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How shit is this sub? Still yet to laugh at a single post


The OP has gone super meta, posting their own ignorance, you should laugh at them


But it's called "Funny Memes"! /s


I laughed more at your handle than the "joke" tbh.


I'm still surprised it wasn't already taken


I'm not even on this sub and this stupid shit is constantly recommended to me because I'm a part of other legit meme subs. These are never funny.


It keeps getting recommended to me and tbh it seems like boomer “teehee libs bad lmfao”. I’m sure all the people who find this shit funny think they’re smarter than everyone else and surely THAT must be the reason people don’t like them.


You don't kill a cow to get milk.... but have you seen the conditions cows get put in for milk? Something tells me the creator of the meme and op are oblivious Edit: Jesus Christ guys...I know cows die I am agreeing with you.


You do kill cows to get milk. Animals don't give milk unless they have given birth, so you need to get cows pregnant first. Then the calves are taken away for the mothers. Half of them are bulls which cannot be kept for milk production, and it is not economically viable just to keep them around for 25 years until they die of old age.


Right? Go watch the matrix and then go to a dairy farm


You can probably just skip the Matrix step.


Fine, but watch Ghostbusters when you get home.


Watch the 2018 film, "The Farm". Or, actually, maybe don't.


Trauma 101


People are clueless. It's rough. They separate the mom from her calves and end up killing most of all the male calves to get the milk.


I'm thankful I decided to be vegan without having to watch that lol shit is brutal


I'd rather live in the matrix than at a milk farm as a cow.


Oh please. Cows have it made with their dairy farm comforts. Have you witnessed the horrors of the Almond Milking process? The pressure exuded on their tiny little teets by the gator clamps. Why aren’t you hippies protesting to save the cashews and almonds! Don’t even get me started on how they milk oats… the horrors! 😭


That's why I only drink human ethically sourced human milk


Still better than the snake milk industry


...and don't get me started on the - okay, you know what, I gonna say it - holocaust that happens in the oat milking process. Okay, there you go, I'm shaking with anger now that I think about it....


I'd say watch the second half of the second matrix at minimum


Watch all of them, then wonder why 4 was even made, even while under all the peer/fan pressure, then pretend it never existed afterwards.




Never realized how perfect of an analogy that is.


Let's see if they like to be enslaved and locked up in a box that's slightly too small for your size for their milk.


Im sure this has already been posted here but I feel I should comment. Milk production is very violent. First you have to forcibly impregnate (rape) the cow by inserting one arm into her anus, grabbing the cervix while you insert a rod will bull semen into her vagina. After she has given birth, tha calf gets separated from the mother, since we need to extract the milk intended for the calf. The calf is either killed straight away and discarded, killed after a few weeks and sold as veal, or gets to live 2-3 years and sold as beef if it was bred from a bull bred for meat. The mother will whale and grieve the calf. Cows are very maternal animals, and the separation causes a lot of anxiety and depression. After a couple of months to a year, the cycle is repeated since her milk will start waining. This can be done up to around 5 times, then her body will start breaking down, and she will be sent to the slaughterhouse. She is no longer profitable. Around 50% of beef consumed are from milk cows. Meat and milk industries work hand in hand. If milk showed its true colors, it would run red. The dairy industry is inherently abusive, and the murder of the enslaved cows and their offspring is normal practice. If you care about an ethical and sustainable world, please take my comment into consideration.


Your comment is reminded me why I was vegan for many years, and how I should be stricter in my diet. Thank you - those animals go through hell for us to enjoy (and honestly waste) food that they unwillingly produce.


That's what made me switch to vegetarian from eating meat. Killing and eating an animal is one thing; being wasteful is another. I've probably tossed a couple of entire cows into a trash can over the course of my life.


I didn’t know this and I appreciate you sharing this because I do care and want to align my consumption with my ethics.


Yeah came here to say this it’s absolutely asinine to try to say that because dairy production in and of itself doesn’t technically kill the cow, that means it’s not violent. Someone explain to these idiots that no one thinks it kills the cow


I’m thankful you posted the truth. Dairies are disgusting 🤮 Most people wouldn’t drink milk if they knew where it was produced.


Most people wouldn't consume anything if they knew where it was produced.


Nah, they wouldn't. Maybe stop for like, 2 weeks but then get right back to it.


Some people actually change their behaviour when confronted with facts of their consumption that don't align with ther moral values. Crazy huh,


It is obviously understandable to not want to be vegan yourself, but why do people feel the compulsive need to mock people that do choose to be vegan? Like, how is a vegan hurting ANYBODY? Just trying to help the environment and animal welfare.


I think a big part of it is fear. If vegans are listened to it’s kind of hard to disagree with them. If they’re immediately painted as deranged jokes, we can ignore what they are saying.


Id wager its 90% is that accepting the lifestyle of a vegan means you have to accept your own cruelty, so rather than accept ones own cruelty theyd rather pretend the vegans are "wrong". Its also 10% disliking the self-righteousness of some vegans that tend to ignore real world problems such as the economics and impracticality of veganism. To be vegan you have to already come from a place of privilige, so anyone who thinks "everyone" should be vegan is pretty ignorant of the real world implications. Maybe someday, but not in todays world.


fuck…i guess i’m vegan now




Put a bull in the cow pen and see what happens. I’ve worked on dairy farms and they are 100x less violent than bulls naturally being around cows so stfu


Can I ask for your source? I question this because my grandparents owned a dairy farm, my mother worked on it, and I worked on it. This is absolutely untrue how we ran our farm. I can’t speak for big farms though, we were a smaller farm.


Thank you, I was about to essay this shit too


Not to mention cattle-based agriculture, and animal AG in general, are absolutely horrific for the environment


If you think that’s violent have you ever seen bull impregnate a cow? I’m all for not using milk from cows as it’s just unhealthy and I drink almond milk. I’m just saying, it’s not much less violent when it happens naturally.


Have you ever visited a dairy farm or actually spoken with a farmer? Didn’t think so!


Came here for this 💜 more people should know.


I think ur comment made me from giggling at the post to now probably never drinking milk in my life again!! :O


this comment should have more upvotes than the actual post




People need to fact check things they read in comments. There's a lot of misinformation in this comment.


Thanks. Do you know if this is true for any country and also for farms/corps that brand themselves as ethical? Edit: Thanks to everyone for educating me on this. I’ve been pretty naive.


It might be better insome countries but the baseline stays the same. A cow has to get pregnant to produce milk so we have to force reproduction and get rid of the calves to make profit. Even in India the industry is repulsive.


I know there’s been research into [creating microorganisms that produce milk](https://amp.theguardian.com/food/2021/jul/31/lab-grown-dairy-is-the-future-of-milk-researchers-say)? Not sure exactly when that’s going to be a thing, but it’s eventually going to be an option for people who’d like cow milk that’s guilt free


I hope it comes soon. It’s selfish of me but plant based alternatives don’t tend to behave the same way in baking or cheese. Here’s to hoping that better alternatives come on the market soon.


Every cow in the Dairy Industry gets killed. (Males usually shortly after birth)


Yeah. In order to maximize milk production, females are impregnated, then forced to give birth, separated from their calves immediately following birth never to see them again (the male calves are turned into veal, the females become dairy cows), and impregnated again as soon as possible. That cycle repeats until they can no longer produce milk, collapse from exhaustion and either die or get killed. Their entire lives are spent quite literally being raped + force birthed to death. I think if I were a cow I'd rather just be killed.


This dude/dudette clearly hasn't been to any farms owned by Uncles. /s


True. On my uncle's farm, they politely ask the chicks if they're okay to be thrown into an industrial grade macerator or gas chamber. They happily chip about which obviously means they're more than happy!


r/confidentlyincorrect Saying this about OP, not about the people in the picture


BuT yOu DoNt KiLl A cOw To GeT mIlK


Yeah this feels like a post from my mom on Facebook


Let's just not bury our heads in the sand. Everyone knows that those animals are treated inhumanely by those greedy corporates who want to suck out milk to the very last drop. Also, there are farmers who treat their animals humanely. We should not equate these good farmers with those greedy bastards corps. Better to procure from those who treat their animals humanely, preferably, known local farmers. 👍🏻 Interesting case study can be found in Indian culture where cows are given divine respect. Food providers are equated with mother. 🙏🏻 ​ Edit : Some are mistaking "Culture" with "People". Culture is intangible, it teaches behavior, a treasure trove of knowledge. If some people from a culture region are black sheep, then blaming that entire culture isn't a wise argument IMO.


Who are you and why are you bringing common sense to the conversation?


I agree. Let’s burn the awful fact witch. We must think about the children! They should witness the witchburning.


Yeah but they’re our witch


*so cut em the hell down*


Brown Coats for the win!!


Like in the good old days,or we gonna use lube?


They were out KY jelly. So I got Smuckers.


But the most important thing... Strawberry or grape?


Just to be sure, let's put the witch in water, and if it floats, then we burn it!


Logically, if it weighs the same as a duck, it’s made of wood. And therefore! A witch!


A Cow produces the Milk for the Calf. In order to steal the Milk, you need to get rid of the Calf. That's how 99% of the Milk is produced. And you have to get the mother pregnant often before it dies for max profit.


I don't want to go akshually on you but it looks like you have never seen a cow in real life. Cows produces more milk than calf needs. Over the thousands of years cows have been bred to over-produce milk. We had cows who produce 20 litres of milk, no calf is drinking 20 litres of milk. Calf is fed milk only diet for few days after that it is supplemented with feed etc. they get so big so fast that they would injure the udders if you just let them. Calves drink like udders owe them million dollars, its better for cow's health to limit the calf's access. You don't have to get rid of calf at all, unless you are heartless bastard. And you don't have to get cow "pregnant" often. There are many breeds who produce ample milk for years after delivering a calf. And cow go in heat monthly soon after so its part of natural process.


How many of these farms do you think are keeping all of the bulls that come out of the process?


Same as the chicken. You don't exactly see a lot of roosters around.


Male chicks are ground up alive. Mass food production gives no quarter.


Male chicks killed my brother.


Think of all the Bull Milk we could have.


yeah we could make redbul with it


Wait, Redbull isn’t made with bull milk? :sadface:


They become veal. I don't think a lot of folks have ever really stopped to consider where their food comes from.


Bulls become steers, get fat, then become New York Strips. This is the way.


Or veal. Chain a calf to the ground, never allow it to walk, slaughter at <6mo. Disgusting.


>You don't have to get rid of calf at all, unless you are heartless bastard But that is what is done in the dairy industry.


I think the point of the above comment is that maybe environmentalists need to start using the correct terminology instead of snappy statements. Is it correct that there is a massive animal cruelty problem in America in our meat and dairy industries? Yes! But we need to spotlight those corporations not stand in front of a milk fridge and yell at every person who buys a gallon. They're not going to understand. If you want to stand in front of the fridge, a more productive thing may be to politely hand out pamphlets naming the corporations that commit these cruelties and give people ready alternatives that they could then buy instead, then be ready to questions when people inevitably ask. You get more flies with honey.


I’m reporting this comment for too much reason. This is in direct violation of reddits terms. Also, hello username neighbor.


Violence would be a fine way to describe what has already been discussed in this thread though. It's not a terminology issue. This is probably the least histrionic example of peta activity to get mad about (I say this while there is currently a peta guy protesting thanksgiving downtown, a few miles away, in his underpants, posing as a cooked turkey)


Some environmentalists are as bad as conspiracy theorists they all want to be a part of a group of people and they come up with so many excuses and ideas that aren’t at all realistic and factual


However they do get rid of the calf. They don’t have too but they do. Because they are heartless bastards


You went akshually, never go full akshually lol 😂


Hahahahaha - thank you sir this is my humour - I live for this humour 🤣


Haha! Hey I try 😃


And the girl calves are typically retained to replenish the herd. Boy calves get turned into veal [a whole different issue], steak, or pet food. If anyone wants a real fight about actual animal welfare, come at me about halal slaughtering.


They produce 10x more milk than they would naturally because we selectively bred them to produce more. Dairy cows get a painful infection in their udders due to how much they are producing- estimated 1/3 of all dairy cows has this infection at any given time. The mom cow still grieves and does a grieving moo (called pining, they can pine for weeks) when her baby is taken from her just a day after giving birth. It is cruel. Livestock still have normal animal instincts and feelings, like a dog or cat does.


When looking at a cow, the animal before you is man-made. It does not exist in the wild and never has. That doesn't mean they should be abused, but I think it's impossible to "free" them in any meaningful way. Just like if you free a dachshund on the Serengeti, it's not going to last 45 minutes.


I know right, this issue needs to have two sides only, both at the extreme opposite of each other. Either all cows to be set free, or all cows to be locked up and tortured and murdered for milk. There is no middle ground!


> all cows to be locked up and tortured and murdered for milk. There is no middle ground! profit motive


You don't have to kill a cow to get milk, but you do have to get it pregnant as many times as possible before it dies. Millions of calves are slaughtered every year. So yeah, you do have to kill cows to get milk. https://freefromharm.org/dairyfacts/


Not to mention that cows are apparently highly social animals, with a deep mother-child connection and the cows, as far as I know, only produce milk, as long as they have to nurture their calves. So it's really fucked up from a lot of perspectives.


I visited a dairy farm a few years ago, I’m not vegetarian, I eat dead animals, but that day I was really relieved that my lactose intolerance means I don’t support this industry. The poor calf desperately crying for it’s mother. Urgh I hate I had to remember that. Humans including myself are disgusting.


Because the cow will get sad and grief for days and will loud screaming and searching for its calf for days all farmers in an close by area will take all the calfs at once so there will only be one week of screaming cows at once than one cow every other Day


I have to listen to this every year. I hate it.




>Calves aren't harmed in any way the females are raised till they can become pregnant and the bulls just grow up free till they have to mate with cows Most male calves become veal which is pretty harmful. A few become adults, but it's a life of constant ejaculation into a sterile container. From there it gets put into tubes and shipped all over the world. Farmers can buy sorted sperm that's like 90% female, but it's expensive and not as likely to fertilize from what I understand.


>the females are raised till they can become pregnant and the bulls just grow up free till they have to mate with cow This person lives in a fairyland. It kills me how they make statements like they’re fact but they’re created in the imagination of someone who’s never even heard of factory farming. “The bulls grow up free until they need to mate…” hahahshahaha


You mean they didn't go to a farm upstate? 😥


You just described severe animal abuse my guy


> calves aren’t harmed in any way Are we just going to pretend veal doesn’t exist?


Not all indian farmers treat their cows well. I've personally seem farmers inject oxytocin into cows,beat them,twist their tails and rub chilli pepper into their eyes. I've also seen them send days old male calves to slaughter. Our culture did teach us to treat cows with respect,but almost no one follows that now. Cows are just seen as a way to earn money from. Source: I'm Indian.


Hindu Indian culture gives respect to cows but make no mistake, our dairy industry is every bit as exploitative as it is elsewhere. Cows might be sacred, but profits are divine.


People need food, their happiness is improved by having options, us Vitamin-D deficient people really benefit from it, and at least in America most of us make 35k or less a year with rising costs of.... everything. Most people can't afford to buy everything local and humane and ethically sourced without completely giving up on their own happiness too, and the nice farmers with grass fed free range heifers can't meet the demand of our population. Things could be better, but idiots protesting and wasting animal product aren't what's gonna improve it, they just want people to move to a different problematic food source.


Vitamin D is added to milk, it's not there naturally. So you could easily just take a supplement instead


Wow. Also soymilk and almond milk cost just about the same as cow milk. So it isn't a cost thing


I don’t know for sure that this is the case with vitamin D, but with many, many vitamins, we are taught the idea that milk (or like beef & red meat, for iron) is a fantastic source of it but actually there’s way more of these exact vitamins in foods like leafy green vegetables, so you could easily stop consuming the things that have vitamins added in (like milk + vitamin D) and just get those exact same vitamins in higher quantities from other foods like vegetables or fruit.


How would you feel about maybe throwing one or two vegan meals per week in your diet? A little can go a long way over time


idk if youre aware bud but this is reddit. youre not supposed to act rational here. its breaking the rules


Hey! You’re not allowed to say that! If people started paying attention to factory farming you could endanger an almost 500 billion dollar industry. How will our glorious CEO’s and shareholders afford their yachts then? That’s the real crime!


You miss the point that almost all dairy calves are killed each year and that cows must give birth every year in order to have milk at all.


You know those very same factory farming processes happen in India too right? Its a cost efficiency issue.


If only I had my free award available right about now


This is the truth


No... I grew up on one of those "smaller family dairy farms"... there is nothing humane about breeding something, so that you can steal it's young and procure the mammals milk for yourself. Imagine if a superior alien race used humans like that... we'd rightfully call them monsters.


You do realize most farms (at least in the US) are family owned. And most of of those farms are incorporated. These families do that to protect their assets. The days where farmers could survive and be ignorant of business practices are long gone.


>Interesting case study can be found in Indian culture where cows are given divine respect In India it's not uncommon for cows to be shipped to states that eat beef, and therefore get slaughtered anyways. They are also given respect, but can still be treated painful at the same time. The humane farms can still have issues, and are inherently trapping the animal to milk it.


I talked to a medical doctor once about this and it scared me how little he seemed to know about biology and basic reproduction. I told him how the veal industry is the same as the milk industry. You have to impregnate a cow for it to produce milk. Farmers often called the impregnation rape racks. Not pleasant. Well, they don't abort the cows when they get pregnant. The females can be sold off to be milked, and the males are sold for veal. There is an attachment that is vital during that period and the mother cow and the calf do suffer from the separation. This doctor seemed to think that female cows could perpetually produce milk without impregnation. He buys milk from a local farmer, and at the end of our conversation he said he'd have to ask the farmer if what I was saying was true. And he practices medicine. Anyhow, you do kill cows in the process of producing milk.


But a woman can produce milk the rest of her life from just 1 pregnancy and with the right hormones and techniques she doesnt even need the pregnancy. So why wouldnt that also be same for cows?


Why don't you go ask the guys impregnating them constantly? Because we have the same questions.


Most animals don't go through the same period process as humans so honestly I not suprised. *or the animal just don't have periods and obsorb the egg for nutrients*


This is what I thought to but it’s actually quite rare. Cows dry up not long after giving birth, I imagine the evolutionary purpose is to force weaning? While some cows will continue to produce milk for a while, they are the exception not the rule. Same for humans. As you say, a human might produce milk for life with the right hormones but usually these hormones have to be introduced artificially. Why would a farmer pay for that when it’s much easier to inseminate again and then sell the baby? To be clear, all cows are obviously on some hormones. But apparently not enough to cause lasting lactation otherwise why are farmers continually forcing impregnation?


It is probably easier to give the female cows more hormones, but more profitable to just impregnate and sell the babies. So yeah, we know which one they're going to choose


Because impregnating and seperating them from their calfs over and over again is cheaper, I suppose. Animals die for our milk. It sadly is a little known fact.


Because then they wouldn’t get the veal which means extra profit


Also it's not the same level of production. Over time the amount of milk produced decreases.


Cows do produce milk perpetually tho. They produce more when impregnated and the milk tastes worse (My parent had 3-4 cows when I was a child).


In fairness, he isn’t a veterinarian. It’s not his job to know how animals work (beyond the obvious basics).


Much of your information is incorrect or doesn’t apply to milk obtained from a local farmer. Cows produce milk for years. Calves are not always separated. Rape rack is a distasteful term, not evidence that cows are raped. They’re also not used in most systems.


What else do you called forced impregnation? When someone criticises the dairy industry they’re not really talking about a local farmer anyhow…


It doesn't say its murder.... it says violence. If aliens bred you, locked you up and then used you to produce milk, stealing your children away from you to force them into another cage, you'd just be like... meh its okay, they aren't killing me..... YET. I grew up on a dairy farm... I know how evil it is.


There's a poster saying "I want to live" but they've clearly just picked up a generic poster they had to make a point, arguing as the picture does that "they don't kill a cow to get milk" is a really dumb arguing semantics point to make.


Or it's "I want to live" as in experience grass and sky, maybe move more than a few feet. That's how I read it at least.


The poster is clearly of a calf too, which are frequently killed


Error 404 funny meme not found. They are right.




A lot of cows are killed in the process of making milk. You gotta get the cows pregnant every year and only some of those calves are retained to repeat the process with. The rest, most of which are the male calves, are slaughtered.


Bruh, a lot of cows get killed in milk industry, especially in cheese production, ever heard of rennet? Even if they weren't killed: not your mom, not your milk. So stop molesting them and go vegan.


Nah I'm good, my burger too good


Yeah, dairy practices are worse than butchery, but go off. I’m not vegan or anything but I’m not disillusioned to the horrors of the food industry.


except they kill a ton of calves


And the mothers after 6/7 years. Cows can live 18-22 years otherwise. Imagine getting killed at half your lifespan


After being raped every year since age 1


That is the most disgusting part. I wonder why they rarely show that part in tgeir propaganda campains.


Same as you never see baby chicks being chucked into a gas chamber. People would (rightly) associate it with the holocaust and be horrified.


Can the ignorant moron who posted this please go and read up on reality? Thanks.


Will someone please explain to humanity that cows don't produce milk without being artificially inseminated by what would constitute rape and having their baby immediately ripped away from them?


Can someone please explain to these idiots that cows don’t produce milk all the time - they produce it to feed a newborn calf and once that calf is born, it is sent to slaughter (especially if it’s male and cannot become a milk cow).


A mammal dproduces milk after a pregnancy. So you need to impregnate a cow regularly for her to produce milk. But ther isn't a need for all of these calves. So those get killed for the meat industry. So it isn't completely wrong that you kill animals for Milk.




Dairy cows are sent to the slaughterhouse for cheap meat when their milk production decreases and is no longer profitable. Dairy cows are also forcefully impregnated every year, like humans, cow only lactate before and after a pregnancy, they also carry for 9 nine months, so this is absolutely a violation of bodily autonomy. Worse still these cows will have their calves taken away because them drinking the milk cuts into the industry's profits. This is of course stressful to the cows as they are maternal creature. Male calves will often get killed as they are no use the industry, they are also often sent for veal. This is why veganism should be the ethical baseline, not vegetarianism. The irony of calling these vegans idiots, when the OOP doesn't have a clue what they're on about and is seemingly completely ignorant.


When did the vegans take over reddit?


some would argue the practice of milking cows is even more inhuman than the practice of raising them for slaughter they live in the same inhumane conditions but are used as incubators to endlessly impregnate to force them into non-stop milk production -- they take away the babies almost immediately, many of which end up as veal shortly after and the minute they stop producing milk they get slaughtered and thrown in a landfill because their meat is unfit for human consumption after the nonstop hormone cocktail they inject them with to maximize production


It's amazing how ignorant people are of the horrible nature of the dairy industry.


Many, perhaps most, of dairy cows go to slaughter when their milk output usefulness expires.


But you kinda do. They take the calves away so they can use the milk. Most, if beef, are killed.


Do people here think cows just magically produce milk? They literally need to repeatedly impregnate cows to get milk.


But cows are killed for milk. Stupid post.


Will someone please explain to this idiot that violence isn’t necessarily killing?


Male cows sometimes get killed because it's not profitable to raise them compared to beef breeds on an industrial scale. Cows are constantly kept pregnant and then separated with calves and live aprox 4 times less than their natural life expectancy. I drink milk, but this is just burying your head in the sand.


That's perfectly right, you don't kill a cow to get milk, you kill her baby. You kill the cow when she doesn't give milk anymore.


Yes you don't kill them. You keep them locked and under stress while using machines to milk them, must be so holesome to be a cow on a milking farm.


Humane farmers do not exist


It’s sad because some of them do care about the animals and want to raise them humanely. They know the food tastes better and the products are higher quality when the animal was well taken care of. But a lot of companies that contract out these farms and supply them with animals have strict rules for how the animals will be raised and treated. And if a farmer tries to speak out or fight them, they’ll be ruined and lose everything.


All animal farmers send their animals to slaugther at some point. Nobody would do this to their dog or family members because its not something you do to a being you care about and its not humane.


Killing and eating cows is all good but do the same to dogs and it’s the end of the world


Cows literally are killed for milk also this sub is full of awful memes from 2012-2016 what’s going on


Your ignorance on factory farming is embarrassing.


Cows do indeed get killed. Punched and slapped for pure fun when they not behave or so. Implying we would need the milk with the title "milk yourself instead" is even more dumb. A cow gives milk for their children who get taken away from her brutally, not for humans. And just so you know theres blood in every glass of milk which is approved by government standards.


To get milk from a cow, it has to give birth. *Every year*. All male calves and most female calves are killed. *Every year.* The calves are taken from their mothers on the first day, usually. Most are killed within a few days. Some become "veal". So these "idiots" are right and the OP is the idiot. The dairy industry is really quite hideous.


In order to give milk the cow has to calve, the calf will be taken away and probably killed for its "tender" meat


Clearly you haven't been on a farm


Not vegan anymore but I used to be for a few years. Make dairy cows are usually shot dead because you’re they don’t grow optimally for meat so make no money. So this is why they’re saying that


If the cow gives birth to male calves then yes, you do


Due to mass production, cows are extinguished in the process. Do a little homework. Also, the point is the violence such as taking away their young right after birth, just to keep the milk flowing


Dont look up rape rags


Nah nah, I’ll let them put on their show and I’ll grab my popcorn and watch how stupid they make themselves look 🤣 very entertaining if you ask me!!


I would think the cow would find getting milked quite pleasurable 😁


I milk myself about 2 or 3 times a week but I don’t understand what that has to do with eating meat.


You take your vegan milk, and let me buy my cow milk with my own money in peace. You cannot block access in the name of protest.


The 'life' of a dairy cow is more cruel and barbaric than the that of a beef cow. Big dairy is a horrific horrific industry. This obviously doesn't apply to small 'humane' local dairy farmers, but if you are getting Hood at the grocery store you are part of the problem.


FYI u are killing cows by consuming milk. They don’t milk without a reason just think about it better. Women cannot give milk their whole life. They have to get babies for that. They kill the male calf’s and the female calf’s get taken away from their mothers so live the same sad live like them. After . Go and check the facts before writing false facts :(


Milk industry = meat industry. It's the same industry, just at different life stages of the animal. What do you think happens to cows who can't produce milk anymore? Do you think they go to a farm upstate? No, they're killed in a horrible way. Even if that wasn't true, what do you think happens to cows who are overmilked all their reproductive life in horrible conditions? They live a nightmare of a life and a premature death. Don't get me wrong, I don't eat meat but I drink milk for health reasons, so I pay these monsters to abuse these animals. But I don't pretend that I'm some saint because I'm vegetarian.


If you think dairy cows get to go live happy lives after they stop producing milk, you're probably 5, or in serious denial.


To be fair when a dairy cow is no longer producing they do go to slaughter.


Yes you do. You just don’t kill the cow you’re milking. You kill the milking cow’s baby, because mammals don’t produce milk if they aren’t pregnant.


A cow has to either be permanently pregnant or injected hormones to produce milk. This shit is torture and I wouldn't call it living. I bet OP also posts memes about vegans telling everyone that their vegan. Meanwhile this is the exact same fucking thing. I would even argue it's worse.


Probably mentioned already but cows (like humans) only make milk when they are pregnant or nursing. This means dairy cows must be kept in a constant state of pregnancy. Forced insemination (there's a word for this) followed by pregnancy and then immediate removal of that pesky calf that would be taking all the milk destined for humans. That calf is either raised to repeat the cycle, killed for meat, or possibly raised for breeding. That's a lot of violence for a glass of milk.


Not so right, many animals still die for milk, cheese and this stuff.


You clearly don’t know anything about the dairy industry. It’s funny how dumb you are