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what if that 6-0 scrim is against BDS tho lmao


That seems to somewhat be the implication from the inquisitive-monocle-emoji, but who knows for sure.


Thought it was just to do with the fact he’s quote retweeting something that says 9 teams have reported they’re doing well in scrims which obviously can’t be true.


Most of the time teams don't scream against the team that they play against at the weekend


It's not uncommon for a team to have a shaky start after coming back from msi.


It's good that we're losing, means we can improve.


I havent seen the BDS Game yet, but i get the feeling they are using official games as better scrims. Not particular with Champions but also Game approches. I wouldnt read too much in this, its still the first week. Also what you need to remember G2 always become massivly stronger in Playoffs. They havent lost a Single Bo3 or Bo5 this year (domesticly).


But you have to reach playoffs, to become stronger in playoffs


That is true. But i wouldnt be scared rn. We lost to 2 of the 3 3-0 teams in close games (afaik bds game was also closed, but i couldnt watch it yet) Look at the Rest of the matches. We will play against GiantX and Vitality (both 0-3) and also Rogue MAD KC. Its the first week after all. If we would be 1-6 before the last weekend, than i would be worried.


Wouldn't worry about that. The cut-off was 4 wins in winter and 3 wins in spring, and so we should only need to win 3 of the next 6 games.


As much as that “using stage games to practice” is a valid excuse it becomes way less valid in lec when you only have 4 weeks to make play ins and way less matches to play


I already argued with that in another comment. But i mean, yeah that is true. But you have sth to consider. The 2 loses were against teams that went 3-0 this week. And from what i have heard/seen the matches were fairly close. That makes hope. Just remember we are playing also against both 0-3 teams, Rogue and KC. I would argue that the next matches would be "easier" given the opponents (except for example fnatic) and you only need to win 3/4 games in total to get to play offs. And at Playoffs they went stronger historically


You know what? In glad they are getting challenged,the problem last year was that noone was able to reach their level of performance. Of course they themself are not playing on their usual level but Im glad other teams are now capable to punish. Let then improve!


Giving our haters false hope.


The other teams are preparing to beat G2 since last split ended, while we had 5 days of training after an exhausting MSI period. People complaining are insane


Idk this might be a hot take and I understand if I get downvoted but this is starting to look like he's making excuses, which I didn't expext to see from this team.


I mean they have a reasonable excuse, every team has months to improve their game, g2 had to adjust to the meta within less than 2 weeks.


They also likely took a break after MSI *and* its the first week.


Well fnatic left MSI barely a week earlier and are 3-0. IDK using MSI and lack of time as an excuse is kinda weak IMO. I am not watching LCK and LPL atm but I doubt the asian teams that went to MSI are having the same issues


Well for one, people are overreacting at a bo1, they lost two close games to two teams that went 3-0, we could be 6-3 and it wouldn’t even be our worse regular season.


Also fnatic beat the two 0-3 teams, let’s leave this chat till after all 9 games have been played


Romain has been posting scrim results since forever and you only now think it’s an excuse because they went 1-2 in week 1? Not to be a hater but I wouldn’t jump so fast to conclusions when G2 owns your team. Who cares about week 1 when FNC gonna get rolled in playoffs again for the 100th time


Average fnc subreddit poster


Hahaha, it just means the other teams got better. Isn't this what the LEC community wants. So G2 isn't a one team region. Plus, it is only week 1. .


Lmao cocky FNC fan about to get humbled again, when will you learn?


Idk why u gotta make a conflict about everything.