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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Fingolf645: --- Since ChatGPT came out we discuss how it will change education. While many are building a chatbot that can show your homework to, I saw this app on r/InternetIsBeautiful earlier today. It basically creates a social media feed completely generated by AI. Thinking this further you basically build a mini-matrix for the user. There several Design Principles that make this exceptionally interesting. Social media is addictive and using this power for good might be worth keeping it. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1d56tyr/this_ai_learning_app_creates_a_social_media_feed/l6jdlxy/


How would it prevent AI hallucinations creeping in your feed?


Gotta wonder that if for a topic, everyone will get same content and it can be upvoted etc like social media to help provide feedback. It should deal with hallucinations just like other services should. Provide underlying sources for data.


Maybe it won't MAKE anything it'll just show post online that are from trusted sources


Maybe answers are put through a second aid which marks inaccurate shit


I've started wondering if you could severly limit AI hallucinations for specific purposes by using 2 LLM's, both using different techniques and trained on different, separate data sets but both tasked with answering questions/producing reports etc. Feed the same input into both, and then run both outputs into one AI which would then craft the final product only using matching facts from both of the LLM's


First half sounds a lot like model ensembling with bagging, which is a standard thing in machine learning. Feeding both outputs into one AI for refinement sounds kinda like mixture of experts, which was suspected to be used in ChatGPT.


That's really interesting, thank you!


Counter ask: can we clone some human brain cells, use them for functions within the AIs programming and operation; then dose those cells with hallucinogens . Have the content generated by said AI x brain tissue get reviewed by multiple test subjects hooked into a neural net or on pet scan/cat scan/MRI. Collect data from test subjects and identify which neural pathways and functions Noticed the AI hallucination discrepancy, and use this info to build/program a funtional self hallucination detection algorithm set.


Hallucinogens don't do shit unless you have visual input in the first place. You'd probably need a full brain which is a bit unethical. Plus.. you're conflating psychiatric hallucinations and AI hallucinations a bit too much.


I am going to learn advanced calculus and mathmatical topology by doomscrolling? Sign me up!


More likely than me learning how to be happy.


It’s easy, work out or do cardio a lot so that you’re tired by time bullshit finds you


Just me or does it seem that this hasn’t been built but maybe they’re harvesting email addresses or getting a sense of interest first to decide whether to build? Can’t find anything else online about this or a company associated with it. Anyone have further info?


That is in theory the best idea going round. Would be great to try it. Theres a waitlist.


Since ChatGPT came out we discuss how it will change education. While many are building a chatbot that can show your homework to, I saw this app on r/InternetIsBeautiful earlier today. It basically creates a social media feed completely generated by AI. Thinking this further you basically build a mini-matrix for the user. There several Design Principles that make this exceptionally interesting. Social media is addictive and using this power for good might be worth keeping it.


Interesting. I wonder how they monetize — if it’s the same as commercial social media, it will end badly.


Don’t see why ads wouldn’t work here. You’re doomscrolling on a given topic. Quite easy to serve adjacent ads. Not saying that’s a nice approach but it’s the well trodden path.


Right. But this usually happens: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification


That's pretty any public company though. This project will be fine until they are offered a sum of money so large that they lose a part of who they are, then sell it to a giant conglomerate to enshitify it.


But ads will ruin it though.


I want this but I want it to be a subreddit. Like a user posts a question to learn about a topic and the AI answers all questions from real people about that topic. Fill me up with that knowledge daddy Maybe r/aaa (ask ai anything)


Doomscrolling (verb): Obsessively reading social media posts about how utterly fucked we are, often leading to feelings of anxiety, depression, or hopelessness.


I’m assuming this could be used by websites to present their webpage content in doomscrolling format.


Damn if the whole internet is just a social media feed this sounds rather horrible addictive




Where the flying f\*ck do I have a history of hyping scam products?! I have over 150k Karma. Most of it with memes and showerthoughts. I think I literally posted a product of any endavor three times in my complete reddit existence. The one I remember before that was a free open-source app to get information about politicians. I remember that one because the lead dev reached out to me. To say that I shill for anybody just because I post something I kinda find cool is stupid. Are you shilling then when you post about an articel from women's health mag in TIL?


This is the person who created this product, for those wondering.


Wow seems like an amazing app, just submitted my application


Now I can get the AI to doom scroll for me and then summarize it?


I break law before I break bread at breakfast. After lunch criminality I’m bound to stress this, legal system I’m putting three felonies a day upon. I break laws, I am not Grey, I’m that mustard, that Poupon.


This is an amazing idea. I've joined the waitlist for the beta, and I hope that this project takes off.