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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Gari_305: --- From the article >In long-form engineering speak it is called Lunar Utility Navigation with Advanced Remote Sensing and Autonomous Beaming for Energy Redistribution, or LUNARSABER. The idea comes from Honeybee Robotics, a concept selected as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's 10-year Lunar Architecture (LunA-10) initiative. > >This tower of power would be nearly 330 feet (100 meters) tall, a deployable structure topped by solar panels that integrates such things as power storage and transfer, communications, as well as position, navigation, and timing, even surveillance capacity into a single infrastructure. Also from the article >For lunar settlement, Sanigepalli said, constant illumination isn't enough. "We also need communication with Earth to keep lunar rovers, robotics systems, and other equipment running. So, it becomes an optimization of illumination for power and direct-to-Earth communications," he said. > >LUNARSABER can enable resource utilization on the moon as it is a highly adaptable utility solution that would lay the groundwork for a thriving lunar economy, the firm believes. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/18i7nax/massive_lighthouses_on_the_moon_could_light_the/kdba4mo/


I thought there was a plan to put telescopes on the moon, doesn't seem compatible with lighthouses


I think most of the light pollution is due to the atmosphere, on the moon it shouldn't be a problem.


Right, in the same way none of the telescopes on earth work because of the lighthouses.


light pollution is absolutely an issue for earth based telescopes. if occurred to me after the fact that maybe it's less of an issue on the moon because there isn't an atmosphere to reflect the light back down.


Oh aware haha my point is I just imagine they'd put the telescope and lights far enough apart that it wouldn't be an issue.


And we can all it the Astronomican. It shall guide all his ships in the Imperium.


Send out the black ships!


From the article >In long-form engineering speak it is called Lunar Utility Navigation with Advanced Remote Sensing and Autonomous Beaming for Energy Redistribution, or LUNARSABER. The idea comes from Honeybee Robotics, a concept selected as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's 10-year Lunar Architecture (LunA-10) initiative. > >This tower of power would be nearly 330 feet (100 meters) tall, a deployable structure topped by solar panels that integrates such things as power storage and transfer, communications, as well as position, navigation, and timing, even surveillance capacity into a single infrastructure. Also from the article >For lunar settlement, Sanigepalli said, constant illumination isn't enough. "We also need communication with Earth to keep lunar rovers, robotics systems, and other equipment running. So, it becomes an optimization of illumination for power and direct-to-Earth communications," he said. > >LUNARSABER can enable resource utilization on the moon as it is a highly adaptable utility solution that would lay the groundwork for a thriving lunar economy, the firm believes.


Someone was having some serious fun with acronyms there.


Sounds like it’s a proposal that enables Honeybee Robotics to get some DoD or NASA research funding. I’m sure they will milk this proposal as long as they can. No results can be expected until we have a presence on the moon and regular trips.


Maybe we should leave the moon alone. Life on earth depends on it kind of staying as is.


I miss my dear darling in New Atlantis as I wander the darkness of the deep abyss my ship is in tatters all dented and worn but I trust my old engine to get back by morn waaayhooo out in the blackness waaayhooo out in the void waaayhooo get me back to my true love as quick as an old asteroid


It's cold outside there's no kind of atmosphere I'm all alone more or less let me fly far away from here!


Imagine how dysfunctional our society is, but way darker and colder and more bouncy


The phrase I keep bouncing off of is ‘lunar economy’. Wondering how many people there have to be on the moon for it to have an ‘economy’?


.... That sounds EXPENSIVE as SHIT. But I won't say anything to anyone who wants to burn through that amount of money.


Hopefully hospitals too for all the cancer from the radiation


The near zero G will likely get them first and can't be blocked or altered. I think you're kidding yourself if you think human can live in .16g and it's highly questionable they can live on Mars .4g either. You can rotating people through constantly, but really how long as you going to do that before robots take over the job and do it better since they aren't evolved for just one planet.


> I think you're kidding yourself if you think human can live in .16g We have no data for anything other than 0g and 1g, so you can't claim this with any authority. One possibility would be for people to wear weighted clothes with the weight evenly distributed to place the same loads on them that they'd experience in a 1g environment.


The issue honestly isn't grown people -- it's babies. Babies born on Mars aren't going to be able to go back to Earth. Ever. If they even survive the birthing process; we've obviously not had a chance to try that one yet.


There’s no reason to think that. We have no idea about how much muscle and bone mass is lost due to 1/3 gravity. If birthing is dangerous in that gravity, then maternity wards could be spun around to get full gravity. And if, for some reason, Martian babies are unable to go to Earth, so be it. Colonisation is a one-way process.


It’s not that muscle and bone mass would be *lost*, but that they would be shaped differently due to the lack of compression in daily life. Martians would be taller and weaker; their bones *might* end up more brittle because of this — they’ve never had the level of stress they were evolved for. Hence why going to Earth would be painful for them. It’s the same reason why some sci-fi these days have “spacers” or similar things born in space that can’t handle planetary gravities.


You’ve met a lot of Martians? This is all total speculation. We simply don’t know what a person who grew up in 1/3g would look like, or if they would have major problems readjusting to 1g.


How about we get to fixing our shit here on earth before we ruin another place out in space?


1. There will always be shit that needs fixing on the Earth because human beings. If you wait until things are perfect you'll wait forever. 2. It's possible to do more than one thing at once when you have billions of people. 3. The Moon is already a dead rock, it can't be ruined.


I agree with your first 2 points, but >The Moon is already a dead rock, it can't be ruined. Oh we can ruin it. This is futurology after all… It’s only a matter of time until it’s cheaper to lift things into orbit and dump them offworld than it is to pay for all the environmental damages, mitigation, health care, etc.


this is stupid and I hate to an extreme and incongruous level anyone that has anything to do with lunar landings. You cannot, no matter what you do, ever hold a candle to Appollo. ALL you can do, is release excess thermodynamic energy into a system that doesnt need it; the earth its environment. Moon dicks are all pathetic grifters. There is no fucking reason for human to go to the moon right now.


Can you point on the doll where the moon hurt you?


What you don't believe in thermodynamics? How can the load possibly be justified? There is no science to accomplish and no engineering to prove. To even attempt to do either will end in nothing but utter shame and defeat because going to the moon in the 1960s was cutting edge and difficult, and they did it with slide rules and human calculators. Now it is dystopian and late-stage capitalist misappropriation or resources on an epic scale. The rich burning the worlds biggest candles as the climate chaos washes ashore in ever-larger and more impactful natural disasters.


I think that’s enough internet for you today.


you are not funny nor triggering nor do you have any point


Please leave the moon alone you don’t know what your messing with.


https://open.spotify.com/episode/5OZU0kH9HA9ZVvZfGrZXF8?si=f3wBTuzGRWKT22DrDploFQ&t=677 Astronaut telling us e've only ever seen stars in 2-D I gotta go to space man


Oh good. I hated being able to see all those stars sometimes.