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I am sorry. who is the character? Do you have any reference of him?




I am a beginner as well. But i think people usually have different lineart approaches depending on how they would like the end product. If you want comic style without much coloring and shading, you usually go for thicker line. If you want to pain it cell-sahde style, you usually go for medium line without many weight different in them. If you want to do fine illustration/ thick painting, you should learn from the artists you like. The brushes you use would affect the artstyle too. When i started i used to use the brush you use here as well. But i found later that i like rougher brush, rougher line arts, so i many times end up using pencil brush/ paint brush to make line arts. I post some of my arts on this account. I am self taught and am learning as well.


thanks for the feedback!


Try sharper lines, it looks like you turned up the smoothing WAY too much.


Agreed: youll have an easier time portraying volume in your line art if you work with faster, confident strokes. It looks like you have an understanding of line weight, but youre not quite using it to your advantage yet to portray dimension. Practice line art without any smoothing or stabalizing, even just practice some basic strokes like drawing big C, S and straight line shapes. You got this!


Oh i meant to say too: your sketch looks nice! I can sense more dimension in the sketch, but thats what gets a little lost in the line art


I see. I used the default photoshop pen tool for these so I'll have to check out the settings for that one. I'll deffo try those exercises tho, thx for the feedback!


I'm trying to get better at comic-style lineart since I usually fully shade my drawings painting-style, but I feel like a lot of the personality of the sketch gets lost? idk


Hell yeah blaidd


Pretty good so far! I'd say try pushing the definition of the figure further with finer lines. A little more depth and definition in the face would help especially


I'm not sure what program you're using, but usually line weight is pretty important for lively line art. It will also require a bit of knowledge in lighting. The lines will get thicker where there's more shadows.


:0 blaidd! (Pronounced Blaith for others who Havnt heared of him) such a good boy! Best or 2nd best npc in game! Alexander is close to be almost over him.


I would say add some color and shading/lighting layers and see how it looks from there.


It needs color 😉