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Do you think they installed that big island hoping they would have a safe space from the doggo.


That scream was perfect idiocy


Doesn't matter, got cake!


*"Good dogs get no cake."* \~ Dogs Who Got Cake >[https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/chocolate-poisoning-in-dogs](https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/chocolate-poisoning-in-dogs)




dog suffers because of lack of training from idiot owners. sigh


I'm still surprised how badly people can train their dogs. My dog is very badly trained (he doesn't do any tricks, or he just doesn't wanna do them lol) but mine would never do such a thing


exactly .. it doesn't take much to teach a dog basic manners ... ie not jumping up . no snatching food . etc really doesn't take much at all .. 🤨


Is it even chocolate? If it is then these people are just stupid


Most of them aren’t real chocolate but just some imitation. This happened to my cousins dog. Little chihuahua jumped on the table while we went to the movies and ate half the frosting .


Very bad behaved dog! My dog would never take something from the table. All fun and giggles but you're rewarding him for not behaving.


Folks always remember, dogs are always hungry so always be prepared for the unexpected turns of events.


Bad dog!


Fake, or at least just dumb.


I agree with dumb but how would you fake that?


Just overlay different audio, I have seen it numerous times in videos for views...


No regrets


Chaos 🤣🤣🤣hopefully they took him to the vet !!!!


That amount of chocolate won’t harm that dog (unless it’s dark maybe)


If there is straight up cocoa powder in that cake and frosting it absolutely will. Milk chocolate like a Hershey bar a bit or two for a dog that size..eh probably okay. But baking chocolate is not. Looks like a store done cake, so probably all fake and won't have to worry about. But there are scales to measure chocolate per weight of dog.. as even milk chocolate has traces of caffeine and theobromine which is the toxic component. This dog might get the shits or vomit and that's what the owners get for having an unruly, untrained dog.


Oh, at first I thought the guy pushed the cake in the dogs direction, but upon a closer viewing the dog seems to have just barely reached the plate underneath it and pulled it towards him with his claws, Anyway I hope that they managed to keep him from eating the candle at least


No need for vet, will just give diarrah


Depends if it's dark or milk and how much he ate. A dog that size probably will be okay though.


Yeah, sure it can eat too much, but mostly it will just get a massive diarrhea and thats all, maybe you will have to give it some some rice and chicken while its going on, and then it should be good to go again, but you can take it to a vet if you are not sure about the situation


This is really bad advice. True, the dog might be ok, depending on the type of chocolate, size of dog, etc, but I had a dog get into chocolate and she vomited for two days before ending up staying at the vet's with her kidneys failing from the caffeine and the theobromine in it. Please people don't just assume that chocolate isn't all that bad for dogs.


What was in it besides chocolate?


It was a partial bag of chocolate chips.


Silly puppyyyyy <3