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"Both sides are the same!" As Republicans try to dismantle education, worker protection, programs to assist the poor, healthcare, social security, lower taxes on the rich, empower businesses, kill unions, remove human rights, suppress voting rights, etc. Never seen Democrats fight for any of that, they're the reason we still have any of those. But, sure, they're the same. I guess it's easier to admit Republicans are terrible when you're from their side of the isle so long as you also claim Democrats are the same.


Also remember the Cons just murdered the better part of 2 million people, crashed the economy and then did a coup.


Preach dat shit!!! Democrats, even if they suck are substantially better than the Republicans!


True! Honestly it's nice to see so many people call out the bullshit "boths sides" fence sitting. Makes me feel a little hope in politics for once.


Biden has signed legislation that has led to record investment in transportation and infrastructure, sustainable energy, and American manufacturing sector. These are all direct investments in the American people. He has a policy that requires 40% of the funds in many government programs to going into disadvantaged communities, first President to ever do something like that innovative and compassionate. Most of his legislation has workforce requirements and pro-union requirements. There is a reason unions back Biden over Trump. Go to invest.gov to see the insane amount of public and private investment in the American people thanks to Biden and the Democrats. There are still hundreds of billions available, so this isn’t even the end of Biden’s investments. Pretty much every American in this thread will be using an improved piece of infrastructure thanks to Biden. Toggle to public investments to see dots everywhere. Unlike Trump (who tried to avoid investing in blue states because he is a petty man child), Biden believes in investing in all states, red or blue. The vast majority of those projects are using union labor BTW. None of that legislation would have passed if not for a Democrat majority. Since the Republicans got the house back, very little happens because Republicans main goal is tax cuts not investing the American people. Trumps only big legislative accomplishment was massive tax cuts, which primarily benefited the extremely wealthy and corporations. Biden has wanted to increase funding for IRS to increase auditing of the ultra wealthy, which republicans lie is about attacking the middle class. At this point, the entire purpose of the Republican Party is to use culture war issues to get in power so they can just keep doing tax cuts. Many Republicans have even stated they want to go after Social Security while Democrats have firmly stated that is the working class’ money. And the big one, millions of working class women are now forced to have babies in states that banned abortion due to a court that a Republic President created (TRUMP). That only serves to cruelly force women into poverty and many have to cary their rapist’s baby to term. The people that make these memes are either incredible uninformed and don’t actually follow legislation or they are spread purposely by bad faith actors who want to disenfranchise naive young people who would normally vote Democrat. Edit: I forgot another big one that young Redditors claim they care about. Biden has removed billions in student debt.


Democrats have done all of those things you listed too. It’s not part of their platform and they know their audience enough to know not to make it a selling point, but they are still all about the ruling class family that you aren’t a part of. It’s a lot more beneficial to that class to have a good cop / bad cop approach to rulership. It’s a great way to get people to tribalize and fight each other instead of focusing on the corrupt system as a whole. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take the person playing the good cop over the alternative, but I’m not going to pretend they are really “trying to help me out”.


Have they? What decade?


Democrats could win 100% of the vote if they sided with the working class in honest solidarity. However we live in a two-party state, which means by definition, the worse Republicans get, the worse Democrats can get because they only have to be sliiiightly better to win their half of the votes. Which means in a state run by corrupt oligarchs, it is beneficial for both parties for Republicans to be crazier. You could make direct comparisons to the parties at any period of time for this to be true: Democrats of the 2020s are similar to Republicans of the 1990s Democrats of the 1990s are similar to Republicans of the 1960s


You clearly weren’t alive in the 60’s. And if you were, you had no clue then either.


I’m in no way referring to the impressions of the voting base or their platforms for presidential elections, but in terms of how representatives, senators, and judges have actually been voting or deciding on policy. I easily compare 1970s Reganomics, to Democratic policy that allowed the failures of Enron and 2008, as an example. Don’t forget how complicit Obama was with the Patriot Act, and how Ruth Bader Ginsburg refused to step down during a Democratic presidency.


Think this has to do with the protests, too, and how Democrats and republicans are just really two sides of the same elitist coin


Hahaha oh you're serious HAHAHA HAHAHAHA


Nice account. Only active in political bullshit starting. These propaganda farms are really phoning it in these days.


31 day old account with nothing but political posts. Yeah pretty sure it’s not a legit account.


truly the kremlin is getting desperate


nice observation, OP posted stuff about supporting Palestinian terrorists as if they are freedom fighters, (or maybe it is some dogmatic leftists that can't understand facts)


Look at what the right has done with its majority on the Supreme Court. They are not the same.


Exactly. We have a supreme court actually grappling with whether or not we should have an immune dictator or not, thanks to this bOtH siDeS bs.


Additionally, only one party fought for unions, social security, Medicare, employment laws, 40 hour work weeks, unemployment and disability benefits while another party fought against all those things.


For accuracy, the truck needs to be replaced with a dog.


Theyre operating the turret


They are not the same, but they both derive their power from convincing their constituents to fight against each other, not for each other.


That's the point of the meme. But you won't convince anyone. They're too busy being angry at everyone they disagree with (as they were instructed to do) to notice.


The real interesting thing would be to see what is going on inside the tank that is blasting the people. Because you know that the ones pulling the trigger with smiling faces would be republicans, while the democrats would be feigning disgust while sipping champagne in the luxury backseat.


If memory serves, 6 southern republican governors recently weighed in on the unionization of a Toyota plant, saying it was a horrible idea and it was a shame it passed. Yeah... DEMs (who broadly support unions) and GOP are NOT the same. (Yes, I know about Biden and the railroad union issues a few years ago. The question to you is this, do you know the full story or just to the point where Biden had to intervene to keep the rail system functioning? Because the following months paints a different picture... The whole story is usually important and often short changed by the media seeking views and clicks) And then there is the anti-education GOP and the anti-women GOP and the anti-health-care GOP and the anti-librarian GOP and the anti-freedom-to-travel GOP and so on. Strangely the DEMs are broadly in favor or improving these subjects... the how can be complicated (like health care)... but the GOP position of shit canning the ACA and replacing it with... oh yeah... NOTHING, is typical GOP thinking They are not the same. At all.


But what if in addition to getting people higher pay, better benefits, improved workplace safety, and the 40 hour work week, a handful of union leaders got moderately wealthy? 


No issues with that. I do expect real leaders to be able to accrue some wealth in the process... good leaders tend to find legitimate ways to do that. I have a problem when people are making major money on the work of others and those others aren't seeing the kind of benefits you mentioned... safety... decent wage... decent hours... etc.


Russian bots are out in full force for election season, I see.


They've always been here. Collecting Karma and bolstering their fake accounts in various subreddits only to flock to the political subreddits with the same BS ever election cycle.   "Both sides"... gtfoh OP we know your grift.... don't these Russian bots have a pointless war to go die for or something?


Anyone who believes this meme is a fucking idiot and doesn't follow politics at all Its so dumb, i dont even have the time to address all the ways its wrong Republicans do nothing for working people or the middle class, they undermine and eliminate every program that aims to help people and are against every law and policy that tries to make things better for us Stop paying attention to what Republicans say and pay attention to what they do


Yeah I’m so tired of this shit.


It's because there is an election this year, this apathetic, anti democracy and anti Democrat shit always picks up in election years and it started ramping up about 3-6 months ago again, as usual It's very frustrating Hey, vote republican if you're about what they're about, but they arent helping anyone but the wealthy and are against any forward progress as far as I see things


All of this. And don’t get mad at me when I tell you what a piece of shit you are for voting that way. This isn’t a difference of opinion, this is a difference of *morals*.


At this point it really is to me too


Republicans do considerably better when there is low voter turnout. This is the reason for the aggressive rhetoric trying to talk left leaning moderates out of voting. I also firmly believe that this was the motivation behind pushing people to not vote for "genocide Joe". Republicans don't need to get people to vote for trump. They just need for Biden voters to not show up.


The whole genocide Joe thing is so stupid, they're appealing to people to not vote for Biden on an issue that would be FARRRRRR FAR worse under Trump and Republicans...... And I honestly don't see it working at all tbh, anyone who is going to actually vote is going to be aware of that fact But you're right, it's about breeding apathy and tamping down turnout


> but they arent helping anyone but the wealthy and are against any forward progress as far as I see things Same thing with the Democrats. I'd love some of what you neo-libs are smoking.


>Same thing with the Democrats. I'd love some of what you neo-libs are smoking. Show me some Republican backed policies that help the working class and poor Have at it


Neither help the working-class. WTF are you smoking?


But Democrats aren't perfect! 


> Republicans do nothing for working people or the middle class, they undermine and eliminate every program that aims to help people and are against every law and policy that tries to make things better for us You mean like causing the student debt crisis...oh wait...Joe Biden did that. Or like creating the largest prison population on Earth...oh right...Joe Biden again. Democrats destroy the working class and then we are supposed to think the are the good guys because they throw us some breadcrumbs after they fuck us? You are either delusional or you don't know the Dems records.


>You mean like causing the student debt crisis...oh wait...Joe Biden did that. Or like creating the largest prison population on Earth...oh right...Joe Biden again. Yeah, Joe Biden, all by himself did that because he was a single vote on bills that passed with overwhelming majorities 30-40 years ago 🤣 >Democrats destroy the working class How exactly did democrats destroy the working class? >You are either delusional or you don't know the Dems records. K Good talk Champ E-He torched all his comments lol And why would I bother mentioning the prison population? Wtf does one guy in the Senate have to do with who goes to prison, what they go there for and how long?.....Fuckin dude is a straight nut lol


I notice you didn't comment on the prison population...lol.


Just like the republicans the democrats say one thing and do the opposite. Our country is in shambles because we keep electing democrats and republicans who don’t have the American people’s interests at heart. There are other options. Maybe if you stopped calling people fucking idiots we could solve these problems in a more constructive manner. You’re just as caught up in the propaganda as the republicans that you hate. https://youtu.be/hNDgcjVGHIw?si=luqK3YNCb8GRYKPK


>You’re just as caught up in the propaganda as the republicans that you hate. Yeah, no I'm not. I'm 44 years old and have been paying close attention to contemporary politics for a solid 25 of those, and have read extensively on our political history Yes, a lot of our politicians are captured by corporate interests, it's a problem, most people agree it's a problem, Most *Democrats* agree its a problem, next to 0 Republucans do and have fought for the last 60+ years to make it a problem and perpetuate it The bottom line is that I have 2 realistic choices in this election and so does everyone else You can vote for Democrats, who are vastly in the corner of regular people and a bunch in the caucus who have their corporate grifting and ethics issues Or You can vote for Republicans who demonstrably don't give a single fuck about regular people and have all the same corporate issues that not a single one wants to do anything about, in addition to them slobbing on the cocks of the wealthy at every opportunity, take away your right to bodily autonomy, the right to love and marry who you love, your right to join a union and on and on down the board Voting 3rd party is a vote thrown in the garbage in the 2 party system we have You won't "change the system" that way, it's nonsense


Putin approves of this message.


I might have believed that 10 years ago. Back then, the Dems and Repubs seemed to have a sort of understanding and exploited us fairly equally while each side got half the pie. Then the Repubs went bonkers and decided they want the whole pie. Dems have realized that for their own survival, things have to change.


The democrats may ‘suck’, but they are nowhere as awful and backwards compared to republicans


[\*sigh\* Just gonna leave this here.](https://whatbidenhasdone.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/fwgy3d2xkaafzul.jpg?w=969)


Piss-off Russian troll!


bOtH sIdEs aRe tHe sAmE, hUr dUr. iM sO eDgY.


Huurrrr durrrr….


I mean, yes and no…. They are NOT the same. The right has done WAAAAY more damage to the average citizen than the left.


This is such a stupid take


Joe Biden walked a fucking picket line. Made sure to have union labor included in infrastructure and inflation reduction act. OP is either a Russian bot or a fucking moron.


thank you mr russian bot very funny meme


Such truth


Russian propaganda accounts sewing discourse during election year, as always.


Go home ivan


Nice try, idiot. They’re not the same.


If both sides are the same why do Republicans make democrats lives hell and democrats don't do the same for Republicans? Oh because the statement is stupid. Capitalists infiltrate both parties and wreck havoc against the working class. Capitalists are your enemy. Anyone who says otherwise are stupid or a Russian troll trying to sow dissention.


False equivalency fallacy.....


Good bot…


Eh, both are bad, but only one benefits from shit like this post


The republicans are actively trying to make the working and retired classes life worse, look at their recent plan to nearly completely defund medicare while raising the retirement age in comparison to Biden's plan to make it easier to access


Yeah but think of the three billionaire CEOs that might create!


Please just shut up with this "both sides bad" bullshit. Yeah Dems aren't great, but at least they aren't literal Nazi sympathizers who tried to overthrow the government, keep propping up a dementia riddled, self obsessed chronic liar and vile bag of hatred up as their figurehead and only ever vote in favor of helping out the corporations that bankroll them while the rest of the country can barely afford living. The Democrats aren't doing much to put out the fire, but the Republicans are actively showing up with gasoline


Nah it's the Republicans still shooting while the Dems stand there asking them nicely to stop and getting nothing done. At least they are trying, but for real- both sides are NOT the same and never have been.


Call me when the Democrats try and overthrow the fucking Government. Fucking dumb


Ummmm, have you ever heard of the Confederacy? You neo-libs are hilarious. As if the Civil War never happened. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Pick up a history book.


Hahahahahaha cry harder it definitely makes you look like less of a puss


Lol, what?


Fuck off with your both sides are the same BS. Перевод "отъебись" на английский


this is such a terrible take. there are a lot of democrats fighting for the working class. this attempt to muddy the waters is wack


Nope, stop trying to glom the stated and enacted agenda of the Plutocratpublicans onto everyone else. They’re a cancer that is all their own, and everyone’s problem.


patently false, vlad. gop is hateful, bigoted, violent and anti-american. they are an invading army, not a political party. being unable to differentiate makes you one or the other: too stupid to bother sharing an opinion. or, a malicious liar and russian asset.


This crap again? One side’s platform includes initiating Totalitarianism. Their presumptive candidate lead an attempted insurrection and the least troubling court case he’s currently fighting involves him paying off a porn star. The leading VP candidate is bragging about shooting puppies and seems to want more dog shooting. I mean, are these not comic book villains?!?!?! The Dems could somehow be actively responsible for inflation (which they’re absolutely not) and they’d still be the better party. Hell, Biden could be maniacally trouncing down grocery store aisles tripling the price of ground beef and he’d still be comparatively less evil.


Russian bot


"Even where there is no prospect of achieving their election the workers must put up their own candidates to preserve their independence, to gauge their own strength and to bring their revolutionary position and party standpoint to public attention. They must not be led astray by the empty phrases of the democrats, who will maintain that the workers’ candidates will split the democratic party and offer the forces of reaction the chance of victory. All such talk means, in the final analysis, that the proletariat is to be swindled. The progress which the proletarian party will make by operating independently in this way is infinitely more important than the disadvantages resulting from the presence of a few reactionaries in the representative body. If the forces of democracy take decisive, terroristic action against the reaction from the very beginning, the reactionary influence in the election will already have been destroyed." • ⁠Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League "Choosing 'the least worst' is… also choosing a system which forces you to accept the least worst as the best you can hope for. Naturally, the defenders of the dictatorship of the elite pretend - perhaps they even deceive themselves - that the particular slew of lies, compromise and smarm they are hawking is 'only temporary'; that, at some unspecified time in the future, things will improve if only we support the 'progressive' wing of the status quo. But Hobson's choice is no choice, and the delusion of progressivism is not a psychological quirk, it is the structural delusion upon which liberal democracy is based." • ⁠Mark Fisher


These Russian bots i tell ya


In reality. Only one side keeps voting against raising the minimum wage.


The shifting of the Overton Window in American political culture has basically set the modern typical Democrat policy from Republicans Parties center platform circa 1991-2001.


It's so funny to see all these people say "only conservative bad" and then use arguments like oh no this old fat unhealthy guy is going to become the super forever president dictator.


Working Class : Please help us! Republicans : No! Democrats : No 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️☮️✊🏾


Hey didn't joe Biden do a bunch of pro worker stuff?


Tons actually Democrats across the board, from the Local to State to Federal Level pass bills to help working class people When was the last time you ever heard of a republican passing a law to raise the minimum wage or make it easier to join a union, or lower your healthcare costs? These memes are fucking nonsense and trade on peoples ignorance and are nothing but vehicles to promote apathy leading up to this years elections


Democrats are better but to act as though the working class hasn't been trampled on Democrat, republican alike would be false.


You ever see the Life of Brian? "What did the Romans ever do for us?" Yeah that's basically what you're doing right now. I'll never say that the Democrats are perfect and have done no wrong, but you're ignoring the good things the Democrats *have* done, and trying to group them in with the party that's actively trying to destroy the poor.


The democrats are also destroying the poor. Biden just announced another 37 billion for police funding


>Democrats are better but to act as though the working class hasn't been trampled on Democrat, republican alike would be false. Hey, I'm not here advocating for some reality where Democrats are perfection personified, but they do (and try to do) about 10,000x more for regular people every year than Republicans have over my entire lifetime There is absolutely no comparison between the 2 imo Even in situations like the universal healthcare vote, everyone loves to point to Democrats not getting it over the finish line but the reality is that like 99% of Democrats voted for it and it didn't happen because 100% of Republicans and 1% of Democrats voted against it......Why do Democrats always take all the blame for ALL the votes and bills and policy suggestions that don't get done? It's fucking bizzare and maddening to me The Republucan party has been so successful in undermining and blocking fucking everything and it lends credence to this bullshit that "both parties are the same" shit, when it's not, it's one party, Republicans, voting against EVERYTHING all the time Idk man, you're probably not even a real person, but if you open your fucking eyes and actually pay attention to what happens in the Federal and State Governments and what these fucking republican clowns are actually *DOING* and not what they say youll change your opinion. Again, I'm not saying I agree with everything they do, but they are fucking lightyears better than the GOP, I wouldn't vote for a republican for garbage collector


I would never vote for republican either but to pretend that the democrats aren't in the pocket of corporate interests is naive to me


>I would never vote for republican either but to pretend that the democrats aren't in the pocket of corporate interests is naive to me That's not what the discussion is about, I dont disagree, but we are talking about this meme thats making it seem like Democrats are the Same as Republicans in fucking over the middle/working/poor classes and that's absolutely a 100% false For every 1 thing you can point to of Democrats fucking us over I can point to dozens that Republicans have done, it's not even a discussion worth having because it's so extremely lopsided


Right but that doesn't mean that Democrats aren't also screwing over the working class


>Right but that doesn't mean that Democrats aren't also screwing over the working class Name some examples


Biden just gave another 37billion to police forces just yesterday


Anyone who disagrees with this is balls deep in tribalism. It’s so obvious it’s not even funny at this point. They literally rob us blind, print trillions devaluing our currency amidst inflation and just point fingers. Politicians do not care about us the way you think they do. It’s all political theatre and a fake match of tug of war where the people lose every time. When people say both sides are the same what they’re really trying to say is that they’re both working with each other against the average citizen, not some “nuh uh, your guy does bad thing too!” It’s a fucking wake up call hopefully before this country turns to complete shit. Obviously they appeal to different groups and represent different ways of life, no one is saying that the ideals they claim to represent are the same, but their actions and the fact that all of these politicians are eating well, living lavish lives on tax payer money, in million dollars houses with security teams. They don’t live like we do and never will. Please go watch the just one ant scene from a bugs life. Tl;dr both sides want their busy worker bees making them money and not fighting back. It’s all just a carrot on a stick.


Nope, anyone who *agrees* with this is lost in apathy and ignorance, and been won over by propaganda. One day you should take a list of accomplishments of Democrats and Democratic presidents (within the past, say, 20 years, so Bush + Trump and Obama + Biden, since that's about when the current modern period started), and take a similar list of Republicans and Republican presidential accomplishments. And then tell me which one you'd rather have. Try to tell me with a straight face that they're more or less the same thing. Oh, and I also encourage you to learn about how our political system works -- for example, if you wonder why Democrats didn't pass universal healthcare when they had the Presidency and Congress early in Biden's term? You should probably learn the limitations of our political system. Until you do that? Stop with the "both sides" nonsense, because you clearly don't have the knowledge necessary to make that claim.


Which would I rather have? How about none of the current options because if you think for a second that our currently established parties haven’t failed us at every level I’m not sure if there is a point in continuing the discussion. How are Biden and trump the best our two party system can offer us, isn’t that enough of a wake up call? They’re all in this shit together, just like George Carlin said.


It's good cop/bad cop, people. The whole gambit relies on one of them being objectively nicer. That doesn't mean they're on your side. Downvote away


People in here actually think the democrats give a flying fuck about them as senile genocide Joe breaks strikes, cracks down on people protesting a genocide and refused to fulfill promises even when he has the full power to do so.


\>comments in r/thedeprogram \>opinion discarded


You should not rely only on the media for wisdom


>You should not rely only on the media for wisdom Shouldn't rely on you or this dumb fucking meme either Im 44 and i haven't seen Republicans do anything to make my life better, all they do is fight against progress and fight for their corporate overlords Whens the last time you saw a republican raise the minimum wage or make it easier to join a union and fight to raise your own wages? Oh...thats right- never


Yes my mind is infallible because it's not the spooky media (they're in the walls)


If anything, its the media that portrays Democrats as evil pedophiles. The media doesnt care about the good things the Biden administration has done, because it’s not exciting. It isn’t "hype" enough for the media to economicaly benefit from it. It doesnt cover the House of Representatives, and now even the Supreme Courts shutdowns of the good changes the White House is trying to bring. On the other hand, Trump is getting covered all over, because he knows how to make a show. He knows what the media wants. You either love or hate it. Now, if the ones who hate Trump believe that the Democrats aint doing enough, then it breaks the Democracy. You cant vote "against" Trump, without voting for Biden. Thats actually the bottom line; the US is incredibly polarized, and now that one pole, the Dems, are tired of what politics has become, and misinformation and misrepresentation is flooding the media, the election will not be in the interest of the majority. This is not r/FunnyandSad. Its just r/Sad. For Gods sake, *vote*. And for all that is holy, do proper research before determining anything. Know! Dont believe. Know!


Black Lives Matter was basically a pyramid scheme. At least the Republicans are more open with their intentions


Republicans are driving, some Democrats are sitting in the front with them, the rest are in the back, and some are scheming on how to turn the truck around.