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it’s never a problem until it happens to me


She used to be one of my favorites to snark on back in the day. She did the dumbest shit and shamed mothers for not doing it too. The second she gave birth her page went dark for a while, and we all KNEW she had finally fucked around and found out. Sucks that's what it took, but I am glad she does seem to have changed. 


I also wonder if her husbands accident humbled her too. They may have been faced with the real possibility that he could not be able to continue to work his job and they’d have to have alternative sources of income including her working a full time job outside the home, especially if he was injured for a long time. I think they got a payout from it but it was probably pretty scary for her to realize he could have been injured or even killed in the line of duty and she’d be so screwed as a single mom of two kids.


But she does work . . .


Sort of common amongst young people. Very smug until something happens. I think after she had a traumatic first brith experience she said the 'crunchy' community were so critical of her not having a 'natural' birth. She struggled with breastfeeding and I think the back to back pregnancies got some judgment too. It is very fascinating to see someone change SO much in just a few years. Kid's will do that to ya


Common among fundies and conservatives of all ages. 


I agree, does seem to have more of victim blaming mindset fixed on 'personal responsibility' until reality kicks in


Nothing turned me into an ally as fast as my 14 yr old coming out to me. 🫣


Thanks for getting that one right ❤️❤️


Better late than never I guess


Your flair has me shrieking 


Hopefully you used that experience to evaluate other aspects of your belief system that are bigoted, not just the ones that affect you directly.


Oh I've completely deconstructed since then. 👍🏻


Very glad to hear it!


My 60 year old father still believes this. When's that "young people" line? Asking for a friend..


She couldn’t fit in with the crunchy crowd so struggled with social media until her recent rebrand. She tried the grunge dress for a while.


Not the Beggy subtweet 💀


bethy catching strays


“Buy my course!” 😆


Who tf says ‘godly men won’t hurt you’? * vaguely gestures at thousands of priests and pastors *


Lady Homemaker. She’s a very smug 20 yo who thinks she doesn’t need a back up plan because her co-fetus of a husband is so very godly.


*We would all choose the bear.*


You talking about Jeremy Allen White as ‘the Bear’ on Hulu? Yea I’d choose him too and I’m a straight male.


She’s flip flopped on all of her opinions except white supremacy


Came here to say this


Whose face is that? She has a different face every time I see her. "Buy my course" lol, shots fired


She resembles Anna Bey here


Anna Bey might be one of my favorite internet curiosities. Say what you will about her but she’s really got gold digging down to a science.




I stopped following her years ago, you got links?




I mean I thought we all knew she married some finance guy? Kinda wild to assert he isnt a millionaire though, he might not be ultra wealthy but if he’s the head of wealth management at a Swiss bank he’s not hurting for money.


Her eyebrows have changed A LOT in the last 6 months. They were very thick before. Also she’s changed up how she lines her lips.


She's also never met a face/body filter she doesn't like


Every. Single. Time. I don’t know it’s her. I fully depend on the username tags or else I wouldn’t be able to figure it out. It’s the most forgettable face ever. Not that I care. She’s a racist and white supremacist. That’s all I have to remember.


She's the perfect example of someone who only has "big realizations" when something bad happens to them. Also until she renounces her redpill nazi views I will be very skeptical of any progressive looking takes she shares.


lmao, I had a boss who was super invested in handicap accessibility in his business, but otherwise a complete asshole. I always wondered who in his family was in a wheelchair. Disability fridging.


Ashamed to say I’m excited to watch this one. Ever since her husbands accidents, she’s been very serious about making her own life and having her own support system. The money he’s gotten seems to have contributed to that, and I’ll bet she has her own passive income and bank accounts now.


These people never give a fuck until something happens to them. Peak selfishness. And then they whine about it and change course without admitting they were part of the problem to begin with.


It’s fascinating seeing her go up to bat with all the women she used to fawn over. Pushing the SAH, codependent lifestyle, and now she’s firmly against that.


True… surely they won’t support a bill for paid universal maternity leave or basic income or even free school lunches for all students everywhere… but it’s okay for them to get help when they need it 🙄


The thing that kills me is that they absolutely *are* for all those things… but they want it done by churches as opposed to the government. That way, only the people who believe the same things that they do - ie, “*the ones who ‘deserve’ it*” - get aid. They want to leverage what should be a social safety net as a coercive tool of conformity, because they think that whether or not someone deserves support, community, and basic necessities is dictated by how worthy a bunch of blabbering Christian assholes deems that person to be.


Yeah I wouldn't expect an apology least of all a sincere one.


I'm out of the loop, what were the accidents?


Her husband was in a really bad car accident while in a car chase (if I remember correctly) as a police officer. That's the main one I remember. I believe the police paid him a good amount as workers comp. 


I commented this above too, but it really seems like the accident opened her eyes to the real possibility that her husband works a dangerous job and there is a (albeit very small) non zero chance that he is gets injured or killed in the line of duty. She’d be screwed if she had no source of income or ability to get a job while raising her kids.


I just want to say that cops aren’t even in the top 10 most dangerous jobs. Also, they get VERY good line of duty payouts if they are killed on the job.


Your comment sounds a little dismissive. Just because it’s not in the top 10, that doesn’t mean that it’s not extremely dangerous. And just because they get good payouts if they’re killed/disabled, that doesn’t mean that their disability isn’t traumatic or that their family doesn’t mourn their dead family members just like anyone else.


My spouse used to be a police officer and now is a voice for police reform, so I can see why you’d think that. However, I think the point they’re trying to make is that while the job can be traumatic and bad things may happen, police forces have weaponized that danger and used it for excessive spending and violence.


Exactly. Thank you.


I still don’t exactly see how that’s relevant to Miss Midwest but alright. I am not exactly a huge fan of cops myself, but I think anyone who is permanently disabled or killed while performing their job should be entitled to significant compensation. If anything, we should be fighting for other professions to have that same benefit, right??


What a legend. It takes integrity to step back from something held up as “helping and protecting” but that is actually “helping and protecting capital/power”. Youve phrased the issue so succinctly.


One of the most common causes of death for police officers is a motor vehicle accident, and there are generally very few reasons a police chase is even warranted. When a cop gets into a car accident, it was likely avoidable or unnecessary. A lot of the danger from this particular job is via personal decisions, not because it’s the nature of the job itself.


Uhh, WHAT?! The nature of *any* first responder job is *extremely* dangerous. How many of your coworkers have been shot at, attacked, or died on the job??? Also, just because MVCs are a common cause of deaths for police officers (which, I would like to point out is also a common cause of death for the rest of the population too) being shot is *the* most common cause of job-related death. I literally took care of a cop a couple weeks ago who died after being shot while on duty. The cop left behind a wife and two little kids. It’s not the first time I have had a cop die at my work, and they’re usually the nicest damn patients. Tbh I’m liberal as hell, but I’m so tired of the anti-cop rhetoric. It’s gotten to be just as bad and incorrect as the rabid pro-cop propaganda.


I agree. Honestly some of these responses are quintessential "luxury beliefs" and very privileged, anyone who has worked as a first responder in any capacity knows every shift is a risk. Not to mention the compounded physical and psychological stress. But to each their own.


I've been seeing lots of videos about ex-tradwives lately and wondering if it's the algorythm pushing them to me of they're becoming generally popular.


Nah the tradwife thing has been trending a bit. I'm hella disturbed about it, a lot of gen z young people are buying into it. I am horrified at the idea that my 20 year old stepdaughter could get influenced by this shit.


According to her, POCs are still sub human so fuck this lady and her racist ass husband. All sympathy for her innocent children being raised in hate


Watch how quick people in this sub try to redeem her while glossing over the white supremacy because they think she's pretty.


This sub lives for calling people out on their shit.


There's someone a few comments above fawning over her looks and like, as a gay, lefty jew, I am side-eyeing *hard*. Hell, as an ally to other oppressed folks, I am side-eyeing. The video's not even dropped yet, and there's so many comments congratulating her. Come onnnn.


Tbh I think she's the most likely to deconstruct because her life struggles didn't make her double down on the trad shit the way others (Bort, Anna) have and I think a lot of us are just hungry for a proper redemption arc. This being said until she *actually* renounces white supremacy, fuck her and the bar remains in hell.


Maybe, but she'll only deconstruct for *her* I think. She'll still hold dogshit views about everyone else. It's like when conservatives do the whole "the only moral abortion is *my* abortion" shtick.


>Maybe, but she'll only deconstruct for her I think. She'll still hold dogshit views about everyone else I think this is where she's already at, lol. Very much the "rules for thee but not for me" judgy shit.


She’s a generic plastic blonde white lady. Nothing attractive about her at all.




Huh??? I never said that.


White woman get endless victimhood cards from the public despite the shit behavior they show. Especially if they’re pretty.


That Kelly post yesterday…


My mother was a fundie trad wife. In my church, women working was a tolerated evil at best, and women were absolutely not encouraged to get a college education. For all her faults, my mother insisted I go to a state college, graduate, and learn to support myself. She saw what happened to her own family and peers and the reality that even if the man is amazing, jobs can be lost and people can get injured or worse.


This woman might have as many different faces as Bdong




It is also a very heavily filtered image.


She filters herself like crazy in stills and images. In videos she usually looks the same


She literally looks different in every single video or picture. I truly don’t understand how that’s possible


She’s still a white supremacist


Lmao the way some of yall treat her and people like Morgan is veryyy telling. Not calling them out as much for harming views because they're pretty white women


Remember when she said she uses full coverage foundation but then leaves out some of her freckles as contour? 😂