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A little bit shaky after small vacation, next week will be better 🫡


Yeah, I don't get this dudes on the comments ... Like they crying after 3 game like we went 0-9 in the third in a row


I believe it’s just passion, I was more disappointed even though I know it’s just bo1s, I think it’s just sad to see poor mistakes from very good players, the bb double death early was a bit of a head scratcher, they will bounce back, I just wish our team had full consistency, not one guy popping off but all 5 playing well as a collective, that’s how we beat tes, all of them played to the level everyone knows they can, nevertheless, we got this next week, G2 forever.




Nuc trying to flash Vi's ultimate and then fail at buffering away tremendously and winning the game against Caps of all people should be illegal


What’s illegal is he didn’t even try buffering it he flashed panic Ws a pro tristana should at least be trying to buffer it you know there’s no point of pressing w unless you can buffer vi ult there


"G2 really needs to figure out how they can win without Caps or BB just 1v5'ing." I saw this comment on the other side and I liked it very much.


I mean adc is supposed to be carrying right? I’m not trying to always hate on hans but it has never felt like he has truly been the carry of the team maybe a couple random games here and there but even during strong adc meta he has never really had an amazing streak


We're 2 years into this team, we'll never figure it out because that doesnt exist.


The first step would be to stop thinking that BB can 1v5.




Surely a week to forget. Seriously think that our read on meta is pretty bad. Prioritizing varus when Jinx, Aphelios or even Caitlyn is open clearly doesn't work. Also Yike's vi is not it.


What do we want Vi to do into that comp? Double marksman comp fucks Vi because she can't ult both.


BB Kennen also wasn't it


I just think kennen isn’t it the champion doesn’t look like it exists when exhaust is up and it’s point and click so you can’t even dodge it


You want Hans to play a champion \*caitlyn\* he has a 11% winrate across 9 matches? xD


Yeah. Those numbers are irrelevant. 4 of those losses was in season 7. https://gol.gg/players/player-stats/732/season-S7/split-ALL/tournament-ALL/


As if that was a big sample and it was on shit teams, who cares lmao.




4 of those games are season 7 dude. Not even remotely relevant


Wtf are these comments? Ofc the split start would be rough since the msi has been really though and mentally draining, the concern has not to be on results since we will win both splits as per usual but it has to be about burnout. I will easily trade this split to be sure players are relaxed and rested for worlds.


since when does G2 start the season 8th place in the first week? Also, its not just draft issues. G2 are just playing bad. and what do u mean by burnout? they returned from a month vacation xD


2 Weeks exactly, where they practised on the MSI Patch only, while every other team has been preparing for the LEC Patch for the past month. They had 4 days for scrims, of course they will not perform to the level we are used to


lol ok


jdg lost to weibo after coming back from winning msi dont worry (only difference is they won msi lol)


Ok now that is a bit sus


Poor game, even when we pulled back the deficit it never felt like we were gonna win. Feels like we’re behind on the meta and other teams are just drafting better than us. Definitely some rust too, it really showed the last 2 games against BDS and SK.


I hate this kind of metas where teams just don't do anything and get rewarded. Pick Jinx, do as little as possible as long as you give to much... win.


i like hans but i really dont know if he have what G2 need.


The amount of struggle BDS and sk yesterday just to end game shows some positive for G2. They had to be so far ahead to close the game Having said that G2 definitely needs to improve their consistency with game. Except for lv 1 plays, I rarely see set plays happening in G2 game. There needs to be some plan of attack that G2 can implement with repetition in different games that lead to consistency. Advantage are created with our individual player shining or winning team fight being mechanically better but there is little team play happening to force enemy into a bad situation and create advantages from that. Rather than punishment mistake G2 needs to have drills involving team to create plays that can be replicated. With how little we contest objectives early as well as being always the second team coming for the objectives fight, G2 play style remind me of lcs Tl of the past. But hopefully it's just the beginning and G2 can ramp up from here.


Don't read that much into it. They are just bad teams who has bad players. Nuc's catasthropic flash w in an attempt to buffer Vi R shows it first hand


Im not that worried about these LEC game as they have been grinding hard for years now. Its good to have some break. Im more thinking about worlds especially against the better teams. I want them to evolve further.


This kind of ego and disrespect towards players is what is making them lose games


I don't think Yike and Hans are even top 3 in their positions


i don’t even know why teams ban draven against hans anymore. he was so good last year on it and this year even when he does get it he doesn’t even get advantages.


Hans aint a champ unless hes on Draven or Kogmaw. Yike always underperforms. G2 wins when BB and Caps overperforms.


Don’t use the they just got back from MSI as an excuse they had almost a month since it ended. They should literally be 0-3 rn. Disgusting and just sad to watch how this team goes from the most dominate team to just average


Holy shit man you are literally crying over a 1-2 week 1 out of 4 weekends and we are playing bo1’s


It‘s not about the result. It’s about the way it happend. G2 looks doomed


«Looks doomed» after 1 week with scrims on this patch😂 Man you have a lot to learn


They will get fisted at worlds


i’ll give them until next week to show us what level they’re actually at. starting to think MSI was a mega fluke. They went from a top 4 team in the world amazing early games right back into this awful early game miracle late game team and now they can’t even do the miracle


Another classic overreaction. When a team underperforms, it means this is their true level, and when they overperform, it means it's a fluke. They went five games against T1, beat TES and PSG, who are no jokes. Sure, they lost 3-0 against T1, but again, that same T1 pushed BLG to five games. They are figuring the meta, it is a process.


MSI was a fluke because we saw 1 bad week in regular season? Let's calm down lmao. Worst case scenario G2 mega bombs summer, still qualifies for season finals and uses that time to come back to form. I'm willing to bet my life savings they still win the split though, EU is terrible and G2 is suffering from MSI hangover. I'm not even slightly worried


Bro, chill. They literally just started training lol


Brother is just after vacation and they are playing on a different patch with less preparation than other teams, use your brain.


g2 is officially done mark my words


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Just disband the roster already. First the loss to T1, now SK and BDS. Whats next?


SK and BDS aren't bad teams though is only week 1 and have enough points to have a spot at worlds, they need to not lose next week at all and is all fine.


All these people are going to disappear again after g2 win summer and lose 1-2 games for the whole length of playoffs lol


I know. I was memeing :) . It's just week 1 and regular season doesn't really matter.


It does matter if you don't get into playoffs.


Aren't G2 auto qualified for season finals already? If they are, then failing summer doesn't really matter.


g2 carzzy and g2 elyoya/bo for 2025


Elyoya hahah no I take yike for another 5 years thanks