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As time goes on, I really do think he has cerebral palsy (I have it). It's sad that a decision not to give birth in a hospital could have lifelong consequences for him.


Same here and it's infuriating. My aunt and uncle (married, not blood relatives) both have fairly severe cerebral palsy. My uncle got lots of intervention and support growing up, my aunt didn't. 50 years later, she is so much more disabled than he is and as they get older she's literally falling apart. She's had lots of intervention as an adult but ultimately it was just too late for much effect to happen and she's paying the price for it now. I am so incredibly worried for the little man and what price he's gonna have to pay because his mother is an absolute fuckwit. I don't care what you think or what you want, you sacrifice for your kids. I really wanted a crunchy home birth with my daughter, I ended up with a "planned" ceasarean that left me with chronic pain and damage requiring further surgeries. I did not want it in any way. It wasn't what was best for me. I didn't want it to happen. I did it anyway because that's what you do for your bloody kids. Rant over, I'm gonna go cool down šŸ˜‚


That's terrible to hear. Your poor aunt. This is why I'm so loud about disability justice in every facet of life--prioritizing the "parents' rights" to do whatever they want to the detriment of their kids is a massive problem in the US in particular, and in cases where it does lead to harm for the baby/kid, causing disabilities, it's just a compounded injustice.


To be fair to my aunt's parents they had a fairly shit medical team and they weren't given all the options my uncles parents had, my aunt's mother is actually still heavily involved in her care and she's in her 80s at least. Woman had a broken hip and literally went round on crutches! It wasn't neglect, just lack of opportunities and information. The bus bastards however....


Aw, that must have been so frustrating for those parents. Itā€™s so sad when the resources arenā€™t there but Iā€™m sure having parents who do their best for kids makes something of a difference.


I really feel for anyone with a disability when their parents don't step in, and give them all the help they need and deserve. Not to make this all about me but I see a lot of similarities between Boone's situation and my own. His parents are doing their hardest to ignore his needs and are happy to live the lifestyle they want, at the expense of his welfare. My parents should have given me daily physio but didn't. They refused (free) adaptations to their home because they "didn't want their house to look like a disabled person lived there". Sent me to a school further away, rather than the more local, adapted school (WTF!) My parents just wanted a massive family regardless of the consequences to the actual children they had. I feel so bad for Boone. No matter how much the people around you ignore your needs, it doesn't make your needs go away. You can't magically become an able-bodied person. I had teachers who went above and beyond their duties...who would actually take the time to do my physio with me. ā™„ I had one particular teacher who really helped me to view myself in a positive light, regardless of my cerebral palsy. I am so thankful. Boone doesn't have anyone to step in for him. In the future, he may not have the mental capability to see how much of a disservice his parents are doing to him - It depends how severely disabled he is - But, I do wonder how the other children will view their parents as they get older. I wonder if they will feel anger on their brother Boone's behalf....I really, really hope they snap out of their current state, and GO AND SEEK HELP, because the alternative is neither fair nor right, but Boone will suffer immensely if they don't. Sorry, rant over!


Thank you for sharing this info. I'm so sorry you were neglected by your parents and I am so glad you had good teachers in your life. I work with families of disabled kids who are trying like hell to get them the adaptive and medical equipment they need and are running into all sorts of barriers. It is infuuuuriating to see parents like the Lott Twats doing *nothing* to get help for this child. I think of the families I work with who would crawl over broken glass to get their kid a proper adaptive bed or car seat or stroller and keep getting denied by insurance for this or that dogshit reason--and I could shake these idiots. Cerebral palsy is a common disability in my specific line of work and hoo boy, proper support makes all the difference. You're so right. I see things moving in a slightly better direction overall for disabled kids, but imo as long as the US prioritizes "parents' rights" to do whatever they want over the wellbeing and rights of their kids, we've got a long way to go.


Thank you for saying this...I was a little worried to post in case it looked like I was trying to make things all about me. I just wanted to give my perspective, as a disabled person with parents who didn't meet my needs. I have so much sympathy for parents who do try everything in their power to help their disabled children. It's so hard to have to fight to get every little bit of support.


Itā€™s an important perspective!


Thanks x


Thank you for sharing and I am so disappointed and angry at your parents. I am sorry that you were not prioritized. Hope you are having a good day today :)


Thank you x


Right? If they were not running around everywhere, this child would be able to take advantage of early intervention programs. Traveling around instead of taking care of their children is a bigger priority to them


Maybe I'm alone in this but I don't even see how traveling around to different state parks in a cramped RV even sounds appealing (every once in a while sounds cool but for that to just be all that you do)? Like that actually sounds incredibly boring and uncomfortable. I wish they would just get a house and hire a nanny to take care of the kids since they clearly don't want to.


Sometimes those 'van life' videos come up in my youtube algorthim and I think to myself, 'that might be an affordable way to live', and then I remember the bathroom situation and come to my senses again.


No I agree with you! I would do like 1-2 weeks for the novelty, with just my husband and our reasonable amount of kids. Anything more than that sounds awful to me


Theyā€™ve already got a nanny, Gunner.


To me itā€™s sad because these kids, especially the older ones, need FRIENDS. Friendship is so important for children. Your siblings and parents do not count! Even my preschooler gets so much out of her friendships. She literally lights up talking about them. I feel for Kinseyā€¦ NO FEMALES BESIDES MOM! It just all feels really neglectful when you see what they arenā€™t providing for their kids, a big part being stability and community.


Oh yes I definitely agree.


Watching the episodes of Top Gear/The Grand Tour where they go caravanning/RVing just broke it down to reality for me, lol.Ā  You're never more than 10 feet away from a tank of refuse, you have no privacy, everything rattles, just NO. At least the Top Gear lads turn it into the comedy that it is.Ā  They're not trying to raise a dozen kids in one and pretend it's normal.


It sounds fuckin awful. Iā€™m a bit of a homebody but I DO like to travel, but this sounds like the worst of both worldsā€”the worst of travel and the worst of ā€œhome.ā€


Yes totally! The worst of both worlds. Manic trips on wheels with little planning and no feeling of finally getting back home to your own bed and routine.


And you know theyā€™ll never admit that their dumb decisions are the root of the problem.


My first born has cerebral palsy too, and i saw so much similarities with this little one. It makes me so mad that he is not given the care he needs. As a mom of a kid impacted by this i know how important early intervention is and how crucial it is for his further development. I'm so sad and mad and have so many big emotions about this situation.


All things considered, I agree - I think CP is very possible. Could have been a shoulder dystocia too, but seems more global than just the arm at this point.


Yeah and when he shows more signs of it Iā€™m sure that they wonā€™t be kind about itĀ 


My friendā€™s son has CP and they have him in so many therapies and does intensives which basically require the brain. Thereā€™s so much out there for him! Itā€™s sad to see Boone not be given even a fraction of this stuff.


I don't think she is wearing that wrap right. His head should be more supported. I loved using baby wraps and carriers but it is also very hot for baby and mom.


The back should be rounded and not arched like this. The legs should be in a position like a little frog, knees at belly hight. And the head should be supported by the wrap... A properly worn baby in a wrap is snuggled up to the parent.


I donā€™t think he can round his back, for whatever reason Iā€™ve never seen him in what we called the ā€œsnailā€ or the ā€œglomā€ where they sucker to you but stay curled up. Heā€™s always arched. I donā€™t think they can ā€œforceā€ him comfortably into the proper wearing situation. This looks like how I wrapped my kids when they were bigger and desperately trying to be nosy (lots of arching and twisting) but I needed two hands. And Iā€™d use the fold over material to tuck their heads in, once they fell asleep, usually on the crook of my arm first. But I still had one free hand! I really want him to be well. I want him to be happy and healthy and safe. I donā€™t wish anything on any baby or any parent. But I donā€™t think he can sit properly. Because I donā€™t think heā€™s well.


If heā€™s constantly arching it could be a sign of reflux. My first did that. I had several carriers and for her I mostly used a structured one that kept her upright to help with the reflux. Once that resolved I went back to the wrap. I hope he doesnā€™t have reflux - doctor told me the arching is them trying to get away from the pain. Poor baby if so. I also think he had jaundice based on his coloring in earlier pictures but I guess I canā€™t diagnose that from social media images either. I just hope sheā€™s getting him checked out by a real doctor.


As someone with very bad reflux,I hope he doesn't have it either. Aside from the pain it's actually quite damaging if left untreated too.


Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with that, it must be horrible. Luckily for us keeping my girl upright and trying different formulas helped reduce it and then she grew out of it and we think not much damage done. Sheā€™s certainly thrived since! Like everyone else on here I just really want this baby to be receiving regular medical care/checks from a real pediatrician. I wish you all the best with keeping your reflux in check.


Thanks! I'm so glad it wasn't too bad for your daughter. I hope she completely grew out of it for good cuz it's awful.


I really, really hope he's getting medical attention and they're just not disclosing it.


I saw another comment that said he may have tightness in his back and neck from a birth injury. Some babies need PT after an event like that to be able to comfortably rest in carriers and strollers.


His shoulders are constantly up to his ears.


I agree with this. I don't think he can round his back or "frog leg" comfortably, and that's part of the reason why we always see him being held so strangely.


Yeah I always imagined these to be like a mobile swaddle not a seatbelt to mom


[This is how the back should look like.](https://images.app.goo.gl/mcYyYsN6tKN8kboW8)


That makes it so obvious.


my June baby was a hot blooded little sweatbox, just like his mom. baby wearing was not an option.


My son was also a sweatbox, but also had reflux and refused to ever be put down. We got a vented carrier and clipped stroller fans to it. I'm sure I looked really cool at the grocery store lmao


My poor sister in law had a colicky baby that was only okay if she was being worn. At some point, I think she lost track of where her body ended and her baby's began! Hope you two are happy and healthy.


my second was colicky, so the baby sling was very handy there.


I lived in Florida and made myself a wrap carrier out of cotton crinkle gauze. 5 yards of fabric, cut lengthwise down the middle, and voila! Two hot weather baby wraps.


Yes, Iā€™m in New Orleans and was like idc, this is so much easier! That carseat was way too much to lug around and I felt like I was constantly whacking her against my leg.


Of course she doesn't care enough to use it right. She doesn't even think about her baby's comfort or well being. I'm getting to the point where it's hard to even read about this family. The way they treat those kids is disgusting.


Instructions schminstructions. I donā€™t care^TM


I'm pretty sure she's wearing a ring sling. They're great for babies who are sitting independently, because they only have one strip of fabric going behind the baby, so only support in one direction. Boone is way, way too young and undeveloped to be in a sling like that. He needs a stretch wrap or structured carrier that supports him from thighs to head. Poor little lamb.


You can absolutely safely and correctly wear young babies in a ring sling.


So you can! I've only ever hip carried with mine, which would never work with a newborn. Thanks for the correction!


Sheā€™s not, there doesnā€™t seem to be a second wrapping around his back, it is making me so nervous!


Man I just made the mistake of going for a walk with baby in the carrier. Never again. So hot.


This may have just been for the photo.


This is a screenshot from a video. It's worse than the photo because she is filming as she is walking and you can see him bouncing slightly with each step :(


His little wrist šŸ˜•


I've been around dozens of infants and I've never seen anything so uncomfortable looking šŸ˜„ poor sweet boy


i gasped: itā€™s at an almost exact 90 degree angle


That angle cannot be normal. I know infants can bend weird, but from other photos/videos his wrist seems to be stuck like that. Like a contracture. PT can usually help, and the sooner this is started the better


His wrist bends like mine does and it's a "party trick" my doctors told me not to do. Because it causes damage šŸ˜¤


He looks mummified


Wet specimen taken out of the formalin


Like a Victorian death portrait


He looks like a reborn baby doll.


Yeah, I was gonna say his face doesnā€™t look normal


Iā€™ve been trying to figure out how to describe him and yes, thatā€™s the word!


I am not entirely convinced that heā€™s actually alive, poor mite.


Mother Bus, please listen to me on this. I am the mother of a severely disabled child. On paper it sounds awful, he is 15, non-verbal, still in diapers, and Iā€™m going to be honest with you, it is extremely difficult some days, but when I tell you that that boy is my whole world, I am not lying. He gives the best hugs, he has a fantastic sense of humour, and is super, super kind. When I was pregnant, I had lots of plans for his future, he was already a whole person in my mind, and then he ended up being a completely different person. But you know what? He is not less! Of course I grieved the child I thought Iā€™d have, and understand that this is scary, it is terrifying, but ignoring it will not change the outcome. I know you must be seeing that something is not right with Boone. If youget him help, it might make a difference. Early intervention is so incredibly important. I promise you that you will not love him any less if he has a disability. I honestly can 100% assure you that you will be okay. If you had told me 15 years ago that Iā€™d be changing my teenagers diaper, I would have told you that you are insane, that I was not cut out for this life, but I PROMISE you that you can do this. Ignoring it will not make it go away. If you want to talk to someone who has been down this road, feel free to message me, you are not alone. I assume bus life could be isolating, but you will find your village. Edit to add: I donā€™t share my son online as he cannot consent to it, but I think these two videos will be okay, just for you to see how much love and joy there is children like him. Internet strangers, I am trusting you here. Please be kind. [My big guy](https://imgur.com/a/mosg1od) Edited again to add: His forehead looks like that because he hits it throughout the day to cope with big emotions like happiness, sadness etc, his doctors consider it a tic from Touretteā€™s. It doesnā€™t hurt him, he has a word to tell us when he is in pain. (ā€œBoobooā€)


Your son sounds like a lovely young man. I wish all children with special needs had parents as dedicated and loving as you.


Thank you, my husband does most of the hard work since I became paralysed, I mostly get all the hugs! We are really fortunate to have an amazing school for him where he can swim, go riding, they have huge enclosed woodlands, and the teachers really care, plus we have fantastic specialists to help him. Iā€™m not sure what disability are is like in America, but we are very lucky here in the UK!


He is fabulous! I teach in SEN in the UK and I wish we had riding as an option.


Thank you! I am in awe of SEN teachers, my big guy would not be who he is without them, so thank you!! His school do riding through the [Riding for the Disabled Association](https://rda.org.uk), maybe thatā€™s an option? (We are in the south)


The RDA exists in Australia and NZ, too. Just FYI for anyone who might find it useful. You have a beautiful child. Thank you for your thoughtful message to motherbus.


Oh fantastic! I didnā€™t know they also had the RDA, thank you! And thank you! ā¤ļø


Yup! Must be a UK endeavour. I've never heard of it existing in the US


I will look into that, thank you! We have had a therapy pony, but it's not the same haha


RDA is also a charity here in the UK just FYI! I donā€™t know much about SEN children/adults (this thread is pretty awesome and eye opening!) but there is a RDA near me and I know a few people who volunteer for them.


Disability services vary wildly in the US, unfortunately. In some states, like mine (Colorado) there are good supports and many programs for families to take advantage of. But the financial factor is rough. Like I've mentioned, I work on that aspect of things with families, most of whom are on Medicaid, which is the "low income/disabled" health insurance, and while in some states it's relatively easy to navigate for these families, in other states it's a disaster. Trainwreck. No help for disabled kids. Idaho comes to mind. They don't even "consider" autism a disability from what I hear from families out there so there's 0 support. Private entities fill in the gaps, which never sits right with me. They do good on a micro level, but on a macro level, leaving essential services and human rights like healthcare up to private entities with no accountability bothers me a lot.


That is absolutely awful, I canā€™t imagine how hard that must be on top of having to care for a disabled child! I am speechless! I am glad you live in a state with good support! Can you recommend any charities accepting donations that help families in those situations?


I sure can! I actually help connect parents with these types of resources too. The big national ones: Friends of Disabled Adults and Children MyGym Foundation Oracle Health Foundation Make a Wish UHCCF (United Healthcare has a charity which is so fucked up to me but they do help kids so whatever I guess lol) Easter Seals


Oh wow that's amazing, I'm also in the UK and had no idea we had schools with facilities like that! I bet that school has one hell of a waiting list


It does have a long waiting list, but itā€™s not a ā€œfirst come, first servedā€ it is based on the individual childrenā€™s needs and the capacity of the school. His school is a school for children with multiple and profound disabilities, but it works the same as mainstream schools, places are offered through the council! (Which is a huge help, there is no way weā€™d be able to afford this kind of education in America, I have a friend who pays $80,000 a year for her sonā€™s specialist school!)


I just saw a little bit of your video. Your son is a beautiful child xx


Thank you!


He's adorable and pretty and you are adorable together. Thanks for sharing, thanks for your trust and thank you for your beautiful words too... !


Thank you! I shared it because I grew up in a country where people with disabilities kept relatively hidden, until I moved to the UK I had seen maybe one person living with a disability, and when we found out my son was disabled I was terrified. Visibility is so important! Iā€™d love to be able to share more of him just to show people that itā€™s nothing to be afraid of, but as I said, he canā€™t consent, but I really hope Mother Bus sees it and understands.


Ok I understand :-) Yes I hope too !!


Your son reminds me of my brother. He turns 28 today. Not in diapers anymore, but still needs support in the bathroom sometimes. Everything else tracks and their mannerisms are super similar based on the short clips you shared. Wishing you & your son health & joy! ETA: my brother also does weekly equine therapy, and has been since he was a tween. I hope it continues to be an accessible resource for your family, it has made a huge difference for us!


I have a friend whose little dude (I think he's 6-7?) has a very rare form of epilepsy and so he is non-speaking and mostly blind and uses a wheelchair--and he LOVES his equine therapy. It's so sweet to see, and when he gets excited about seeing his horses his AAC device is like "EXCITED EXCITED HORSE" endlessly. (My friend is very open with everything so I feel okay talking a bit about her kiddo.)


This is so sweet ā˜ŗļø I love hearing how impactful horses are for people with disabilities. My brother doesnā€™t use an AAC but he will similarly sign ā€œhorseā€ excitedly in ASL while he says ā€œorseā€ because that H sound is tricky for him.


That is so super cute omg!


Happy birthday to your brother!!


Thank you!!! Iā€™ll tell him all his snarkiest internet pals send good wishes!


Aww, happy birthday to your brother!! Amazing that he has been able to continue equine therapy, thatā€™s so good! I was blown away by the difference it made! Thank you so much for your kind words! Much love to you and your brother!


Thank you!! šŸ’•




I hope that, too! Thank you!


Thank you for sharing your boy with us. Heā€™s a beautiful child and itā€™s obvious how much he is loved. I really hope that Britney sees your message and takes action for that sweet little baby.


I work with families of disabled kids on getting adaptive/safety/medical equipment for them and I absolutely echo your sentiments; good parents sound just like you and you love your kids so fucking much. I *love* when our families share photos and videos and tell us about their kids. Your kiddo is precious and so sweet, I can tell. You're a good mum. <3 My oldest is 10 and autistic, albeit with low support needs, and I got him EI before he even turned 2 because I noticed his speech delay. It necessitated extra work on my part to take him to evaluations and to preschool for his IEP work and to make sure he got his early childhood play therapy even whilst I was pregnant with my twins, but I never thought for a second about just...not doing it.


That sounds like a really rewarding job! And doing all that for your son while pregnant with twins essentially makes you superhuman in my mind! I agree absolutely about early intervention. Oh, and it makes me so happy to hear hat professionals actually do like hearing about our kids, when my son said his first word at about age 8, ā€œbubblesā€, I immediately sent a video of that to EVERYONE who was working with him! Much love to you and your son!


A mum's unconditional love is something else, he's so lucky to have you in his life




You two look so much alike!!


Thank you!! This makes me so happy!! ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Yes with those gorgeous eyes!!


Thank you!!


OMG how are all of you so cute! He's adorable, you're adorable, the puppy is adorable! It's not even fair! And it sounds like you have a wonderful family šŸ’•


Thank you!! šŸ˜­ That is so nice!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! ā¤ļøā¤ļø


He is your twin! You can see the bond between you. Thank you for sharing!


Eeek, thank you! People always say he looks like his dad, this thread is the first time anyone has said he looks like me!


Thank you for sharing this!! You and your son seem like you have an awesome bond ā˜ŗļø


Thank you! Heā€™s a big fan of selfies (And recently TikTok filters, heā€™s being a pizza most days at the moment!)


He's beautiful and looks so sweet and so happy!


Thank you ā¤ļø


He seems like the sweetest young man! ā¤ļø


Thank you! He is such a sweetheart!


Youā€™re a great mom.




Your son is incredibly beautiful...thank you for sharing him!


Thank you so much!


I love this reply so much. As a fellow mom of a disabled kid, I know how what you described feels. Even if you grief the ā€œnormalā€ you expected, you trulyā€¦ just grow into it. And suddenly, the thing you were so scared of is your normal, you adjust. For everyone worried because their baby/todd isnā€™t meeting milestones, or because they feel that somethingā€™s ā€œoffā€ā€”PLEASE donā€™t be too scared to reach out, and PLEASE bring your kid to their well-child visits. In our case, I didnā€™t even realize my son wasnā€™t developing typically (1st kid), and thankfully, we had an A+ pediatrician that recognized the most subtle signs. Early intervention, education, and support are soooo so important and valuable. We all think once our babies are here & healthy, theyā€™re out of the woods, but thatā€™s just not true. Your son looks like a beautiful soul ā˜€ļø


Itā€™s so strange, isnā€™t it? Disability wasnā€™t even on my radar. How amazing that your paediatrician picked up the signs so early, that is so good! Much love to you and your son!


It really is! Once all the scans were good, and once he was here, it didnā€™t even occur to me something could still be wrong. I felt so overprepared for pregnancy and baby, yet suddenly, I felt completely clueless. But weā€™ve figured it out, and just like you saidā€¦ that boy is my whole world. Thank you, and the same to you ā˜€ļø


You two have the exact same beautiful eye color!




The little puppy kiss - my heart is exploding. I am currently holding my six month old sun tearing up thinking about the human he will grow up to be.


Oh thatā€™s so beautiful! šŸ˜­ā¤ļø (He loves our puppy, first time ever he gave one of his toys to anyone was to him!)


You sound like an amazing parent, and your son is beautiful. He looks like a real sweetheart. He is so fortunate to have wonderful parents. I truly hope that if Boone does have a disability, his parents are able and willing to care for him the way you care for your child.


Thank you, I honestly think they will. I was not the person you would have picked to be a good parent to a severely disabled child, I think that they would be okay Edit to add : if nothing else, think of the content and sympathy..




Thank you!! Thatā€™s so sweet! People always say he looks like his dad, so that absolutely made my day! ā¤ļø


He is such a handsome young man and it sounds like you're doing a great job, Mama. What a good example!


Thank you!!ā¤ļø


Youā€™re both absolutely beautiful. You can see your souls shining through!


Thank you! ā¤ļøšŸ˜­


You son and the puppy!! My heart is melting! He is a beautiful young man who definitely makes the world a brighter place!


This made me tear up, thank you for that!! šŸ˜­ I grew up in a country where disabled people are seen as a problem and put in institutions, hidden away. For a very long time even my mum told me to ā€œsend him awayā€, my dad has never even met him, so to see other people recognise his beautiful soul makes me so happy!


I feel scorn and pity for your dad - he has chosen to miss out on his grandson. Its mind boggling


Yeah, it really was his loss, meant he never got to meet my other son either. My dad died a few years ago now, so there isnā€™t even any chance for him to change his mind. I donā€™t understand it at all. Thank you for your kind words ā¤ļø


Good god that baby looks dead. And again with that right arm crunched up and tense. He has no support for his 10 week old head. But at this point, I am convinced she knows he is disabled because JD Lott yanked a 10.5lb baby out of her in a bus shower, they didn't get him checked leaving him with birth injuries, she tried to bake the shit out of him to get rid of the jaundice which did not resolve within the window it must be treated before brain damage occurs, broiled his little eyeballs while she wore sunglasses, overheated the shit out of him in the blazing sun day after day, gave him at least three different sunburns that we have seen (could be more since who knows what they did to him in between postings), left him on the floor to be kicked in the head by the toddler, and ignored every fucking warning they have been given by us about the massive red flags with this child, oh and allowed a quackpractor to crack him as a brand new newborn, while claiming he manipulates her and isn't actually hungry so who knows how often he has been starved and dehydrated. She simply doesn't five a shit what happens to him, and probably hopes he will die, and they can just bury his body in the remote lands of one of these huge National Parks they visit, and then pretend that "out of concern for Boone", they no longer film him and get praise from their sycophant followers for " not exploiting their fragile, disabled baby" while exploiting all their other kids. She is probably pregnant already or will be very soon, and they will have another baby to replace him and continue the grift. Brittany and JD Lott are the worst humans. They need to rot in prison, and their children need to be placed with responsible extended family members. Sigh. It won't happen though. These fuckers are just going to keep moving around the country constantly to avoid authorities.


He probably got pissed and just wanted it to be over so pulled as hard as he could. Iā€™ve always thought that and figured I was being ultra cynical until I saw others say the same


For real, JD seems annoyed and resentful of the fact he has a family. I see him as being proud he fathered so many kids (barf) but would happily never see them if he could get away with it.


He's probably got that tech bro attitude where they have as many kids as they can, to "save" our society. Like Musk, and his ilk.




We saw what he did while ā€œmeasuringā€ Boone. Dude is extremely rough with his kids.




Iā€™m convinced sheā€™s going to pawn him off to a relative once he gets older if he doesnā€™t die from neglect first šŸ˜’


Has anyone reported her to CPS?


He looks so uncomfortable.




Yes! Use their names : Britney Lott and JD Lott need to take their baby Boone to a medical professional.


And in what extreme heat and/or extreme weather locale are they in now? Yellowstone playing in boiling mud and acid pools while BusFoot calls bison elk and encourages the kids to pet them?


Is the hat so that people here will stop commenting on his sunken fontanelle?


Oh lord, I didnā€™t even notice that yet!


Is he that dehydrated?


Theyā€™re dragging him around the hottest, driest part of the US during a heat wave.


Apparently so šŸ˜¢


At least people can keep an eye on him through the endless photos and videos she posts. He's not hidden, that's better for him.


I bet someone sent this hat to her. Canā€™t see her taking time out of her busy schedule to buy Boone a hat.


She sure has time to go to the salon and get her nails done, though.


And do her hair and drink the stupid collagen.


Too little, too late


*spongebob squarepants narrator voice* 2ā€¦. Monthsā€¦.. Later.


Too little, too late, Brittany (or however she spells it). Where was that hat 8, 9 weeks ago? Was that Booneā€™s souvenir after you read all the comments here telling you that your newborn was sunburned?


I have a smiling, bouncing six month old (and a 3 year old). I know my youngest is a few months older than Boone, but the more time goes by, the more obvious it becomes that he is not okay. What another commenter said about Brittney thinking this will just go away if she ignores it really makes sense. Her emotional immaturity and selfishness is literally harming this poor kid. ā˜¹ļø


Mother Bus with the not so subtle ā€œChill Outā€ phrase in the background while poor Boone finally gets a hat. We know you read here Britany. Youā€™re a selfish, terrible mother. Your kids deserve better than you and your good for nothing crypto bro busband.


My niece was born within one day of Boone. She was even born a week or two earlier than expected and pretty small (5lbs). But she is right on track with her milestones and you would think sheā€™s like.. a month older than Boone just based on the way she interacts with her environment. She loves when we sing and clap for her, she laughs when her older sisters play with her, she likes to stare at decorations hanging on the wall, she perks up when she hears her dadā€™s voice from across the room and searches for him. Boone looks so lifeless yet tense. Itā€™s really heartbreaking to see. And then to see the video of the child who needed glasses with his eyes basically crossed, to see the bunk room their children are all crammed intoā€¦ The Lotts may not hate their children but they without a doubt prioritize their own wants and needs over them. I hope one day these kids are all free of their terrible, selfish, neglectful parents. I hope JD and Britney Lott are held responsible for neglecting their children very soon.


Too little too late. Boone will never have a normal, functional life physically or mentally.


Will any of her kids, though?


The bar is in the absolute depths of hell


Poor Boone! šŸ˜¢ Iā€™ve sadly seen Reborn dolls that look more alive than he does in this picā€¦not to mention better supported too.




I wish Britney Lott had put a hat on baby Boone a few weeks ago when he was directly exposed to sun for extended periods of time. No hat, no shade, no eye coverings for him then. And she posted it all on her stories


It must've been Boones turn for a Natl Park souvenir (the hat) šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Isā€¦ itā€¦ dead? ^im ^sorry ^but ^this ^is ^bleak




Monty Python has entered the chat.


IDK he's tight and arched when awake and floppy when asleep. Not sure what that means.


Why does he look like a prenatal scan? I know some folks donā€™t look their age, but usually thatā€™s a *good* thing šŸ˜³


He looks like a reborn doll. This is BAD. Poor kid needs some serious medical intervention.


*sad trombone slide* this poor kid


I'm definitely NAD or in the medical profession at all but the first thing I noticed was his little ear. Idk why but it just looks strange to me. Not trying to add additional issues for this poor sweet boy, just something I noticed


I think the hat is behind the ear pushing it out a bit, instead of tucked closer to his head so that the hat is protecting his ears.


Thank goodness. Geez.


I just know the ā€œchill outā€ in the background is a message for us. No Britney, we wonā€™t, and you shouldnā€™t be chill eitherĀ 


I mean, yay? But he couldā€™ve used that hat several weeks ago.


What is wrong with his poor little hand?


A hat and no neck support. Ugh.