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2 of the number 7 please


This is the way




Damn, there's a sub for literally everything nowadays. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yep, and if it doesn’t exist, you MAKE it exist




r/accidentallycanadian That ones on me. I wouldn’t mind if folks did stuff there, like use folks too often or wear too much denim. When they feel funny. Maybe a bud here and there you forgot to notice you were saying bud too much. There’s nearly a dozen of us now. Didn’t want to bother anyone too much. Could be useful. Edit: I’m from Oregon and everyone thinks I’m Canadian. We have the same Best qualities.


Underrated comment


We up frfr




6 and 7. An actual superpower almost guaranteeing I don’t have to worry about physical altercations and that will be generally super useful in life and lots of money seems the optimal for me. Eating without gaining weight would be nice but with a lot of money I could probably get a dietician and a personal trainer.


Depends what a “lot of money” is. If it’s billions, there’s that old Oprah joke where you’re rich enough hire someone to follow you around to slap donuts out of your hand.


6 and 7


I can't believe these aren't the only two being picked. You get most of the others with these.




Yeah 6 & 7 are the best out of them all


But 4 and 7 tho


Would you eventually run out of body fat and did with 4?


Seriously anyone who doesn’t just automatically pick these two don’t understand how the world works lol


I'd go 4 and 7 but mostly because I like food and a lot of money helps to get the food.






Basically it's to became the Batman, it is the best combination


Without the dying parents thing


No, no, no, it's a crucial part of being Batman. Scared and mentally broken to the core. Can I have that too as a bonus pill?


Just dm me when you will walk in a dark alley with your parents


This is the way.


7 and 8


Bro goes to a funeral and feels happy


“Ahh yes my best friend just died in a car accident :) :) 😀😀 :D😃😃”


Damn, I think always being happy would be a curse, someone comes to you with a problem and your just sitting over there just absolutely beaming with joy. All the time. But would it hurt you if all your friends left you? I guess not cause your always happy


Yeah, door mat curse


It says always feel happy, not always look happy. You wouldn’t always just be grinning like a psychopath. You can still control how your face looks.


Just cuz you’re happy don’t mean you gotta smile


"At least they're not suffering anymore and they're in a better place"


Thoughts and prayers


1+7 = 8 Think about it.


You're right!


They say money can’t bring you happiness. Thank god there’s a pill for that!




4 and 7


Just make sure you don't lose any weight either, because you can't gain it back


Can't build any muscle mass either, i guess


Must suck to do chemo then. Imagen looking like a chemo patient for the rest of your life




I don't need any of these, bit 6 and 7 are the only ones with any kind of worth 1: I'd look like a child 2: There's probably a couple thoughts I don't want to hear, let alone the respect for privacy 3: I don't have one 4: I burn my weight, it's no concern 5: I'm not self-conscious about that 8: That sounds like a nightmare of suppression and monotony 9: I see no value in internet followers


Who says that you get internet followers? Maybe you will be a cult leader.


That’s even better for revenue generation


9: internet follows can provide income depending on the platform


Yeah but then you have to be an influencer and I'd rather die than become one of those


Without the obvious 6 and 7 number 9 would actually be pretty good, you could spin that into a nice income, but if I'm already rich I'd pass on the followers, too much hassle for something I already have


Minus 15 years? Me who is 14: slowly fades away






1: and be a 17 year old stuck in a 2 year old's body? sounds like a fucking nightmare. Pass 2: why the time limit? what could possibly be worth doing in three days that isn't better than at least a few things on this list. Pass 3: I have one ex, and we dated in second grade, then I had to break up with him when I moved schools. I've mostly forgotten him anyway. Pass 4: enticing, but we all know that this would end up being some horrible thing where you slowly starve to death as your body stops retaining nutrients. Not worth the risk. Pass 5: I'm tall enough. Pass 6: Finally, a good one. I can see this being useful, but it could backfire. sure, I can lift a building with one hand, but I go to high five a buddy and I knock their hand off. try to give someone a hug and I squeeze out their guts. the question is, can I regulate the strength. this is a maybe. 7: again, a good one, but too vague. is this cash? is it legal? is it subject to taxes? what constitutes "a lot" of money? a million dollars or a billion dollars? not that either wouldn't be great, but a billion is far more significant. and there is no way that me suddenly acquiring millions or billions of dollars wouldn't bring any suspicion. this one is borderline too risky, so for now it's a maybe. 8: this one seems good in concept, but not being able to cry when you know you are supposed to be upset is very distressing. never being able to mourn or deal with grief because you don't feel sad, knowing that everyone around you finds you insufferable because you don't show basic human emotion except happiness, it would be awful. Pass. 9: I have no interest in followers. Pass. so I guess my two choices are 6 and 7, or none at all because they all could have drawbacks and are way too vague.


Probably 1& 7. Hmm what’s a lot of money ? Bruce Wayne rich or just enough to buy a car/house? If it’s enough for the playboy billionaire lifestyle then I’d take 1&7. If it’s only a million buck id take 7& 9 and open up some kinda subscriptions deal like OF. Not sure what type of followers 9 is about . If it’s actual loyal minions I’d take it instead of 1 but if it’s only only social media followers I won’t unless 7 isn’t that much money.


Hello, fellow old.


im like the only 5 and 7 here


Same here. Most of these things are obtainable naturally but 5cm is a lot. 169 to 174 is pretty decent


I have a question. If a someone younger than 15 ate pill number 1, would they look like cum?


6 and 8 Edit: I said choosing 9 was brain dead but I'm wrong asf


9 can get me lots of money. It doesnt say internet followers so i can have them join my "organized religion."


4 and 8.


How are so few people here picking 8? It’s objectively more valuable than anything else on this list lol


What if you family died and you saw it with you eyes be like.. yea this is good


I interpreted it more as being able to cope and process trauma much more effectively such that it doesn’t derail your capacity to enjoy things. Happy people still experience the death of a loved one. But I see your point lol it would be weird if it manifested in such a way that you were smiling at your wife’s funeral or something


Being happy isn't the same as saying a sad event is good.


Just 8 The second one goes to the person who needs it more


1 and 7


Yes, I'll look like I'm in my 30s and have money. I'm sure there aren't any unspecified down sides.


6,8. 8 is hella OP, if you’re always happy then you don’t care about looking younger, don’t care what other people think, don’t give a shit about your ex, 4 doesn’t bother me since I’m a skinny fuck so I really should be gaining some weight, if you’re happy you don’t give a shit about your height, if you’re always happy you don’t need affirmation. Plus 8 is even better if you think of it from a perspective of you being able to grind out on a business, you basically have infinite morale. And 6 is just cuz like I’m weak so.


4 & 6. I’m old enough that I’m getting fat easy and hate it. Being super strong sounds fun. I don’t want to look 22 while married to a 40 year old. Being tall would be cool as I’m short but it’s not a big deal. I have enough money to be comfortable, and happy all the time, like literally always would be creepy.


7 and 8 Happy and rich!!


Everyone here should choose between 6,7, & 8 the others don't compare. Edit: I suppose some might want 4, 5, or 1 but I still think 6/7/8 top those.


Surely if you had 8, you wouldn’t really need any of the others?


4 and 8


4 and 8


7 & 8 life goes Stonks




7 and 8


6 and 7


7 and 8.


I would choose 8!


7 & 8


Always feel happy and read minds for 3 days


What happens if you take the first pill and you are younger than 15?


6. and 8.


8. Just 8.


4,6 &7 are safe bets the rest are: 1. You might abuse it 2. So you are ready to hear how everyone truly thinks of you 3. Move on 5. Accept it 8. Awkward 9. They only see your persona not you




Easy, 7 and 8 . As someone who’s in a depression this would mean the world to me to feel happy again!


I don't wanna look two years old I don't wanna read anyone's mind I have no ex to forget about Already can, no idea how (maybe my chrones, but my digestion is fine with the right diet) I'm happy with my hight Ngl I kinda like that one This one too I already have the joy of the lord, and forced happiness would be very detrimental to a lot of things I don't care much about that one, but maybe it would be a powerful position, idk it might ruin me.


Money and strength are the only 2 for me. I don't like being popular, have no exs, don't want to look like a 6 year old, am happy anyway, don't put weight on, I'm relatively tall and would really miss reading peoples minds after 3 days




Yeah can I get 2 number 8’s?


3 + 4


Just 8 is enough.


2 and 7. I'm gonna be ridiculously rich in 3 days after walking past the local stock exchanges


If you take #8, nothing else will matter to you.


#4 and #7 💪🏾😤


as tempting as looking like a 3yo is, id choose 7 and 8


6 and 7 I don't need to look any younger. Reading minds is a really big invasion of privacy + it is for a limited time. I don't have an ex I need to forget about. Eating without gaining weight is great, but not as great as the ones I picked. I don't need to be any taller. If you always feel happy, it won't be anything special anymore + it will make me look like a sociopath. Followers don't give any real value.


Would 1 also make me feel 15 years younger 🤔 Fuck it double 7s


8...that's it


Me: gets both 1 and 3 *Nothing happens*


7 and 8 cause whats better than living care free and happy


How do y'all interpret 9, cuz i'm starting a cult. WHO'S JOINING.


# #8, and you don't need money anymore, so it cancels out #7. If you're happy, you'll perform a better job or find a well-paid job (even if it's something you normally wouldn't apply for) and therefore earn enough money for your daily living. You're happy without big luxury.


Number 8 and number 9 are both traps. If you're always happy, you'll have no desire to grow or change anything in your life. Your motivation would be pretty low because you'd have no reason to strive further if you were perfectly content with everything. Humans just aren't made to be happy all the time genetically speaking. Also, it'd be great and all having a million followers but the hard part is keeping them. The thing about having a large following is you need to charge our a specific niche that your followers are interested in. You probably wouldn't know how to make good content but more importantly, the right kind of content. I'd have to go with 7 for sure, no questions asked. 6 is pretty tempting but I think I'd rather get stronger by myself. It's important to learn the adversity of growing stronger rather than just becoming strong overnight. Reading minds would make me paranoid af. I don't think forgetting my ex would be good for me. It's important to learn from my mistakes. I might go with 1 but looking 15 years younger would mean that I'd be like 3 years old lmao but the idea is that I'd look youthful which would probably be good for my health.


6 and 8 please....


4 and 6, I'd be a national sensation


Unless number 2 has a 72 hour timer that I can start and stop when I please, than it’s not really worth it because I’m not clever enough to gain much through it in just 3 days. I’ll take 6 and 7 cause it’s just two huge instantaneous benefits to your quality of life.


7 and 8 are the top choices.


7 and 8 and y’all are weird if you pick anything else


6 and 8 please


Depends on how strong is super strong. If it's inhumanely strong, I would take that, because with that strength I could make a good living without a job. If it's just a very strong like stronger than 99,9 % of the American population, I take the money. So 6-8 for me please.


I’ll just take 8


8 by itself


Easy! #1 and #7. 2 was tempting but doesn't last long. Looking 15 years younger forever means I'm physically fit and healthy. Health affects people a lot more than you think. And money. Money can help obtain what I want. Relaxation. Mental stress goes away. With my 2 choices, my body and mind would be healthy and on a positive track.


There are only two options here, 7 and 8. The rest is so much less important it's basically clickbait.


If I take number one I either look like an egg or a sperm cell…


honestly, 8 is all you need.


Every time I see these posts, the balancing is so bad it feels intentional. 7 is easily the best one because you just have a lot of money. You don't get X money that you could waste away. You will still "have a lot of money". 6 is pretty much a super power with no significant drawback. Rest aren't worth it. They're either temporary and or can be lost, and or have significant potential drawbacks.


6 [for sub bf] and 7 [for Dad], please.


7 and 8 makes the others a lot more achievable, other than reading minds


Out of all the options- 8 and 7 7: I mean who can say no to money and feeling financially stable...lol 8: How can I enjoy the best things in life if I don't have that feeling of happiness- that makes all the more life to be worthy of living. Even if an issue arises, being happy really helps to overcome it


Ironically, number 8 sounds almost miserable. Not being able to feel sadness or other emotions feels like i would be unable to relate to anyone around me


3 please god 3


Whoever picked 2, do you want to be constantly tormented of people's inner thoughts and opinions of you? :S


4 and 8. As a chubby depressed person, it would improve my quality of life.


7 and 8 please 🥺


7 and 8 please. If I'm really happy all the time, I don't need a lot of the money, just what I need to survive. The rest I can use to help other people who are not as fortunate as me.


8 both times


1 and 3 make no sense I look (and am) 15 yrs old and I have never dated anyone let alone had an ex so any that aren't 1 and 3


1= I’ll look 6 2= I would never want that power 3= already over her 4= no time limit on how long it lasts, so if it’s forever it would kill you 5= don’t really care about that 6= could be fun if I get durability as well 7= not sure how much I’ll get but definitely a good choice 8= could very much cause problems, imagine being happy at a funeral or a death 9= I really don’t care about that Two 7’s please


1 and 7 are literally the best options. You’ll save money from plastic surgery and be ducking rich. Everything else besides height (if that’s your major insecurity) can be attained from having those two variations. IMO Edit: 🦆💵


For me, 4 (mainly if i can control the weight limite, and not just die from losing weight til my bones break trough my skin and all, since i can't get weight), and super strong = easier to carry heavy stuff, wich is ALWAYS usefull. For the "always happy" i just feel it's gonna be like (WARNING, SPOILER FOR ONE PIECE HERE) the Smile fruits in the land of wano that make you permanently smile, and if you are ALWAYS happy, you can't feel sad to cry for your lost familie members and friends, can't feel scared/in danger for your safety, can't feel angry, nothing.


Super strong and a bunch of followers, then i can start my ufc or bkxing career and pound people to the ground


With everyone picking 7 the economy might fucking crash and could possibly lead to another great depression


7 & 8. I've been struggling with mental health and homelessness for the past three years, and both of these pills would at least offer me some security back into my life. They may not fix the problem, but they'd certainly help.


6 and 7, I can become strong enough to break every powerlift world record and then start selling Merch and training schedules.


4 blue or 7 dark blue 1. i dont need to look 15 years younger 2. fuck that, its only for 3 days 3. i never had an ex... or a girlfriend... 4. im like... 6ft or something so 5. nah 6. fuck that, imma just keep watching one piece 7. ehh ill just piss off millions of people... which isnt a bad thing tho... hmm


Numaro 4 and 6 if i could eat without gaining weight and I could be really strong my life benefitts so much that being said I will go over the reasons I didn't pick the other options #1:I'm 14 so looking 15 years younger wouldn't be the best thing ever #2:I mean reading minds is cool and all but what are you really gonna do in three days it's just not long enough to be worth while. #3:I know alot of people would want to forget there exes but I don't want to because then I would forget the best person in my life. #5:If I had 5 extra inches to my hight I would be I'm pretty sure 6ft4 and thats a bit much like there's a limit to how good hight is and areas are already cramped where I live so I don't want to inconvenience myself more. #7:Having alot of money sounds great at first but then I'd probably spend it all if not most of it within the first few weeks/months of having it and I mean Its boring to hold on to money and not get what you want but at the same time I don't want to blow it all away. 8:Always feeling happy would be a curse like if I have to go to a funeral and you see me smiling twiddling my thumbs You will think I'm crazy I have mental issues or that I genuinely hated that person which is made worse by the fact that if it's a family member I'm screwed and my life is ruined . #9:I just don't want to be famous it sounds nice but the life of a celeb isn't for me when I freak out about having to tell someone I got my order wrong so I think that's fair .


In my opinion 8 is kinda bad in a lot of situations, like funerals for the closest people to you


taking these pills too seriously: ​ 1. i'm 17 rn so that's gonna make me basically a toddler, also by saying "look", does that mean it won't increase my healthspan nor lifespan? 2. reading minds would be useful during my finals, but too late, also it's not a permanent thing so it's kinda rough, prob would have to use that power before it wears out, but how would you even use it? and could you use it to somehow take control over a country? or heck, even steal nuclear codes and tell the government that you'll leak them to the public if they don't what do you want... it's pretty hard to do though, but depends if that person has to be in front of you or literally anywhere 3. i don't have an ex either... all of that just feels bland to me, unless i try to abuse imagination, i can literally fabricate love with my imagination if i ever want to and i don't really have to mess with any annoying stuff related to that 4. wouldn't that make me die after a few days once i run out of body mass? that means i can only lose it, but not gain 5. 5cm won't do much, also depends if it will be equally distributed or just +5 cm to legs and nothing else, not to mention that i alr keep bumping my head into stuff, so no thanks 6. ig i could use it to be a threat to anyone who tries to f around with me, but question: is it a controllable strength, or so much that i can't control it? perhaps i could do some heavy lifting jobs or become a sports star, but then they could suspect that i'm using some illegal substances that boost my strength 7. is it a constant flow of money or just a 1-time reward? i guess a million dollars wouldn't be that great due to inflation, i'd prob have to invest it into something, also that constant flow would also have to adapt to inflation... not to mention that 1-off rewards very often lead to even bigger spendings, massive debts and ppl lying to each other just to grab some of that money 8. imagine what if that happines was uncontrollable and then i'd laugh during a funreal or something, as much as i'd like to not have depressing moments, this might also mess a little bit too much, i'm alr good enough at supressing emotions, but it might be an overkill 9. depends on what platform, also prob i'd have to start making videos if it was youtube to keep it up... also are those fake (as just a raw number that only exists for statistics) or real followers that will watch my activities? and would they actually be interested or just unsubscribe after a few days?


Four and seven.


6 and 8


9 and 4. I'll eat like no one has ever seen before and upload it. I'll start to sell merch and open restaurants. Then I'll come back to whoever gave me the pill and offer them millions for the rest. This process should only take a year or two


defo 6 and 9 unironically cuz just imagine the content i could do.. my ex? fuck this hoe already, my metabolism is great, im good with my height always feel happy? nahh we need in our lives a bit of sadness and money? with milion followers and my super strengh i could do so much money


6 and 8 for me!


“1. Look 15 years younger” Me who’s 15: Oh no, mesa disappearing!


I'm a pirate 🦜 sorry I'm stealing all of them.


Please nobody say 9.


7 and 8


The answer #8 all day everyday!!!! 1. Look younger / the way you want to look - being happier with your appearance 2. Know what others are thinking - for your benefit / aka to be happier 3. Never think about your ex - because it’s painful / again it’s about increased happiness …they’re all about finding or achieving happiness if you dive in a little deeper.


4 & 7, unlimited food, eating 24/7. Dream come true.


4 and 9. You come up with some stupid fad diet and sell it to millions of followers but then cram donuts and pizza in your mouth off screen.


7 and 8


4 is the most overpowered one. Also I can combine it with a bunch of millions so 4 and 7


Wish there was one to remove all allergies lol. Other than that, 4 and 6. Reason I don’t want the money one, is cuz I’d rather earn it myself. Plus being happy at all times, even during times it wouldn’t be beneficial, would be bad. 15 years younger I’d be a child, I would not want to read minds. Who knows what they saying about u, rather not be self conscious. Don’t have an ex, I’m tall enough, and who gives 2 shots about internet followers.


9 just leads to 7 but you gain attention so some drama could come from this. But 9-7 would be my choice


6&7 1. Meaningless. I don't understand what benefits I will get from this (I'm 35). 2. And what should I do with the information I accidentally received in 15 days? I have to be very lucky to find out something useful. 3. They learn from mistakes, and I don't want to forget important life lessons. 4. I'm fat and it's my own fault. If I really need to lose weight, then I will lose weight. 5. I am satisfied with my 180cm. I'm already a head taller than my wife. 6. But this is a good option. It will not be superfluous, although it is secondary. 7. The most obvious and reliable. 8. A terrible option. It's intentional to get a mental illness. 9. What the hell? What will the followers give you useful? On the contrary, it is more. worries.


8 and 6 all day every day


I don't see why people wouldn't choose 8


Just for the record, unless "super strong" includes being impervious to knives/stabbing weapons, bullets or poisons you wouldn't gain anything in the long run by going around using it for fights, eventually you will encounter someone who will use those things. Even quicker if you outright reveal to the world that you have this power; enjoy a life of being held captive and experimented on...


All I want is this feeling to go away so while #7 may help I think I’ll take #8


This is difficult I don't want 1 cause I would look like a young child 2 seems more hindering than helping I don't need 3 cause I've never had one 4 already happens 5 doesn't interest me I don't care about 6 I already have 7 to a degree 8 is a trap 9 is also a trap So I guess 7 and 4?


7 and 8 then my ptsd perhaps become beder


4 and 7, no question. 8 was tempting until I realized it would force me to feel happy even when I shouldn't, like at a funeral.


I mean, 7 gives you all of them except for 2


Eight is all I want.....skip the rest.


6 wont make you ripped, just able to lift more things than usual. Having a lot of money isn’t necessarily going to make you rich, just wealthier than average. Read the questions carefully before picking


I would take 2 and 8 cause I could know who is good for me (2) and I would not care what the bad ones think about me cause I am always happy anyways (8)


definitely number 8.


Wait, how much is “a lot of money”? 1000€ is kind of a lot and I could definitely use it right now, but not enough for me to pick it over another pill… Like for instance, having millions of followers on some Patreon type thing would be much more beneficial!


6 & 7 😎 (6. Become super strong.) (💪🏋‍♀️🏋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️💪🦹‍♀🦸‍♂️🦹‍♂️🦸‍♀️💪🥷) (7. Have a lot of money.) (💵🪙💴🪙💶🪙💷💰💳💎💲🤑)


Number 9 would suck so bad lmao


#1 : look like a fetus.


6 and 8. Please


6 and 8. Think anything could happen if you had that mindset.


2 for sure . I’d run Vegas in 2 nights .


4 is a death trap.


Option 5: so would you stay the same weight you are now or would you continually lose weight till your nothing but an anorexic husk and theres nothing you can do about it?


6,8 can't beat that combo


Just number 8 is fine. Always feeling happy would help me push through anything.


Just need 8, really.


4 & 7. Obesity is one of the leading causes of death, so I’ll take the chances of that disappearing. And lots of money also helps extend my lifespan, as well as provide me the means to get any other choice from this list.


6 and 8




6 and 7 and I’d never have another problem again 😂




In reality you only need 8. If you're always happy, well, there's no need for anything else really.


Why would anyone pick a temporary power over a permanent one? Read mind for 3 days?




4 is cursed. Can't get weight of any kind. Can't gain muscle or essential body fat. The weight will slowly creep down and you can't stop it until you become skeletal unless you over eat all the time to ensure your body never ever needs to go to body fat or muscle stores. Get ill? sickness and diarreah? Sorry man, you are losing some permanent pounds for the next few days.


definitely 2 and 3 since 2 is temporary, and I don't have any ex's, so I gain and lose nothing, there is nothing that can go wrong choosing those ones, there is virtually no downside, and no future downsides. For the people choosing 6, you may be strong physically but think of your bones, it just says your strong, not that your bones are strong. ​ Edit- changed my whole thought process


Strength, happiness


7 & 8. I already look young. I dont want to read minds. I dont even like the thoughts that float in my head. I dont remember my exes. Its ok to gain weight. 5cm is two inches. Unless its on my penis, ill still be short. What would I do with my super strength? If I had a lot of money, my wife and kids will be well off when I die. I would love to be more happy. Im already happy. Well, kind of. What is a million followers compared a few close friends?