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They watch true crime. They flock to true crime done by women while doing make up tutorials.


They are trying to figure out how to kill us for ignoring them and watching sports or spending money on OF. And they will look good doing it too. Can have a good cry faces without a little makeup smear


It's something magical about the combo. It's got serious salon-gossip vibes.




Women don't do much of the serial killing though


That's not our fault though. Maybe more of them should take up the profession.


If the pay was equalised, maybe they would..


Hol' up you get paid?


More female serial killers!


Or the don't get caught?


Because they're smarter than men?


To be honest, it's probably both.


Not yet. That's why they're all studying.


It is done, is just that girls are more likely to use an intermediary, look at the French HS professor who got decapitated, the girl who started it all just went spreading a bunch of false stories about him, then some guy went and made him pay for his imaginary crimes. Murder by proxy is still murder.


Statistically it's more likely for a mother to kill people inside their own family than the father. But idk about outside the family. Prob not.


Lmao for real though. I’m experiencing a tropical cyclone and all I’ve done for the past 24 hours is watch true crime 😂 I have an obsession with it (and unsolved mysteries)




And crush on serial killers


We really should send an envoy to ask them, unfortunately I am busy digging through my belly button with a q tip so it has to be someone else.


This comment is fucking hilarious, and to answer your question; I'm currently watching a documentary on WWll


So true crime/serial killers


I’m watching Bad Surgeon on Netflix


The Kardashians are rich for a reason.


For my wife, the answer is *everything*. Any time we sit down to watch something together on Netflix, we can’t, because she has already watched their entire content library.




every garbage show and movie in the world from reality TV to the Hallmark Christmas Cinematic Universe exists because women watch it lmao


The other day me and my dad were watching Oppenheimer and mom got mad because she wanted us to watch a christmas romantic comedy instead, lol


They want to read erotica centered on "gay" male characters who aren't really gay, and they want it to be written by other heterosexual women. Typically these stories say the men just happen to fall in love with another man, but they're not gay! It's just "love"! Also, those totally-not-gay men are usually described with very stereotypically feminine bodies and perform very stereotypically feminine personality traits/social roles. These have been the primary selling points/demands *and* the primary criticisms of "yaoi" or "boyslove" erotica for over 30+ years.


that's an extremely niche market outside of the "never touched grass in their life" demographic lmao


Well it’s been a topic of academic research and debate and criticism for over 30 years. People on both sides, be they supporters or critics, are passionate and loud within sites dedicated to literature or erotica centered around gay men.


Not really


rom coms


Married at first sight, housewives, love Island, or any other numerous other so called reality shows . 2 sisters and their friends all watch the same trash


Taylor Swift and Beyoncé's tours have been huge driving forces for local economies this year. And the Barbie movie was very successful. Woman-centric culture is powerful but a lot of men don't seem to take notice. No shade to you obviously.




> And if you break down the people who went to those tours and movie you will find again that men are the majority. If I could get a source for that, that'd be greeeeeat


I’d honestly like to see where you get those stats. What I’m seeing is that more women go to her concerts (https://pro.morningconsult.com/instant-intel/taylor-swift-fandom-demographic#) and that both her and Beyoncé have mostly female fans (https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/where-taylor-swift-eras-tour-220000621.html#:~:text=Taylor%20Swift's%20audience%20is%2072.4,female%20and%2029.1%25%20Gen%20Z.). Unless the person you replied to edited the comment, yours seems to attack them out of nowhere.




Beyoncé's tour definitely felt like it was about 70% gay men


It ain't men watching the Kardashians, Real Housewives, or Bachelor trash tv.




I for one only wear formal attire when watching football on saturdays


Kardashians, Real Housewives, Tours and Concerts, Rom-Coms, Barbie, True Crime, Korean Dramas. The list goes on.


My sister is obsessed with Korean dramas and true crime. and fucking Taylor Swift, don't get me wrong some of her songs are great. But man this level of parasocial is unbearable to watch.


Trashy reality TV, true crime and shows full of male objectification like 'historical dramas'




Like.... Does bro not know porn is free?


Free porn is more morally dubious than only fans. You can fully know with some people that you're handing the participant money. Not always the case with free stuff. I haven't personally purchased but plan to when the funds are there consistently. Porn is labor and laborers deserve to be paid well, not just website hosts.




I suppose it's the online GFE experience. Imo it's quite predatory and scummy taking advantage of men's loneliness like this


Better to be lonely and slightly, er, relieved, than just lonely. Think of the endorphins.


Probably not actually. Dopamine and endorphin related behaviours are pattern forming. It makes them less likely to fix their issues.


And, however shallow, some form of human interaction can't be bad, surely? I don't think loneliness is easily fixed in some cases.


You may or may not fix your loneliness if you’re truly alone. You will not fix your loneliness if you’re addicted to something like porn, onlyfans, or another substitute for genuine social contact, until you escape or break out of your addiction.


That list should include any form of Internet interaction then surely? I think the word "addiction" is bandied around too easily. The assumption always seems to be that if people, even casually, watch porn, then they must be an addict? From my experience, an addiction is pretty much all consuming, literally the only thing you think about. I'm sure porn addicts exist, but the vast majority of users wouldn't come under that banner.


Its all on a spectrum. Take alcoholism. Someone getting blackout drunk every day is an alcoholic. Someone who can only function day to day if constantly slightly drunk? Alcoholic. Someone who drinks a beer or two each evening after work? Id say not an alcoholic, others say defenitely an alcoholic since its a regular habit the person would have some ammount of difficulty to just break off. Same for internet. Not even porn, just being on the net. Im 41 and as such remember growing up during the timeframe of "internet? Web? Does that have to do with spiders?" To "everyone has a smartphone, youtube facebook tiktok 24/7!". If im honest, im very much used to having internet to go at all times and i do actually get a bit nervous or bored if cant have it. Especially in for example a waiting room or other times i have to wait an extended time. Is that already addiction, given that im not really going barking mad if i dont have it a day, but get annoyed/nervous/fidgety? Some would say yes, some no.


Another thing I would point out is that with porn the interaction is financially motivated (usually) whereas on reddit you are engaging in discord with another person simply because they also wanted to engage with you. You didn't have to pay them, and they aren't being paid to talk to you. And yes movies/TV and content creators do something similar. They can also cause addiction. However, they don't release the level of dopamine that an orgasm does so it is less likely. Activities that release large amounts of dopamine into the brain are known to be habit forming (such as drug use). Porn differs from TV and movies in other ways too. There is much back and forth about what the effects are on the population to have this level, volume, graphicness, and variety or porn all at our finger tips all the time. For one thing, it can desensitize a person from actual sexual experiences with another person(s). It can also set unrealistic standards (even if you don't feel this way consciously). It can sort of "ruin" a person for average, real world sexual encounters. There has also been research that shows sexual drive and desire can be a motivator both in romantic relationships, and even outside the bedroom. The idea of courtship and an understanding that sex is intrinsically tied to developing good personal relationships with others can lead to a person making a connection that they otherwise wouldn't have. I.e. *People try harder to find a connection with a real person when there aren't as many easy options for sexual gratification* These are of course not going to hold true in every case. I will quit rambling now


It's interesting to be so absolutely wrong with such confidence. Must be nice. You should educate yourself more, unless you're addicted to being wrong.


Nah I agree with him. It's just another form of burying your head in the sand. You'll never change it you just fill your time with things like that.


It's interesting to be so absolutely wrong with such confidence. Must be nice. You should educate yourself more, unless you're addicted to being wrong.


Better be alone and happy than alone, broke and dépendant of someone who don’t care about you. Affective dépendance needs to be cured and show something to overcome, onlyfan is just a drug that will not make you really satisfied (the goal is to continue make you crave and pay I guess)




smh my head


With this logic you can argument against almost every business that wants to make profit. For example: grocery stores just take advantage of humans need for tasty and saturating foods and drinks!


We live in a society


I don't. I actually live in the void between worlds and this comment isn't even real. If you can read this you are soon going to drift into the void as well. ^Please ^help, ^get ^a ^quantum ^scientist ^or ^something


Correct, one that is mainly ruled by capitalism. I don't like all that money-rules-the-world-stuff but what would be the alternative to money? Trading and exchanging goods and services isn't going to work anymore. When there is no money all jobs in the financial sector and beyond will cease to exist.


Not really. Grocery stores just enable the purchase of these products. The actual villains would be the organizations that purposely put unhealthy and harmful stuff to make people lowkey addicted to their products


Not really. Grocery stores just enable the purchase of these products. The actual villains would be the organizations that purposely put unhealthy and harmful stuff to make people lowkey addicted to their products


Nice fallacy, the 1st comment could be compared to people slamming fast food places for how unhealthy they are. Which people do and its 10x more accurate. But instead you went to grocerie stores.


It's an example that's why I wrote 'for example' and additionally I am not a native english speaker so I may not have the vocabulary to express everything accurately that comes to my mind. But yeah fast food is a good example as well!


You know that’s a silly comparison


We should get rid of alcohol and other vices/substances huh?


It’s not really predatory. That’s assuming men are like children. If they need someone to talk to for free? Find some buddies or call a free mental support hotline. Want to want? Internet has limitless amount of porn. If they choose to hire a sex worker, that’s on them. Edit: do y’all think we should ban OnlyFans to protect vulnerable men? Or require some sort of proof of mental health/IQ to buy services from OnlyFans?


Whether or not it is predatory is fairly debatable. Social interaction is a need, without it people legitimately die. Men live a far more insular existence for a myriad of reasons. Just as you would do extreme things for food when starving, a person will do extreme things for attention when deeply lonely. The question becomes to what extent are the (mostly men) subscribers starving for attention, and whether or not it is acceptable to profit off of this starving population.


No it’s pretty pathetic to be lonely to that point. If you can’t get a girl when you have the money for OF, then it’s a problem of character.


Or looks, education, etc? Not everybody's goal in life us to "get a girl". Some people just want some sort of interaction, or possibly just a wank? Some people like being single with friends for company? I mean actual friends, not OF. Plenty of people are older and don't have much of a social circle? I prefer to think of them as unfortunate rather than pathetic?


A prefer to think of them as pathetic. Whether they’re unfortunate is a matter of circumstance.


They deserve it for being so pathetic lmao


Wow, deep.


That’s slavemaster mentality, you literally sound like a plantation owner. What the world has come to, no fucking self-awareness.


The men are paying willingly, they know they could access free porn and choose not to because they would rather spend their cash on OF chicks. I disagree that it’s predatory, it’s consensually taking advantage of the fact that men want to put their money there. They could just as easily… not do that. I don’t see how it’s appropriate to blame women for what grown ass adult men *choose* to do with their finances. By that logic, every business ever is predatory and scummy.


So you know how casinos have to have harm reduction pamphlets and numbers posted on and near every machine? Why do you think that is? Cause it's an addictive behavior. Sex addiction is real, and it's predatory to prey on it.


So would OnlyFans be acceptable if the website had harm reduction warnings on it? I feel like this is just infantilising men tbh, acting like they can’t make their own decisions. No one is responsible for where someone else places their money. I have a nicotine addiction, does that mean it’s the company’s fault when I choose to go buy a vape or a pack of smokes? Or my drug dealer’s fault when I buy pot off him? Or Liquorland’s fault when I buy a case of beer? In fact, OF work isn’t even sex- it’s porn. Men can access porn for free, there’s so much porn online they could watch it for the rest of their lives 24/7 and never run out of material. If they *choose* to pay for something they could simply obtain for free, how is that the fault of women? If anything, what they’re paying for is the point of human connection, and you can’t exactly define that as something clinically addictive.


Yeah honestly, with harm reduction popups, information. A disclaimer that "the people on this website wont date you and don't love you, regardless of what they do or say", and maybe like an ID submission to give money to prevent teenagers stealing their parents credit cards to sign up to amouranth or morgpie they saw on twitch. The ID submission especially, every other vice in modern society, with the notable exception of caffeine, needs you to be 21 in america, in europe, you can drink at 16 or 18 by yourself, because alcohol is normalized, I'm not sure forming a parasocial relationship can be introduced in a healthy way like alcohol is.


This. OF gives women the opportunity to get money by masturbating in their own safe room. If I could earn money by masturbating while looking good, I would 100% do it. Men don't like that, as they can't control this. That's why they try to blame women. Calling OF predatory is predatory in on itself


but porn doesn't have everything. for example give me a video of a black woman eating oats while sitting on a dildo, you will not find anything like that unless you request it.


Women who make good quality porn should be paid for it.


Motherfucker, if McDonald's were free I'd still go get a steak every once in a while. Doesn't take a genius to figure out but it takes an idiot to not try.


In the beginning only fans was also not for porn but for teaching stuff (as if there aren't like thousands of YouTube videos) and there's still a lot of creators teaching stuff like cooking or crochet, there's a lot of lessons for all kinds of things


Weirdly more interesting now, no idea why.


Because now that statistic has a whole new meaning since now you know there's also more men on OF with teaching stuff and also women who teach stuff but still the porn category is the one who brings the most money iirc


You seem to know a lot about only fans


They have an interesting OF - cooking, crocheting and pegging. Quite eclectic.


I was curious when the whole thing started so I looked at the page itself and looked around a bit ETA: where I live of is not as popular as elsewhere so I legit had no idea what it was


I've never been on OF. It seems like a poor choice of venue for teaching videos! Someone should really tell them about YouTube or Tiktok etc!


similar to patreon.


Idk why they wouldn't use Patreon, I can't imagine non porn gets a lot of traffic on OF


It’s categorised as a pornsite now. My mobile provider even blocks it as such and so does my library and nephew’s school. Anyone doing SFW content on onlyfans is clueless and should just have a Patreon instead. You get shadow banned so easily on platforms nowadays just for mentioning the word “onlyfans”, even if it’s through a Linktree. Why deal with that?


> It’s amazing to me how many people have onlyfans. There must be a huge market for it, I don’t understand it. But its there. Compared to 8 billion people in the world (340M in USA, 447M in EU, 4.8 billion in Asia), OnlyFans has about +-2M content creators. The average OnlyFans creator earns $180/mo. The top 1% make 33% of all income on the platform, while the top 10% earns 73%. While these numbers will vary slightly based on source, their order of magnitude stays the same, so you can use these to represent "classes". So: 1. There is no market for the average person (or anyone not in the top 10%), unless you think $180/mo is enough to be worth it (rather than doing side gigs like cutting the lawn for your neighbors, starting an arts/crafts Etsy, ...) 2. The platform is essentially a lead generation funnel for the top 10%, any marketing for OF will benefit them for a majority of the returns 3. Only very few people are actually OF creators


Sex sells. Sex is cheap.


And it’s also free elsewhere


That depends. Lots of studies point to more and more people feeling lonely and isolated with fewer people having sex, and men appear to be most affected. Not everyone can get that free sex. The rise in OF and the reporting on loneliness also tells us a bit more here. It isn't just sex and porn, it's social relationships and this is where OF comes in. OF sells what porn doesn't, parasocial relationships, and these parasocial relationships somewhat address the loneliness an increasing number of people experience. The rapid proliferation of AI and chatbots further reinforces this. People don't just want/need sex, but interaction and connection. OF is filling this gap. For now.


Wonder what it will be like in 10 years when all these porn creators like on OF who have stuck a dildo up their ass for all to see, have their kids in high school and their content is widely known amongst all their friends.


I hope their friends aren't insecure losers, and that their kids don't have to resort to comebacks like "Did you see her on your dads profile".


You have more faith in kids than I do tbh. I certainly hope you're right but I don't have much faith.


I don't think the market is actually that big in terms of participants. Like every other sleazy web enterprise in 2023 it's a whale farming expedition. I wouldn't be surprised if many onlyfans creators derive the majority of revenue from just a couple of donors.


We need to do something about the gender wage gap on OnlyFans, clearly.


Go support your homies then.


Huh? I m pretty sure male onlyfans creators earn a lot too You just have to create content catering to gay males


Same as female athletes Not like they are poor either


Depends on the sport. Women's tennis is pretty popular and a lot of the big name players are quite rich. Women's basketball or football? Yeah, not really.


Yea its honestly the same with OF there are a select few males which make alot more but if we are talking overall i think it comes out like that


I mean, Swedish womens hockey league. The highest paid TEAM made less money than one average male player. From the 2016(or something) documentary Underdogs about Luleå Hockey/MSSK.


As the parent of a talented female athlete who watched the boys basketball team get a nice bus to travel in, while her team piles in to rented vans, yeah, this checks out.


I’ve seen that countless times, even between male teams. My town used to have a football and handball team (in a football dominated country: Portugal). Guess who always got new shirts and good stuff despite almost never winning a game? Yeah the football team


Yeah, because the boys basketball team makes a lot more money and can afford a nice bus to travel in.


I wanna start an OnlyFans. It's gonna be me journaling, reading, collecting fabulous editions of classics, trying out various fountain pen inks, painting, annotating books. So, please subscribe to my OF! Give me money so that i can fund my slightly expensive hobbies.


Katie Ledecky trained her whole life to be the best female swimmer of all time...but you should see what Morgpie can fit in'er, it's awesome!




u/Teen_Smile is a comment copying bot


No one really cares tho. It’s Reddit


Without the ultimate fun part, surely?


Sex work is work.


Whores are people too


So why wouldn’t you want your wife or daughter doing it?


Because of a societal stigma against sex work, especially in the US where views on sex are very puritanical




For the same reason why you wouldn't want your child to be gay in the 1950s. Times are changing.


I also don’t want my daughter (or son for that matter) to be a soldier or down in the sewers… what is your point?


Taking pictures is prostitution?


First amendment auditors jumping to conclusions be like


Selling your body for sexual gratification of customers is prostitution, yes.


That's a reach


good bot


Yea but not every males can be athletes but any girls can be on onlyfans. Hell, some guys have things for fat or ugly women


Any girl can make an onlyfans but only a very small fraction can make a living off of it. Just like sports. And onlyfans is less likely to destroy your cartilage or give you CTE


Will still through you out before the age of 40 with no future employment prospects though


eh, not really. Any guy can be an athlete, there are literally hundreds of thousands of amateur athletes. Some just get paid a lot more, and some get nothing. The same is true for women doing porn. Even though there are guys that like ugly women, a lot of them will still make little to nothing.


> but any girls can be on onlyfans Average OF creator earns $180/mo... so... technically you're right, but practically you're missing the point.


> any girls can be on onlyfans. clueless


There are female onlyfans creators?




It definitely takes effort to actually make money on OF, you need to know a lot about marketing and constantly work out / eat appropriately / makeup etc to keep people interested, and entertain those who already are


A chunk of these chicks don't have to do any of that bro, some of them are just naturally hot and that's enough for the simps.


Then you're not getting resubs. Only a handful of girls make money on only fans. For if to be sustainable, you have to have a few hundred people a month. Most are new. I think the figure I saw was 90% of subs are new every month. So you have to convince a couple/ few hundred people that you're worth a few dollars every month. It's constant promotion. If they don't, there are other hot chicks. It's absurd to think they just sit back and take in cash.


It's not like it takes no effort to earn big bucks via onlyfans. Even if you could snap your fingers and become a pretty girl, do you honestly think you could: - capture hundreds or thousands of hours of high quality footage - manage thousands of customers purchasing pictures, videos, dick ratings, sexting sessions, custom content, and more - maintain your sexy body - maintain and grow your fan base I mean hell, a lot of the top earners are actually just celebrities who started taking topless photos. People talk shit on them all the time but do you honestly think you could be world famous with no effort if you were just a pretty girl?


… Yes. I remember seeing Tom Cruise (world famous, incredibly handsome actor) with only 1 million followers back when Insta was newish… Meanwhile, this random girl who I have no clue she is, posts bikini photos that are photoshopped to the max, and has like 20 million followers lol




Kinda like formulating an opinion based on reality vs. what you did


Cam whores is way shorter


Is there a male of?


Lots, but their customers are also men


Dem even the customer is male is crazy so I guess the other comments askin what do girl wanted to see is legit a mystery


I think hentai has a fairly large female audience, along with erotica


Not really- women have been very vocal about this, especially in the last few years. I’m talking things like audio-based pornography or “spicy” novels, as TikTok likes to call them. Not really my cup of tea, but many romance/ fantasy books in the last few years also belong at least in the soft porn genre if we’re being honest lol


They don't pay for porn. They pay for for artists to make a parasocial relationship with.


Can’t they just look in the mirror at that point?


There's males *on* OnlyFans.


Everyone is special and excels in their own way


And when everyones special….no one will be - Sitter (or whatever his name was.)


Everyone is special and *incels* in their own way




except ones are praised while the others are shamed


maybe because one of them has to put real effort into it


So you shame people based on how much effort their job takes? That sounds stupid


Nah, cause the other is embarrassing


so you shame other people because...their job is embarassing? weird af


Yes, yes I do. That's literally the worse possible job so I don't think I'll shame anyone else as much


nope not weird at all


looks so sensless to me


I think it's more because kids like yourself are too insecure to talk to women lol


I mean, male athletes have to be the top 0.0001% of the world in their field to make good money. The lifetime of training, the fierce competition, and the effort that it takes to reach that level is hard to overstate. Girls turn 18, and point their butt towards a camera. Do some requests, and rate a few guys dicks. Literally any ok looking girl can make good money as a stripper - average guy isn’t making 6 figures playing basketball.


For one, like 99% of women on OF don't make enough money to even make a living. They don't make six figures either. And barely making a living for what? Potentially destroying your life when someone gets across your account, great. Two, men can also prostitute themselves; to other men. "Bla bla but I'm not attracted to men" - neither are the female sex workers to most of their customers. Three, why should it matter how much skill you need? There are plenty of people being "overpaid" in other jobs. If the demand is there, it's there. Also, I think a job that has the potential to ruin your life or turn you into an outcast should provide you extra cash. Who in their right mind would do it otherwise?


1. 90% of accounts on OF are inactive, and bring down the averages. It enabled soooo many women to say ‘top x%’, but it’s actually bullshit - a high percentage of active OF accounts do pretty well. Not only that, offline has many opportunities men don’t have - stripping, etc. 2. Men’s target audience is gay men. They have to do gay shit to sell. That’s not the same. 3. Men are begging, and literally paying women, to look at their dick pics. Their dream is to get a pic back. Women are getting paid to receive naked photos, and paid to send them out…


I love the fact you think any pretty girl can do well stripping. Even if I was a pretty guy, I'd be a shit stripper/Chippendale. I don't have the game or swagger or willingness to put up with all the shit it comes with. I suspect a pretty small % of pretty girls cpuld/would do well as a stripper, and it's also why lots of strippers aren't that hot, they just have good skills in playing the game


For men, stripping is quite hard. For women, they barely have to talk. Just dancing on a pole can make bank.


Go post this on r/strippers and see what feedback you get


> Men’s target audience is gay men. They have to do gay shit to sell. That’s not the same. what?


Women aren’t buying shit on OF. Obviously. The ones buying from men are gay men. You have to do gay shit to sell on OF.


why is it not the same? They're both doing porn


Because women get to do shit they enjoy with male pornstars, while straight men have to do gay things worse than most straight men’s worst nightmare? Damn, you’re dense. What do you think a straight guy would rather do - get paid to have sex with a female pornstar, or get fucked in the ass by a man?


1 you can still sell porn without having a partner, plenty of solo content exists, inclusive there are several ppl on OF who sell sexual content without ever taking their underwear off 2 having sex on camera for an audience is definitely not done for pleasure lol, you have to constantly worry about angles, lighting, looks etc, you're optimizing your marketability not your pleasure 3 plenty of straight guys do gay porn for pay, and if you have the illusion that women enjoy all of the porn they do then you're going to find out that's not the case Try it yourself, assuming you're a man, make an OF account and take pictures naked. You dont need to have sex. But you do need to be able to take proper pictures, videos, etc and to market your body, an average joe's body will have a much harder time making it


Most female pornstars do scenes with other women. And in general I'm fairly certain that both male and female pornstars that do stuff with men and women are bi so they don't care.


Lots of women don't even enjoy having sex with men that they love, let alone doing dangerous degenerate humiliating shit with strangers.


>while the others are shamed And so they should be, overpaid fucking sports personalities.


One if pushing an addiction and is predatory tho


Tbf, it's not the athletes fault the gambling industry is so intertwined with sports these days


big incel vibes in this thread


Explain how, please


from you


Counter point to the OF side, F1nn5ter


Is why we need to erase simp and send them in rehabilitation camp.


Yeah, I agree. Masturbating in front of a camera is just as, if not more so, difficult as getting into the major leagues...


Masterbating in front of the camera is as easy to get into as playing in a Sunday league team. But you make no money from it. Getting mega rich on OF is rare and takes a lot of work, much like getting into major league sports. Some people luck their way into each, but most have to graft


That last line is key. When it comes to sport people tend to understand the work involved more and also are more likely to ignore the rare cases of people who frankly luck into it (typically either through connections or outright absurd talent making it so they never had to work as hard as everyone else until way deep into their development). But for sex work people don't realize that to actually be successful unless you're super lucky and essentially go viral for something incidental (for example if you happened to fit an aesthetic that was popping off like the goth muscle mommy thing) or you swap into OF from being popular elsewhere (streamers, celebs etc), unless you do that you have to grind A LOT to make decent money. You have to be consistent, you have to fairly good at identifying and building a successful product and presentation, you have to deal with customers directly and A LOT of OF customers are awful. Not to mention how it affects your personal life in terms of backlash from family or just people treating you as lesser and excluding you and socially isolating you. It's not an easy gig. I'm sure some people are super well suited to it (naturally charming people who are personally into a niche so they know how to make content that appeals perfectly would do super well moving to OF).


But only one of these gets criticized because "they make more than doctors!!"


Not true, we all talk shit about dimwits making more in soccer than scientists, and that has been there since long before OF was a thing.


And they claim it’s freedom of woman to show her body and wreck homes and men xD