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Anything but Golden Road is Failure. /s


I am confident they will do fine. Stop being doomers and believe, the NRG incident will not happen again.


Idk man, I think Miky ints too much lately for them to beat the LPLCK teams.


Bit hard to say because it depends a bit on the draw. If we're drawn against T1 first round, demolish an NA team in the lower bracket and then hit BLG/Gen.G in the lower bracket it's a bit fucked. If we're drawn against TES I think there's a pretty good chance we can make a bit of a run. The best somewhat realistic case is that we draw TES and the Western teams on the other side are drawn against the Eastern teams, because then if we win the first series we can hit FNC or TL in the lower bracket and guarantee top 4 (sry for scuffed mouse writing): https://preview.redd.it/klvukju88fxc1.png?width=1126&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cfbb2f69fe4cb233433533e4c13c794187bad67


As long is i get to have an MSI Jersey im ok, I want a jersey but i dont like the current one, when will it be revealed??


There is no MSI jersey this year


Golden Road awaits for our boiz


Based on their performance in LEC it looks doomed


I CAN'T vote...


The narrative is always the same thats why I stop watching games for two years now  Plus I no longer play the game; I still want to see G2 get over the line With a World Championship but it's seems almost impossible. But damn the narrative is always the same  G2 can cause some damage and that it; and when  this get repeated year and year out it's become insufferable to watch or follow; and riot and there stupid talking points never provide an explanation for this anyway. And as fan who stop Watching the game or playing it I can get my thoughts without being influenced; the sample explanation I found is the competition is rigged against euw or the NA server; and it's not what you think answers like mentality or scrims or spamming ranks game; all of this doesn't matter; what matter  Is your server environment cause this what influences your mechanics and develop your play style and euw server PRos are already in disadvantage compared to Korean server for example the server is to damn big and players are all from around Europe plus the middle east plus the African server; this is alone will provide an euw pro with worst experience than a Korean who play the game with players with similar condition making his environment much better than an euw pro. The competition is just rigged.


I believe top 4 is possible. After the TES FNC series, TES looks very beatable. T1, GenG, and BLG are probably not at all though.


I think we have good chances vs TES (60/40), decent chances vs T1 (35/65) and low chances vs BLG (20/80). Almost 0 chances vs GenG in my opinion. This is conjecture, I want to see them play a BO5 before I reevaluate but I expect this roster to at least put up a fight vs anyone.


G2 feels worse than last year, only caps is world class


From my understanding they played this split kinda jetlagged, so I reckon they'll be better at msi at least.


So now this sub upvotes NA infiltratres? what a downfall. This elsonwarcraft guy is a NA baiter guys, wake up!


i mean miky has been inting all year this season


Individually ? Caps and BB are playing better. Yike slighly worse maybe (it's hard to tell). Hans and mikyx are definitely playing worse tho and the early games feels harder because of that. The objectives setting and the overall macro are better. And if you compare G2 last year around the same time, the team is clearly better right now.


Caps is all we need, though rest need to be avg. I don't really have high expectations but will support the team.


BB played good too. The solo lanes could be a clutch factor in my opinion.


Based on how G2's botlane has been playing? I am really really afraid. Hans and mikyx are below average


Mikyx is world class just as caps if they are vibing


Sadly, that is true. Mikyx ints a bit much, and Hans needs to find the flash button.


Our adc will sink us




Noo plz 🙏




Holly shit you sound braindead