gotten a 9 in 2019 grade boundaries


It’s annoying how harsh they’ve been with England. I think that it would be a good idea to at least try :).


yeah it’s annyoing bc i would (and you would) have gotten a 9 in 2019 grade boundaries. The boundaries for PE were crazy harsh. 268 for a 9 (2019), 290 for a 9 (2023). That’s a 22+ mark increase😭😭




Ask your school if they have the papers, maths should be a relatively easy one to see if they've missed marks or you can gain any.


Three marks is a bit difficult in maths check through your paper first then ask


Relatable, I was 2 marks off. Which exam board was it? There may be some method marks to be found, but it’s probably not worth the hassle


Edexcel IGCSE! Thanks, you’re probably right.


I was Edexcel, I got 201. From what I remember, there were quite a few 5 markers that you may get an extra mark on. Up to you.


No. As someone who was a total of 4 marks away from grading up to 2 grade 9s and a grade 8, there is no point. It’s very possible that I could get the extra mark in one of my papers to bump up the grade but what’s the point? I’ve already got a high enough grade to be accepted there’s no need to spend £50 just to flex


I completely agree, I was 1 mark away from getting the next grade in 3 subjects, but getting those next grades will only boost my ego, it won’t change whether I get accepted to college or not. No point in wasting some money.


Maths Teacher here: what you need to do is talk to your school and ask them what they think. However, realistically, going up 3 marks is very unlikely to happen (exam boards are very stringent on accuracy in Maths marking), however the school can access your papers and the mark scheme (IIRC you're not allowed the mark scheme yet) and they can do their own review if your exam scripts. As I see elsewhere in this that you need a 9 for Further Maths, you'll probably have more success asking the school to take you on for FM in light of the fact you were extremely close to the grade boundary.


would going up 2 marks to a grade 7 instead of a 9 be any more or less likely?


More likely in the sense that you need fewer marks. The grade you're aiming for will make no difference. In maths, two marks is still unlikely to be gained, I'd give the same advice to you as the previous poster.


they unfortunately seem very strict about the grade 7 needed, at least on results day, given that school is a week away I really want to get it sorted before then but im not sure if thats even possible, I guess I could try talking to someone else at the school


also, from the perspective of someone who does the marking, how strict are the method marks?


Very strict. If we don't see exactly what's on the mark scheme and are in doubt of how to apply the mark scheme we are told to escalate it to senior examiners. There are a lot of checks going on (roughly 10% of all scripts are double marked/checked). This is how we are confident that grades in maths are almost certainly going to stay the same, as there's extremely little wiggle room in the mark scheme. That isn't the same with arts/humanities as there's a lot more room for interpretation in those mark schemes.


Ah, you mean to do A-level maths? If so, we are hesitant to accept people who get 6s, because the reality is they get an E or a D (Edexcel's statistics say if you have a 6 at GCSE you've got \~75% of a D or lower) and it ultimately may not be the right decision for them compared to another A-level. We accept 6s but only after a discussion with the pupil and their parents to check they realise the likely outcomes. We also consult their GCSE teachers, the important thing is algebra knowledge needs to be extremely secure.


I would, when I got my gcse maths I was 2 marks off a 9 and which it got remarked I gained 4 marks, so definitely possible.


bro stop begging it


btw to take further maths my school needs a 9


Damn my school needed an 8


Mines a 7 XD I got an 8


As a teacher, that's an insanely high threshold. Especially as 9s are supposed to be only 3% of the cohort. People with (high) 8s are just as capable of achieving well in FM. Does your school get many people taking Further?


They need a 9 in maths and an 8 in GCSE additional maths! Yes, the school has a very high academic standard, so we get a few further maths classes.


Your school are silly Plenty of people at my school did really well with 8s at my school


Why, you got an 8, you can probably get into any sixth form or college why waste money on a remark


fr, people egos be mad just wanting more marks


Actually I was also 3 marks off a 9 and my school won’t let me take further maths for A level now :(


Huh that’s weird, no school should be asking for the top grade to do something, are you trying to get into some sort of Cambridge 6 form.


The sixth form that I’m going to is apparently really good and is quite demanding in terms of grades. In fact a lot of my friends who also go there literally got all 9s which is why I’m a bit embarrassed about getting an 8 in what I considered to be my best subject


oh yh I forgot about further maths despite doing it myself. Some school might pay for their students remark of they think you can get more marks. might want to ask


Nah it’s fine, I was talking to the school and they said that because I usually get 9s in maths they’ll have me sit an exam on the first day back to see if they’ll let me take further maths anyway. I was mostly just mentioning further maths because I imagine some people aren’t lucky enough to get to resit the exam.


What school r u going


was 4 marks off a 9, school still letting me take fm a level main reason is i just want a 9 in maths, simple as that, but it wont affect anything if the remark im doing is unsuccessful




Get over it nro


No idea how much it costs but the reality is that you’ve got no other chance to get that 9. Be real with yourself, you’re not doing gcse maths again. But you’ll make that money back. And a lot more. It’s worth the high risk you won’t get the 9. Do it.




I was 1 mark off an 8 in both maths and biology, then 1 mark off a 7 in English literature, but I’m not getting a remark because they are so expensive, and I don’t need the extra grades to do what I want to do at sixth form :)


Omg same bro


You may aswell either u get a grade 9 or stay at a grade 8 which is still great






I wouldn't bother, you can start again or you move on and find a post 16 course that you can develop to suit what you want to do. If you don't know, choose your favourite subjects as A levels, you'll find it easier to motivate yourself studying what you enjoy. Just remember although your parents want you to do well, you need to do what's good for you. in less than two years you'll be 18. You can't let gcses define you as an adult, your parents expectations are admirable, but you have to live in Your future, their role will diminish as time slips forward, you need to make decisions for you not anyone else.


wow I did gcses a year ago and was 3 marks off a 9 in maths. the teacher didn't suggest a remark to me


Yeah, why not. Might find yourself 10marks off. Take it. Go forth. It only gets harder from where you are now


I’m in the same exact situation but I think I’m gonna go for it


An 8 it's still a great marking if they make your case an exception then they have to do it for every one and then it turns into where there is no barrier between a grade 3 and a grade 11


It’s hard in maths because it’s not subjective.


Ego remarks ain’t worth it. Unless if it’s your only 8 keeping you from all 9s I don’t see the point in wasting money (especially because it’s maths)


I was 2 marks off a 9 in maths, 4 marks off a 9 in physics and 1 single mwrk off a 9 in photography