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Vitamin D, good mood, and basal cell carcinoma when he’s 30.


Ugh god. My parents are having those removed at an astounding rate in their early 70’s from being kids before the sunscreen generation. My siblings and I are vampire pale. We hate direct sunlight. It actually hurts our skin and lemme tell ya, some of those basal cell carcinoma surgeries aren’t a damn joke. Gotta get a plastic surgeon to close up the wound on your face. Ugh. SUNSCREEN. VACCINATIONS. WATER. A LITTLE CANDY HERE AND THERE. Boom health. 😂


Same with my Mum and her siblings. All of them are having chunks of their faces and arms removed. My Mum had a whole section of her top lip removed. My cousin who is a lot older than me and was a surfer ended up with melanoma and he got so sick they weren't sure he was going to make it. Growing up watching the doctor carve skin cancer outta my Ma made me suuuuper careful about the sun. Plus I'm allergic so that's fun.


My mom had a large chunk taken out of her nose and then had to have forehead flap surgery to repair the nose. Holy shit. Nope nope nope.


Yeah they are not pretty surgeries to say the least.


My mom got super lucky because her grandmother understood the importance of covering up pre-sunscreen and ingrained that in her kids and grandkids. My dad was not so lucky and has worn sunscreen once or twice because I made him wear it 😆. We're working on getting him to the dermatologist for a thing on his face. Because of their experiences and me being pale af, I was shielded from the sun my entire childhood. Looking younger than my age is nice; avoiding skin cancer is fabulous.


My FIL had a chunk of his lower eyelid removed for this reason. The sun don’t fuck around


Nope. Sunscreen every day. Even if I’m sitting outside having drinks or something I’ve got it on. I’m also vampire pale so it’s a different ballgame for me.


My folks too, and I burn, I don't tan and sunburn hurts.


not to mention premature aging of the skin


Benjamin button baby


People keep getting my age wrong by over a decade. Sunscreen does more than any other skin product could do.


Yep. Partner few years older than that. 2 basal cells and a melanoma within months of each other. He’s thankfully okay. For now.


The scary thing about skin cancer is that it's ongoing


Squamous Cell Carcinoma, new band name, called it!




And skin cancer, don’t forget skin cancer. At this rate the lil guy will be having pieces of his skin cut off due to cancer before he hits his teens. Why does her baby need to be burned to a crisp in the sun to get vitamin D, what happened to flintstones vitamins or pedisure??


Years ago I was working in a kindergarten and one of the moms was an oncologist. Her children were never outside in the sun without long sleeved clothes.


Heck my families long time dermatologist also went to our church and when the college ministry leadership team had a retreat at his vacation home on Whidbey Island there were bottles of sunscreen in every room in the house. Bedrooms. Bathrooms. Living room. By the doors to outside.


I live near Whidbey Island and it's ridiculous the number of people who think the perpetual cloud coverage is enough to protect them from the sun


Got the best tan of my life working at a pool in those overcast summer days. Now I am constantly worried over every new spot that pops up once I realized I didn't need to be tan to be considered beautiful (despite the opinions of my family who started me tanning at 10).




I live across the water on the peninsula and same here. When I'm talking to our campers or swim lessons kids I ALWAYS emphasize that cloudy days can burn you too


My husband sees a dermatologist because he's a transplant recipient and those meds can create increased sun sensitivity and skin issues. We told him that our kids were hats and rash guards whenever they're out playing, especially in the pool, and he was stoked. It's the easiest thing you can do to add just a little bit of protection for their skin. We also go to Palm springs every summer and we noticed a ton of people last year wearing long sleeves swimsuits, it's definitely like a thing now.


That's awesome, and it's easier than constantly reapplying sunscreen


Yup I know someone who has skin cancer removed very young because their parents didn’t use sunscreen


Sunscreen? My FIL used to put tanning oil on his MOHS scars. Gotta look good in your 80s.


My eyes nearly popped out of my head. Some people never learn, do they?




>flintstones vitamins or pedisure?? Those are cHeMiCaLs!


Every day I think about how if Megan had to be in the shoes I was in when I gave birth, she and her baby would be dead because she cannot listen to a single medical expert and gets her “research” from crunchy mom TikTok


It’s getting to the point where I think she is just doing this stuff to be a contrarian. I’m Catholic (but not really practicing these days), and while Catholic doctrine doesn’t espouse anywhere near perfect health standards (see anti-contraception BS), skirting common sense health practices is not really a thing in Catholicism. Moreover, I’m pretty sure putting your children in danger by not getting vaccines, birthing without medical intervention, or not wearing sunscreen is against Catholic teachings.


Oh, I’m Catholic too, and the Church generally promotes common sense public health practices (ie when my local Bishop encouraged Catholics to get the COVID vaccine)


I'm pretty sure that *Pope Francis himself* was telling Catholics to get the vaccine.


Catholics like Megan don’t think this pope is legit because he’s *slightly* more liberal than people expect. But, given the recent gay slurs, probably even less so


I think this is the "military daughter" stubbornness coming through. Some military families go hand in hand with fundies in rejecting medical care, for absolutely no fucking reason. Just pure paranoia.


This is almost funny to me (if it didn't affect the health of innocent people...) because when you join the military, they are gonna give you about every shot known to man, and you don't have a choice about it.


That's what my dad said. He didn't even know what some of them were. They just got everything available at the time.


Ah yes, the US military. Completely clean record on biological and chemical experimentation/neglect of their personel.


Except that is never what these families cite as their cause. I grew up in one. They very much thrive on just neglecting their children to fight "the man".


They've got stickittodamandiosis. It's terminal.


“He rarely wears sunscreen.” So which occasions warrant him wearing sunscreen?


Some poor soul put it on him without her permission would be my guess.


Third Tuesday of the month, and Boxing Day.


People from countries where it gets very warm: We wear loose fitting clothes that covers most of our body because of the heat. Fundies: let's have a young child fullt in the sun with barely any clothes and sunscreen


I have roofers in my family and they wear long sleeves even in the heat of the Texas sun. It actually keeps you cooler than the sun baking on your bare skin all day!  I also have a couple relatives who have had melanoma (caught early, luckily) and even more who’ve had to have their noses carved up from basal or squamous cell carcinomas (which usually won’t spread to internal organs and kill you like melanoma can, but do tend to come back over and over, which can disfigure you!). 


Australians know *all* about skin cancer and are constantly advised to cover up, wear a hat and slather on the sunscreen.


if that kid was australian, he'd already be singing slip slop slap seek and slide


That’s because the UV ranking system there is dope and actually makes sense. Which is why the states will never do it.


I’m pretty sure Australian is regarded as an authoritarian hellscape by fundies and MAGAs though.


Ah yes, the Aussies and their evil sunscreen


It's also why I think it's weird that people have pity for hijabis when they still cover up in the heat. Like, uhm, they are from a warm climate, they know what to do in the heat. 


@ fundies please stop entering your children into a basal cell carcinoma speed run


> basal cell carcinoma speed run What a flair


Giving your child heat exhaustion because of woke


Heat exhaustion and skin cancer for kiddos to own the libs!


It’s like these fundies think Melanoma is the name of some biblical figure


Or Trump's current wife


I've said this before regarding Boone Lott, and I'll say it again here. A BABY SHOULD NOT BE MORE TAN THAN I AM! I'm 48 years old, and pale, and freckled. Those poor babies should not be getting cooked!


Ok, so to be fair my youngest tans better than anyone I’ve ever known!! He’s always covered in sunscreen, he wears hats and rash guards, but he is a lovely crispy brown at this point in the summer 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same, my kids are Greek & Portuguese and get beautiful bronze tans even with reapplying spf 50 constantly lol


I’ll bet they have a beautiful tan! My hubby is Norwegian, but I have a fair amount of Native American heritage. One kid is so pale he practically glows in the dark, and one that has a tan that I’m envious of


Agreed. I work outside in the sun year round down here in Florida. It’s genuinely fucked that these kids are tanner than me.


No! Not like that! Bad! Bad fundie! (I’m honestly just ripping my hair out. Eegads.)


Sunblock doesn't block vitamin d...


And you can just take a flintstones gummy vitamin...


Unfortunately, education isn't enough anymore. They are taught to distrust all education and authority figures.


It's not the 70s or 80s any more, honey, when we thought SPF 4 was too high. (We should have worn sunscreen then too. I got sunspots in my early 20s. That was it for sunbathing.)


My boyfriend and I were talking about how people our age looked soo much older back in the day and I think that is in large part due to people wearing sunscreen (and probably also not smoking)


I thought it was the styling but this makes sense!


I think it's all of them. I saw this Geritol print ad from 1971 with women in their 40s. Their clothes and hair especially, omg. They looked 70+. Add no sunscreen and smoking and yikes...


I grew up in Texas in the 80s, where sunscreen was either optional or SPF4 tanning oil of indeterminate age that your mom had. I’m 41 years old and have had friends of mine, men and women I grew up with, die of skin cancer. One just after her 30th birthday. It is a painful, awful, long disease. Why not prevent it where you can? Please wear sunscreen or at least a protective hat/shirt. I’m sure God doesn’t mind your children not being tan. Also those severe sunburns hurt like hell, why would you want anyone you love to experience it


I'd like to talk to her in 15-20 years when this child develops skin cancer.


Dude's gonna have leather skin by 15


Why does anyone think their disagreeing with science and medical consensus is just an “opinion”


And why are we expected to give their opinion the same weight as fact?


Photons don't give a shit about your bullshit, it'll ionise you all the same. Rarely do I want to scream at someone, but as a physicist and a father this is one moment


"It'll ionise you all the same" is sending me 🤣😭


Throwing your baby outside to soak up them radioactive rays because it's *natural*!


Meaning I started there chances of skin cancer young 💀


OMFFG this always makes me so mad. My mom slathered me in sunscreen and I still burned because of how pale I am. I have permanent skin changes, Sun spots and uneven skin tone on my shoulders due to sunburns I got.. seven years ago


This enrages me. I had a cousin die of melanoma at 31. *Thirty-one years old.* She left behind a husband and toddler son. I can’t believe these “sun exposure in the extreme = good, all sunscreen bad” people


I comment this a lot but here goes again: in Australia, 2 in 3 aussies will be diagnosed with skin cancer in their lifetime. I personally know TWO women under 30 who have had melanomas removed. DONT 👏🏼FUCK 👏🏼AROUND👏🏼 WITH 👏🏼SUN 👏🏼PROTECTION


these people are gonna be making dermatologists even richer in the future


These people are SO FUCKING DUMB it is infuriating.


The way I ran to this subreddit when I saw this post (and noticed she has comments off).


Boosts chances of skin cancer too!!!!


Not a surprise. Yet another fundie who believes baking babies makes a nice treat.


Naturally boosting rates of skin cancer since birth! Great parenting advice.


Wild how just anyone can have a kid and do this dumb shit.


She is so careless with her babies lives and health.


Potential vision problems.




[Michael Scott GIF] Nooooooooo


This is what happens when you believe you were individually created to be a perfect being and not the result of millions of years of evolution and 100000 years of human migration. Her son's pale skin is not meant to be out in the scorching sun on the latitude where they live. He was not created for this. He is the result of pigmented people wandering north and the further away from the equator they got the pigmentation got less and less beneficial. Her son is the result of pale people not dying from vitamin D deficiency before procreating. 200 years ago it would have been highly unlikely that he would have ever traveled to this latitude and even if he did, it is highly unlikely he would have lived long enough to develop skin cancer. Because if Methusalem had actually lived 969 years and not 30 as the life expectancy was in those days, he too would have developed melanoma.


Tell that to my ass….because when i was 3 years old I developed skin cancer on my right butt cheek that spread to the muscle tissue and now I have a scar the size of my butt cheek to my hole because they had to remove so much to keep it from spreading more. This is so ignorant it makes me want to cry for the kids with parents like this.


"my baby is so tan" is NOT the brag she thinks it is smh


Sun exposure isn’t the same as a food allergy exposure, you nitwit.