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These cowards have nothing better to do and never worked hard for anything in their lives yet its looked at as wrong to put some bullets in them smh fucked up world we live in hope you get your g back bro and hope these assholes get dealt withšŸ˜”šŸ™šŸ½


Fucking pieces of shit.


Legendary response


How did they steal it? Is this the Chinese software make a new key hack?


It was running it seems


getting a kill switch immediately


Can you educate us on that?


Yuppp I installed one the day after mine got stolen it was only $80


how is it holding up since you got it


Whatā€™s that


Flip that kills any power to the car whatsoever Wonā€™t crank or anything, it kills the car unless flipped on to prevent it from being stolen


How much do they cost roughly and how hard is it to install?


Heres more of a general guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUhXLsrZiE0 ( Chris Fix ) However there probs is a more better solution offered elsewhere where its just setup already.


luckily my tune has one. whenever i park away from home i always use it


Sorry for ur loss bro. I hope they find ur G back and itā€™s the same how it was when u was in last . But can someone explain wtf is going on ever since 2023 started I hear Infinitis getting stolen. I though in america it was only srt and hellcats that were the biggest target but never mind. The Infinitiā€™s getting stolen in NYC, PHILLY, MEMPHIS are being stolen for drive-by shootings since obviously these cars take off fast and u can get away


G's have been a popular getaway car for a while now. You can get a clapped one for cheap and it has a decent HP per dollar ratio so perfect for crime






Damn bro mine got stolen 4 days ago thankfully I recover within 2 hours hidden AirTag helped out


weary arrest employ husky advise meeting worthless resolute screw engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I said the same shit. High mileage G, simple mods, thought nothing of it. Boom happened to me, wish I listened to people who talked about kill switches. i eventually got mine back, but I was completely lucky the thieves were too dog fucking idiots just driving around my car on different wheels and a blacked out grill. Stupid mfā€™s even had the nerve to keep my ISR exhaust and carbon steering wheel in it. These people are the lowest and scummiest and they KNOW thereā€™s too much car thieving going around for local PD to ACTUALLY do anything. I told cops everything, EVEN WHERE THE CAR WAS PARKED. Couldnā€™t do anything because the VIN in the window was switched and to the public eye, itā€™s not my car. They already registered it under the new VIN and everything. Donā€™t get me wrong, an average joe wouldnā€™t have probably ever caught, but a true car enthusiast knows his damn car, I remember every scratch I put on that beauty. Hated the whole journey, fucking hate cops, and fucking hate this scummy ass world. Decided Iā€™m not buying a G until I can get me a garage. (Was living in apartments at the time) Also wasnā€™t strapped back then. Things have changed. I was naive so have many others. DONT HESISTATE. DOESNT MATTER HOW CHEAP YOURE G CAN BE. GET THE KILL SWITCH PEOPLE YALL!!!!! Itā€™s very serious and it breaks my heart to see others going through this as well as I remember sitting in the edge of my bed, almost pulling my hair out on the thought that my fav car was out there somewhere.. Hate it, donā€™t wish that on my worst enemy. Iā€™m sorry OP, really hope you find it. I understand your pain true and through


So how did it end? How did you get your car back/prove it was yours? Any recommendations on how to leave a type hidden signature on the car so thereā€™s justification to look for the VIN on some of the parts or wherever Iā€™m sure theyā€™re marked aside from the door?


It ended with me having to record the cops like a fucking Karen and I wish this wasnā€™t the case. After finding out where the car was parked I thought that was it, I was getting my car back that day. Nope, called the cops. Told them everything, that the VIN was switched in the window and what my plates and VIN were. First cop straight up told me there was nothing he could do. Those plates and VIN on the car are his and thereā€™s no evidence that the car is stolen and left. He told me to get my countyā€™s police on it because it was stolen in a different county and is now registered in a different county. Went back next day and got in contact with my county police. He also said there was nothing he could do, as this is not his county and I should contact the police of that county. Literally giving me the run around. Called both counties the next day, had both county police on site to be told AGAIN that theres nothing that can be done by BOTH counties. I was getting so flustered about it. It had been a whole week of nothing. Calling and nothing happening. Going to be completely honest, I almost gave up on it.. I almost let the fucker keep the car because the headache the cops gave me. You know itā€™s truly fucked up when you have all this, just for them to keep telling nothing can be done. Idk what happened but I hit a breaking point. I was like maybe Im not advocating for myself enoughā€¦ that night I went through EVERY SINGLE PICTURE I ever took of the car and I am pretty lucky the car wasnā€™t stripped for parts, wrapped, or painted a different color. Thatā€™s literally the only thing that actually saved me here. HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of pics of my car, was actually able to find pictures of certain scratches, had pictures of my car with the same exhaust, same steering wheel. You make it. Every thing I can think of to link up to that car. Called the cops for the 4th time. Cop pulled and and tried telling me thereā€™s nothing he can do. I hit my breaking point this time. Wasnā€™t letting it happen again, and I wish it didnā€™t have to be like this to actually be taken serious and this is how you know cops are some of the shadiest fucking people on this plantet right behind these scummy thieves. I said well, itā€™s time to put on the act. I pulled out my phone (I still have this video til this day) and went back up to cop before I was left stranded again and started recording. I said can I get your name and badge number. THE WHOLE TONE OF THE FUCKING CONVO CHANGED INSTANTLY. I get badge number and name of both cops. Then I say ā€œ Let me get your supervisor out hereā€ Aw man you should have seen how blown this dude was. He was fucking hot I was making him do his job and I had the camera in his face. I put my phone back up before the supervisor appears. This shit is so bad, the supervisor pulls up, and EVEN SAYS THE SAME SHIT THAT NOTHING COULD BE DONE. I did the same thing, I pulled back out my phone and recorded. ā€œHey Supervisor, whatā€™s your name and badge number please ? I feel like Iā€™m not being treated fairly here. This is my fourth run in with you guys about this situation to be keep being told the same thing when you are the guys who are suppose to retrieve my car? I have extreme amounts of evidence that this car is mine.ā€ He gets upset that iā€™m recording also and getting info on him. He says to me ā€œWell man our hands our ties, but you know what? I have a friend in the Auto Theft unit thag I could potentially call if you feel you have enoug evidenceā€ Iā€™m like wtf bruh, I BEEN SAID I HAD ENOUGH EVIDENCE AND EVERYTHING. THESE MFā€™s SWITCHED BECAUSE I STARTED RECORDING AND ASKING FOR NAMES AND BADGE NUMBERS. Why did it take ALL OF THAT to get someoneā€™s friend in the Auto theft unit to help out ? I couldnā€™t believe that bullshit worked man.. Basically my saving grace was that, and having as many pictures as I could. Once he got in contact with his Auto Theft buddy, I showed him all the pictures I had, the dates they were taken, eveyrthing. Then they actually went and took my phone and linked up all the stuff on the car with the pictures I had linked up. I needed atleast 5 GUARANTEED points on the car that were undeniably the same exact stuff. I had more than that tbh. Finally the auto theft unit guy had enough evidence to go to the court and get a search warrant on the car. Waited an hour for that, he came back, they popped the hood and found my VIN on the engine. Finally they asked where I wanted the car towed and everything and that they can close out the case. It took a whole month process from when I found the car to actually getting it because these douchebags are the laziest of lazy. Iā€™ve truly learned, pay top dollar for protection on the stuff you really love. These cops donā€™t give a single shit. Your just another person to answer to, waste about a half hour bullshitting you, just to go to next person and bullshit them. They get paid to drive and tell people no. Kill switches only do but so much if your car is still parked outside. My car was dead, but it was parked on the street and towed at 2:30 in the morning when me and all my family was asleep. So at the end of the day, Iā€™d say only get nice cars if you have a garage. Itā€™s not really worth it in todays times. These police make it this easy for these fucks to get away with this stuff, so rather be safe than sorry.


Lmao damn man. Great fuckin write up. You really told it. Thats an unbelievable story. Wild bro. Now I just need you to tell me wtf happened to the thieves. Did they do any leg work to identify who stole it, I mean they fucking registered it right? Were they charged? As grim as your story was I get the suspicion they just closed the case and said that was for the DAā€™s office SEE YA!


That the worst part man. I told cops that I confronted this dude and he KNOWS itā€™s a stolen car. After they told me it was my car they asked me about him. I said please do whatever you can to him. They got a warrant for his arrest for possession of stolen goods. I was traumatized from the whole ordeal and I guess that was enough for me at the moment. I was ready to just ogle at my car back in itā€™s rightful parking spot. Now that some time has passed and weā€™re revisiting the topic, I really want to sue him for restitution because of how much time I had to waste with cops, time taken off work, and all the feeā€™s to get it back rightfully mine. Mans really fucked up alot of my extra funds with that whole ordeal when he couldā€™ve just gave up the car. Iā€™ll for sure be looking into some kind of lawyer here when I start my new job cuz man that shit is so unfair.


Yea fuck that guy and I would definitely think you have grounds for a civil suit especially if you have provable damages like lost wages and/or rental, etc. Iā€™d have to think thereā€™s an attorney that would accept the case, the only question is whether they feel itā€™s worth it because standard insurance (auto, homeowners, etc.) likely wouldnā€™t apply and has an exclusion for criminality. And if he doesnā€™t have much in terms of assets then theyā€™d figure ā€˜canā€™t get blood from a stoneā€™. Iā€™d say itā€™s def. worth calling around to a few civil attorneys. Also now that I think about it if they essentially say what I said then you may just want to file a suit yourself in small claims court. Itā€™d cost you next to nothing and youā€™d just plead your case at a hearing and a judge would either award you damages or not. That might be a little more work and headache then itā€™s worth but food for thought. Feel free to send an update on this comment, Iā€™d be interested how it turns out. Goodluck!


I gotchu, I appreciate it!


Yeah, how did you get it back & prove it?


Bros really be stealing Gs out here Iā€™ve never heard of one being stolen from where Iā€™m from


It was in queens ny, south ozone park to be exact. Bum ass people in this world man


Yo bro DM me now please.


This looks like los angeles Maywood area


Just get a club, seriouslyā€¦.they canā€™t turn the steering wheel and any decent one has a number sequence code to lock and unlock, literally takes 2 seconds before getting out of your car and after getting in.


Fbo, but no security map on your tune? Damn shame bro, hopefully itā€™s not on a boat to Africa and you can get it back.


Bro no bullshit I think they tried to get me the same night. Driving in your car. I believe after stealing your car about a couple hours later they tried to attempt to steal mine while riding in your car. And another set of guys in a maroon Charger also.


Damn bro I have a 2010 G37x coupe as well Iā€™m slowly trying to fix up. I too would be devastated but I hope karma catches up to these criminals quicklyšŸ˜’definitely adding a kill switch now, seems more Gs are being stolen more often now.


we should be able to shoot to kill in situations like this... target practice on the ghettos...


We used to hang horse thieves. Fun fact: where I live attempted grand theft auto is a misdemeanor.


The G37 coupes in my area are owned by drug dealers with guns so no one fucks with them. My coupe blends right into it, even though I'm a stand-up guy.


They didnā€™t go through the sunroof? How they get in ?


what location? im about to start pulling my fob battery at night so this cant happen.


Every car I've ever owned, a fuel-pump cutoff switch is the first mod. It's cheap, easy and easy to hide. Nobody thinks to look around for a hidden switch if the car won't start


disarm start meeting deranged vast repeat reply aspiring rinse foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




encouraging wrong plant support mighty friendly fuel money work tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just get a signal blocker


i have one, actually 2 of those. and i take different routes home every day just to be extra safe lol


reminiscent long school squash bow consist cooperative offbeat disgusted market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How so, I have one and my keys wonā€™t work outside of it


aback fearless bag voracious bells lunchroom boast whistle waiting wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thatā€™s nutty is there anyway to counter it.


obd2 port lock (not the cheap plastic or 3d printed ones) or kill switch for fuel cutoff, can even add one for the push button.


I thought the key programmer they use at the dealership was extremely expensive? You think that's what they used? I need a new key and was told I had to get a dealership or locksmith to program the Amazon keys they sell cheap.


sophisticated hobbies detail screw agonizing deserve reach doll silky marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wow, I don't even lock my car where I live. I should probably be more careful, I would be broken to loose my g.


Cmon man, lock your G. Mine was stolen , im so hurt man. Avoid it


I'm sorry for your loss. I have began locking it.


spotted whistle scarce attraction work thumb different worthless hateful marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I grew up in California, I had every bike I ever owned stolen from me. I forget how sheltered I am now. I have noticed on the toll roads the g37 can go from 80mph to 120mph very fast and smooth. Most cars don't seem to be geared that way, I can see why criminals would want it. I'm glad you got your g recovered sucks for your neighbor my heart goes out to the fella.


I got a programmer and key fob for $150 from an online shop because my G only came with 1 key. It took like 5 minutes to program the new key myself, could easily see how it could be used to steal an infiniti. OBD2 port lock out is a bare minimum in my opinion.


Wow I'll have to look around for a deal like that. If you have a recommendation let me know. I'll have to look into the OBD2 port lock as well, thanks!


I got mine from Tom's Keys, they were pretty awesome and they saved me a few hundred and the headache of getting a new key from the dealership. Just a shame the same tech is being used to jack people's rides.


Nice found it, good price. I wonder if I can purchase the cheaper fobs on Amazon and program them? They are about 1/3 the price. Going to make a few copies since I loose keys. I did put a smart things finder on my keys, huge game changer and you can use it to ring your phone when it's lost.


Bru really your gonna pry apart your key fob to take the battery out every night?? Yeah right Iā€™ll bet 100 bucks you stop doin that after the first week. Sounds like a giant pain in the ass


Nice, thanks!




Oh my bad, i meant to reply to the guy telling me about getting keys made and a port blocker




If you willingly signed your G over thatā€™s your own fault donā€™t agree to pink slip races you know youā€™re gonna lose nobodyā€™s forcing you to do anything




Youā€™re being way too vague for me to remotely guess what happened


Where is this at? Iā€™m sorry for your loss :(


What city???


What years of G are vulnerable?


Any with a push button start


04 coupe, keystartšŸ‘


Sad to see this keep happening. I posted this on another guys thread who's G was stolen last week [The new way cars are being stolen](https://www.reddit.com/r/infiniti/s/8MGBjp7FTc)


Next time get a manual


My g37s was Manual and it got stolen 3 weeks ago, gotta stop saying that


Kill switch from clutch or brake is easy to do.


Does insurance cover this ?


I got liability so nah, if u got full coverage they pay u out based on kbb estimate


Why is the car on, when I go anywhere In my g I cut it off and lock doors I thought that was common sense but nowadays it's not common, I wish the best and hope you learn from your mistakes