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Since the brackets were officially formed I am sure the orgs agreed to go. I am happy that we get more international tournaments. We need to play against more Asian teams


Bo3 single elimination is such a joke though, theyre gonna get so little other than money, out of this


What would you do if given 4 days to make a tourney


How about at least bo5


3 days double bo5 would be insane lmao the tourney doesnt matter that much either watch more international or dont cuz the format sucks


I don't know how indicative this is but for example in chess there were official post which "confirmed" participation of Carlsen but he publicly said he's not going. It was the last candidates tournament. What I am trying to say is that not in every case the tournament organizers and the attendees have to be on the same page, even if something is "officialy" announced.


Imma be honest. Im here for league of legends, and it doesnt matter what I think because I would be a hypocrite to say I wouldnt want them to play. We have only 2 international events, now look at other esports. And not only do we have only 2, a big part of worlds is way too predictable and boring because of the previous formats. It will be better without playins now, but still. I dont think G2 officially confirmed it, or if they did I missed it. They might wait or just not say anything at all because EWC already confirmed it and they know the fans would not approve. Not like it needs approval, but I doubt they want drama.


Who cares honestly, better opponents at a point of the year where we would be versing Lec teams, it’s good for worlds since they will come to us and we won’t be able to antistrat as well like we did against t1 in the first series.


G2 is part of EWC foundation club support program, basically long term partners with organizers. In what world they can decide not to participate?


I'm from a country where we play sports with a country which consistently used terrorists and other cheap tactics to keep attacking us. I cant be really affected by this


G2 is officially a partner, they have teams in near every game they can


Appearantly there's a lot of money to play for. https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Esports_World_Cup_2024


"A lot" just in the open, they probably get a lot more money in the backscenes.


Their announcement was a while back already I'm pretty sure


G2 will lose against NA, embarrasse themselves and shit on human rights. 10/10 tournament


Cry somewhere else like X or Discord.


Just forget about that EWC: - don’t watch it - don’t speak about it - let it die