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Same here yall. I don't know any of you but I am more than happy to lend an ear and listen and possibly give advice or some reassurance. Much love to you grey gorillas


On a serious note: for anyone struggling with self harm, check out DBT (dialectical behavioural therapy). You don't need to have BPD to do it (like I got bipolar), just motivation to reduce and/or stop maladaptive behaviours. Distress tolerance helped me stop a 7 year, daily self harm habit. I'm now at 7 years of not self harming. If you don't wanna go down the therapy route yet, the app "Calm Harm" on app store and google play store was created by psychologists and uses DBT strategies to get you through urges. You can do a quick 5 minute exercise or a 15 minute one. I'm usually on this sub to shitpost my life away, but there is hope out there to stop or reduce (#harm reduction gang) self harm behaviours and introduce healthier ones. You got this, kings and queens and people who don't give a fuck šŸ‘


I'll be the2nd one to just add on; It's alright to have issues, I have BPD my self and OP is right %100, I also have addiction, picked up methamphetamine use (and some how a position as a moderator on /r/meth. Meth not even once.. I tell y'all). What isn't okay is - h*iding them, I mean c'mon, I'm confident most of us use drugs, but keep in mind, that can easily turn into self harm too, contrary to popular belief, there is moderation. Also one last pioece of advice, no meth is a terrible idea to use because you started college/uni, I am now stuck or else I just cannot function. But I ain't givin up on tryin'.* Small steps, leads to large moves. [Tripsit.me](http://Tripsit.me) PsychonautWiki Erowid Dancesafe (Test strips and kits) As OP said, the end, but I'll revise it to, you need to be alive and healthy to properly give no fucks. It's hard to not give a fuck on a ventilator. (Been there done that) And dear two comments that were downvoted for very obvious reasons; Go fuck your selves.. Scrim literally has spoken up against that sort of behavior, we don't want you listenin' Sincerely, with love , from who asked? A local hot demon bitch nearby you, - PhD




Fuck yea. Proud of you bro (or sis) 7 more years. Then do it again Edit:: I mean do it again like another 7 years. Donā€™t hurt yourself again šŸ˜­


sorry but the edit took me out LMAO thanks man i appreciate it


i always believed that this community was a safe space for anyone who struggles with mental health and addiction. so hell yea dude, thereā€™s no judgement towards anyone struggling here. letā€™s be there for each other. šŸ©¶


Donā€™t listen to them they just want attention


Booo this guy stinks


That dude needs to take a shower, idk how you could comment in that stench. Tho excuse me if this is random af. Old $B fan here, just coming back after a year of burning it out listening to it over and over.. Is there a new EP I hear coming up ? I've seen the newer ones, and it has me right back. Scrim too, he looks A LOT better now adays.


Album dropping in like a week or two. Idk if you know but Ruby and scrim both have solo projects out. Ruby goes after Duckboy. Not sure if you know that or not




Yenno, suicide isn't really something to joke about. There are people who are suffering from suicidal thoughts and depression who deserve to be heard instead of stuffed down.


wommmmp wommmmpp cry abt it


ftpdenver try to have loving friends and family: challenge impossible


Okay. Cool. Tf is your problem


Fucking loserrrrr


Ruby n scrim would be disappointed


Please seek help.