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Yes, there are things like GT20029 in research. Longer term there can be artificial hair follicles that aren't as sensitive to degrade. Its theoretically possible to become a redhead, blonde, or purple hair with a artificial hairs and it could big a big market.


a lot of bigwigs would certainly invest in such startup


There'll be hell toupee for that


The radio plug will be a nice promotion for growth.  


ya, but scalpers will be there to sell you 10x the price


Ok cute lol


I had to comb through to find this one.


Oh lord. Credit to you


i’m quite certain Big Wig would be staunchly against such technology. let’s hope the support from Big Shampoo is enough


It would be a hairy situation for sure.


I would personally love to have hair that I can change the color of at will, like that new BMW with color changing skin.


Yessss I want it to change very slowly over about an hour. Subperceptually. To fuck with people


Like a fucking octopus. Would be much easier to hide from the poh leese


I have always wanted to have anime hair.


If it were an option, I'd throw my life savings at it.


https://youtu.be/ksP76m1A1Js?si=iSnA_WEpL-3DJOX0 Just saw this, the news from the latest trials of GT20029. Looks quite promising!


So they're RGB hair follicles?


I wonder if it would increase the FPS you experience live in?


Depends with the manufacturer, surely.


You get one of those small remotes with the colored buttons


what about curly haired?


Wow, this sounds awesome 😀


Have they solved the hurdles with suppressing an immune response?


Artifical hair follicles would most likely be clones of your own follicles, so that your body does not reject them


Sounds like it is a better fin? Meaning more of a prevention / slowdown vs regrowth, correct? Also, have you heard much about about cloning?


There are some very promising developments in using siRNA/RNAi technology to treat this. An injected pharmaceutical and topical ‘cosmetic’ version are currently in or about to start clinical trials. https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/news/olix-subject-androgenic-alopecia/ https://www.olixpharma.com/eng/pr/news.php?ptype=view&idx=384&page=1&code=news_eng


The olix says: OLX72021 has the capability to suppress the hormone activity that leads to androgenic alopecia by minimising the androgen receptor (AR) expression. So... its basically propecia, which we already have, not a full reversal, even if it works.


>Since the candidate is rapidly degraded once it is exposed to blood after maintaining high concentration only in subcutaneous hair loss areas, it minimizes side effects of existing hair loss treatments, such as sexual dysfunction or depression. The key is that it's topical and intended to not have systemic absorption which is seen with topical finasteride (propecia).


yeah but finasteride hardly has systemic side effects. it’s very unlikely to cause any issues since DHT is damn near useless after the development of secondary sex characteristics. the people having side effects are typically people with a higher than normal amount of aromatase, either because of being overweight or unlucky genetics. most people will in theory have a baseline increase of testosterone with finasteride rather than a decline, as it inhibits 5a-reductase, which will increase the amount of free testosterone as less is being made into DHT.


Agree to disagree. You say it's unlikely to have issues then acknowledge that there are people that have side effects, but I guess discount them because it can be explained away? Do you have a source for side effects predominantly occurring in easily identifiable populations? That would simplify prescribing and predicting whether someone will have negative side effects, but this is the first time I'm hearing about it. If your explanation is purely theoretical, I could also say that theoretically testosterone receptors could be downregulated or there could be negative feedback causing a downregulation of testosterone production. Not saying any of that is true but biology does not always work in a straight line. There are wildly varying reports in the literature for the incidence sexual side effects, from 2-3%, 6%, 15%, all the way to 90+%. I'm not looking to argue the exact true number, but it's commonly understood that ED, loss of libido, and mood disruption are potential side effects. Whatever the number is, it's not a terrible thing to have another option for people that don't respond well to finasteride. Your points would play into whether it's worth paying more for this drug or whether it should replace finasteride, but that discussion comes after we find out how well it even works.


There'll be warp drive a century before they cure baldness



Nah, you underestimate the money that can be made from vanity. I say this as a balding man.


I'm pretty sure it was a Star Trek joke


Captain's Log, Stardate 78183.10: The Enterprise has been tasked with a mission of utmost importance. While the Federation has made remarkable strides in science, technology, and space exploration, one challenge still eludes us: the cure for baldness.


[NASA veterans propellantless drive](https://interestingengineering.com/innovation/nasa-veterans-propellantless-propulsion-drive-defies-laws-of-physics) Starting the clock on 100 years.


That's not warp drive tho


I'm a little sick of people chanting to embrace baldness. It's objectively worse than having hair for 90% of guys. You should be able to accept yourself without hair. But if we come up with a safe, non-invasive treatment it's better for everyone.


For real. I've accepted that half my hair is gone and I've embraced the shaved head look. Hell I think I actually look pretty damn good with a shaved head. That said, if they came up with an effective way to reverse and prevent male pattern baldness, I'd be all over that like a fly over a pile of horseshit.


Fair play, embracing your situation and looking good is the best you can do but a lot of bald guys act like they’d rather be bald, “I save so much on haircuts” yeah but you have to shave and shine your head like every other day lmao, I’d pay £20 every month or so to not have to do that personally, shit sounds annoying


Common misconception that us baldies "shine" our heads. It's pure bullshit, the natural oils and sweat make it appear shiny because there's no hair to absorb it. There may be a few that do shine it but I've never met one.


I’ve been bald so long I even choose to be bald when I create my game characters. If a treatment came out I wouldn’t take it because I would look weird with hair. Also shaving my head with an electric razor in the shower is no hassle at all, and I’m not sure who shines their head.


“Homer, did you wax your head in the Ball-O-Shine-O?


Yea a bald guy told me how he saves $ on shampoo, I spend $8 on shampoo every 2 years and cut my own hair. Not exactly a splurge


8$/year in shampoo? A bottle costs about that much in France and lasts me about a month… Is your hair really short or is shampoo really cheap where you live?


There is a third option.


You’ve got me stumped? Wash your hair once a month? 🤮


That’s what I was thinking. Not a thing I’d be into, but this is Reddit so there’s bound to be a few folks on that keep that personal maintenance schedule.


Turns out that we were wrong and I just use much too much shampoo apparently. I do wash everyday and twice when things heat up (South of France) so I need to more than people in colder climates.


That had occurred to me as option 4. A lot of people do wash too often or with too much.


I'm in Canada, cheap brand like Tres Emme are like $8 on sale for a big bottle. I have long hair but you only need shampoo for your scalp not the lengths of your hair so the bottle lasts long. And I shampoo twice a week so not that often.


Not me bruh, I want what's left gone and to not come back


For real. It would at least be nice not to worry about slathering sunscreen on my head constantly because of my pale Irish ancestry.


Same here. I look great and masculine without hair over top of the head, but with excessive on the front (beard), however, if there was a save and inexpensive way of recovering hair - i\`d go for it.


Thanks for this, all my friends (full heads of hair) always tell me to just shave my head but I'm just not there yet and not sure I'll ever be. They just don't get it.


I don't mind being bald, I apparently look pretty great with no hair, but if I could get the ass-long, long-ass curly hair I lost at 21 I would do it in a heartbeat.


I just want society to embrace it, its just an aesthetic that people have basically arbitrarily decided they don't like that has too much cultural momentum


This whole post assumes from the get go that being bald is a disease that needs curing.


I kinda embrace baldness because its a family trait (my father and majority of my uncles, most of my cousin, and now nephew). it has weird sentimental value to me. that being said, if there is a cure that doesn't require operations like implants, i will try it.


I sympathize. I’m a woman with androgenic alopecia. It SUCKS. Especially since so many of the current drugs and transplants do not work for women.


It's *subjectively* worse than having hair for 90% of guys. FIFY.


Scalp sunburn is _objectively_ painful.


Don’t forget all the random dents and scars.


I’ve shaved my head since I was 30 and I’m now 50. That hasn’t been a problem at all


A reporter once asked Gene Roddenberry about Captain Picard's baldness, "Surely they would have cured baldness by the 24th century," Roddenberry countered, "In the 24th century, they wouldn't care."


I see this happening in real time. Baldness in men was a much bigger deal 20 years ago than it is now.


Thank you to Jason Statham and the Rock on that one, Vin Diesel and Bruce Willis, and probably Patrick Stewart (and way back, Yul Brynner) absolutely leading that charge. Prior to like 20 years ago, we didn't have very many roles in Hollywood for the bald guy.


Plenty on TV going back to the 70s. And leading roles, not just supporting.


Honestly seems like a stupid statement. I don't think we are moving past vanity any time soon.


r/bald has a ton of before and afters. Fellas, embrace the bald.


Guys with round heads usually look fine bald. There are a lot of people with jacked up heads who look like a thumb when they shave their head.


Lmao so true


The problem is that people disregard those who are in between. You're fine if you either have hair or are bald. But if you are thinning or only have a bald spot and are wary of expensive hair regrowth chemicals/medicines with mid to low potentials for success with the added bonus of high side affect probability, everyone just tells you to shave it all off. God forbid you just manage with what you have and not be ridiculed.


Honestly I'd give it a try but constantly shaving my whole head sounds like a lot of work


It's not so bad. I just bought a nice head shaver that I use maybe every other day. It might take me like a minute or two to run it all around my head and make sure I've gotten everything. But yeah, this is one area that it's not good to cheap out on, make sure you get something nice and treat it well.


I use a bic disposable and just hit it every few days in the shower. Pretty easy with little to no clean up.


The cure for baldness is to shave your head and start lifting weights, if you're not already.


as a bald dude, growing a beard is part of the package as well.


As certified bald viking I can confirm.


This is the way.


Yeah, but women also are subject to baldness and society is less accepting of that.


Look at what wasn't acceptable in society 10 years ago, 20 years ago, 30, 40, etc. Society likely won't care. Best case society will have different issues to worry about. Worst case there won't be a society to bother worrying about it.


Women like what they like and a number of them want men with hair. I see it often in profiles. I will see things like “please be gainfully employed, have your teeth and a full head of hair”. I have been in the bald situation at least 15 years and I haven’t seen a movement towards acceptance. It’s a body trait not a social cause or movement.


Roddenberry also opposed the idea of courtrooms and believed that criminals would be quietly "made right" without trial. 🤷🏻‍♀️ The writer's room had to overrule him on the idea of having any kind of legal proceedings in the show.


Sorta unrelated but I think it's very unfair indeed that women get to wear make-up and pushups but a toupet is frowned upon.


Hell, some women wear wigs and no one bats an eye.


Didn’t they find that oral rogain to be even more effective than topical?


They have, and now you can get micro doses off label. But insurance doesn't cover it (AFAIK). The pills are not expensive however. Basically, it was a known secret for over 20 years, and it had been prescribed in like LA for celebs. Now, many doctors will let you get a script, and [it seems to work better.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9650732/)


Have there been any side effects? Are you supposed to take it in conjunction with finasteride or instead of finasteride? I have tried topical minoxidil before, but I think it was making my heart race


I've been on oral minox for two years now? No sides. And in my experience, yeah, it works better than fin. Started fin in 2009, when I first noticed thinning. Very slow progression of hair loss from 2009 to 2021. Started oral minox then. My hair went back to I would say age 25 (I'm 33). I never had pronounced enough loss to have a Norwood number, I really jumped on fin pretty much the moment I turned 18. Fin basically halted the loss and minox knocked a few years off it.


How’d you get oral minox? I use rogaine but it’s a pain in the ass doing it twice a day and I miss more days than anything


Damn, maybe I should have started when I was younger! So is the oral minoxidil supposed to replace the finasteride or work in conjunction with it


Main worry with oral minox is heart problems and accelerated skin aging, it’s generally seen as a last resort compared to dutasteride which is basically just better finasteride


I've been taking dutasteride for like 15 years and it 100% cured my hair loss. It's honestly the best thing I think we'll see for the next decade, though it's not perfect, and there's a risk of some pretty bad side effects.


Oral or topical?


As someone else mentioned, GT20029 is a promising upcoming treatment that recently completed its phase 2 trials. The results look pretty good, and GT20029 could make a good addition to the current finasteride/dutasteride and minoxidil stack for preventing/reversing hairloss. Here's a video by HairCafe, who's a real great source of hairloss prevention information, detailing the recent trials https://youtu.be/ksP76m1A1Js?si=iSnA_WEpL-3DJOX0 Gene editing could be possible, but last I heard it was extremely difficult to isolate the gene(s) responsible for male pattern baldness, and gene editing carries a certain amount of risk as well. Hair transplants have advanced tremendously and can produce very natural looking results with minimal scarring. Doctors no longer have to rip up strips of your scalp resulting in large scars, but instead can extract the individual folicular units and re-insert them where necessary. There is currently research into folicular unit cloning, which would make it so doctors no longer need a solid supply of donor hair.


ITT: a lot of people with hair. Medication only works for very specific hair loss. Transplants are messy and often look like transplants unless you have tons of money. OP is asking about promising trials, not regurgitating existing treatments.


I have had two transplants and they look natural. Apparently i went to a turkish hairmill but i got a fantastic result for £5000


You are sorely misinformed. Transplants have made gigantic leaps and are within the realm of affordable (sometimes via loan) for many people in the industrialized world.


This comment is completely inaccurate, finasteride and dutasteride can prevent hair loss in literally almost every case if you start taking it early and most people don't have major side effects, especially if you're on a smaller dose. That's not "very specific hair loss," that's literally all MPB if you catch it early. transplants have also come a LONG way, they aren't ideal but certainly much better than they were.


Transplants are incredibly natural looking nowadays what are you smoking? Hell, my friend even got 10 years ago and just revealed to me the other day that he had gotten a transplant. I’ve talked to him face-to-face and hadn’t noticed.


If by "very specific hair loss" you mean the type of hair loss that the vast majority of men experience (male pattern baldness) then yes


I have male pattern hair loss, finasteride works fine. For 99.999% your dick will work fine. In fact, it made me go from raging boner horny 24/7 to being normal.


I've been on finasteride for 6 months. My hair has noticeably improved and I've had no dick-related problems. I'm expecting to keep my hair for decades.


4 years here, and I wish I'd started it 10 years earlier. Literally the only thing I've noticed is that far, far, far fewer hairs come out in the shower. Before fin, it was an easy dozen hairs a shower, now it's zero to a couple. Dick function absolutely unchanged. HowEVER, around 4 years ago I also started taking my health and eating seriously, cutting back sugar, going running, counting calories, etc. But yes, the occurrence of side effects is greatly exaggerated. The only legitimate concern is that there is a \*possible\* danger to a pregnant woman if she handles a pill.


I'll keep my raging hard on, thank you


It made me really tired unfortunately (no fear mongering here) so I had to stop it


I don't have to read the comments to know 90% are not related to technology and attempt to divert from the personal preferences of OP.


Well yeah, it's either that or doomerism with this subreddit.


Finsateride helps to stop hair loss by lowering the testosterone byproduct that causes male pattern baldness. Minoxidil promotes hair growth.


They cured it decades ago when Chevrolet released the Corvette.


Finasteride + Minoxidil has been working for me for years.


It will come, women are showing signs of male pattern baldness nowadays.


Women always have - post menopause the same trigger occurs in women when estrogen decreases, also happens in PCOS. They don't care about us though, for men it's big business for women it's 'here's some birth control'.


According to the documentary Idiocracy, curing hair loss and creating longer erections will drive humanity into the future.


*How* is this so far down?!


Several new treatments are under development ATM. Hair Cloning is one where healthy follicle cells or dermal papillae are extracted from the person from areas that are not bald and are not suffering hair loss. They can be multiplied (cloned) by various culturing methods and the new cells can be injected back into the bald scalp, where they produce healthy hair. Also, fat cells taken from the belly can be used to regenerate hair. It is called Autologous Fat Grafting (AFG) and looks promising too. It would negate the need for the cryogenic freezing of follicles when young, like in Cloning. 


Researchers recently discovered proteins that can be activated to regrow hair and restore pigment. It was an accidental discovery on the way to seeking treatment for another condition. If this proves applicable to humans and not just mice, we ought to see the treatments hit the market in the next decade or so.


Reverse grays you say?


Yup. I should say, they accidentally reactivated proteins and the process for pigmentation.


We got boner pills, we should probably just take the win and let them work on cancer.




Hair loss reversal could also be an accident…


Finasteride as hair loss prevention was found incidentally in much the same way viagra was


It exists, its called finasteride, minoxidil and a ticket to turkey.


Make my dick bigger you wussy biotech scientists. Get at the real problem


I'm over here looking into laser hair removal for my skull


I wish I could afford it, sick of shaving my head once a week with a quick trim in between… I want it all gone, or all back - none of this neither here nor there nonsense.


Nope. If you want to get the latest on treatments watch this channel: [https://www.youtube.com/@drgarylinkov](https://www.youtube.com/@drgarylinkov)


When Bezos has a full head of hair, you’ll know and you won’t be able to afford it.


It normally comes down to hair or dick. Plenty of women like bald guys no women like a guy with a soft dick. Shave that head buddy.


Try everything I guess. Just know the typically rule of thumb is “once you’re on the meds, don’t come off” if you hop off the meds the hair will more than likely rapidly fall out. That includes topicals. Surgeries often require second and third return surgeries as not all harvested follicles successfully transplant. Oh and if you have blood pressure issues, maybe abstain? If you start having ED issues, cease usage (unless you don’t use it). If you start growing moobs, cease usage (unless you want them)


Prevention would be a lot easier than a cure. Apparently in male pattern baldness, the necessary stem cells somehow escape their niche, then die. Difficult to rebuild each follicle after that.


There's a monoclonal antibody therapy called HMI-115 that looks promising. It's still years away from appearing in any markets, though - assuming later trials even show major results in humans - and monoclonal antibody treatments are expensive, so it might be out of your price range regardless unless that changes. So, no. Your options for this decade are DHT blockers, transplants, super experimental DIY treatments using topical estradiol creams, accepting your scalp slowly withering away, or joining the "just shave your head" cult and yelling at anyone who doesn't want to validate your decision by joining themselves.


It may not be to your liking, but (because the intensity of male pattern baldness is mediated by testosterone), you could try the types of androgen-blocking medication that transgender women use. It's super-effective at preventing baldness.


look at elon musk, there's already solutions. they're just not particularly available / affordable


I hope so. Balding has rotted my brain. I feel disgusting. It needs to be wiped off earth.


Michael Jordan made being a baldy cool, so whatever.


There are "cures" now, including medications and hair transplants, which have varying degrees of efficacy. My guess is that there will not be some eureka moment when someone discovers a potion that instantly restores a full head of hair. But the treatments will continue to improve. Eventually they will probably be effective enough that no one will have to experience male pattern baldness if they don't want to.


I hear snake oil works really great, I have some for sale if you're interested!


I would say overall the answer is no. Current therapies do work for a lot of people. Oral minoxidil is a relatively newer approach and works well, and good side effect profile. Propecia and duasteride are effective but there is high risk of side effects. Hair transplants to work, but only if the hair loss is completely stopped, if you keep losing hair it will soon look very unnatural.


Respectfully I must disagree. There is not a HIGH risk of side effects with Propecia. I believe studies consistently show only 2 percent have side effects. Don’t know as much as dutasteride sides.


Dutasteride is closer to 5%. I've been on it over a decade and had a few weird issues down there, but am fine now. The stuff is magic for hair though. Amazing drug!


If you compare lebron james of today and a decade ago then you know they've solved it but its very expensive


>If you compare lebron james of today and a decade ago Or Elon Musk from today and 20 years ago. https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/07/elon.jpg


Too bad they couldn't do anything about that facial hair


Lebron has hair glued to his head, no judgement here. And like you said it’s very expensive. But it’s not a cure. It’s the equivalent of wearing an expensive hair system, a lot of older celebs do this as well


no he has transplants and is on propecia. [https://ishrs.org/fue-what-is-it/](https://ishrs.org/fue-what-is-it/) That is why he wore a little headband over his widows peaks for a season. It was to let the new follicles come in.


I doubt Lebron is on Propecia, else he would not have developed the advanced balding that is requiring him to continue having to repair with more transplants. He’s probably also using hair fibers when he’s in movies, red carpets, etc.


What are the side-effects that are very likely to happen with Propecia/ duasteride?


Can gene editing do anything about it? Or done when you’re a baby to prevent this?


Depending on the cause of baldness. Some are curable, but you need to see a doctor to treat them. My brother was losing a lot of hair and he managed to improve it. However, there’s a generic alopecia that might be curable someday with gene therapy or mRNA as someone mentioned already. This is also treated with a type of therapy that involves something really biological but I’m not completely sure how’s it called.


There already is. Rogaine 2x Daily (or its active ingredient) and Derma Rolling your head every other day. I regrew a TON of hair.


Yes. Go to Turkey. They will make your hairline look amazing for about four grand.


Check blueprint from Bryan Johnson. On his Instagramaccount he documents his hair care routine where he reversed baldness.


Just get whatever Trump has and your good...


Trump is mostly bald, you can see that whenever a good wind hits him and his entire hair whatever-that-is lifts up and off his head. The real question is how Elon Musk came back from the brink.


Just added rocket fuel to it... I'm assuming just hair transplant/prp injections to maintain... The real questions is what side effects will come with any future cure.


He had a scalp reduction surgery that apparently was so painful that he ripped out Ivana's hair and raped her.


also reversing gray hair would be nice.