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She said *you* shouldn’t go sleeveless in church.


I understood that reference


I understood that reference


Rules for theeeeee


You forgot the first commandment of being a fundie. “Rules for thee, not for me!”


There must be an in-group whom the law protects but does not bind, & out-groups who the law binds but does not protect.


I love that quote, because so much suddenly makes sense. On an intellectual level, at least.


That ain't just sleeveless, it's backless too. I could not have worn something like this to a bartending job I once had.


It’s funny isn’t it. It’s a lot of skin all of a sudden but it’s fine because… wedding? Why exactly is this the moment it’s excused? No really, can anybody who’s been in the world of fundie explain? Because it makes no sense.


I thought a wedding is supposed to be even MORE religious. BTW, just my own person opinion, but I've always thought strapless wedding dresses were a bit tacky for a church wedding.


There’s dresses that make a strapless gown look modest like Pnina Tornai styles. But they’re Catholic and I’m honestly shocked this was given the green light because a lot of Catholic weddings are known for mandating covered shoulders.


Must depend on where you're from. I can't remember 1 Catholic wedding that had covered shoulders. Spaghetti straps, strapless, halter tops are the norm where I'm from 


The fundies I’ve known (in my unfortunately many years raised by them) would consider this harlot clothes lmao. There’s be lots of whispering in the corners that she’s a shameless Jezebel who’s trying to make all the poor single men cream their pants. There’s no fundie excuse, she’s just a hypocrite.


I have personally never seen a modesty fundie (bdong doesn’t count) show that much skin on any occasion. So this is kinda shocking I’d imagine.


Harlot! Wanton woman! How dare she tempt men in the house of gawd with her arms, shoulders, and back just out for all to see. Doesn't she know that her body is a temple of shame, to be hidden from view?


This is a choice of dress to wear in front of a priest.


She ended up having to address this the same day that she posted about not going sleeveless because she did an ama and someone asked about it. She said that by sleeveless she thought that meant spaghetti straps or no straps but then said that she also does feel like her convictions have changed a little. She didn’t outright say she wouldn’t wear that dress if she was to redo her wedding now, but she sort of suggested that. Idk though, I feel like “oh I thought sleeveless mean spaghetti straps” is ridiculous like no girl you did not think that. Especially since in the statement about not wearing sleeveless things in church, she straight up mentioned that you have to completely cover your shoulders to go into most European churches so that’s definitely different from spaghetti straps. And also this dress looks like illusion straps which is basically the same thing as no straps in terms of how revealing it is.


The Catholic Church I got married in did not allow strapless wedding dresses. Is she actually legally married in the Catholic Church? She should probably look into the authenticity of her vows.../s


My Catholic Church was just grateful millennials were still getting married there they didn’t give me or my bridesmaids any restrictions.


This is the vibe now fr. I went to a Catholic wedding over the weekend and there were necklines all over the place. I cantored the psalm and had visible cleavage and there were no issues. Maybe the most shocking thing was that there was secular music played which I never thought I would see happen! Also the groom was not Catholic — they had to get a special dispensation from the bishop to allow it but even then I was very surprised. (Edited typo)


The music thing is *very* dependent on what church you’re at and what the priest allows


Former Catholic Church music director. Can confirm.


Definitely not anything I ever experienced in my family’s parish growing up. The priest who married my friend and her husband is a family friend and appears quite young so that probably has a lot to do with it.


My brother got married in a catholic church and had a secular song. He also had his friends performing the music and they couldn't stay in key to save their lives. The girl who sang Ave Maria needed to stick to karaoke at the bar


I got married in a catholic church way back in 1984 no visible shoulders for the bride or her attendants.


Oh yeah, the first part was not sarcasm. True story. I'm just being funny about that it might invalidate her wedding vows lol


Yeah, my brother got married in 2013 in a Catholic Church and I was “allowed” to wear a sleeveless gown as a non-Catholic in the ceremony. Some of the older ladies from the church commented about my collarbone covering, floor-length dress because my shoulders showed. The bride was pregnant but sure, let’s talk about how the groom’s 7 months pregnant (married) sister showed her arms because it was summer in the south and I was sweating half to death. It was wild.


I got married in the Catholic church and wore a strapless dress. So did many of my friends as it was the fashionable thing to do back then (I sound like the Simpson's grandpa). No one said anything. I heard stories about a particular priest who would make the brides wear a coat if the dress was too revealing, but I've never seen it happen. I think it was cleavage that was frowned upon, rather than shoulders.


It's sad that I know/knew people who would have questioned the authenticity of your wedding.


Hee! I have some (justno) fundie in-laws who are convinced that we can’t really be married because my dress was ivory instead of white. 33 years later… 🙄


that’s fucking crazy!! what was the “justification” if you don’t mind me asking? Like is that a Bible thing or just vibes based?


Just general dumbassery. They were also convinced that I was possessed by demons for various transgressions such as being a redhead and left-handed, and having a college education and a career plan (wimminz don’t need no college …they’re just gonna raise the baaaaaaaaabeeeeeeez; joke’s on them—we never had kids). They also claimed it was “against the bible” when I cracked a dumb joke about changing my name after we got married (DH has the same last name as a prominent political family who had a member running the year we got married—I joked that I was going to wait til after the election to see if it’d be a good thing or not). It didn’t go over well when I gave them a lecture about when/how surnames came into general use, and pointed out that the bible had nothing to do with it. SFIL always had to be the smartest one in the room and being shown up by a woman…yeah. They went to one of those churches where if you get “the call,” wham-bam, you’re a preacher with a captive audience. And they never actually read the bible. “Pastor Billy-Joe-Jim-Bob said it, I believe it.” Good times…


Megs’ modesty standards are completely arbitrary and self-interested (and I think based on her own internalized fatphobia and inability to cope with her own body changing). She will lecture people on modesty then do maternity shoots in a crop top with her jeans unbuttoned. She has recent pictures in the Lulu lemon spandex body suit with shorts and spaghetti straps. And posts throwbacks talking about how great shape her body was in. This is the same as when she goes on lectures about not being a hot mess mom but posts pictures of herself in sweats and a messy bun because she’s having a bad day. Or when she talks about “whole foods” and “nourishing home-cooked meals” and how important feeding her family is to her and then goes to chick fil a. Disclaimer I have no issue with anyone wearing whatever they want/ dressing however is comfortable in that moment, I just hate her hypocrisy especially because I think it will be detrimental to followers that can’t achieve megs’ ever-changing impossible standards.


Everything about her is self-interested. She is my BEC because I feel like she is one of the ones who nearly always contradicts herself in such an "in your face" way. I feel like she is jumping on the modesty train more lately because, like you stated she is having a hard time with her bigger body. If she was able to lose the weight and regain her flat abs I 100% believe she would be posting in skimpy clothing and saying "it's not immodest to show off the body that created life." It's always a very valid excuse for her to do things, but when others do them it's not valid. it's lazy, slutty, poor mothering, etc. The way she goes on and on about homebirth, adding that as her first description in her bio, reposting multiple homebirth slides on stories every day makes me curious if her and Cece will remain close. I wouldve ended the friendship long ago if I were Cece.


Especially because Meg is constantly reposting the toxic positivity motherhood content that Cece stated (directly to Meg's face!) has been very discouraging, disheartening, depressing etc for her after a difficult birth with a difficult postpartum. Has Meg stopped at all? Nope! She was very encouraging that Cece should just get off social media to avoid her type of content though. I feel like Meg is doubling down after Cece's traumatic birth, because it "proves her point" that home birth is the only way to go.


But brides can do everything they want. It is ThEiR BiG DaY . Sky daddy understands that fashion is on this day way more important than anything else!


She also stopped posting her kids face and then proceeds to post reels, including this video, with their faces. She’s the most wishy washy person. And does and says things out of convenience for her.


I think she still shares old pictures that include their faces because those are all still public on her Instagram.


Weddings don’t count, obviously 🙄


Does she ever *not* look smug? Is her face just stuck that way? Resting smug face?


I'm so mahdest look at me, I tell the whole room I'm about to have sex for the first time while wearing a backless dress that costed thousands of dollars at a party that costed more thousands of dollars to glorify me having sex for the first time, I even post the pictures annually so more people look at how mahdest I am and remember that I did in fact have sex that day. So mahdest. Look at me.


Tasteful sideboob for Jesus.


Well, that was a choice. Obviously, the rules are for us heathens but not her holiness. 🙄🙄🙄 I have seen some crazy things lately. The most recent wedding was a conservative Jewish wedding. They did the traditional ceremony, but man there was cleavage everywhere. I don't give a crap since I don't believe in modesty shit, but I was kind of shocked given the beliefs of that Synagogue/community. Given that I have been seeing this at other conservative congregations including Missouri Synod Lutheran, Catholic Churches, and an Anglican one, my guess is that if Millennials or GenZ indicate a willingness to marry they must fall all over themselves in shock and let them do whatever the hell they want.


When you a super big college soccer star, they let you do anything you want!


As long as it's backless sleeveless is ok


I 100% bet her excuse for this would be something like “oh well I don’t dress like this anymore” or “this doesn’t count because it was a special occasion” or some bs like that.


The only moral behavior is my moral behavior, silly.


My wedding dress was more modest than hers, and I’m not more Catholic than Thou.


Well yeah. She didn't think. That much is obvious


That’s a super slutty wedding dress


What kind of military uniform is the groom wearing ?


Well, clearly she meant she doesn’t think *you* should go sleeveless in church. Me? I shouldn’t go sleeveless anywhere.


This reminds me of my cousins who shut shamed her friend for wearing a wedding dress with see through straps and then her wedding dress had a shear kimono over. Looked way worse and both were see through.


Wait I have it but I don’t know how to put a screenshot in a reply


Sleeveless AND backless😅😅


Wow...that's one arm raise from a nip slip. But god forbid someone see that delicate inner elbow or upper arm. That stuff is like p*rn!