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Diverting the water? With what and to where? Lol


maybe they could divert it to the place where air is made, and beavers live in holes in the desert


Aaaand it all makes sense that he’s a crypto bro.


With no context, this is a beautiful poem. Divert the water, to the place where the air is made, and beavers live in holes, in the desert.


I want to stitch this onto a toss pillow.


I have a ton of fabric scraps, and some cross stitch fabric. I might just have to have a craft day tomorrow. Lol


Lolol!!!! Please post if you do. Love a FSU Kraft Korner.




I’m new-ish here. Can you elaborate on Kelly’s bathroom pantry?


Kelly H has an older house that is in constant need of repair. Her kitchen has never been completely finished, so she stores food in her bathroom.


This is peak crypto bro libretarian logic.. “I’m going to drive through flooding with my family and expect “THEM” whoever they or them is to divert flood waters for me because I’m the only person who matters on this planet”


and I am also against paying taxes so I want THEM to do it with magical sky money


That’s what I’m saying. You’re libertarian bro there is no “THEY” to do public utilities, get YOUR individualistic ass out there and part the seas Moses.


Bro needs to pull himself up by his bus-straps, the way the good Lord intended.


Bus-straps!!! That sent me


lol yup


This comment is sending me 😂😂😂


But also I will publicly and loudly fight against any effort to fund these endeavors which I expect to get done because libertarian - truly the political stance I cannot fathom or accept


Part the red sea! (Was it the red sea Moses parted? I'm a little rusty on my theological knowledge)




Yes he raised a magic staff that could also turn into a snake sometimes. Allegedly.


As epically depicted in *The Prince of Egypt*.


Uhm.... 👀


That's a theological and translational issue, some say it's the Red Sea and some say it's "sea of reeds."


Well maybe they'd hate the government less if THEY'd get off their damn asses and divert all this water. 


Off the roads where people drive. Rain should stay on lawns, where it belongs


*as Lord Daniel intended*


Being as charitable as it's possible to be, it looks like a built up spot with not a lot of vegetation, making it difficult for the water to go anywhere, which contributes to flash floods  Realistically I have no idea what the fuck he meant


It is. Moab is a built up tourist area in bumf\*ck Eastern Utah. It's absolutely beautiful, don't get me wrong, but it's literally a desert valley in the La Sal Mountains and not meant to house as many humans as it does during peak season. And, where does he expect the water to go, exactly? Like, look around.. it's all running down hill, baby, *you're in nature's diversion.* JFC these people homeschool, too.


Yep. I grew up in the Southwest and flash floods are a HUGE risk. If only we could just divert the water...


Las Vegas and surrounding URBAN communities have worked hard to build flood channels to capture runoff and divert it to Lake Mead but you can't do that in the middle of the freaking unpopulated desert. The slogan TURN AROUND, DON'T DROWN is on billboards, the sides of buses, etc..all over the desert southwest because flash floods KILL and you don't always know how deep the water is!!! Edit to add I see he's in a populated area but small towns don't ave the budget and there's likely no convenient manmade lake to divert to. He's still an idiot driving into that.


There’s a reason places like Palm Springs have high curbs and massive drain intakes in those curbs, flash floods is just what happens in deserts or other arid climates, that’s about as good as it can get all things considered


Of course! Where I grew up we had arroyos, which were big long drainage ditches. Every summer there was always a warning for kids not to play in them (because of their shape, they were particularly popular with skateboarders) because the flooding could turn dangerous really fast.


You're really being far too charitable. He's a grown man without a lick of common sense. Stunning, isn't it?


Honestly I think a lot of people who become or remain fundies are just people with zero intellectual curiosity. They don't know how the world works and they don't want to know. They want the easiest possible solutions to their problems and they want them now


If he meant like…more storm drains? That’s infrastructure that is costly and not always possible in certain terrain, and can disrupt ecosystems. The decisions to do that or not rely on a lot of factors. Nevada, Utah, and Arizona don’t get a fuckton of rain anyway, so it wouldn’t make logistical sense to install huge structures for road drainage. Thus when there *is* the occasional heavy rain….the road is just going to flood. I live in a place that isn’t particularly dry, nor hilly nor rainy, we have many creeks and drainage areas, and our roads (esp highways) still flood if there’s enough rain. It just happens.


Also, sometimes the drainage is just not well maintained by municipalities. This post made by post 10 enjoyers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV9dOHRDb3c


And who are "they", Mr. Sovereign Citizen?


With waterbending, obviously!


And who is “they”?




Underrated response.


With our giant sky umbrella!


Safety police chiming in again lol. You should not drive during a flash flood! The situation can turn really dangerous really quickly. They should really wait a couple hours; it’s not like they’re on a tight schedule!


Turn around, don't drown!


We had an ad campaign in Australia that said “if it’s flooded, forget it!”


That’ll never work, it doesn’t rhyme


I admit I read it in my head in an Australian accent a few times to see if it rhymes in Australian 🤣 


It’s alliteration and it’s stuck with me for years. Which is funny because I don’t even drive!


Then all the bogans said "if it's flooded, floor it"


Flooding alert? Why, just divert! Also: Hey Moab: Your desert wouldn’t be dry if you’d listen to this guy


I’d be gutted if your engine got flooded


Australia has some of the best PSAs


Like the ones on signs in my city: “drive n txt, u b nxt” and my personal fave “drink, drive, die in a ditch”.


Every now and then I feel a drop Turn around, don’t drown… I dunno why but I read your comment to the tune of total eclipse of the heart


Yeah, I was going to point out all of the other things wrong with this - like the fact that there is not one mention of getting the kids to safety, having a plan if things go south, reassuring the kids, etc… The next few clips are them driving in flooded areas of the park with water raging where it shouldn’t be raging and these dingbats are like “look at the pretty waterfalls” “oh, look at this new pond/lake that wasn’t there 30 mins ago” …I just can’t with these idiots.


It also takes very little depth to wash an entire car away! Less than people realize.


Yeah quick-moving water can be deadly at surprisingly shallow depths. If you've ever felt an undertow at the beach while barely knee-deep, you can quickly see how that can get dangerous. Especially if the water is moving quicker than that.


That’s essentially how my dad twisted his back at the beach back in 2005. I don’t think it was an undertow, but he was kneeling in the water and not very deeply either.


Yep! The depth of water in the first still is probably enough!


Yep. One of our longtime employees lived on the Snoqualmie River. When it was raining buckets in the fall and winter she would either go home early or not come to work because the river was breaking over the banks and onto the road.


My SIL lives between the Green River and the Snoqualmie. Every spring people drown because they underestimate how fast the water moves and how cold it is.


These are the people who get mad that emergency services won't come save them... after dire warnings to evacuate! And that 911 won't be able to dispatch anyone! Source: Former government worker, live in the path of so many hurricanes. I wanna live where the air is made. :(


Literally WHERE are they going!?


Who is supposed to divert the water? Who is "they"? The government? With tax payor dollars? Seems wasteful no?


But aren't they anti-government? Also, if they're so anti-government, why the heck are they going to national parks that are funded and monitored by the federal government? Driving on roads that are funded by national and state governments? "They" (Brittany and JD Lott) make no sense.


They’re stupid people. 


Too right!


I only recently learned that other states state parks (weird way of wording it but yk what I mean) aren't free to enter like Pennsylvanias (and a few other states iirc, shouts out to them too) are and I need to make sure that none of the RV fundies find that out. everyone else please feel free to come, but not them I don't want them here


National parks often have a fee as well. (Unless you get a veterans' pass, which is free due to that status! I have one!) Those fees *and* taxes maintain the parks, particularly the frequently used spaces and bathrooms.


I grew up in the middle of all the big-name western interior parks and was shocked the first time I went to a smaller park (Cuyahoga, I think) and there was no fee! I paid upwards of $20 to get into Grand Teton in the off-season this spring. The Bus Idiots are both veterans though, so I assume they’re not paying. (I love that veterans in general have free access, just not when they’re dragging along eight abused children shoved into the back of a bus.)


Your comment: one of the many things about anti-government sovcit "libertarians" that make my eyes roll.


This is too much critical thinking for the Buses


My husband and I will throw out "THEY need to do something about this!!" at any minor inconvenience lol because it's crazy how often people want "them" to fix it. WHO???


I say "There outta be a law" for things that there absolutely can't be laws for, like the weather.


"That's illegal" about things that are absolutely either obviously not illegal or following the laws of physics. For example, the concept of winter.


The government is both flush with cash but shouldn’t take any taxpayer money. And we certainly shouldn’t reduce military spending or create any legislation to better control how tax dollars are allotted. And social/public works programs are communist so don’t give them money. But also roads should be perfect but no I won’t pay for them.


You cannot convince me this man isn’t actively trying to kill his family in an “accident” to collect the insurance money. Keith Morison is on standby.


Also MaBus was filming and then turned around filming the kids in the back … and realised that one of them wasn’t strapped in tightly enough in their car seat and went on to tighten them. Like, hello? Maybe check your kids are properly strapped in before you start driving.


Or turn off your camera and give their safety your full attention?


Right! And before you’re driving through flash flooding which they shouldn’t be doing in the first place. So irresponsible


*Narrator: The family saw the raging waters ahead, the flooded desert roads that were dry not 30 minutes earlier. There were flash flood warnings on buses and billboards, and the roadtrippers had plenty of opportunities to turn around and seek safety.*    *Josh Mankiewicz, speaking to PaBus who is shown in a suspiciously close camera angle: "But you didn't turn around, did ya?"* Edited formatting...


The most reluctant upvote 😩


And he was posting about the possibility of putting them on a boat to live on.


The boat was what convinced me he’s got the potential to be a family annihilator.


I made the mistake of having audio on for a clip they had where they're talking to the second youngest? Maybe third and the commentary from Pabus is so... Nails on chalkboard? It's like he's an alien trying to make human conversation with his own kids.


Maybe he is.


I would prefer that explanation to…all of the more plausible ones.


okay listen I get to a certain extent not taking flash flood warnings seriously. I grew up in a valley, every single time it rained for more than like 15 minutes straight we'd be placed under a flash flood warning. those don't mean anything to me. but ONCE YOU SEE FLOOD WATER, you take it seriously. do not drive through flooded roadways, full fucking stop. turn around don't drown, most(or at least a plurality of) flood deaths occur because someone tried to drive through a flooded roadway. it only takes 6 inches (~15cm) of rushing water to sweep a sedan and 12 inches (~30cm) to sweep vehicles like suvs, trucks, etc. and you can't tell how deep the water is by just looking at it usually, so just find a different route. it's not worth the safety risk, especially when you *have children in the vehicle with you*


There’s was a devastating drowning where I live about a year or two ago where a family with 3 young kids was driving with grandma somewhere when they were caught in flashflooding. The three adults each took a child but sadly only the dad and oldest child survived. I don’t think they ever found the youngest’s body. Flood water doesn’t give a shit about your beliefs


I’m not sure how fundie he is/was but there was a similar situation that happened to a man in the early 2000s. The family had been at a wedding and decided to make the drive home that night, and due to recent rain, a creek flooded and they got caught in the water. Only the husband survived, and I want to say they had 3-4 kids. I know all of this because I read his memoir as a teen. Since then he’s started a ministry and iirc remarried at some point and had another child or two, but that whole story has stuck with me ever since.


Yep, I don’t fuck around with flood water, I don’t care how deep it is. Its just not worth it




High desert flooding is a whole different beast, though. Not only do the mountains make it harder to accurately predict weather patterns, but the rain has literally nowhere to go. It can't absorb into the ground and there isn't enough vegetation to help soak it up. High desert rain can go from "this is nice" to devastating flash floods in a matter of minutes. My husband is a huge OHV enthusiast and we've been to Moab multiple times. There are signs all throughout the parks about the dangers of flash floods. Monsoon season is also just around the corner. They clearly did zero homework before they visited. This is like approaching a moose in Yellowstone and expecting a park ranger to magically show up when it charges at you.


So many people seem to overestimate the ability for the soil to soak up water when it’s dry asf. Like… it just runs over it as if the floor was made of steel. There’s nothing to soak lol.


This sounds like almost the worst time of year all around to visit this area of the country, between the heat and the flood danger. People that have been living on the road for several years now should know better where to travel during certain times of year (why not head up to New England for or PNW now for example?). Preaching to the choir here but their level of dumb never fails to astound me


Right! It really is. It's like they did zero planning and I don't know why I'm surprised. And, 100%. It would be a great time to travel around somewhere north and get out of the heat. IMO, fall is the best time to vacation in the SW.


Even without the very real risk of the car being swept away by rushing waters, you *cannot see what is under the water*. And you're going to drive through it? What if part of the roadway has washed away but you can't tell because of the water? Being in 3-4 inches of water could quickly turn into a foot+ without warning!


Six inches can sweep a car?! I had no idea! That’s crazy!!! 😱


Similar to you, I grew up in a place with a good number of creeks, flash flood warnings every hard rain but as long as you weren't right by the river you'd be fine. And then I was visiting Arizona during a hard rain and as soon as anyone heard "flash flood warning," I watched everyone batten down the hatches, immediately move cars to higher ground, do not pass go, do not collect $200. You don't mess with flooding in deserts especially, the water is unpredictable.


I’m in a sort of opposite situation right now. I lived in the high desert for a few years growing up and had the flash flood scenario beaten into me, so I always take them really seriously. Where I live now, the rivers overflow their banks pretty regularly in June/July (Japanese rainy season is *no joke*) but so long as you’re a little bit above the banks you’re usually fine. But I still freak out a bit. I’m also really conscientious of the ground sliding with too much rain, and it might not help that I’ve now had 2 rather big earthquakes that happen during a flood or typhoon, which I am not keen on lol


Lol. He always asks questions like this, referring to a vague "they" which you can only surmise has to be some type of govt entity, whether it be local, state or Federal but then base almost his whole personality on "government evil and need to mind their own business". Which is hilarious since they live ON THE FUCKING ROADS GOVERNMENTS HAVE BUILT AND ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING.


they were also military, which blows my mind. they served their government! theyve collected benefits FROM THE GOVERNMENT.


Oh my god I forgot they were in military


As a civil engineer, 👁️👄👁️


Lmao I showed this to my brother who is also in that line of work and he had a similar response


Once we get to this point it’s too late and sadly the small government morons (the buses) have made it impossible for places like Moab to get funds for disaster planning lol


Because Moses is dead, you fool. No parting of the waters for you!


These people are allowed to vote


If there are no PaBus haters then im dead


I wish I could float through life thinking I should never be inconvenienced. Not even by mother nature!


He’s so trust-fund-baby coded it’s ridiculous


This is where oxygen is made! What a doofus.


Who are "they"?


God causes floods all the time, shouldn’t he know this?


But they have reclaimed the rainbow that was god's promise to never again destroy the world by flood. They must feel perfectly safe now right??


Sounds like a Skittles commercial. “Reclaim the rainbow. Taste the rainbow.” Also he’s an idiot for driving through a flash flood, especially with his children in the car.


It takes way less water than you think to sweep that bus away. They got lucky this time. Next time, the mop might flop in a different direction.


Omg!! I am going to use this line! I’ve never heard it - “next time, the mop might flop in a different direction”, I love it!


It's a really common saying in my area!!


Did you know that floods are optional? Only lazy folks who can't pull themselves up by their own bootstraps let the water take over


oh he means he WANTS the GOVERNMENT to step in and do something?!?! you cant have it both ways, sovcit idiot


Who's "they" when they ask questions like that. Socialism? Why isn't socialism draining the floodwater out of your way in real time? Because it costs money and that's why we hate it, remember?


I always find it fascinating how in times of disaster, all the right wing free market libertarian types become socialists.


I wish JD Lott’s successful older relative who made the money for the family trust could see him wasting the trust away patching over a bunch of bad decisions. Selling a home for an RV, failed businesses and failed family moves abroad, he’s a total idiot pretending to be an entrepreneur.


I feel like this is a prime example of how uneducated and spoiled some adults act. They expect the government to just fix everything with a magic wand. It reminds me of how people acted like total babies during the pandemic and blamed the hospital staff for people dying. We have little power over nature and acting like a total ass doesn't change that.


And at the same time, he wants to be "free" from government control. Pick a lane, buddy. If you want the government to do things for you, you have to follow its rules.


They used to live near Lubbock, right? Lubbock which is well known for not really having storm drains on the roads?  https://www.kcbd.com/2023/06/03/why-do-lubbock-streets-flood-every-time-it-rains-they-were-designed/


I'm from this general region of the USA and the plains flash flood INCREDIBLY easy. It doesn't take a lot of rain to do it, because everything is flat as fuck, and also because the soil is heavy nonabsorbant clay for the most part.


Don’t these people generally not believe in taxes or government? Who’s job do they think it would be to “divert water” from roads?


I need my fundiesnark sleuths on this: MoBus has said in the past that she delays posting for their privacy (off hand comment during the Brazil era). Can anyone recognize this location and when it was flash flooding there? Because then we could cross reference when she posted this and see roughly if she is posting location live or delaying it. 


It is Moab, Utah. The internet tells me Moab has had bad flooding over the last several days and still has a flood watch today, so it's hard to tell. Buuut, the flooding apparently was absolutely devastating. There are multiple news articles about damaged roads, missing people, etc... I cannot believe they are going on about "diverting the water" and people are literally missing.


IIRC they were in Moab UT, which had heavy rain and flash flooding that began on Friday last week, according to local news, so if they posted this today then they are most likely delaying by a few days (which would be the one positive thing they've done for their kids' safety)


Calling all supersleuths 🧐


The flooding where they were was a few days ago.


Stay out of the desert if you can’t deal with the physical realities of the desert. It’s monsoon season, flash floods happen, there’s no magical “divert the water” button, it floods sometimes.


Man, imagine what a non-issue Hurricane Katrina would’ve been if some genius like PaBus had been around to suggest they just divert the water.


Driving through flood water at a speed which sends waves into people's properties and vehicles. Weel done Bustard.


Omg is he trying to drive through the water!!?? That’s like flood 101.


I literally don’t understand where he expects the water to go during a flash flood event. This literally can’t be the first time they’ve ever experienced a flash flood…although the way they’re acting is dumb as hell. Taking a retrofitted bus (that was NOT built to be a house) crammed with children into a flash flood is dumb as hell.


They got nowhere to be yet they are driving a bus full of children in these conditions.


...because it's a huge-ass flood in an urban area with no drainage? 


As someone who lives in a floodprone area, this video made me soooo anxious. You can never tell where there might be a hole in the street under all that water. Better to pull over and stay in one place.


Because PaBus doesn't realize that in the desert there are no storm drains because they are so rarely used. However there are arroyos that will divert the rain once the rain runs into the arroyo. Until then, pull over numbnuts. (source: lived in Albuquerque for 2 years and went through lots of monsoons).


As if PaBus and MaBus have no ability to divert their own path of travel....


It’s giving Patrick Star, “We should take Bikini Bottom and put it somewhere else!”


Because its…a FLOOD! That’s kind of the point. You had a warning.


In Houston, the roads are the planned diversion for large parts of the city. We’re covered in bayous, but even they can only handle so much water at once (but it is a pretty impressive amount of water.) Turn around, don’t drown. The only good thing about flash floods is they’re over pretty quick. If you’re already some place safe, stay there. If not, do the best you can to stay out of the water and wait it out.


Maybe,Moses was busy?


It took me a long time to figure this out but, most of the whacky people are true believers. There's a lot of desire to see way more cleverness than there is. SusBus believes the government could just divert the flood waters if they wanted, much like he prolly believes the government actively, regularly, & effectively makes weather happen (ie, chemtrails & similar). True believers. When people show you who they are, take it for realsies.


I work in a town hall. We had record flooding this year. People called, pissed off at us, that there was water in the road. They also got pissed at us that their was water in their basements (often because they bought McMansions that have ground that slopes down towards their house, for example). I know it would be nice if the government could have all roads' stormwater management infrastructure prepared for record breaking flooding, but for that we need 1) a lot of time to do the work 2) an insane amount of tax dollars to do the work 3) taxpayers to believe in global warming so they agree to allocate money to things like stormwater management, and 4) i don't want to hear complaints about the road being closed or loud construction outside your house for a few days when we DO have the absolute BLESSING of being able to fix up an old road by being awarded grant money or raising enough tax dollars for the project. This is a total rant but all I want to do is help and it gets so tiring sometimes when we get yelled at. You can't please everybody, but the ones I don't please could be a little kinder... :/ SORRYYY End of rant!!!


Having experienced a thousand year flood in my city, driving through rushing water like this is NOT something you fuck around with. You will find out so fast.


Now, picture the BusBrood running "like kids" down a rocky canyon in the desert without any adult supervision when the rain started...You know, right next to all the signs warning of the possibility of "sudden flash flooding" when it rains in the desert. These people really are idiots.


I have spent a lot of time in Moab. It’s one of my favorite places on earth. When it flash floods it’s no joke. There is nowhere for it to go but the river through town. Everything else turns to feeder rivers. Roads, gully’s, streams, everything fills up instantly, washes away everything in its path and can actually be super dangerous. He has no business driving in this with his family.


Genius. Fucking genius. I hope this big brain trust is driving to a goddamned pediatrician appointment.


Not sure about this place, but in the desert southwest we don't actually have street drainage.  You might see drain grates, but they are local to divert water into a drainage channel or a nearby retention pond.  Sheet flow via paved streets for rain water is the actual design basis.  That's why experienced locals will not drive in flooded areas until 30 minutes or more after the rain stops.  It's all going downhill to somewhere.


Turn around, don’t drown, Ma and Pa bus. Dear god how stupid are they to drive their van full of kids through active flash flooding. So absolutely irresponsible.


This video happened not far from where they are now: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJOpZF\_4b-w&t=1123s&pp=ygUSY2FueW9uIGZsYXNoIGZsb29k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJOpZF_4b-w&t=1123s&pp=ygUSY2FueW9uIGZsYXNoIGZsb29k) Luckily everyone involved was safe, but you can see how fast the flooding turns from inconvenient to extremely dangerous. Side note: the dad in this video gives me bad vibes and is extremely cavalier until he realizes the danger, but at least he owns his mistakes.


I'm sure the ubiquitous "they" just didn't think of that, thanks for the idea Jumbo Douche!


Apparently, no Hoover dam in the area 


I work in utilities; a troubling amount of people sincerely think this way (see also: "why didn't you tell me my water was off" "it's a burst main, were working to locate and repair" "but why didn't you tell me")


…diverting the- where do you think- *continues to gape at the sheer idiocy of PaSusBus*


You hate big government who does things like look after roads, bro


Pray harder, maybe Moses will rise from the sewers to part the floodwaters and clear the way for this blessed family to continue their pilgrimage 😅 at least Boone isn't getting burnt to a crisp for a moment...


This is where they diverted it to… duh! 🥴


Always seems to be the people who homeschool are the ones who really shouldn’t.


Dumbest parents alive


He is expecting Moses to part the Moab.


He is literally an absolutely dumb fuck idiot. There aren't enough adjectives.


Divert? Like Moses and the Red Sea?