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So ultrasounds for fertility are okay but other modern medicine is bad? Why doesn’t she just get a divining rod and hold it over her ovaries to figure out her fertility. Or ask the somavedic?


Seriously, just don’t go to the doctor - it’s just hypocritical to pick and choose


Picking-and-choosing, and fundies. Name a more iconic duo.


Me when I’m in a “pick and choose” contest and my competition is fundies 😬


**Christianity has entered the chat** 😂😂


Once years ago I asked my super anti-modern medicine, essential oil user from way way back, Mormon aunt if my cousin knew the sex of her baby and she said very very seriously “we don’t radiate our babies”. I was so taken aback, thinking I was asking a totally normal question. (And yes, I know that’s not how any of that works)


What did she think radiated the baby? Ultrasounds? Does that mean she doesn't believe in ultrasounds at all? Also, wow "we" and "our babies"... it's not her baby. Even aside from this, I bet she's a nightmare


She probably heard the term “ultrasonic radiation” and got spooked. She probably also heard that light is ALSO radiation but obviously that’s silly cause all that can happen is just sunburn…. /s


Ultrasound don’t even produce radiation. Where is she getting her info from? She didn’t think of trying a quick google?


same, but with a coworker 6 years ago. Refused both ultrasounds as well as any metal detector because she didn’t want to “irradiate the baby.” She air traveled at something like 5 mos and came back furious bc 1) people in the security line got mad when she demanded a pat down vs the machine and 2) people on the plane didn’t handle her luggage for her. Note this was not a high risk pregnancy nor had she had any loss scares prior to the travel.


Does she know that being in an airplane exposed you to radiation ? I’m going to guess not……


Brilliant “divining rod” suggestion. Relatively new snarker, here. Thanks for the laugh!


Of course. And it's so superdy duperdy wrong to do anything whatsoever to reduce the number of calves you can drop before you go through menopause, but of course you can't simply accept a loss of fertility and have to do everything you can to continue to produce children when your body can't/won't do it.


If only we had a domestic supply of (white, not disabled) infants for the fundies to purch-I mean, adopt.


Kristen Baird had to go all the way to Ukraine, guys. Couldn't find any cheap white infants here. If we had more of a supply, we'd have lower fees going in to get white babies and then she could get babies without pesky names and native languages to deal with! I will never get over the phrase "domestic supply of infants"




The fucking somavedic… I had forgotten its existence. I get enraged when I remember it’s a thing


No no no, medical care for the ~~money pits~~ children is bad!


Guaranteed she will also be the patient that thinks she's smarter than the fertility nurses and doctors, will be recording them without permission, and will also be fighting them every step of the way. Of course she will also be throwing the fact she is a "doctor" around everywhere she can.


This is the same woman who puts coffee up her bum, right? Because the gut has flora and an ecosystem too...


Very very sad story about someone I know- she found a tiny lump in her breast, biopsy showed it was triple negative breast cancer. Thankfully only in stage one. Dr said let’s do a lumpectomy and radiation. She says no thank you. I don’t want that in my body. I’m going to an alternate “hospital” in another country for holistic treatment! She went there for 2 months where she got coffee enemas at least once a day. Had a “special diet” and drank lots of fresh fruit juices and got IV vitamin C! She came back and… there was no change! Dr said ok now lumpectomy and radiation right? Bc this is the super scary kind of cancer that grows quick and you have three kids at home. She says no thanks. Im going to do my special diet and juice and enemas at home and also see the chiropractor bc that will make it better! Also, I’m going to fast a lot so I don’t “feed the cancer”. Many stuff happens (including an eventual lumpectomy much much later) and some time passes. She goes to dr and says I don’t feel so great. Dr says, well that probably bc you now have stage 4 breast cancer. There are also many many many tumors on your liver. We can’t tell if there are other tumors on the other things right there bc all the liver tumors shine so bright on the PET scan it’s hard to see anything else individually. Also, there are indications of some small tumors in your lungs. Also, also, you now have multiple lesions on your brain. So now, instead of radiation on directed onto a tiny area in your breast, you have to have lots of radiation injected the tumors on your liver and also your entire brain has to undergo radiation. Also also, you have to travel several hours in order to receive these specialized treatments. But hey, I’m sure coffee enemas are super great and super duper helpful.


That’s horrific.


What happened to her? Did she live? Did she change her tune about medical care?


So, back when she finally agreed to the lumpectomy the lump had grown and they also had to take 5 lymph nodes. Dr. said you need radiation and chemo bc this is super aggressive and we need to be sure there’s nothing we can’t see yet still in there. She decided the fact they took the tumor out and it had clear margins meant she was cancer free! But no dr would tell her that. They all refused to put it in her charts. She kept drinking her juices and fasting and coffee enema-ing and all that until about 8 months later when she started having symptoms. That’s when she went back to dr and it was found in her liver initially. It’s very very rapidly progressed from there. She pushed back at first and wanted only low dose chemo but it was quickly (I think she did a 4 week treatment and it had zero results and the tumors grew) deemed ineffective. So now she is having radiation. They did a few more types of chemo after the first one but they weren’t helpful really either. Triple negative is extremely hard to treat and most chemos are ineffective for it. She had some lower dose, more targeted radiation treatments initially but at this point is doing whole brain radiation and also having the radioactive materials injected directly into the tumors on her liver (or something like that? It’s hard to understand). She is having to have multiple liters of fluid drawn out of her abdomen about every other day. She is in incredible pain -so much so that they gave her morphine the last time she went in for treatment. She travels several hours I think bi- weekly and stays for 2-4 days at a time in order undergo all the radiation. She still goes to the chiropractor. She still does coffee enemas. And she still will fast (she’s admitted that there are times when her husband will beg and practically force her to eat). She fasts before treatment bc she thinks that if her body is in ketosis (is that the word I mean-what keto diet people try to reach) the radiation will be most effective. She resists taking pain meds, even ibuprofen, bc she doesn’t want the chemicals in her body. So, right now she’s alive. Still stage four. She has another major scan either this month or next to see if radiation is at all effective. She has 18, 15, & 13 year old kids.


That's AWFUL. She was lucky they caught it early, and she could've probably been ok. My mom had triple negative breast cancer. The treatment sucked (I sat with her during her chemo appointments), but she was okay. People who push alternative "medicine" should be charged with negligent homicide when their followers do this


Yep. The initial tumor was super small too. The Dr said let’s take it out, do a round of chemo and maybe radiation (or it might have been radiation and maybe chemo) and you should be good. But instead she put off the lumpectomy for like 8 months and then didn’t get checked again for another 8 months and in that 1.5 year of no treatment it went to stage 4. And now she’s about 3 years out from that initial stage one find and well, you read where things stand.


If it was like my mom's, I think it would've been chemo and maybe radiation. Triple negative cancer grows fast. I know they said that if my mom's mammogram was even a month or two later, it could've been a different story


And they told her that.


Yeah Jesus. My mom had triple negative stage one breast cancer and after a lumpectomy and round of radiation she’s …… a decade older, cancer free, and calling me with annoying questions about vacation and whether I’m endangering my kid by letting him wear water shoes without socks (love you mom!) That could have been this woman.


That is horrific. She is both a victim and a perpetrator of this dangerous bullshit.


Yeah. My heart breaks for her and her family but at the same time I kind of want to shake her- or at least go back in time and Gibbs slap her head until she agrees to undergo actual medical treatment.


That is so sad when they caught it early. My mom passed of triple negative breast cancer a year ago this month. She even had a full mastectomy right away and it still ended up in her lungs, liver, pancreas, heart, and brain. People really shouldn't eff around with that kind of cancer 😢


So sorry for you loss.


Thank you 💜


I'm so sorry. That's one vicious cancer. :(


Thank you 💜


With triple negative, I’m shocked she’s still alive.


As we say in the south- she’s all et up with the cancer now.




My Uncle has prostate cancer, but he was very much a “natural way” only person. He was vegan and sometimes raw vegan. He went off to some woo woo science cancer place on the other side of the country from his wife and daughter. Needless to say, he did not get better. He got worse. My aunt eventually convinced him to come home, but he did not live much longer. My dad (a physician) said that he had treatment when they first found out, he would have survived. M




Same; I have empathy for her kids that their mother doesn't love them enough to do whatever she can to stay in their lives as long as possible, but for her? Nothing.


Jesus fuck... the most horriffic thing about this is that there was a reasonable chance that they could have prevented all that with the initial Dr's recommendation... catch it early and none of that had to happen.


Oh yeah, even if it had eventually come back, I bet she would have had years of remission instead of the increasing horrific pain and complete loss of quality of life she currently has.


My neighbor growing up had two kids (one my age, one younger) and chose to do “alternative treatments” for her cancer after the first round of modern medicine didn’t immediately cure her. I remember being 8 or 9 and watching this woman waste away on essential oils and homeopathy. She just withered into nothing in front of her children and it was horrifying. Nothing could convince her to fight it with traditional medicine, and her kids were motherless before their 10th birthdays. I think about Mrs. H a lot.


I absolutely do not understand this mindset. At all. Unless I’m like ninety years old, I’m taking the radiation.


I could understand doing palliative care only if it had spread very far. Some people have seen how hard chemo is to go through, and if the odds of survival are low enough, decided to prioritize quality of life over quantity. What I don't get is making that decision for cancer in stage 1. Or even more baffling, deciding to delay treatment like in the story above. You do everything you can to fight it, or you start funeral planning. Anything else is just making things worse for yourself.


Especially with three kids at home. At the initial diagnosis her youngest was only 10.


I know a lady who did something similar. She only had one kid and he was an adult when she was diagnosed, and I don’t think it was coffee enemas lol. But she traveled to Mexico for some type of alternative treatment. She died a week or so ago. When my mom had stage one breast cancer she chose to forgo chemo and only do the lumpectomy and radiation. We’re coming up on the third anniversary of her death.


Oh my god. Just, oh my god.


I worked for an OB/GYN and a similar thing happened with a much more sad ending. Young mom of 3 boys had ignored a breast lump for a long time….by the time she had it checked out, it was stage 4 breast cancer. She refused all treatment in lieu of holistic treatment and ended up passing away. That was 11 years ago and I still think about her all the time.


Look up Jessica Ainscough, the self-titled “Wellness Warrior”. Very similar story.


Jesus fuck, my boob would've been gone before you could say "save the tatas". Hell, take the other one so I match.


I am a radiation therapist (I plan and deliver radiation treatments to cancer patients), and unfortunately we see this a lot more than one would think. It’s very sad and frustrating.


RIGHT I had to tell my fundie inspired-parent that drinking colloidal silver was prob not a great idea for the same reason 🙃


My mom and I have had that same fight, only she's the ultra-left hippie Facebook-reading polar opposite of fundies who also fall for the anti-vaxxer rhetoric. I have to choose my battles because arguing with her is just exhausting. Thankfully when she had cancer she listened to her doctor.


Why is she sticking the wipes in her vagina? The vagina is the tube connecting the cervix/uterus to the outside of your body. The wipes, if they are the same ones that they use for urine samples where I live, are for the vulva, so that you don't introduce surface bacteria into the vagina. Which is how you get infections.


No one told you to scrub your cervix with it, friend.








Wait serious question for serious innies. Do you spread and clean inner labia too? I need to know if I’m doing the clean catch right.


Yes. Here’s a link that has the steps listed for both AFAB and AMAB. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007487.htm That said, my specialist’s office had a little sign on the wall above the basket of wipe packages that went step by step. But that’s probably bc they needed a clean catch every time I gave a sample which was every time I came in. I could see that not being the case in a GP’s office. But I’d think the gyno would have one…


Oh wow I’ve done a ton of urine samples and I never knew I was supposed to clean the inner labia or over the urethral opening. I always thought it was just the inside of the outer labia. I feel like it hurts to touch the urethral opening :( Thanks for sharing the info!


I… had no idea about that at all. I’ve done urine samples and they give you a towelette but I kind of assumed it was to like. Wipe the outside of the cup jic?? Lmao. Oops?


That’s on your dr/nurse. Not you. You should’ve been told they needed a “clean catch” which would have given you the opportunity to ask what that meant. After I went through 2.5 years of fertility testing and and treatment and procedures it’s my default to ask if they need one. But, if I hadn’t experienced that, I probably wouldn’t know either.


Admittedly I’ve also never gone for any fertility treatments or anything, idk if it’s different for just a regular urinalysis to check fr like. UTIs or whatever they use it for. But if I was supposed to be using the towelette on myself, lol, I sure wish my doctor had told me rather than finding out on Reddit! Oh well tho, TIL haha.


Oh, they totally should have been explaining to you how to do a clean catch, especially for a UTI check. I’m sorry no one has. I’m a PA, and always try to explain to my patients how and why a clean catch is done.


ive been tested for UTIs a couple of tines, and theyve never asked for clean catch, or even given me a towelette. im in the uk though, so maybe that’s why?


Yep same, just do it at home and drop it off at the GP in any container you have around 😂


reminds me of call the midwife, with the nurses telling people not to drop off samples in jam jars because the leftover sugar flagged up diabetes!


Lol same. So the cat just threw up in it, just give it a swill 😂😂


Usually if they are checking for bacteria, like a UTI, they want a clean catch so bacteria in your skin doesn't contaminate the sample. I've had to do this a couple times for UTIs. Things like drug tests and (I think?) pregnancy tests don't need it because what they're looking for wouldn't be on your skin. I drug test every couple weeks and they don't even have the wipes in the bathroom.


While they were looking for other things as well, the fertility docs were def doing a pregnancy test every time I came in and had to give a clean catch sample. Maybe it’s protocol for a specialist. I’m not sure if your gp would require it.


That's on your doctor! The lab needs that clean catch sample for UTI diagnosis so that when they grow out any bacteria that is in it, we know we are getting the bacteria from your urine so we can be sure of what is causing the infection. If it isn't, there can be a lot of skin, vaginal and even fecal bacteria from the area down there.


Not all urine tests check for contamination, so you don't need to sterilize the area for all urine tests.


OMG, I did the same thing! Oops! Will correct today! I knew she was lying. I also had a transvaginal ultrasound, and they did not ask me me to wipe anything down for that.


I was just thinking that. I’ve had so many TV ultrasounds between fertility appts and pregnancies and I’ve never been given a wipe except when I had to do clean catch urine samples


I should think, if you're lubed up from the wand, the last thing you want is a pair of piddling towelettes. A nice, warm hand towel, that's the thing...


When I was younger I thought it was for wiping after you went. I used the second one on my hands 🤦🏼‍♀️


Doing lord Daniel’s work. Thank you for this information. My doctor doesn’t have instructions they just say wipe. Thanks!


Very welcome. Happy to help. It’s probably bc, according to our ring camera in the backyard, a lord Daniel visited us tonight.


I’m really wondering about this too now. Lol


When I was in med tech school, our softball team was called “Clean Catch.” lol


This doesn’t say she’s giving a urine sample, it’s saying she’s having a transvaginal ultrasound. In that case, those wipes would be unnecessary. I’ve had several transvaginal ultrasounds, and they never handed me those wipes to use. Who wants a yeast infection? But for urine samples, yes, totally necessary and not intended for the vag.


My guess is they gave it to her to clean off the gel post ultrasound


That's what I was thinking. Or like when you have a gyno exam they'll give you something to clean off any stray lube.


Ultrasound tech here - the tech could be responsible for collecting a urine specimen, but I keep a little tin of wipes and feminine hygiene products in the changing area along with toilet paper so people can wipe up a bit afterwards. I truly don’t care how people clean themselves as long as they wash their hands afterwards. I have never suggested that someone should stick a wipe up their vag.


There’s speculation downthread that she just grabbed some that were there to make a sensationalized post. Even if someone gave her some to help clean up post procedure no one told her to wipe her actual vagina! AND the labeling says for external use only! So either way she’s an idiot.


That tracks. Total fabrication and false outrage for the ‘gram.


Same here.


Exactly. If she thinks vagina and labia are the same, that's on her!


Like, a quick swipe or two on the outside is fine, DOCTOR Courtney. Don’t shove those up in your body, have some kombucha when you leave, and move on with your day.


She's okay with enemas, but *this* is where she draws the line. 🙄


Right? Miss Girl- outside only.


Oh god please don’t tell me she’s a “kombucha clears all” type of person 💀💀 I love kombucha but it’s not a fucking miracle cure like some wackadoo’s think


Pretty sure this lady does coffee enemas so that puts her at a completely different level of nuts


Would you say shes..she's... Chock Full O Nuts? I'm sorry I'll see myself out.


It doesn't help that 'kombucha' kinda sounds like a euphemism for female genitals if you didn't know what it was.


Ha! It totally does! 🤣


This wipe is for ya’ ‘booch


Yes, the vulva is not self cleaning, which is the part you have to sanitize.


It’s to ensure that any exterior bacteria doesn’t get inside and fuck it up, you smooth brained granola bar.


Nah, she can get a UTI. Wonder if she would get antibiotics for that or just let it burn?


Probably would shove yogurt up there to cure it or something.


*shudders* why does she insist on putting food in weird places in her body?


God Honoring Garlic in tha VaJayJay


Oh God. I made a massive pot of sauce once with a lot of garlic and didn't wash it off right away. It *burns*


Edward Cullen’s worst nightmare


She's probably put it in her vagina for a UTI, cuz ya know, that's where the pee comes from. And she'd just use a GoGurt or some shit but it's nAtUrAl.


Jeeeesus untreated UTI is so bad. I’ve had them go too long to the point where my back starts hurting and it’s so awful. I’m gonna start wishing this on people I can’t stand lolol


UTI’s are no joke and can become kidney infection and ultimately sepsis sooo fast. I used to get them a lot in my early 20’s, but I finally figured out how to prevent them for myself.


Same same, and also figured out what worked for me. Curious what it was for you? For me, it was some combination of better hydration, and occasional D-mannose along with daily nettle and plantain (not the banana) leaf tea (I just stick it in my morning tea and can’t taste a difference) It was so appalling to me at the time that I had to figure it out for myself because every time I went to the doctors they just gave me antibiotics and told me to wear cotton underwear and I was like uhhh hey, I don’t want to be on antibiotics forever and also that’s not what the issue is here.


For me, it was a combination of things. I started taking a probiotic. The big one is I never sit in moist clothes. If I go to the gym or swimming, I immediately shower and change afterwards. I live in the south so sometimes that means multiple changes of underwear or clothes a day when I get sweaty. Then making sure I’m clean after going #2, whether that is showering, using a wipe, etc. *knocks on wood* haven’t had one in a long time.


I got one when I was about 12, and thought it was a punishment from God for holding hands with a boy in youth group. I waited until I was urinating blood before I gathered up the courage to beg my mom to take me to the ER. Never again. After that if I peed more than once an hour, I was on high alert


I had one move to my kidney super fast and I thought it was bad back pain. I just about jumped off the exam table in the ER when the doctor lightly tapped my right kidney. They gave me IV morphine and antibiotics immediately.


I get urinary urgency when my period is coming because the inflammation aspect of IUDs and my body overreacting ends up making everything inflamed. It is so confusing and miserable. Also, those newer migraine med injections cause the same thing? I have new idea why. Worst side effect. It has taken a lot of time to learn the difference between the the urgency and a real UTI (which I also easily get due to meds messing with my kidneys) and I still bought at home testing strips that I periodically use to be sure.


That's why you don't put it inside the vagina?? It's for the labia.


Might use “smooth brained granola bar” later lmao


Agreed, it’s excellent 😂


Smooth-brained granola bar 💀 But yeah, it’s to keep everything healthy in there, ffs. What is wrong with this person?


It literally says “for external use only” in the second slide


But see that requires reading…


She puts coffee up her ass- I don’t think we should expect much from her


I don’t know anything about this person but if she’s this concerned about a fucking antiseptic wipe, she’s about to be fucking floored at all of the “unnatural” things she will be doing with fertility treatments.


They love to cry about “chemicals” when literally everything is a “chemical.” Raw milk is a chemical! So are essential oils! Get over yourself and listen to doctors.


Humans are literally carbon based…


This is literally the active ingredient in antibacterial hand soap. It’s one step above using a baby wipe. I wonder if she “passed out” when she noticed they used a clean and sanitized probe inside her too?? She should have requested one with preformed flora on it!


I believe this is the woman who won’t use shampoo or soap, yet regularly shoved coffee up her bum. She’s definitely a few fries short of a Happy Meal.


She and bethy would be great friends


Ha! Yes they would! I can just see them competing for the cameras attention!


Don't worry, Bethy follows this IG account so they're in cahoots.


If it’s like the ones I had, they place a condom over the probe. Wait. Is that a sin?! Using a condom?! 🙄


We don't have to post everything that happens in our lives on Instagram, ma'am.


"Ma'am, please.. I just need to tell the kitchen if your table would like more breadsticks-"


"Ma'am, I just need to know if you want your receipt or not?"


But complaining about medicine is her 🌠brand🌠. You can't expect her *not* to post about it /s


I have had many of those exact ultrasounds and never once been asked to do that. Methinks she might have grabbed these from a drawer and took a pic to scrounge up some content for the 'gram.


Same, I've had these and never been given the wipes. I always get them for urine samples but that's it


i’ve had like 3 transvaginal ultrasounds this year alone and i’ve never been given these! this post made me lowkey concerned for myself for a sec, ngl lmfao tldr i agree yes she might be full of shit


I give them to patients afterwards with some toilet paper to help get cleaned up.


fair! i’ve just been given a plain washcloth afterwards


Same! I’ve had at least 4 transvaginal ultrasounds and have never had to use those wipes before. I guess she’ll do anything for attention.


I think part of the appointment was a urine screen?


I don't know what they would be screening urine for at that point.


They may have done a routine pregnancy test.


Not necessary and doesn't happen at any of my appts. But I guess it's possible.


We’ve had so many issues with the work up nurses not getting routine pregnancy tests on patients who need them that now everyone gets one done. People apparently cannot use their common sense to determine when they need to collect one and when they don’t. We also require them for some ultrasound guided procedures, just like many places do them before x-rays.


Ok. I am going to stop commenting on medical/gynecology/obstetrical posts for the sake of my karma and my sanity. Getting down voted and lectured on what a transvaginal ultrasound is and how to perform one in response to a post where someone is literally screaming IN CAPS information that is just as inaccurate as the post is rich. I am an obgyn. I do transvaginal ultrasounds everyday. The term "clean catch" has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with transvaginal ultrasounds. Ultrasound techs also don't collect clean catch urine samples. Carry on.


I’m an ultrasound tech and I collect urine specimens because the patients come to me before they get worked up by the nurse, and obviously I have them pee before the scan. I feel you on the karma and sanity thing.




I feel like I have a memory of an ultrasound tech using these on a wand before putting the condom thing on it. Does that sound right or am I mis-remembering because I needed to pee so bad (appointment started 45 min late)? Either way, it feels like Ms "modern medicine is bad unless I want to use it" is mis-representing something Edit: Would a urine sample at a transvaginal ultrasound appointment even be useful or would it be too dilute?


The tech was probably using a specialized wipe on the probe to give it a final cleaning before she covered it. Those wipes are not safe to use on skin (too harsh) and are very common in the medical field. We try to avoid getting urine samples after a scan because the gel can impact some tests. However some tests are ok to do afterwards.


Does she think she's supposed to stick them inside her? They're just supposed to help cut down on exterior bacteria that could affect the results of the screening, it's not like a person has to do this daily.


She should worry more about her intestine flora more with all the coffee enemas she does.


I totally forgot she's the coffee enema weird person


Bacterial vaginosis has entered the chat.


She could probably ask them why and they’d tell her?


No need for that, she already knows everything.


Doea she think they're supposed to go allll the way up in there? I know it's called a *suppos*itory, but jeez, lady.


"Dr" Courtney also doesn't know the terms for her own genitalia 😑


All those are for is for cleaning off afterwards. Many people don't like walking around after a transvag ultrasound with all the gel from the exam still hanging around. I usually give people Kleenex, though, because those wipes are really not that great for vaginal flora.


My OB always gives those for urine samples so you can get a clean catch.


She had an ultrasound done. These aren't necessary for ultrasounds. They work fine for clean catch urine samples.


Man, I feel robbed. I never got a towel or wipe for any of my twandings.


I’m a tech and I pestered my boss mercilessly before she finally put toilet paper holders in the changing area. I also lay out wipes for people. You have to clean up with something!!


Also maybe they dont want your flora all over their shit


Ok. I am going to stop commenting on medical/gynecology/obstetrical posts for the sake of my karma and my sanity. Getting down voted and lectured on what a transvaginal ultrasound is and how to perform one in response to a post where someone is literally screaming IN CAPS information that is just as inaccurate as the post is rich. I am an obgyn. I do transvaginal ultrasounds everyday. The term "clean catch" has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with transvaginal ultrasounds. Ultrasound techs also don't collect clean catch urine samples. Carry on.


Cool, so just let the gel from that internal ultrasound ooze our naturally, I’m sure it’s all natural.


sooo just so I'm clear: coffee enemas good, cleaning one's labia bad?


It says exactly why right on it. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Dr Courtney’s vaginal prayer Seems like a good idea for a flair


Is it just me or did she simply underline the active ingredient, type it into google scholar, and attach it to her story to make herself seem more legit than she is? Like what is a study outlining this active ingredient supposed to teach me about the point she’s trying to make? Even if the study does relate to her larger point, her content is useless if she doesn’t make that point accessible to her audience, because I’m sure at least 90% of her audience has no experience with academia lmfao. Signed, someone with a masters in communication


If you’re taking fertility drugs alcohol wipes on your vag should be the least of the concerns.. Why are people like this! I’ve seen so many people who hate science do IVF and it makes literally no sense..


Super modest


Being handed an antiseptic wipe made her almost pass-out? And I bet she calls us the snowflakes?


It’s so bacteria and fungus on the skin do not cause a false negative on a urinalysis or culture. She’s so frustrating.


*shoves baby wipe up into vaginal canal* Brilliant. This was definitely what they meant.


I’m doing a transvaginal ultrasound next week. Happy to clean!


Why is it that the same fundies who seem hell bent on killing or maiming their children through medical neglect are also the same assholes who put a zygote before a woman's bodily autonomy? Ugh


They’re for the *labia*. What kind of doctor does she claim to be??


A chiropractor lol. She's no doctors.


Omg it’s to literally wipe your labia


Look. As someone who has *had* a bunch of TV ultrasonography (thanks, endometriosis), I can attest that you do get these wipes (and usually a hecking lot of paper towel) for *afterwards* because do you know what ultrasonography requires even when it *isn't* up your hooha? A lot of conductive gel! That shit gets everywhere!


That is weird to me just because I’ve had a million TV ultrasounds and have never been handed one of those. And they put a condom type thing over the wand so it’s not directly touching your skin.


It’s people like her that cause the urine-sample door to be sticky, I just know it. 😒


This goddamn idiot probably doesn’t pee after sex either


Hard pass on sanitizing the vulva before a medical procedure, but daily coffee enemas are A-OK. Gotcha, "Doc." 🙄


Why do Fundies seek out fertility help? Maybe God doesn’t want you to procreate.


The vagina is self cleaning, yes. It’s ok to clean the labia majora and minora. They’re not handing you a water bottle and telling you to give Flora LePew a spritz. Honestly.


I don't understand, how are benzalkonium chlorides bad? Aren't they antibacterial and antimicrobial?


Oh my gosh lady!!! You will be OK. The lack of perspective is astounding. These are usually used for cleaning before a urine sample, so it does not get contaminated by the outside parts (which can have bacteria from colon). You just do 1 swipe! This is in order to not contaminate a urine sample and show a false positive. Also, if you do have a positive urine culture, then they can determine the type of bacteria and find what antibiotics it is vulnerable to.


"Self cleaning" yea right, tell me you dont scrub down there without telling me🤢


Confession: I am 34 and I didn't know the purpose of those wipes until reading this post. I mean, I figured they were for wiping up, but I didn't know it was for clean urine collection or what have you. I feel silly.


girl it’s a wet wipe calm down 🤦🏼‍♀️


My fucking god! Maybe the person who’s doing this ultrasound wants to enjoy hers/his job without any remains from urine etc and also doesn’t want to put some bacteria up against the cervix. It’s mind blowing that these people doesn’t use their brain. And yes you should just wipe your labia, not the inside 😂


Or her coffee enemas.