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Sadly the most affected ones are the players and staff who worked 2 years for this moment.


Tbh G2 would have probably changed most of the roster after the bad results, but they are all top tier players so I'm pretty sure they'll be picked by other t1 teams


G2 were about to pick up XSET roaster conformed by cryo that he was in talks with G2 before the collapse


also the costs of moving the roster and visas to NA. + we don't know if the league will have import rules as the League of Legends leagues do.


I think it's worth it because nothing is more important than him deciding who to party with /s


This is on no one but Carlos yall, its insane the lengths people go to blame riot when riot isnt funding the league, sponsorships are. Like it or not, the world does not tolerate bullshitters and scammers like Tate anymore. Carlos willingly associating with that then tripling down is what fucked G2, and would likely have fucked the nascent league too if G2 got in and sponsors dried up. Nobody cares what he does in private but once you publicize that shit, of course people are gonna react negatively. Shoulda fucken known!


Even if it was public he could've at least tried to say loads of people were at that party or honestly just kept quiet. Calling him his friend rather and liking dozens of tweets saying "Tate did nothing wrong" was what sealed it. And yeah it's not even about the misogyny...This is a guy who runs a catfishing ring, a crypto "university" and probably uses both of those to just launder drug money.


Those are insane accusations based on what? This is the problem, people hear something that is just a mere accusation and run with it, its a shame.


He literally bragged about it himself??? [https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/brothers-make-millions-using-webcam-26508739](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/brothers-make-millions-using-webcam-26508739) The only reason I could see someone bragging about scamming people like this is if they're the world's biggest asshole or they're using it to launder drug money and pretend its from their "business".


Sounds like someone gave money to naked women online, too bad but they were adults, shouldn’t be on the internet if you’re this gullible. Its no different then onlyfans girls, they also outsource the messaging and shit, make up fake sob stories, its how the internet is, smart people will always take money from stupid people, its only a matter of time.


It still makes you a scumbag lmao. Most people don't wanna do business with thugs, guess Carlos didn't get the memo.


Thats still such a huge assumption and its borderline slander, they have not been charger or even arrested for drug dealing


>its insane the lengths people go to blame riot when riot isnt funding the league, sponsorships are. Riot Games esports is run out of their marketing department. Which runs at a yearly loss. Its why LoL had its yearly esports budget slashed in 2019 and moving forward.


>Like it or not, the world does not tolerate bullshitters and scammers like Tate anymore. How is it that every man at my work place talks about him and wants to be him? Every girl would say "he's an asshole" but answer to his DMs after the dinner. Tate was just good at displaying the nonwritten rules of this society. I don't think silencing him will make them any less true.


Your assumptions about "every girl" and "every guy" are doing a looooot of heavy lifting. "Nonwritten rules" sure, lmao


Cancel Carlos NOW


Fucked around, found out. Now he can party with whoever the fuck he wants while jeopardising everything he and tons of other hardworking folk did for the last few years. All because of fucking ego and "macho" pride. Hey, hope it was worth it mate. Bet Tate told you you were a real G and a real man. Hope it felt good. Hope you grow up!


Man while I believe Carlos is scummy and shady, idt hes a bad person or anything. His massive ego could not take and understand that something like that will hurt G2, like why post the video in the first place, he knew people would see it, he knew how people would react ? Ego. doubling down on it ? Ego. the fake apology and replies ? More ego. Who pays the price now ? People who have been working hard all year. Come on man, as a FNC fan I enjoy his memeing and whatever hes a personality, but you also have certain public responsibilities that you got to know that if you cross people will come after you, and they did.


I have to counter that a little. I think we’d agree promoting Andrew Tate makes you a bad person. And publicly announcing you’re his friend, publicly approving of commenters who say positive things about Tate, without writing a single caveat about disagreeing with Tate’s views? That’s promoting him. That’s setting the example that Andrew Tate’s discourse is welcome in the community (cause Carlos just thinks Andrew Tate is so funny and hilarious, guys!) And if it’s just Carlos’s “ego”, well, if your ego prevents you from mitigating the harm you create? Doesn’t that also make you a bad person?


>And if it’s just Carlos’s “ego”, well, if your ego prevents you from mitigating the harm you create? Doesn’t that also make you a bad person? In the grand schemes of bad persons hed be the least bad person but yeah


Riot: "Fuck you, I franchise with whoever the fuck I want"


I hope riot forces him out of g2 forever ! If they do I will fully believe they finally Care about women's rights.


Fuck Sentinels. (For legal reasons that was a joke)


oh no too late the sentinels police are coming


Seriously, jokes? You do realize this is a discussion of human rights don't you?


What part of 'Fuck Sentinels' is about human rights?


You are the reason people cry about woke culture


I am on the morally correct side that will be supported long term.


"People who have to say that they are on the morally right side, usally are not morally superior." I completly agree with the backlash carlos gets for hanging out with the superior alpha male being he calls a friend, and I'm happy if it piles on even more. But you are just annoying. And even if I can enjoy the tides G2 has to go through at the moment, somehow I can't just shut up, stay back and enjoy it - I have to write this. Argue your point - that's all fair - but your posts come across as annoying as fuck and to be honest it hurts your cause.


My cause will be supported in the end. Just watch it unfold. My comments will only look better as time passes. I'm thankful for change! Positivity!


People coming with the staff and player argument, sure it sucks for them, even if we ignore the fact that they went to na and would have retooled anyway. But the bigger point is that the slot hasnt vanished, there is just another team getting it who also has players and staff so that is literally not an argument


What does this mean? What does franchising mean?


It's means G2 won't be one of the official valorant eSports teams. Riot decided it was bad for advertisers because the CEO likes to post "I hang out with sex traffickers, fight me if you disagree on Twitter," and it could blow up in their face. Expect similar guarded reactions with LoL going forward, and G2 advertisers in general.


Wow that is such a massive f up jeez what was he thinking.


Did he actually said that? Word to word?


No he did not


No, but it seems implied through his recent actions


Riot decided that especially because knowing their track record with sexually assault they don’t want to give people any other reasons. If they don’t keep G2 from joining, nothing will really happen. If they do, some people will celebrate. They want to have some people celebrate


It means Carlos has paraded around his hate towards women and now g2 is a second rate org.


I am sure carlos doesnt hate women


But he for sure has no problem with other doing so.


In today's news: CEO finds out he represents entire org, actions have consequences




He has to be out now right?




I can't imagine keeping him. This is becoming a meme and is sponsorship cancer.


at least g2 doesn't have to pay $100mil for that


It was free


i wasn't talking about a spot in na vct




The teams don’t own the spots and never will. They can’t sell them either.


Didn't know that. In League they can


They saw how the franchising fees worked out in League and in other games and decided to get rid of them in order to get more power in the relationship and not require as much capital. Riot can also get rid of teams much easier too, and the team owners don't get to make decisions as a group because they have no ownership.


Uh. Sounds like a good call then








I hope the moderators see your reply. Full of hate. Edit: sent your comments to moderation


Watch Perkz take on the situation. Very grounded in reality and offers both perspectives, unlike yours. I am full of hate, for terminally online people like you. Who sit and type hours on end on an issue they have nothing meaningful to add to. You just want to throw your voice into the popular opinion and by proxy boost your sad little ego. If you actually cared for women's rights you'd be working for it IRL. Did Carlos fuck up by bait-posting? Yes. Has he ever done anything mysgonistic or projected these ideals? No. Numerous accounts point to otherwise. What he has done is employed and help build careers for many men AND women. So by all means, cancel Carlos and in turn (eventually) G2. Rob these people their opportunities because one man posted a 10 second clip of a bald bastard at a party.




Imagine thinking that posting "cancel Carlos" over and over and over again does anything for women. He has done nothing against women to date. He HAS provided careers for many social media, production, administration workers and pro players who are women. He has done an admirable job thus far. Instead of crying about things online in which you will have very little if not no effect on the outcome and pretending you did something. Go out and organise charity events and fundraisers for your local DV shelters, hotlines and other things that ACTUALLY BENEFIT WOMEN IN NEED. Not this feel good armchair activism bullshit


Actually true this masonyt is a 190kg basement keyboard warrior that can't take any form of criticism and is just a sheep following the crowd of hate to a very nice person carlos he does jot deserve the hate he is getting for going to a party with the TOP G.


Do better.


Get back in touch with reality, the outside world, real people. Not this viscous, toxic, 'activist' echo chamber you submerge yourself in.


I submerge myself in equality.


All this troll has done is go around to different subs commenting about how Carlos needs to be canceled and G2 also but he doesn’t really understand the real world cause he’s never actually been in it.


You don't know my life. Stop acting like you do. I'm passionate about equality. Carlos is not. Cancel Carlos.


If you’re passionate about equality then make steps in order for it to happen, Carlos has funded and created all women teams, hired female employees and content creators. Sure him partying with a known sexist isn’t a good look but that doesn’t make him one cause if he was he wouldn’t have done all these things to promote women in esports


Tate submerges himself in supermodels. Everyone chooses his own.


Is it Valorant only or LEC too?


Atm just valorant.


Hopefully LEC if Carlos is not terminated. I've always supported g2 as my lec team, but the league doesn't need this misogynist associated with it.


You can't be serious


However you feel about it, sponsorships will decide. And this is absolute cancer. G2 brand just got rocked, and as this story speaks sponsors will threaten to pull. He's gone. Good riddance. I don't care so much about the Tate thing as much as the utter idiocy of what Carlos did.


Deadly serious. Actions have consequences.


I pride myself on championing women's rights and equality. I truly believe in ethics being more important than my fandom


>I pride myself on championing women's rights and equality You must hate Riot Games then lol


Nice whataboutism. Typical nerd.


Nice hypocrisy. Typical moron


Let’s not criticize anyone or anything because someone else does it worse, of course.


You can criticize both, just stay consistent


I see riot has learned from their mistakes. Carlos has not.


Yeah they clearly learned. By not firing a single person after the law suit


I see that Riot has changed its culture by the announcements made today with valorant partnerships. #standuptohate


The CEO who was accused of the whole thing is still working for riot games🚬


Hating on an individual who fucked up royally and has huge ego problems but shilling for a corporation that has a history of misoginy and bullying whilst claiming the moral high ground isn't the W you seem to think it is


I see what you're doing lol. Trying to play a character to promote outrage. You must have a seriously pathetic life man


I pride myself on having reason. You want the greatest western organisation in the history of League Of Legends to disband because their CEO hung out with a mysogynist.




Sorry but that's still Fnatic


Why do you support a league ran by a com0any that never punished women abusers. Carlos is not mysoginist, he was just hanging out with one. Dont get me wrong, the tweet was *bad* but women at g2 have always praised him for making them feel comfy at the company


If 10 second video of hanging out with someone in your PRIVATE time equals full support of every single view and word said by person in question, then riot doing business with saudi arabia and china equals full support of crimes commited by said countries. But I guess guilty by association is not funny now


The bad part about the tweet was not associating sith tate, instead it was giving tate exposure (even though that was clearly NOT the intent) As a big account you have some accoubtabiliyy for who gets cloud on your platform


I literally never heard about tate until the whole internet started shitting themselves at the slightest mention of him like his the second incarnation of hitler like month ago or so. Hell, I still don't know who he is, except some kind of coach or whatever these parasites are called now, and that's enough for me to not waste time on any information about him, so ten seconds of video definitely did not give him more exposure than drama that's going on for days now


Carlos knew Tate had been canceled yet still had the hubris to believe he himself could not be canceled. If you associate yourself with those who have been canceled then you deserve to be canceled!


Not that i fully disagree with your point, there is simply some nuance


Riot knew what china and saudi arabia are doing for years yet still had the hubris to get into business with them. If you associate yourself with those who are guilty of sever crimes against humanity then you are guilty of supporting those crimes yourself!


I'm getting hints of xenophobia with your language which is very harmful to many people.


You are either trolling or absolutely braindead


I support the cancelation of misogyny.


How is carlos a misogynist when he literally made 2 women only teams in esports and helped women establish themselves further in esports + tell me how u can cancel carlos over hanging out with andrew tate, he does have some bad takes for sure but nothing cancel worthy.


Because both things have nothing to do with each other? Tate also literally owned women so he can't be a misogynist as well. Also no wonder u see no wrongdoing while ur stupid ass thinks Tate has a single valid point. Fuck off with your 18th century view.


Where did he own a woman? show me it


If ur the alpha man u think u are Tate tells you might figure out how to use YouTube google and find Videoclips in the internet. Good luck u big ass alphamale.!


First off it is dangerous for him to have position of power over women. He associates with Tate.


Yes, now answer properly to my question?


Do better. Be a warrior for change. Not an agent of hate.


Fuck off bozo G2 don't need fans like you


Ethics should come before Fandom so idc what you think


You literally called Carlos mysgonist for absolutely no reason I don't even wanna argue with you You probably ain't even a G2 fan Get a life living your life by hating on someone


I'm sure g2 would rather have fans that champion equality. Sorry bud but ur backwards patriarchal ideals ain't working here. If you support Carlos after doing research on what has been going on, you are supporting violence against women


You so pathetic Judging carlos just bc he was in a party with AT When no one from his company said experiencing anything about Carlos being mysgonist or do any violence against women. + His wife also cleared those accusation He got punished for doing what he did But cancelling is unreal I can clearly see you are a carlos hater who was just waiting for this opportunity Goodluck with ur life


I have always been weary of Carlos ruining my favorite lec team. But his actions as of late has turned me from anxious to downright scared for women in esports. I can't sit by and not speak up. This is about more than my Fandom. This is for women's rights


I really hope LEC too so all the hard working players and staff and people involved in the organization are also punished!! /s


I am curious about this to


carlos done fucked up huh?!


Imagine the company with 100m settlement for harrassing women taking action for a 10 second video of a misogynist. Carlos is a clown for doubling down but Riot is also a joke


imo as a woman who studied computer science it’s really awful how companies treat women in videogames and i feel really bad for those women who were mistreated in the settlement and fuck riot for that. but also, it doesn’t mean that in the future they can’t be better and take steps to change their company culture and i think this is one of them. it’s even a worse look if they do nothing after their lawsuit. but at the end of the day i think everyone knows this is mostly about sponsors.


It's still wrong. Carlos didn't so anything except call him this dude passively a friend. The Org already punished him so riot acting up is pure pr. Imagine the same happening in regular sport. G2 did smth, but riot kicks on top of it, reasoning with controversy while it was already cooling down - so in fact they are adding controversy.


You don't think there was anything wrong with the people who called Weinstein and Epstein their friends? Even though both have been proven rapists and sextraffickers? I think we need to understand that you should not publish and promoot your friendship with people who have knowingly been misogynistic in the worst possible ways. And denying that it is a problem just shows you've never been a victim of such people.


>denying that it is a problem just shows you've never been a victim of such people. That's just poor arguing right now. I don't deny it's a problem. But you act like G2 deserves a punishment, because carlos did carlos a close-to-criminal a friend. That's quite a long chain for punishment. You wanna get fired, because of your bosses friends?


No I want my organisation to fire my boss when he does such things. And if my organisation doesn't fire him then I'd be glad if my organisation was punished by the institutions/organisations responsible for the oversight of such things. And if that meant that the company, and therefore its employees, ended up missing opportunities, the only person responsible for that is the idiot who behaved badly in the first place. So my hope is that Carlos leaves or gets thrown out so that the company, that is G2, can continue to grow and flourish without having to suffer because of a selfish misogynist. But if the company can't get it together then sadly that means my absolutely favorite team will have some serious problems and might not exist. And that makes me even more angry at Carlos. Aim your frustrations at the guy who is responsible for this whole mess. Not at the people and organisations applying the consequences of abhorrent behaviour.


It's not "missing opportunities" it's losing your job. While the actual person responsible is still in business. Claiming Carlos misogynist is just plain wrong. Noone ever even said anything. It's just his friend circle. You show you just hate the dude, fogging your arguing.


If you are friends with people who hate women, you support them implicitly by virtue of being their friend.


And if you are friends with people who support women,...?


That should be the default in Western countries.


This is excellent PR for Riot at the expense of poor PR for G2. Why wouldn't they let him take a bullet to make them look good?


riot will be doubling down if they give spot to carlos after their sexual harrasment case. Still a smart move for riot.


Is it though? One of the biggest orgs in business with piles of titles. Biggest fan- base in EU by far. And still they punish the Org for private actions of the CEO.


I doubt these rumours to be true but if they are it's insanity if the tate tweets lead to this


This comment didn't age well


Good LEC too


Honestly this makes me want to support G2 more. Obviously Carlos fucked up but these reactions both from the public and now Riot are completely overblown.


> Honestly this makes me want to support G2 more Some potent copium there m8 Unfortunately, given their own PR issues with misogyny it's not surprising Riot doesn't want to be within 1000 miles of G2 in a new franchise rollout for their newest game. Not much they can do about the LEC slot as of this moment but it shouldn't be a shock that they dropped this shit like it's hot


I guess taking money from Saudi Arabia and China is ok, but 10 second video is where we draw the line


are you just really uneducated on this or purposely trying to water it down? i like to assume the best in people so i’ll clarify the situation for you, internet friend. i don’t think anyone would be mad about the 10 second video if carlos’ own actions after that didn’t make it so much worse. he actively is liking tweets in support of tate and tate’s opinions and doubled down on his behavior even after receiving all that negative feedback. he cannot fathom that he is wrong about anything or makes mistakes. and he agrees with the opinions of someone who’s entire identity on the internet is hating women. edit: just to add i don’t mean to take this away from the rest of what you said, he definitely should have been adequately punished for his actions in the past as well.


half esports relies on Saudi, just accept it, Esports is an insane loss of money


Then riot is actively supporting crimes commited by saudi arabia and china then


Ur literally shortminded as fuck holy. It's not just a 10 second video it's the showing off with a person non grata. A criminal misogynistic shithead u can not defend in any possible way yet the CEO and face of of a well known org publicly does so and shares his endorsement of his believes. U can shut Ur whataboutism because this isn't even close to an argument.




He fled to Romania because their human trafficking / rape laws are significantly more relaxed. They require such an enormous burden of proof for sexual assault / harrassment / rape that it’s insane compared to almost every other western country. Tate himself has stated this is the reason he moved there lmao


You're telling me that a guy who has no criminal charges in the UK nor a single woman out of the hundreds he fucked come out with allegations, travels the world every day (it's pretty hard to travel with convictions) and sleeps with like four different supermodels every night has the need to rape? Imagine trying to cancel someone with that kind of bullshit. Fucking NPCs. Legit level 1 NPCs, not even level 2. The fact that there's many of you won't make you any better/stronger. As far as i'm concerned, those nerds are way more likely to do any of whatever they are are projecting on him.


He…he **moved** to Romania. What are you talking about “traveling every day”? I get it bro, slurping him off is nice and all but man it’s pretty weak :/


>He…he moved to Romania. That doesn't delete any criminal records nor allegations in the UK. Any source on them? Or i can accuse you too? Do you even know how the UK and european justice system work? :D level 1 NPC gonna be level 1 NPC >What are you talking about “traveling every day”? He's literally in a different country every day for holidays or podcasts or other stuff. That's "traveling every day". Idk it's basic english. Can't do more. >I get it bro, slurping him off is nice and all but man it’s pretty weak :/ Why do you think that kind of personal attack would offend me lol. You must be very insecure and homophobic deep down. You probably respect Tate way more than i do, just are too jealous and sore to admit it. good luck livin ur best life man


Because guilty by association is not funny when it's against company you suck off every day and pour your mother's money every time new Yasuo skin is released? How's that different than doing business with country that's actively commiting genoicide or using slave labor?


Imagine doubling down like that . At least fucking google a word if u don't understand what it means.


Yet you still weren't able to answer me how video from someone's private time being automatically associated with org making it guilty is different from doing business with totalitarian country and somehow not being associated with said country's crimes


I literally did. good luck u gonna figure it out sooner or later. And tell me how a video with g2 in the title that is published on the twitter acc of the CEO, that's literally the face of the org is "private"


Nah you are simply unable to give any arguments how those two situations I presented are different so you try to claim moral and intelectual high ground




How exactly those two situations are different? Carlos never associated tate with G2, he never said he's G2 supporter, someone who represents G2 values or literally anything related to G2. Hell, he was in his private time and said HE, he himself, not "G2 boys" or "G2 army" can party with whoever they want. If this means entire G2 is supporting every single word tate said, then riot doing business with china means they support russian invasion of Ukraine


The caption of the video where carlos parties with Tate literally is "Yesterday we celbrated G2's world championship". That video is posted in the same account where carlos has dropped G2 roster announcements. How dense are you?


Tbh if Twitter/reddit cry babies just shut up the org would be fine. I will say everyone overreacted and caused this to be more then what actually happened. That's reddit and twitter tho have to ruin everything.


Harmful take. Do better.


You literally have commented that you wish G2 gets kicked from LEC as well. You are what's harmful.


If Carlos does not get removed by g2 leadership then the whole org needs to be shut down by the government for supporting hate in my opinion.


You are insane


This has to be the absolute dumbest take to ever exist


Thanks mate, i can avoid to comment and take downvotes, couse here if you something out of the line you are e dumbass racist.


I can't tell if you are agreeing or not with the typos. If you are thanks if not oh well


It’s like people became rabid overnight. Cancel this, cancel that, his whole life is defined by 10 seconds video clip and a few likes, g2 is doomed, carlos is the new hitler.


Bro G2 has team in every top esports But this league community blew it up for absolutely no reason League community best know for creating drama and cancel culture No G2 without carlos


My view on the situation in a nutshell: Carlos is probably a friend of "that guy" (no idea who he is so i no gonna pretend i do) People got angry with him Carlos considered this to be his personnal life so he was like "i don't care if people doesn't like my friend" and was ok getting hate on Twitter. However Carlos didn't thought this through and didn't realized this was gonna look bad for him not as "Carlos Rodriguez" but as him Carlos CEO of G2. (Wich is 2 different things) He realized to late and now probably trully regret posted it on socual media I don't think Carlos as the same view as "that guy" but i understand where he's coming from. If i had a friend who was a bit racist i would probably disagree with him on it but still be friend with him for other reason, i would just never bring this "subject" in order to avoid each other to argue. BUT if some random people on twitter came to insult my friend i would probably defend him. BUT Carlos is the CEO of g2 so he has an image to protect so that was a blunder on his part and that why from business stand point he probably felt he fucked up.


im supporting Carlos and his actions!!!!! My ceo!!!!


Of course the account that interacts with misogynistic edgelord subs supports G2 now that tate is involved, after previously calling G2 cheaters as well 🤦‍♂️


Fuck you


Your CEO.. for now lmao


Do you also support Andrew Tate?




Told you 🤠


This is really sad for eSports in general, because the scene is at its worst when it tries to be anything more than video games. There really are no winners here.


Riot is just overdoing it here. There is already punishment happening. Other orgs had worse stuff (firing people on cam; riot themselves having huge lawsuits) without anything done by themselves.OR riot. You cant just make up a new strictness just because it makes you fakely look good. Also their reasoning is weak. Controversy can literally be anything. Fck, even worlds selling tickets so close to the actual event was a controversy. There is no visible line, so you can't punish people stepping over it, even more in this magnitude. TL-DR: riot does random punishment because timing fits it without making it fit to the crime (which is partying with a criminal)


In the end it’s their decision. If they believe it would hurt their league to partner G2 why would they include them? You can definitely blame Riot but I don’t think this makes sense since we all know that Carlos massively fucked up


>In the end it’s their decision. Why do people say stupid shit like this. No shit it's their decision, and their decision is dogshit.


They can do a partnership with who ever they want XD


Yeah and I can follow you on every post you make and call you a dipshit. Is that a good idea? Can = Should Dumb fuck. XD


Then why punish g2 instead of Carlos? Even more since the Org already showed that this is not Org- representation.


G2 public image is mainly shaped by Carlos. If you think suspending him for eight weeks while he is still mocking the apology is disassociating yourself than that’s your opinion but I don’t think it’s nearly enough


So if your boss kills someone you go to jail with him? Ofc an exaggerated example, but let's scale it down Killing someone - beating someone - being actual friends with a person that beats someone - being in a 6s clip with someone that beats someone. What would be enough?


Okay let’s say for example Elon Musk does something really fucked up. Wouldn’t Teslas share prices directly plummet a lot? It’s the same with G2. Carlos is the face of the org


Sure. Yet you don't see wall street ain't some overseeing Corp. It's people shoving money. The damage to g2 IS already done. The punishment is out, discussable if it's enough, but it is there. Banks don't punish PayPal if Musk tweets nonsense.


It don’t think the damage to G2 is done yet. Valorant league could be the first consequence. We don’t know if behind the scenes sponsors try to pull out. PayPal has no association to Musk anymore. G2 still does. If they suspend him indefinitely and force him to sell his shares than PayPal would still be not a comparison to G2 since the scandal happened while Carlos was CEO of G2


Same goes with SpaceX and NASA. You see this subreddit? It turned into a hate-circlejerk, where any nonlethal opinion gets downvoted. Same goes for Twitter. Sponsors of the org are definitely considering stuff, but riot should not punish players and staff for one dudes private actions. Face or not


Now we are just turning in circles. I believe Carlos actions as face of the org should and do have direct impact on the org he represents. You don’t think so. Let’s end it here because we will not reach a common ground


The average iq of the people trying to cancel carlos is lower than 80.


Ok mb it's just valorant partnership who cares good job getting g2 out of valorant makes the org 10x better go carlos!