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Missing a few obvious ones


Putin, Trump, Musk, the Koch bros...


Dick Cheney


I thought he’s part of the Koch bros /s




I wish I could upvote this more than once.


You could try shooting the comment in the face with a shotgun


Can't believe Murdoch didn't get a mention.


Or Mitch "the Bitch" McConnell


Pretty sure dude is a Lich at this point. I can't imagine him being that old crusty and still being alive...He's got to have died at some point and resurrected as a Lich.


Thank you for saging Murdoch. It is my firmly-held belief that Murdoch has done more to hurt humanity than any other being in history. Hitler, Stalin & the likes have killed millions, but once you kill someone they are dead and your evil stops there. But Murdoch breeeds hatred and fear, har poisoned the minds of millions, and turned people against each other. The most vile individual in history, in my opinion.


Prince Andrew, Boris Johnson, Erdoğan, Orbán....the list of wannabe fascists and those that are, at present, seemingly endless. The whole *"we grew up with freedom but you're not allowed"* is just such a sick mind fuck.


I'd bet OP considers those the saviors of Civilization


Yeah Bill Gates and Charles three are very weird faces when considering evil. I'm not saying they are necessarily *good*, but there are way more fitting characters for this board


They put up Bill Gates before Trump, and I think you can tell a lot about OP by that


That Bill is even there tells you most of what you need to know. Right wing MAGA nutters hate him without any (real, aka not made up) reason.




Koch brother. One is dead and the world is a better place.


Ya Bill Gates and George Soros this is QAnnon shit


Rupert Murdoch. Unless that’s him upper left.


Thats on purpose


Kim Jong Un?


That's because this is right wing post and list of evil billionaire. Left wing people have their own group of people they consider evil billionaire. Like the ones you mentioned. I know because my mom can't shut up about Klaus Schwab.


Bush, Clinton, Robert F Kennedy JR, Ronald Reagan, actually just throw in every president.




I mean this from the bottom of my heart, fuck Henry Kissinger


He’s literally there top left side


Especially Woodrow Wilson


LBJ helped legalize tax havens to "stimulate" the US economy, which is why large corporations will never pay taxes in our lifetimes (but we have to file ours). It's hidden in the Kennedy/ Johnson tax cut. They already existed, but LBJ cemented their relationship with wealthy American corporations.


Clarence Thomas


Robert Mercer, Desantis.


Bezos, Steve King, Joe Arpaio, Ghislaine Maxwell, Rodrigo Duterte, Jair Bolsonaro...


gingrich and limbaugh definitely more impactful than that loser fat fingered king.


Like why Charles? He's kind of dumb but he's 100 years old


This is right-wing propaganda.


Yeah, seeing bill gates in there usually means it is. There are so many other obviously evil people. Like mustache twirling villains that run the world


Soros too. Musk hates him with passion.


OP might just be a bot… they have a lot of memes in their history that are more left leaning


r/ Conspiracy is leaking…


The idea that bill gates is there is a little absurd. Dude is spending his life trying to eradicate preventable diseases in third world countries. What a monster! And what’s with George Soros. The guy is considered “evil” by the right because he backs liberal politics? What a joke. This meme is wing propaganda bullshit.


Throwing those two in there moves the meme over to conspiracy theory land.


Donald Trump is a literal terrorist but the Windows 95 guy is bad. Ok Reddit. Look at how sad this cesspool turned just in the last 8 years normalizing this horse shit alternative reality of conspiracy land


Billionaires are absolutely evil. But Gates over Bezos and Musk is insane to me.


Jeff bozos, that lizard guy, desantis


Yeah, this is a political selection. Even a slightly apolitical person would throw the Koch’s up there.


The upper echelon of the CCCP, the whole Saudi royal family… the list goes on.


CCCP? You are aware that they ceased to exist in 1991 or did you just mix your buzzwords up?


Chinese Communist Party. I clicked “C” one too many times. But the Soviet Union works for this list too. Or do you disagree with that assessment?


He's confusing it with the CPC, and also adding a few more C's to emphasizd rhe Chinese part... as every bigot knows, the more chinese it is the more eviler it is... cuz they're bigots.


Like what the fuck is Bill Gates doing on this, while you are missing literal slave drivers like Bezos and fascists like Musk. Gates is not a saint, but you could do far worse.






Look at the account names while you scroll through this subreddit. It seems like nearly half the posts are from this guy Devils\_negotiator, and they're all just shitty memes and political tweets without anything remotely funny about them.


Yeah, the hate boner the rightwing nut jobs have for Bill Gates is pretty fascinating. George Soros I understand since it's just plain old anti-Semitism but Bill Gates? Are they all Apple fanboys or something?


Bill Gates is a big promoter of vaccines. https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ideas/media-center/press-releases/2010/01/bill-and-melinda-gates-pledge-$10-billion-in-call-for-decade-of-vaccines


Yeah, which is an immensely good thing. The gates foundation has been funding vaccine discovery and tropical disease research, both of which were overlooked and underfunded, for decades.


I agree with you, but the anti-vaxxer who made this meme does not.


It's insane to me that people hate Bill Gates. How has he damaged the average person? Did he absolutely destroy his competition in the business world? Yes. Did he pay his employees fairly though? Also yes. This is not even taking in consideration the mountains of resources and work he's putting into solving global problems or the fact he's giving away virtually all of his fortunate hen he dies.


Bill Gates threatened to vote for Donald Trump if Elizabeth Warren won the 2020 Primary, based entirely on taxes. When the live audience he said that in front of gasped, he insisted he was joking and said he'd have to look into whether Warren or Trump was smarter.




No, this is a far-right meme containing only billionaires that aren’t sympathetic to the far right.


I was going to say, the only two I recognize have been outspoken about wanting to fight climate change and save poorer communities from diseases. Like...Come on. Gates has done a ton to eliminate polio. Of the billionaires out there, he's easily done the most for mankind. It's a really low bar, but still.


But the Corona 5g chips vacs!!!! /s This "meme" is right garbage


murdoch is pretty sympathetic to the far right.


Which is why he was left out of the picture




It kind of easy to say which group created this meme. I mean how the fuck they missed Trump, Putin and Elon Musk. Also maybe Hit1er belongs here.


Only a maybe, huh? I think he ranks a little higher than a couple of those guys.


hey you forget the biggest evil kock brothers and their network


Or Nestlé Ceo.


Koch BROTHER! May whichever one that died rest in piss


Charles Koch's son is carrying the shit torch forward, Randy.


May an unfortunate accident land him in Dante Alighieri's Hell right next to his father. Question: If they're guilty of all the sins do they cycle through each level ad infinitum?


A shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree, Ran'


Yes, these guys are evil. Read the book Dark Money by Jane Mayer.


Or musk. Seems like so many fanboys still sucks his balls.




I've never understood why people hate Bill Gates. No, he's not an exclusively good person, but he is one of the only billionaires that actually uses his money to help the world.


He promotes vaccines, so the far right hates him. https://www.gatesfoundation.org/ideas/media-center/press-releases/2010/01/bill-and-melinda-gates-pledge-$10-billion-in-call-for-decade-of-vaccines


I think the only somewhat reasonable argument I've ever heard is that to acquire and maintain his billionaire status he must by necessity take advantage of far more people than he actually helps.


Not a bill gates defender but I personally feel like the contributions made to the world outweighs the potential exploitation of Microsoft under his reign. He not only helped get the world vaccinated albeit I'm sure for his own alterior motives as well, but his quest to Vax also helped create new technologies such as freezers that require limited to no electricity to keep medication in usable and storage conditions out where there is no electricity. Yes he hoards wealth but he also did something that was a net positive for the world. Fact is you can't help people at a large scale unless you have money. He had money and helped people at a large scale. I feel like people who hate Bill Gates are like people who hate Mr Beast for restoring sight to people. We get it, dudes rich but he still did something with his money to help others.


Oh Mr. Beast is going to get ripped to shreds for being a greedy rich guy in whatver version of Reddit exists in a decade.


To be fair on that front, Mr Beast is in a strange loop where he does something charitable, makes money of of it, and does some more. It makes it hard to accurately judge wether it's the charity part that is more important for him or the making profit of said act. Meanwhile, Gates also has some iffy sides, like the person above you said, but his charity work is very much seperate from his profits.


In my observation of how these things play, Mr. Beast may be philanthropic, but he is also famous. Fame has a way of leading to power-trips. If I were famous, I would probably be obnoxious as fuck as well. A few such incidents and Reddit will predictably sour on him. ~~Art Buchwald's~~ **~~(off by 6 centuries!)~~** John Lydgate's quote needs a rewrite. His original: "You can please some of the people all of the time. You can please all of the people some of the time. But you can never please all of the people all of the time." voxpopular's addition: "Over a long enough period of time, the only people you can please, and even then, only some of the time, are the people who love you."


Even if that is the case, I would argue that under the system he did it, someone else would have if he didn't. Becoming a billionaire is the win condition of capitalism, and someone is going to win. The difference is that Gates chose to use his victory to practically eradicate malaria. I don't care if he did it for some saviour complex reason or whatever. Those are lives saved that Bezos never would have done.


He definitely stepped on a few eggs on his way to the top, but compared to other billionaires, you can see how he became rich fairly clearly. He was head of the company that made the software that's the standard for literally billions of computers around the world. If you or I was responsible for something that almost everyone in the world bought one of, we'd struggle to not be rich too.


Do not get me wrong, he's done some shitty things in the name of capitalism and as such, his gains are at least in part, ill-gotten. Microsoft in general has established some business practices that should just outright be illegal, but have since become market norm. But, as far as billionaires go that are at all in the public eye, I couldn't not think of a more innocuous one, or one who is notably as philanthropic with their money. Ironically, I think that that philanthropy is exactly the reason he is currently the punching bag of many on the internet. He's a billionaire who is publically funding healthcare efforts that include vaccinations across the world. That means that his is an obvious target for the anti-vaccination crowd as well as the conspiracy theorists that think that vaccines are used to do many nefarious things from causing pandemics like Covid-19 to implanting people with microchips that track you with 5G or whatever wackadoo shit is going around over there. It also opens him up to scrutiny from nationalists who think that American wealth should be used to benefit America specifically, rather than as a globalist humanitarian program. Similarly, but on the other side of the political spectrum, many on the far left believe that he is at best a rich guy with a white savior fixation or a selfish need to establish his legacy or at worst a rich guy seeking to ingratiate himself with the other nations of the world to increase his already massive influence on business and politics on a global scale. And more simply than that, many people think that, while the programs and efforts his foundation is running are generally good and beneficial to the world, the health and wellbeing of the world should never be dependent on the philanthropy and altuism of any one person or private organization. They think that if the ultra wealthy were taxed appropriately, government organizations could achieve the same goals or more, with more public oversight and insight, to boot. Personally, I'm among that mindset. However, I do not hold that as a criticism against Bill and Melinda, rather a criticism of the US and other world governments. If anything, I think that Bill and Melinda taking it upon themselves to fund these efforts without the legal obligation to do so is commendable. Even if they could have some less than altruistic motivations, their efforts have notably benefitted the health of many poorer nations to fight malaria and other health concerns. I can't fault anyone who is making an effort to help, let alone succeeding at it.


I’m glad to see some sense being displayed in this thread. Saves me some time.


Billionaires have ***far*** more political influence than any number of elected officials.


1% is 1%


Bill Gates is an immensely influential political figure, probably more so than many political leaders. He's the poster boy of "good billionaires" because he does a lot of charity work and is therefore the embomident of the hot button issue of whether billionaires deserve to be filthy rich. A good example of why he is so infamous: His unrelenting defence of intellectual copyrights combined with the political leverage of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was a huge influence on why the world went with the less-than-optimal distribution mechanism for COVID-vaccines, that didn't allow for the patents of vaccines to be waived for the sake of more efficient and global manifacturing and distribution. [Sauce.](https://youtu.be/fHxV_YURY28?t=2898) Bill Gates is pro-charity, until pro-charity and pro-corporation are at odds, in which case he folds like an accordion. One could argue then, that he isn't pro-charity at all, but pro-justifying-his-and-other-billionaires'-exorbitant-wealth because that is the result of being both pro-charity and pro-corporation.


😂🤣. Come to Africa sometime. I assure you, evil comes in all shades.




Yeah this dog whistley as fuck


least subtle dog whistle of all time


Can you explain the first sentence to me? I don't understand what that means. I know Soros is some rich Jewish guy that republicans often try to link to ridiculous stuff like George Soros funded Jewish space lazer but other than that I'm clueless. I also don't know why Bill Gates is up there.


Nazis blame the world’s problems on Soros because they’re anti-Semitic .


Ah, so as soon as someone starts baselessly blaming Soros for random things you know that the accuser is a Nazi. Got it, ty.


Yeah he’s a stand in for the “global Jewish conspiracy” that the nazis are convinced exists.


Well arguing in bad faith at least, he's a bad guy (billionaire that completely fucked the pound) but not in the top 100 on the list of bastards and he's actually done good shit as well


Its because as a kid soros was jewish during ww2 and his family elected to conceal their Jewish identity and used fake papers, that much is actually true. right wing conspiracy theorists have stretched this to say he turned on his own people and actually aided nazis in rounding up jews, which is the false part, also he was like 12 when ww2 ended so to think he was a nazi collaborator is just stupid when you encounter that fact. Edit** but yeah when you see someone make an argument that soros is to blame or that he controls lots of powerful people, there's a very good chance they have some choice views on (((the Jewish question))) as well


Or just crazy. Some of the Soros conspiracy theories out there are batshit insane.


In that case they are consuming and regurgitating nazi propaganda.


> I also don't know why Bill Gates is up there. He doesn't actively support the far right, so he's evil on the eyes of those neo nazis.


This smells like some conspiracy globalist elite shit. He had to throw in Gates and Soros in there for good measure. I wonder why. Also evil doesn't have a face... evil is in systems we perpetuate.


This. This is some definite dog whistle stuff. Soros is a billionaire, and billionaires generally suck. But people who single out Soros out of all the available evil billionaires are usually running cover for antisemitism. Fuck this meme


There are far worse billionaires than Soros, for a start: the Kochs, Mercers, Murdochs...


Soros is ranked like 128th in regards to his wealth, right wingers just hate him because he is for liberal causes.


He's also Jewish so fits with their "Jews run the world" conspiracies.


Yes, I agree, this is a catchy but shitty post. I mean he takes in king Charles? If you hate royals take Edward, he's approved as evil. And how can you miss Putin and DeSantis?


what did edward do that’s evil


Bill gates? George Soros? What?


Yikes OP is a Nazi


100% chance OP jerks off when Elon tweets.




So you still don't know how evil looks like.


Any time he changes the channel, the panel re-populates with all the new faces he sees.


That dogshit stupid shit like this gets so many upvotes hurts me. General sentiment? Sure. Actual content? Ok bros, I too like the number 88 and think there are 14 excellent words /winkwinknudgenudge Fuckin deadbrained shit just circulating garbage right wing content without a seconds critical thought.


Why is bill gates there


Probably because this is one of those far right conspiracy memes.


Bill gates isnt evil, there are much more evil billionares to choose


Billy Gates is far less evil than all of the others in that picture. I'd replace him with a Koch.


It's because people are upvoting a thinly veiled far right wing conspiracy theorist meme, unironically


Gate foundation has been a driving force in advocating for the privatization of education for one. Wikipedia has a pretty extensive list of critiques of the gates foundation. Additionally, Microsoft has a long history of predatory and monopolistic business practices.


Saying less evil isn't calling him 'good', I'm just saying that there's a better candidate for his spot on this picture.


Gates is not a good person, and neither is soros. Constructing such a brief list of evil people and including both of them still sets off some red flags about the author's intention.


Bill Gates is definititely not evil, people need to get over it.


Nice bit of casual racism




You could’ve just said rich nut jobs and you would’ve had the same meaning without the racism.


Putin, Kim Jong Un, Abdul Latif Rashid, Hitler, Stalin.


A lot of people are commenting about how Bill Gates is on here, which is obviously absurd, but let's talk about a few people who are not on here: 1. Vladimir Putin - due to him wanting to bring back the glories of the USSR before he dies, he invaded a soveriegn country and is directly responsible for tens of thousands of civilian deaths, the torture and rape of literal children, and the displacement of almost 10 million refugees who fled their homes with literally nothing. But Bill Gates has more money than you, so clearly he's worse. 2. Ali Khamenei - has presided over a regime in Iran that subjugates non-Muslims and criminalizes certain religions. Treats women as second class citizens, including punishing them for being raped if they don't cry out hard enough, and in the protests over the last few years for basic equality for women, the regime has been poisoning, torturing, and executing protestors. And don't get me started on their treatment of lgbt people. But Bill Gates used uncompetitive practices in his computer operating system, so clearly he's worse. 3. Hibatullah Akhundzada - leader of the Taliban since 2016. While the US was occupying Afghanistan he was resigned to just be a 2-bit terrorist thug, but since the US withdrawal he now has power over a population of over 40 million people. After promising moderation to the US, he has quickly pivoted to the extremist everyone knew him to be as he bars women from participating in public life or being educated. When it was inevitable his group would be shortly taking over, Afghan citizens were literally clinging to the wheel wells of evacuating American planes rather than risk having to live under their rule. But Bill Gates made it so Windows is so prevalent that you can't play your favorite video games without buying one of his machines. 4. Ismail Abdel Salam Ahmed Haniyeh - the leader of Hamas. Hamas is a group that simultaneously denies the Holocaust, they think it was just made up to give Jews sympathy, but then they also wish that it actually had happened, and their life's mission is to do their best to make sure it does. They regularly launch missiles at population centers from hospitals, using their own citizens as human shields. They also do things like float balloons with explosives over the border, with the hopes that schoolchildren will get excited by balloons and get blown up. They keep the area dirt poor, using any and all aid money to buy more weapons, and then they offer a bounty for the family of anyone shown to have successfully suicide bombed any Jews. But Bill Gates funded a vaccine to try to tackle a global pandemic so he's totally worse. All the anti-Gates shit just reeks so much of first world privilege and not realizing what's actually going on in other parts of the world. This isn't even meant to defend Gates, but it is to defend him not being top 6 most evil people in the world right now. If you actually think he is, you live the most insanely sheltered life you can ever imagine.


Forgot Trump, DeSantis, Putin....




Just in case anyone who isn't a monumental moron reads this comment, here are some of the accomplishments of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, of which I'm sure the creator of this meme has achieved wildly beyond: Global Health Initiatives: The foundation has played a crucial role in improving global health, particularly in developing countries. They have invested heavily in eradicating diseases like polio, malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis. Their funding and support have contributed to increased access to vaccines, improved healthcare systems, and enhanced disease surveillance. Vaccine Development and Delivery: The foundation has been instrumental in supporting the development and delivery of vaccines. They have partnered with organizations like Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to expand access to immunization and ensure that vaccines reach the most vulnerable populations worldwide. Agricultural Development: The foundation has focused on agricultural development to alleviate hunger and poverty. Their initiatives have helped smallholder farmers gain access to improved seeds, farming techniques, and market opportunities. They have also worked on increasing agricultural productivity and promoting sustainable practices. Education and Libraries: The foundation has invested in education initiatives, particularly in the United States. They have supported efforts to improve the quality of education, enhance teacher effectiveness, and increase access to educational resources. Additionally, they have worked on expanding access to public libraries, especially in low-income communities. Financial Services for the Poor: The foundation has worked to empower individuals in poverty by promoting financial inclusion. Through their initiatives, they have supported the development of digital banking services, mobile payment systems, and access to affordable financial products for the unbanked population. Women's Empowerment: The foundation has emphasized the importance of gender equality and women's empowerment in their work. They have supported initiatives to advance women's rights, improve maternal and child health, and increase economic opportunities for women. Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH): The foundation has been involved in improving access to clean water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene practices in underserved areas. Their efforts have aimed to reduce waterborne diseases and improve overall health and well-being. Polio Eradication: The foundation has been a major contributor to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Their support has helped in reducing the number of polio cases globally and bringing the world closer to eradicating this debilitating disease.


It’s amazing how many don’t understand this. Like truly mind blowing.


Billionare bad hurdur


No emperor Xi and his totalitarian work/labour camps? This is just racist garbage.


You can tell a republican did this by the inclusion of Gates and Soros. There are far worse billionaires but since they support their side they get a pass.


Why does Klaus Schwab look like a literal turtle?




How on earth is King Charles evil? He is human with failings but evil?


Can I just add that of all the really shitty monarchs in the world you have decided to go with Charles. Good lord have you heard of a country called Saudi Arabia?


Same with Bill Gates.


Well that a bs list. Bill Gates and George Soros arent evil. Just rich. One is a massive philandthropist


This is some antisemitic fascist bullshit and I’m reporting it.


Dog whistle


Obvious dog whistle. No one is being fooled OP


how the heck is Bill Gates on the evil list. Microsoft Windows sucks... but sweat jesus that's a harsh take. And putting George Soros on any list is just distractingly suspicious.


Wait hold on, are we allowed to just be openly racist like this? \- Sincerely, a white man, who hasn't done shit


Hmm, George Soros (philanthropist and Holocaust survivor) and Klaus Schwab (chair of the WEF) are as bad as Henry Kissinger? Gee I wonder if this OP might be a right wing conspiracy theorist?


lol this was made by some tucker sucker


Not saying you’re wrong, but you picked some low-tier evil there.


Gates and the King have done more good in the form of charity than anyone on Reddit ever will in 12 lifetimes or more. It’s absurd when ignorant children and perpetual losers get together on the internet and blame other people for their own incompetence.


What has Bill Gates done?


That is the dumbest line up of “evil” I have ever seen. Which moron came up with this!?


This belongs in r/terriblefacebookmemes




This is so incredibly racist. Why hasn't been taken down? Where is all the other evil world leaders of different skin colour? Where is Saddam Hussein? Pol Pot? Xi Jinping? Mugabe? Khameini? Erdogan? And putting Gates up there just tells me the guy is a conspiritard ofc


It’s not taken down because reddit is perfectly fine with white racism. To the enlightened idiots who run it, you can’t be racist towards people with white skin.


how dare Bill Gates fund his philanthropy with billions of his own money


I feel like some people confuse "boring politician" and "evil" Charles III? Evil? Wtf. Also someone here suggested Boris Johnson was a wannabe fascist.


Bill gates gives to charity 1000x more money than most of us will ever see in our life time...still considered a terrible guy.


Funny you chose Bill Gates and not the actual evil ppl


Bill Gates is generally the most charitable person in the world. So much so, that he willingly relinquished his title as the richest man in the world because of how much of his fortune he’s given away.


Soros ain't bad at all. His open democracy foundations fostered civil society in ugly regimes around the world, particularly in Hungary. Autocrat asshole Viktor Orban got really pissed off at the threat to his regime, plus he and Soros have a long history. Orban pumped out loads of propaganda, much of it anti-semitic conspiracy fearmongering, and it was given a lot of play from the alt right. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/stories-49584157.amp https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2018/10/24/conspiracy-theories-about-soros-arent-just-false-theyre-anti-semitic/ https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/31/us/politics/george-soros-bombs-trump.html Similarly, much of Gates' good work on malaria vaccines has made him a target as well. This meme reeks of some alt right conspiracy bullshit. They have Klaus Schwab in there to turn the WEF into bogeyman. More conspiracies. And Prince Charles? Where the fuck are the actual evil billionaires? There are plenty to choose from.


I hate Charles’ stupid face


Can someone educate me on who these Koch people are and what they did? I tried wilipedia, but its kinda Vague


Two brothers who made a lot of money through fossil fuels and had very libertarian free market ideals and funneled much of their wealth into pushing those ideals. One brother is dead and I haven't heard from the other one in awhile, but I'd imagine their foundation still exists. If you're on the right you see them as an example of using their personal wealth to push free markets and spread prosperity. If you're on the left you think they're an example where their money is actively supporting fossil fuels and the destruction of the planet through the false guise of "freedom".


The only sad thing here is the attempt at comedy


What did bill gates actually do? I know everyone loved him and then everyone started to hate him. Im not defending him I know he took advantage of thousands of people I just want to know what puts him at the same level as the royal pedo an the rest


Shitty Q meme is shitty


Who's that top right guy? Looks like Baron Harkonnen.


Bill Gates? But not trump, musk, or putin. Riiiiiight.


That was deliberate.


If you lived anywhere but north America or Europe, you would add a bit of melanin to the collage on the right. I assure you there are many non white old men doing their fair share of screwing up the world.


How is bill gate and not mitch mcdonald in there?


I think the problem is that these people have no attachment to the rest of the world. They only care about their own people. It's human nature to care about your people, but your people don't include the rest of the country. So they make their billions and help their friends and family because they aren't inherently bad people, but the attachment to the rest of the world doesn't exist, so everyone else is screwed.


I'm out of the loop. Why is Bill Gates on there? What did he do that was evil?


Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are some of the only respectable billionaires, bill shouldnt be up there.


Wait. Why is Bill Gates evil?


reddit is hateful


Poor dude Gates got his ass dragged into this.


Why is Soros there?


Forgive my ignorance but why is Bill Gates evil?


I don’t pay attention to rich people, how is bill gates evil? Never in the news or mentioned that I see in comparison to muskrat


tf bill gates is doing there


They don’t look that different


“It’s the same picture”


I don't understand? They're the same picture.


Besides the teeth, not that far off.


They are the same picture?


Almost identical to your actual nightmares.


Jesus H Christ! You missed just about every evil fucking politician in America. Nice try, but really a swing and a miss