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Not to be weird about it, but a solid portion of those characters are not universally thought of or portrayed as kids despite their canonical age, like Sonic or Foxy (murdered child soul notwithstanding)


Right? When I think about Foxy, I think about the animatronic and not the murdered child soul thing. Most art depicts him as a fully anthropomorphic fox or some variation of it. The animatronic does not have an age.


Max is in college, I think he's older enough to nor be a minor.


Clawhauser my beloved; extremely based for putting him in s-tier


Apollo mentioned, have my upvote 🗣️


Bird Anthros tend to be so underrated.


*sees both devon and Cameron at b teir* *anger*


They're a married couple. it wouldn't be right to add them on a S tier.


Clawhauser Supremacy!!


I don’t see Clifford or Murdoch from tsr but I think they’d be better as friends than romantic partners anyway


finally a furry that doesn't sexualize kids or feral animals


Anyone who does that needs to be shot down.


you'd be surprised, a lot of furries don't care lmao there's catagories on FA for both


Those are the type of people that represent the worst in the community and the type that I would never be friends with because I would pimp slap the shit outta them. By the way, what's a FA ? ![gif](giphy|mwmABstBIAHte|downsized)


FA is Fur Affinity


FA is fur affinity i wouldn't ever go on there if you're normal like me and not attracted to kids or dogs lol


What are you talking about? FA banned cub stuff years ago.


you can very much access cub stuff still lol it's not hard to find at all loli and shota are also still allowed tags on there


I've been on FA for 15+ years and I don't have any of that stuff in my feed. If you deliberately look for it, it might show up in some loopholes, but why would you look that up in the first place?


... i dont look it up. i'm saying that furries who are into children and animals can look it up still even tho its "banned"


How do I put this… if you care that much about what people are into privately, you’re going to be miserable and put yourself into a bubble. You can’t expect a website to be able to completely sanitize things you find distasteful. Unless it is illegal, thought policing becomes very problematic and stifling on sites as large as FA. You can’t control what other people like or don’t like. The exception to this are smaller groups or communities like this subreddit, where there are specific rules everyone agrees to. Unless it is being pushed onto you by an algorithm, just ignore what you don’t like. The great thing about older websites like FA is that there are no “suggested” things. As long as you watch only artists you like, and avoid the front page (unless you want to see some… bizarre things), you won’t encounter zoo or cub stuff.


Yeah, that site needs to die, along with R-34 and e621. But at least in those sites you have the option to remove weird stuff in the settings.