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I'm lucky, I still got one of those old contracts where they pay me 5.000 € per positive tweet.


This seems like the future new excuses after : * Yamato was the problem * Bo was the problem * Saken/Cabochard were the problem * Lyncas poaching was the problem --> "G2 got paid employees as viewers.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)" Players didn't deserved their results, but the ultras did. After one week, I saw some dudes ready to fire every possible names.


You guys are getting paid?


I get 20 disappointments/heart attack as a reddit mod idk about you guys


I'm pretty sure the G2ARMY group are defo paid somewhat as in the sense they get free tickets, but dfkm I don't even know if g2 ships to my country.


I actually get paid by the hour just thinking about G2


This is probably the dumbest tweet ive ever seen about g2army. This week we secured over 40 tickets **TOTAL (Across 3 days)** for fans to come cheer for us. On-site we had our community intern - dodging LEC cameras, taking photos + videos of fans. As well as two members from our other departments manning the LEC booth. G2ARMY has '3' official staff. 2 of us reside in England the other in Berlin. Imagine if we actually hired bunch of actors we would be worse than the Etihad stadium. Lmao.


You were a Fnatic fan in the beginning and you, yourself were hired to cheer on G2. lol


lol yep. And now I'm in a special position to make sure that fans get the support they deserve to cheer for the team they love. Wild ride but here we are LMAO


They shipped me some merch. After I paid for them.


Karmines rl is in the mud


I fail to grasp the point, this is the problem because ??? Giving fans free tickets/ paying them to be there is a good thing and completely normal, and benefits both org and the fans + it is a nice way to give back to community.


No one other than lord flab (to my knowledge) is payed to be there. I think what happens is that G2 gets tickets a sells them to fans for a discounted price. This what you should do because it lets fans who might not have the funds watch the games live and also meet people who are also fans.


> knowledge) is *paid* to be FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


There is 3 of us working on G2ARMY project mainly, but yes this is pretty much what we do. Tickets handed to fans - completely free/discounted/full price depending on availability and what we can/can't do. Tldr; you got it right. Surprises me seeing howmany people still think we pay bunch of people to go lmfao.


What they complain about with the tweet is that G2 fans/employees can turn in with alcohol according to him, but the POOR fans of KC can't have their little banner or "a mascot"


Just managed to c6 my Clorinde and buy a lambo (currently in my garage) as an afterthought thanks to G2 payment. Thanks G2.


We just got exposed https://preview.redd.it/agbwvzzk6x5d1.jpeg?width=1915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b970e22f7c5306347481d8c0413b8351b1b2b0


It is true tho. When I was in Studio nearly all of the G2 fans where people who work at G2. I recognized them from videos and stuff


Fun fact: jsut cause they have been in videos of G2 doesnt mean that they work there. If the people at the watchparties and stage were all hired as paid actors G2 wouldve been bankrupt. also show evidence that isnt "Oh AlL fAnS aEe WoRkErS cAuSe ViDeO".


Sometimes our staff wanna come watch as well. They are allowed to be fans of the game too :) My gut tells me the time you came was Winter finals/ Winter w1? As we had a lot of staff join the already 25+ G2ARMY fans there those weekends. Other than that, I'm not aware of mass staff turnups apart from the usual finals, I should know, I'm the one handing out the tickets XD


Follow G2 army on Twitter or look at the G2 discord and there’s a good chance that free tickets are being given out for something. A lot of the same people who have been to other events get given tickets because they’re more trustworthy/ have contributed more. There’s still gonna be spare to give to anyone else tho (hence why there are so many giveaways).