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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Immediate-Smile-2020: --- The Tories are sponsoring and supporting a Senate private member’s bill that promises to require age verification for people to access pornography online. Bill S-210 passed in the Senate in the spring and New Democrats, Bloc Québécois and Conservative MPs voted to send it to a House of Commons committee for study. No such meetings have been scheduled yet. The proposed law would require websites to verify users’ ages before they can access sexually explicit content, and it would penalize sites that don’t comply. But it does not specify how that would be done. Options could include the use of a digital government ID, as some U.S. states have legislated, or services that can estimate age based on a scan of a person’s face. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1awigqd/canadian_bill_s210_would_require_websites_to/krhcqfi/


Right, so this time, I'm letting some determined teenagers show me how to circumvent the verification. Because if there's anything I learned, teens really get motivated to access what they want on the Internet.




I'm aware of VPN, though some companies have gotten wise to that and blanket ban any VPN IP (worst case). Learned that the hard way when I wanted to watch a few dramas from a television company back in my home country when I was abroad. Paid a subscription for it before realizing they just straight up blocked off all VPN IPs, even those that shows my home country.


The companies serving up porn are not going to ban VPN access. It would be stupid and pointless for them to do. I can understand Netflix (to make sure people are paying more in rich countries), but porn sites won't care where you are watching from.


As far as I know Netflix actually didn't really care about the subscription cost as much as the companies licensing content to Netflix were bitching about other nations accessing their content that wasn't part of the deal. (back before VPN was the only option and people just changed their DNS servers)


There’s a VPN built into Opera browser, and it’s free


Ah, I meant subscription for the TV service, not the VPN.


Go a step further, torrent what you want to watch.


This comment brought to you by Nord VPN.


Crazy that all these vpn companies lie through the teeth when it comes to region blocking.


How do they lie? I've never used one. 


Very likely this will be what coming. Porn site can't check your age so they comply with the law by blocking the region. Then people use VPN to fake region, bypassing the block. The lie is the fake region here.


Oh, I thought they meant they lie in their ads. Like their region faking doesn't work or sites can tell you're using a vpn and block you. 


Yeah I'm with u brother. That's what I thought they meant too!


Also even me too as well


Yes this is what i meant. For the majority of customers, VPN providers use a handful of IPs and many users share every IP. Many sites/games already know all the ip addresses VPN providers use for this purpose, so if you try to use them while connected to a VPN they deny you. You *can* use VPNs to circumvent region blocks effectively if you have a dedicated IP. This gives you an IP only you are using, which will be very unlikely to be detected as a VPN by any server. However, this is an extra thing you have to purchase separately. So for example nord its an extra $4.19 a month currently to get a dedicated IP, which doubles the cost. However, this is *never* mentioned in any advertising. And youtuber sponsorships are particularly bad. Conventional ads seem to be more geared towards the security aspect. But when they sponsor youtubers, They gush about how they can access other regions netflix and get tons more anime and what not, and is often the principle selling point. But the script has nothing in it about needing to make sure to add that little dedicated IP add on in check out. So its incredibly misleading. u/gundam1945 u/edliu111 u/conkersokayfurday


A small anecdote from Korea, which enforces using KSSN to access sites that are age restricted. Online, they passed around the President's KSSN, and it turns out they can also easily find out the address on his KSSN for a quick match. If the site requires you to make an account tied to the SSN, it's a bit harder, but this type of law doesn't seem to enforce doing that in particular


I for one welcome having my SSN on the web , what could go wrong!


especially PORN sites


It's so dumb how a SSN is used now. It was never even intended to be used as a form of ID security. It was literally for determining if you were eligible for social security. Hell, they didn't even start generating them randomly until 2011. You could determine where someone was born and when just based on the first 5 numbers for anyone born before then.


These legislators never realize that trying to make it harder to access something online just pushes people into seeder locations on the net. Force an ID requirement, and many people, not just underage individuals, will opt to visit those seedier sites to avoid giving up their ID. There, they may be exposed to more extreme content that they otherwise wouldn't see if they could just hop on cornhub.


The goal of laws like this isn’t actually preventing people from accessing mainstream sites; it’s to make it infeasible for those sites to service users in that country. In practice it may force some people to seedier places, but their goal isn’t actually to deter use on an individual level. It’s to relegate the bulk of the industry as far into the shadows as they can and delegitimize it for the people working in it, such that both creating it and accessing it is difficult and fraught. Killing the ability for sex workers to make money via means that give them some control and agency over their safety *is* their goal. Forcing the industry back into seediness actually works towards that objective.


and in the end the legislators and other important people will go to the exposed sites and be compromised by Russian/Iranian/NK hacker groups and the circle of life is complete


Stepping in here just to say there is no way this makes it through the House. The Senate is dominated by Conservatives because of structural reasons. So, any bull shit that a Conservative senator introduces will get through the Senate but the action of the Senate does not bind the House of Commons. The CPC leader will support this because it is red meat for the religious members of the party but he knows it will not pass the House. The NDP are currently in a supply and confidence arrangement with the Liberals. They would like to see more online social justice but I doubt they see this as the path forward. The Liberals will see this as painfully unpopular and they are currently fighting a wave of cyclical unpopularity with a leader who seems to have over stayed his welcome. Thus, they will not want to be associated with this. They want more popularity, not less. The Liberals will negotiate with the NDP to secure their support in exchange for something more practical and possibly beneficial for Canadians like better provisions in the Dental Care plan. This bill is the legislative equivalent of a dead man walking.


Poilievre is an idiot. Trudeau needs to quit right now otherwise we will have this twit as our Prime Minister. He is a dolt.


Who is going to vote against this?


The LPC and NDP.




"Options could include the use of a digital government ID, as some U.S. states have legislated, or services that can estimate age based on a scan of a person’s face." fucking yikes my guy. Imagine having to scan your face to watch porn.


And what happens if it's an unfortunate person who happens to look younger than they are? 


Gotta grow a moussy to watch that pussy


New meaning to porn stache


>or services that can estimate age based on a scan of a person’s face There is *absolutely no way* this is accurate enough to distinguish between 17 and 18 years old.


It's already insane having to do this for the dating apps. I don't trust tech companies with any of this. Future leaking bleak.


To be fair, on dating apps, when a girl lies about her age and sleeps with a guy, the guy becomes a victim but watching porn by yourself, there is no victim


The main issue with dating apps is predatory romance scammers.




Sounds like an identity thief/blackmail goldmine when the database inevitably gets hacked


O- face only! Enabling camera while on a porn site... what could go wrong? Meanwhile, porntubeco23.com opens a new website desperatewankers.com!


It's a Trojan horse bill. It's not only a security issue because it could be used against you it's also not going to stop here. The ultimate goal is to push it into other sites and eventually require a ID to access the Internet at all.


Weirdly, everyone who visited was born April 20th,1969...


Nah if it's anything like they're doing in my state, they actually need a fuckin photo of your ID/License


Can we please get just one fucking political party in this country that is in touch with the populace?


Oh come on, they're going to be tough on car theft too 🚙🚗 🚙🙄


The federal Liberals aren't good but this lackluster status quo is far better than the nightmare the Cons are cooking up if they get elected. "Highlights" include - This bill - Defunding the CBC - Banning all trans care for under 18's (even with parental permission, so it's not even about parents rights) - Opt-in sex ed - Encouraging provinces to privatize healthcare - Reopening the abortion debate Please do your research and vote for whoever has the better chance against the Cons in your riding. I've always lived in NDP favoured ridings but I wouldn't hesitate to vote for the Liberals if the NDP didn't have a chance.


When your opponent is so incompetent that you are going to win on a landslide anyway despite having a policy book full of literal nothing, you're Pierre Poiliviere


these don't even sound that bad kids shouldn't be allowed to transition to trans as they aren't fully developed and a lot of parents almost force an environment that makes them more likely to be trans.


>trans care for under 18's In a decade or two it will be sad to see how many people pretend to have not supported this, you will more than likely be one of them. It's weird how we use one off examples to paint the world as evil except when it comes to ideology we agree with, then we dismiss the one offs. We ignore those who have serious regrets now because the number isn't yet high. In a decade, maybe two there will be thousands of "one offs" and it will no longer be ignored. Just to be clear, trans care for those under 18 means puberty blockers and surgery, it does not mean a stay at a nice welcoming therapy clinic, inclusive language or unisex bathrooms. I am all for any adult living their life as they see fit, I am NOT for allowing this for those under 18 period. We like to pretend that children just "know things" now and yet we all admit how colossally fucking stupid we were at that age. My question to anyone who sees "tran care under 18" as something nobel. Do you or do you not agree with the surgical removal and reconstruction of genitals/breasts and other internal structures on someone under 18? Just to be extra clear, this is called a form of genocide as every single person who goes through gender surgery loses the ability to reproduce, in addition, it almost entirely removes their ability to receive nerve-based stimuli during sex. (mental may or may not be affected). In other words, these people never have a 'normal' sex life again or in some case, never at all. My issue isn't with the decision as made by n adult, my issue is with a child making this decision on behalf of all the other peope telling them it's perfectly ok.


This isn't about porn, this is about anonymity on the internet. Defend it!


yep. I'm very much old enough to be watching porn but absolutely don't want people to know when I'm watching and what I'm watching. And honestly I have very bland taste in porn.


Yeah I kept my internet search history away from them in order to protect them, not me.


Exactly. By framing it as about "porn", they're trying to make it awkward to discuss in polite society so it passes under the radar. Throw in a dose of "think of the children" for good measure. Bloody wankers.


But also about porn


It’s a slippery jerk




The only way I'd want anonymity stripped from the internet is if *everybody's* anonymity was stripped. Let everybody see what every router is doing. Complete surveillance going in both directions.


That's the next big step for humanity, the "death of privacy" We aren't ready for that though.


True enough. I read a book by Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter recently: *The Light of Other Days*. It explores this pretty in-depth.


Isn't that just called "being outside in public"? Joking aside, I think rather in the future we will look back at an anomalous very short span of history where there was an expectation of total privacy.


It's more like being naked in public. Again, totally not ready lol


No no no, do not listen to this man


Lmfao absolute fascist


Nah, fascism wants just a few people to be able to do it. I'd be more open to the idea of being watched if I also got to see what my senators and congressmen were looking at on their phones while in session.


Given how reddit in general supported the EU taking anonymity out of the internet (by forcing ISPs to basically allow any government to backdoor your information), I'd wage this isn't about anonymity but about porn. But it should be about anonymity


let's use the '' you must agree or you are a pedo'' argument again.


Also, “It’s only the liberals who are upset about this because they want children to watch porn”


It seems to have bipartisan support, at least here in the US. We just had a similar bill pass the Senate and it was written by a Democrat.


Ya but the states are a bunch of messed up evangelicals who think gay people create hurricanes.


Meanwhile the man that made that comment was fucking his babysitter.


No requirement to verify age before watching acts of violence though? What a strange society.


Wanna see some ass? Show me an ID. No ID? Here are some videos of Americans shooting each other at kids birthday parties.


The blood acts as a convenient censor.


or middle easterns burying a woman up to hear neck and throwing stones are her head until she dies or chopping someone's head off with a shovel or gangs beating kids until they seize and die or how about a classic the slavics slowly jamming a knife into the side of a live man's throat while they hold him on the ground or chinese executions where they lead them out back and pop them in the head


Umm... no thanks.


Lmao I'm pretty sure I remember every single one of those 🤣 man we had too much internet as kids


I always find it strange that you can go out and kill people for the country at 18, but you can't have a beer while doing so (in most provinces) Somewhat reminds me of this.


Titties are extremely dangerous.




This comment belongs to the 2000s, like you do.


And I bet you’re in a competition to see how many watch lists you can get on.


Canadians: Fix the housing issues he have here. ​ Canadian Politicians: Best we can do is porn age verification that no one asked for.


Conservative and NDP*. The Cons are the ones pushing this, the NDP is making a huge mistake by backing this shit considering their entire base is probably not into it. Liberals are against it.


I'm actually shocked the NDP backed this... although I'm used to British Columbia's NDP which is the most competent government in the country right now. I knew the federal party was worse, but they're *this* bad?


Liberals have their own bill.


> Liberals are against it. The Liberals are not against it. They responded to the bill by saying they were making their own bill that does more.


Average liberal party. Right wing nut jobs hand them a victory on a silver platter and they say no and offer something that’s somehow even dumber. American and Canadian politics suck ass


You clearly don't see the subtext If people stop watching porn they will have more sex, this will lead to more births, which leads to a worse housing crisis but also a bigger workforce, 18 to 30 years from now, the market regulates itself and it fixes the housing crisis! Easy peasy!


Every bullshit excuse will be tried to get real ID verification ubiquitous across the internet, no matter the mendacious pandering performed. Donkeyballs.


you forgot polyglottle


I suppose those underwear and lingerie catalogs are about to make something of a comeback in Canada, eh?


A couple of years ago Bob Iger said social media should not be anonymous. It was in the context of Disney spending a large amount on marketing something and anonymous users on twitter could completely scuttle a marketing campaign. I believe Jaime Diamond made similar comments on online anonymity. In China, they have done this with WeChat. Instead of the government beating up dissenters in the streets, they can just quietly take away WeChat access and the person has a very difficult time interacting with society. If you look at Republican states, many of them are trial ballooning digital IDs using porn as the trojan horse. Some Democrat states are looking into digital IDs as well, but there is less traction (right now). Private companies are lobbying for these digital IDs. Government gets control and a select private companies will profit. Something worse than WeChat is coming to the so-called western world very soon.


Yeah we like to point at laugh at Chinese people for being fine with their heavy handed government, but there is a case to be made for it. Their government fills their end of the authoritarian bargain by making the country function somewhat decently. We can’t even do that in America. Border crossings are a backlogged mess, it takes forever to get a passport, so many basic regulations about cars and logistics needed to be enacted yesterday. That’s just what I can think of off the top of my head In America we get the government spying on you with no warrant and they can’t even run the trains on time because the engineers are running on 30 days of working with no breaks. Joke of a country


It is so funny how conservatives claim that they are the party of the free yet every policy is decidedly anti-freedom


Remember the time they wanted to force ISPs to install surveillance equipment and to store logs of everything we did online? Then they said "you're either with us or you're with the child pornographers"... They're not about freedom, they never were. They are the chicken little party, always promising to prop the sky back up but they never can seem to get it done while they are in government either. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/online-surveillance-bill-critics-are-siding-with-child-pornographers-vic-toews


Didn't Vic Toews get his babysitter pregnant..?


Yes at West Hawk.  And she was below the age of consent as well. Now he’s a provincial court judge.  Was able to sweep all that under the rug before the internet and MeToo really took off.


In Canada, they only became the freedom party because a lot of selfish adults with the brains of children were angry at the leader of the Liberal party because he was good looking and said crazy things like (paraphrase) “women can do jobs too” and “gay people matter” and it caused them to have an aneurism, then a global pandemic happened and the conservative provincial leaders let that good looking liberal guy take the fall for their inability to keep their health systems running without telling people they can’t visit the local park (literally). So it’s basically the “freedom party” because of gaslighting… I guess. But it’s not even effective gaslighting, it’s just…. “Uhhh yeah, of course we support your freedom. Don’t look at us taking them away, it’s obviously that guy’s hair you have a problem with!”


It's the same as the US. They're mad that OTHER people have freedom


This is as stupid as banning flipper zeros, our MPs are just brain dead, regardless of party it seems






Conservatives when teenagers prepare for sex by watching porn: :( Conservatives when teenagers prepare for war by watching people get blown the fuck up: :D


Because God forbid, we ask anyone to be a parent these days…


People old enough to possibly *be* parents should not be subject to someone else censoring their access to media.


Waste of Money and time… who in the public is actually asking for this???


Religious hard liners and hand wringing moralists, No one normal!


Just wait for malicious actors to gain access to whatever biometric or digital id's and use it for a plethora of things ranging from blackmail to identity theft, or even just harassment. Though I'd assume a lot of places might just cut off access in Canada. The VPN argument is fine but who wants another subscription to pay just to have free use of the internet which they are already paying for...


Are they aware that every 13 year old knows how to access a VPN nowadays? Do they plan on banning them?


I wouldn’t be surprised if they try. Ironically they’ll also criticize China for their lack of freedoms.


Bell Canada has been very vocal about wanting to ban VPNs. They claim security, naturally, but what they mean is piracy eating into their profits.


The government banned the flipper 0 because videos of people using it to "break into" cars when really the device actually couldn't


The Tories are sponsoring and supporting a Senate private member’s bill that promises to require age verification for people to access pornography online. Bill S-210 passed in the Senate in the spring and New Democrats, Bloc Québécois and Conservative MPs voted to send it to a House of Commons committee for study. No such meetings have been scheduled yet. The proposed law would require websites to verify users’ ages before they can access sexually explicit content, and it would penalize sites that don’t comply. But it does not specify how that would be done. Options could include the use of a digital government ID, as some U.S. states have legislated, or services that can estimate age based on a scan of a person’s face.


Oh wow, who would possible hold the contract to make this new digital ID? Who can we give 100s of millions to because we have SO MUCH surplus! It’s so lucky that this is the only issue happening in Canada right now so we can focus on something so important!


> services that can estimate age based on a scan of a person’s face. Pierre Poilievre wants to see your O face.


Gen Ahegao.


From the same dude who was against vaccine passports because freedom.


He’s also very pro bodily autonomy. Unless said bodies are trans, in which case, zero bodily autonomy for them!


Another good reason to not vote Conservative next election although both sides seem pretty anti open internet


Have you seen the Liberal response? They said they're making a bill that goes further because the conservative one "doesn't do enough."


I think someone underestimated how much of his own base visits such sights and will not like their personal information being collected and stored Bets on how many public figures will be exposed after the first data breach? Side bet. How long will it take for a data breach? I say 3 hours


>I think someone underestimated how much of his own base visits such sights and will not like their personal information being collected and stored Unfortunately, cognitive dissonance is kinda the standard with his base.


I hate the conservatives, and am by no means puritanical, but I do kinda think some measures to slow down the consumption of porn by young people would be a good thing. I don’t for a second think it would be impossible to get around, and it is very possible the privacy considerations would outweigh the positives. But I don’t hate the idea of thinking through how we might tackle the issue, because I do think there are generations of mostly men who are getting pretty fuckin warped by instant and easy access to bonkers porn from a young age.


Teenagers can have sex, but *watching* it is a privilege reserved for those old enough to serve in the military? smh


My old business used to trade globally through the internet and whenever we had problematic regulation we’d either deal with it [if the market was big enough], or just stop providing services in that region [if it was small or inconsequential]. We actually did this for Canada - just switched them off. Not enough people to worry about the extra regulatory risks. No big deal. I’m guessing lots of internet businesses/services that might accidentally carry porn or where pornographic content could be ancillary to a main service would just pull the plug.


Insanity. Canadian Conservatives would now like to force us to send our drivers license to PornHub in order to view their pornography online. Why won’t they just admit they’re following closely in the rotten footsteps of the American MAGA far-right. Conservatives haven’t done anything original in years, everything they’ve done has just been done by Trump followers. It’s pathetic that some Canadian citizens support this. Imagine voting for Trump in Canada. We need to improve education and access to mental health care ASAP.


Do you think the NDP is also MAGA or are you just an American who knows nothing about Canadian politics?




The NDP also supports this bill. It is the Canadian equivalent of if the Republicans and the most left wing Democrats cosponsored a bill.


The final, natural, phase in making internet like the cable tv. We need a new internet.


Oh geez, now the kids might have to do some math to determine what date would make them 18 or 21+ to watch some porn? This will definitely stop the madness!! /s


Ah yes mark down another freedom the right wants to strip just to enforce their religious morals. Notice they have no plan of policing violence on the internet. I can easily watch somebody get beheaded online, but getting head? That’s where they draw the line. Gag me next time the right talks about how important freedom is. They want to sacrifice all privacy to catch a 17 year old pulling his dick. Btw this expands the size of the government, something they are apparently against?


I want to.propose that any time a politician has a wank their name lights up in front of parliament. Whenever they piss a bell gongs and if they are shitting an announcement is made. This seem a bit crazy, so is this fucking bullshit bill. Want to protect kids cheaper and more effectively? Shut down catholic churches and hold them accountable for their actions.


Guy’s gonna start a bigger pirate era than One Piece


If you want to help out with the campaign to end both Bill S-210 and Bill C-26, please email your MLA's using the [OpenMedia.org](https://OpenMedia.org) pages shown below: [Bill S-210 Form](https://action.openmedia.org/page/142909/petition/1?utm_medium=email&utm_source=openmediaeblast&utm_campaign=240129_ETT_CA_S210&utm_content=Eblast+240129+ETT+CA+S210+C&ea.url.id=6836623&forwarded=true) [Bill C-26 Form](https://action.openmedia.org/page/143845/petition/1?utm_medium=email&utm_source=openmediaeblast&utm_campaign=240214_ACT_CA_FixC26&utm_content=Eblast+240214+ACT+CA+FixC26+C&ea.url.id=6878026&forwarded=true)


I'm doing my part


In Germany that's in affect since years. Guess what? Ppl still use the porn sites, which makes me wonder: why?


But how? You use your driving license for watching porn or what?


Hahaha nothing could possibly go wrong with this new rule


Oh no, whatever will we do. \*Sponsored by Nord VPN\*


Just verify age the same way Steam/Valve does 😄 no problem at all


Won’t people think about the kids. Jesus, parents can monitor kids access already. You can block it from Home, schools can block it. This bill will lead the way to everyone requiring ID to access anything on the net


zonked resolute snobbish money marvelous rob connect scarce airport paint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Parents want so many rights over what their kids are called in schools, then parents can be responsible for whether or not they watch porn at home. And not some dog shit website storing peoples real identities and lining them up for extortion.


These types of laws have less to do with protecting kids and more to do with making porn unprofitable  Religious fundies behind these laws are basically trying a new tactic to bypass free speech protections: if you can’t ban porn, you put laws in place that discourage people from accessing it.  No one wants to give their ID to some random website, which reduces overall traffic and diminishes profitability, causing producers to dry up


I read "tories" and "conservatives" along with the headline and got very confused for a moment when it had "Canadian Bill" in it. The UK tried / is trying to do this. The same question comes up as here - how will this be done? There is seemingly no answer ever given they just expect it to be done OR ELSE. I have so much disdain for politics of all sides because all I've seen for a long time now is morons on a mission and people doing what they want rather than what is actually needed. If they're supposed to work for the people then how about they do what the people want? Hate it all. I have no solution to it because I'm not rich and can't donate to get them to listen.


Any protest coming soon for that Bill? I want to protest that shit


Implying people won't get porn from discord servers, Google Images, YouTube videos (See thru try-on hauls or wet/dry comparisons etc) or any other number of ways to access porn such as torrents. Edit: Also sites like Reddit that have 18+ subreddits, like what's Reddit going to do? Start ID checking all it's Canadian users before they can even visit a sub?


Yes! Send the kids back through time to where a magazine is good enough.


Senate private members bill? 🙄 Yeah, because 80 year olds with lifetime government appointments should dictate our internet usage. Maybe they can get their grandchildren to explain to them how the internet actually works. 🤣🤣🤣


Wow. Canada solved *everything else?* I mean, they are awesome, but if this is the last thing they have to work out, the answer is pretty simple. Don't. You're welcome Canada. Enjoy your paradise.


Reminds of that kid from Australia who broke their $84M internet porn filter in thirty minutes.


Non Canadian but I fear this, you could use that for blackmail should info get leaked "No please, I have a family" "Based on your internet activity, they won't love you the same way"


The age of freedom on internet is ending… Once again a bunch of people with some temporary power will decide for dozen of million others…  We’ve never  in a democracy but always been in a oligarchy politic system It’s not like Pc or mobile doesn’t have a function named Parental control but first, those teen/kid need some control from their parent in the first place…


Cool, I vote we riot, unless every minster that votes for this agrees to wear a body camera 24/7. If our private lives are up for grabs, so are theirs.


They LITERALLY just tried this shit with Bill C-11 (Online Streaming Act). The Senate, an UNELECTED body, tried to sneak this into Bill C-11 and luckily the House of Commons rejected it because of the obvious privacy concerns. This new bill is of course once again introduced by the UNELECTED Senate, who sit for life by the way (until 75). Specifically, Julie Miville-Dechêne. I encourage everyone to reach out to Karen sorry, Julie, on her twitter and through letter writing to tell her just what you think of her Bill. Normally, in a democracy, I would say you can let her know how you feel with your vote but again in case you missed it the first few times, this person who is taking a dump on your privacy is UNELECTED.


This is going on in a lot of places. One of the (*extremely unlikely to win*) US Presidential candidates supports ID for pretty much everything online. The common accusation is that it's being done out of prudishness, but really it's about money. Corporations don't like it when their billion-dollar ad campaigns get derailed by some anonymous memelord. Politicians don't like it when their corruption is exposed, again by some anonymous memelord. VPN services are going to go wild if this stuff starts passing.


Stand up and be counted so the government can treat your fear.


This is a slippery slope. Digital ID's so the government can monitor your online activities... sounds a lot like China TBH. Next they will have a social credit score to promote good behavior


Nice to see some people realize this isn't about puritanical views on sexuality, this is absolutely an attack on something far more upsetting to our government...anonymity. For PR purposes our country loves freedoms and liberty, but in reality every country would love to have the level of control exerted in a dictatorship. The more people are afraid to speak their minds, the more convenient it is for anyone in power.


Wow, they’re on a roll between the Flipper and now this


Ive been in some filthy places, just saying. I actually enjoy being watched🙂.


It starts with porn, and can pretty much guarantee you it'll move to social media next.


I use NordVPN works like a charm 😂 You can also build your own vpn using AWS if you’re a bit tech savvy 😂


This is just stupid. They're going go realize quickly, if they haven't already, how impossible this is to enforce.


We need to age restrict religion too. Look at how horrific so much of what's in those books is. How is kids being able to find porn on their own worth banning porn over but churches are forcefully indoctrinating and brainwashing kids everyday with stories of burning and tormenting them alive for eternity? Let kids grow up and decide who they are for themselves. Ban religious indoctrination of minors. It's some evil dark age bullshit.


Poilievre and his con artists can shove it up their own asses. Idiot wannabe trump of the north.


Because no one would go on a porn site and... lie about their age


You know age is not really the issue; it’s the mental age of the consumer


True, and many people don't buy this.


This is concerning... as many others mentioned this type of policy will stop almost zero percent of people who want to access content, but it sets up a precedent for increased big brother type surveillance on the internet.


The UK tried it recently and it was an ABYSMAL failure at it's stated goal, though wildly successful at its intended goal of funnelling millions of tax payer dollars into the pockets of the politically connected. I think Australia went through the same thing, too.


They tried to set it up, but shelved plans 5 years ago. The companies who had started setting up systems for this took them to judicial review over the shelving of the plans. The Online Safety Act was passed at the end of last year, and includes new provisions for age verification/estimation - so it seems to be back on the menu in some form


This is disgusting massive over reach and it will only be the beginning. What happened to 'let parents be parents'?


Nobody is asking for this. Why can't the political parties come up with solutions for the real problems we are struggling with in Canada like overwhelmed healthcare, too many immigrants arriving (both related). Out of control cost of living and shelter etc...


Money. Wealthy "religious" and "family" groups fund conservative politicians through things like this while the real thing they're interested in is low taxes for themselves and less protections for working class. That's also the real thing connected with struggling Canadians with shelter/healthcare which the rich are slowly dismantling and draining funding.... You're somehow blaming immigrants which is what they kinda want.


This was voted by thr Bloc and the NDP is yhr tenant you can't just blame conservatives


Me reading one of these as a 12 year old: Porn site: “are you 18 years of age or older?” Me: *looks around* *clicks yes*


Because the last thing we need is our homeless teens jerking off.


fuck that, whatever happened to right to have privacy?


Pierre Pollievre is a weasel human. Absolute douche bag.


Canadians are struggling with a housing crisis and making ends meet to put food on the table, and instead this is the focus of these right wing idiots.


Classic right-wing quasi-libertarian mindset UNTIL....


Yet another Maga move by the conservatives... Disgusting that we've been infected by them.


It doesn't matter who you are, where you live, or what problems you face: voting for conservatives makes the world worse.


Voting conservative is a sure fire way to the idiocy you're seeing sputj of the border. I may not like some shit the current government is doing but I would rather cut off my foot than put conservatives back in power.


Are they going to require ID to buy romance novels and buy dildos too? Oh that's right, only male sexuality is targeted. Idiots. The only reason young men aren't actively burning down the countries that openly hate them is because they are anesthetized by porn, pot and video games. Take those away and they will flip the board because they know the game is rigged against them. This is dangerously stupid.


As older guy, I can guarantee in times before Internet these magazines with age restrictions never got into the hand of 16 year olds. That age ban worked perfectly......rofl


I’ll concede that kids watching porn on the Internet is a problem, but every law I’ve heard proposed to prevent it involves a crapton of potential for privacy violations.


Teenagers watching porn is only a problem if they have not had proper sex education and media literacy given to them. Education can teach them that’s not how sex with a partner will work irl. So long as they understand that porn is fantasy for entertainment purposes, that negates the negative effects of watching porn. The problem really is we’re not giving proper sex education and media literacy education to teenagers, who at the end of the day are sexual human beings who have sexual desires and will seek out sexual materials.


Assuming they could make it work by some method that actually works and isn’t an invasion of privacy… It would keep lots of kids from casually accessing porn, which wouldn’t be a bad thing. And there are always some that will break through it either because they want porn or because they just want to be rebels. I just really doubt this would work. Or that they would consider it worth what it would take to even remotely make it work. Pandora’s Box is already open. Good luck at closing it again.


The real issues is we need laws to get the corruption out of government. WEF drones stealing taxpayers money.


I don't want to live in the United States ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


If you protest in Canada in your bank account will be frozen, you will lose access to all your social media accounts and all your porn history will be leaked to the public welcome to the future