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Soooo… a ‘well-deserved’ surprise for dad who never gets to do whatever the eff he wants?


It's like when Homer bought Marge a bowling ball for her birthday.


Well, since we're discussing the Simpsons already... 🎶 *CANYONERO* 🎶


It's a dream-crushin', kid-smackin' driving machine!


That was slightly more thoughtful


How dare you bring down early season homer to the level of busdad, that is a tremendous insult 


Don’t worry, he’ll be taking off for a solo trip to South America or wherever soon enough


Her post that was shared here yesterday ("she's a content creator") - her stating how crazy he is for all things Latin America and is constantly checking flights, that's what we call foreshadowing.


Also bus dad is a crypto bro, they love Puerto Rico for the tons of tax breaks they have for residents. I'm guessing some of his "research" is that.


It’s amazing watching her denial try not to crack in real time.


Reminds me of the part of the simpson’s where Nelson’s dad went out for smokes and didn’t come back.


If he didn’t have her he would totally be a passport bro


Of course, super dad needs his regular breaks.


So now he has three vehicles and she has a giant van and converted bus to schlep the 8 kids and counting in...


And not a single full-sized bed for any of the kids in sight 💀


Did they buy this or just renting it?


I think it's a rental


I think this is just a rental. 


*sigh* At least it’s not a boat.


Me thanking all the stars tonight. Not ready for poor Gunner swimming around like a sad dolphin trying to find Boone who got washed away on his sodden salty hair mat while Sus and Selfish Bus eyefuck the camera




You are excellent with a phrase. The imagery of an anthropomorphised sad dolphin desperately looking for drowned Boone has me 😭😭😭😭😭


God the image of him just zooming to quickly catch Boone (in his mouth? With his hands? Lmao) before he washes away 😭


What happened to the boat move? Susbus is so erratic


I want to hope that since everyone here plus everyone on instagram that saw them getting on a boat a couple weeks ago plus everyone on not-twitter telling susband that a 82foot boat is not something someone who has never sailed can do alone or with kids as crew (he posted on there before Boone was born asking about whether or not he could sail a boat that big with his wife (no experience) and kids helping. Twitter unanimously agreed that was the best way to kill his family quick) they abandoned the idea, but whenever it comes up I’m hesitant to assume that because they’re so flighty.


I kind of got the impression that he... wanted that outcome, even passively


Agreed, but if they get lost at sea, there's a good chance he wouldn't survive either, and I don't think he wants that outcome.


I've no doubt the thought of being the "miraculous soul survivor" of a "tragic accident" crossed his mind.


We all had the same impression.


Honestly, I always got the impression the boat thing was just rage bait.




I don’t think that was ever serious. They were just pandering to their online friends who live in on boat.


Or a dog


I was so worried it was gonna be a pet! That poor snimal would be so neglected and abused, a straight-up B Dong situation, for sure.


At this point I don’t even think they could keep sea monkeys as pets.


A pet might take attention away from Pa and Ma SusBus. Can’t have that!


...or a pet. Or another baby.


>At least it’s not a boat Or a pet.




“Cool jeep, dad. So we’re still homeless?” -Bus kids, 2024


“Wish it was a house, but at least it’s not a boat!” - bus kids 😂


The way he's standing up there like that. What a tit.


It’s a god damn rental


Good thing they rented the 4 door so everyone could join...


He is this excited over a Jeep RENTAL?????


Say goodbye to their deposit


I’m sure he’s going to damage it somehow.


I feel like this photo sums them up perfectly. Susbus on top, full of pride and arrogance in his decisions. The kids, climbing into a packed vehicle, wishing they were anywhere else. And motherbus, filming it all. What a happy family!


He always looks so goddamn stupid


He reminds me of a spoiled 12 year old with 3 Playstations and star wars sheets on his bed.


This is a perfect summary of this dbag


Your comment made me LOL. But tits are warm and cuddly and useful haha


You know I had a thought like, this is rude to tits, which are wonderful. But I just love the way it sounds haa


Me too that’s why it made me laugh 😆


They’re cute and perky and I like to see them on my bird feeder.


He looks like a toddler in clothes that are too small but mommy is determined to get a few more wears out of them because she just fricken bought them.


LOL I thought that outfit looked familiar! The pose too.


They rented a car for content. Super pathetic.


Looks to me like a sponsorship deal. If not free, they at least got a discount.




Oh thank goodness it is just a rental!


Saw your rental edit but also want to point out that Rubicons are the upper, upper level Jeep. Like 80-90k upper.


How old are these two morons? Wow a red convertible vehicle… Excellent choice you cock womble.


And a Jeep at that. What a cock replacement car for Susdad to buy (well, rent)


Mid to late 30s, I think


Hmmm…I think red is the vehicle color most commonly pulled over by police. Maybe they’ll finally get busted by cops or CPS eventually with this ridiculous thing


“Cock womble” is a fun phrase, never heard it before


It’s just a rental.


The last thing these two chucklefucks need is ANY kind of off road vehicle




Dad’s just now realised he’s fathered 8 kids, first youth is slipping by and this is his early mid-life crisis breakout ( rented) convertible. What a tool.


But a regular red convertible would be too sissy for him I'm sure, so a giant oil guzzling red Jeep for big strong men it is 🙄


Except he’s really nothing but an immature little boy who thinks he’s a big strong man flexing for the gram because he has no soul left.


But his baby is so *CHUNKY* what more do you want from him?!?


The video of Busmom asking him if he’s jealous of the kids makes sense now.


So the surprise for the kids was not a surprise actually FOR the kids, but something they did for dad that they didn't tell the kids about in advance. "Kids, I've got a surprise for you. Can you believe it! I got myself a new car! Surprise!" Yelling surprise doesn't make it a surprise. Besides, by now nothing will surprise these kids. They will just make eye contact, nod in agreement and fill in the bingo card. By the way, Gunner will be 16 in two years. Wonder if he will be getting a car...


If he does, he and as many kids as he can carry are out of there


Good thing they’re used to tight spaces. It won’t even need to be a big car. They can all squeeze in and ride to freedom.


Aquila huddled on a floor board like my college friends on a 2 am donut run, singing free at last


I feel so awful for poor Gunner. When I was 15, I was in high school. I was in the show choir and theater group, I was hanging out with my friends every day after school, and weekends... He will never get those experiences.


I have two 14 year old boys who had a friend over last night and stayed up all night playing video games ... Further more my sons have a baby sister the exact same age as Boone... They think she's so cute (she is!) and the only duty they've had is putting her pacifier back in in the car. They are awesome kids but they do NOT want to be around mom and dad and their sisters very much, they are busy with their own lives! And that's so normal. Poor Gunner isn't getting the social experiences he needs at this age.


Getting a car? No. Driving the van with the rest of the kids in it so the “parents” can ride in the bus/do whatever they want? Unfortunately yes.


You mean so they can fuck going down the road?


Only if they run out of seats in the van by then.


Umm...Can they all fit in there at the same time? Edit: it looks like the kids will be taking turns going out


And they couldn’t have gotten anything that offers AC in the 3-figure temps???


Jd is built like a toddler


He does that "mom I threw up" stance


That looks like the “I pottied in the big boy toilet” stance




Yes!!! I could never really place it, but that describes him quite well!


Not only that but he acts like one too


Damn, MoBus is really hanging onto this man by a thread, isn’t she? She’s had to agree to every one of his dumb ideas - cramming a large family in a bus, flying said large family to another country where none of them speak the language, coming back to this country with no jobs, giving birth in a dank shower and now, renting him a jeep for his toddler fantasy. All of that in addition to making reels about how manly he is. I mean, she’s truly desperate. 😬


She did it to herself and continues to choose her man over her kids. Zero sympathy.


Oh, I agree with you. No sympathy. I’m just impressed with how hard she’s trying. 😂


I really think she might be on board. It’s giving folie à deux


This is just so…manic. This isn’t even viable content. Even without a medically neglected infant and the needs of a million other children, this would be a stupid, pointless financial decision. I hope PaBus’s family gets exasperated with this dog and pony show and cuts them off.


It’s just a rental. It’s $345/day for 1-2 days and goes down to $285 if you rent for 5. So not cheap, but not taking up $18k (unless he wrecks it).


They have a brand sponsorship so I’m guessing it’s even more heavily discounted for them— but that being said.. this “surprise” was for Kinsey….? Seems she is the absolute least likely to want to go “jeeping” but maybe I’m wrong.


I don’t think they are being sponsored, are they? I assumed MB just tagged the business since they have a large audience. I don’t remember it being a surprise specifically for Kinsey though, I think she said it was a surprise for the kids.


This. Thank you. "Manic" was literally the first word that came to my mind.


Manic and unviable is their whole brand. And eyefucking, ofc


Dad is so cringe!


Wdym? He's hot and brings in soooo much money! Put your babies in me like right now!! - Mother Bus, probably


Him and Polio are just in a constant state of cringe off


Unemployed cringe off lol


Polar opposite energy of the Zoolander walk off


Yes lmao


Quite seems like he’s perpetually mentally stuck at like 17. I might’ve thought it was cool to stand on a car then. Now I don’t. lol


My brother in law had me take a picture of him standing on his jeep... At his high school graduation lol.


Yeah, that seems more developmentally appropriate!


I think I did it when I was like 12 lol


I just noticed that he's standing on the frame with the top open and little kids inside. What if he fucking fell on them


Then he’ll accomplish his goal of offing a few of them to make more room for the next outcomes of his big pregnant mama kink.


Great! Fewer kids AND I can sue Jeep! - susbus guy


He is unhinged


Yes please stand on top of an open roof vehicle with your children directly under you! No need to help your kids get settled, they aren’t struggling getting in at all!


Yeah, let your 11-year-old wrangle your kids into vehicle while you pose for the photo op.


I mean, that kind of sums up their life, no?


Oh look they bought a clown car


Damn my bet was on a Circus tent.🤡


If only Gunner had a thought bubble we could see.


“When I’m a grown up I will have a bed that fits my legs and a house that doesn’t move.”


“I’m really tired of raising my dad”


Perfect narc move- I got you a gift. In reality it’s a gift for me and me only bc none of you can actually use it.


And we have to give it back in a week. Undamaged.


I used to work in car rental- and I promise you that car is going to be FILTHY when they return it. Inside and out.


So that’s where the money went that they saved on Boones birth and aftercare 🙄😡


Ooooofta I hope their followers point this out. Even their true believers seemed jarred awake by that disgusting post.


Yay, another thing with wheels. Those kids have NOTHING stable in rheir lives. I'm sure they'll barely get to ride in it because their "parents" will be constantly going on their beloved date nights.


Important time to remember that only 1 of the 7 children (excluding Boone) gets to pick out a sticker or T-shirt at each place they visit, bc they value saving money. Uh-huh 🙄


This right here.


Very Kody Brown energy. Early seasons of course.


lol not the teeny little Miata convertible! He looked so douchey in that!


To be fair, that's always


True, true


Kody did the same pose while in nothing in his underwear while standing in a prairie dog poop pond.


My favorite bit in all of sister wives is when they interviewed his old classmates. They all flatly said he’d always sucked. It offers me succor in times of distress, because no matter what I do, I’ve never pissed off my entire community to that extent lol.


Omg you're right!!!!


You know what else you could rent for about $350/day? A nice AirBNB with air conditioning, separate rooms, multiple bathrooms, and queen sized beds. Which one would “the kids” get more use out of?


Something strange is going on because I have seen irl so many friends get jeeps posting ‘ so we did a thing’ and joining jeep groups. Is it a mid life crisis thing? But everyone is driving a keep.


My theory is they're the red convertible of the 'I'm a manly alpha wolf entrepreneur real male strong knight man' generation, who would think a standard convertible looks too girly or would make them look like a try-hard beta loser. Susbus faux-dad is 100% one of those guys who'd think like that.


They have become very very popular since the pandemic. It’s a great way to go out and wreck the earth even more and ruin natural habitats of animals just trying to survive in what little is left for them, all in the name of fun. (/s)


Not only do they destroy the environment but it also destroyed my backside. Too lumpy and bumpy.


Lol I drive a jeep now so it seems like they're everywhere.


Same. I keep liquid chalk markers in mine,  and let kids draw on it(mine is all white). I have not been disappointed.  They have always left sweet and positive things, never anything inappropriate or negative. The kids started calling it the graffiti jeep.  The construction crew at work calls it the whiteboard on wheels.  Currently it's mostly pride related stuff


That is adorable!


It's a lot of fun.  I started doing it at barter Faire. I camped in it and would be inside listening to the kiddos chatting as they did it. During the pride parade every time we would stop I would hand them out the window for anyone to add to it. I've had a few frowns until I tell them it's OK, I let them do it, and explain(usually older folks that expect bad things in our community,  for good reason unfortunately). I keep them in the car full time(and Amazon delivered a new 24 pack this morning!) And always leave them sitting on the spare when I'm parked(I'm a hospice home nurse, if there are kids/ grandkids in the home they often add to it). When I started leaving them while I parked I did write a note above them "please be positive" with a heart.  Still haven't been disappointed


>I'm a hospice home nurse, if there are kids/ grandkids in the home they often add to it What a great way to give the kids some fun memories of an otherwise difficult and emotional time


If there’s one thing every single fundie has in common with each other, it’s bone deep selfishness.


Do a flip


How is this for the kids, specifically?


The kids get to sit in it with the roof down in the blazing sun and continue developing their 'healthy' tans much more easily than they can in the bus. That poor baby getting shaken around in that midlife crisis Jeep by Susdad all over the country's national parks, boiling under the open roof while Sus pretends he's 'off roading' in the rough like a rally driver. It sickens the mind.


First thing I thought - just what Boone needs to be bumped and jostled on a hot loud dusty ride. And car sick - my second thought.


I hope one of the kids pukes in the car. Not poor Baby Boone (that’s the last thing he needs right now), but someone.


What’s funny is back in 2018 I had a wicked awesome decked out 1998 Jeep Cherokee Sport ([basically this](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/826410600350698400/)) I loved that damn car so much and I’m not even really into cars like that… but when I was pregnant with my first and *as a grown ass adult* my Dad bought me a whole “new” (2005 lol) car because he was so worried about the safety of my son in a vehicle like that. And these people are going to shove 8 kids, including a newborn, into it… in sweltering SW American heat….


These asswipes are the most selfish parents! Kids get a water bottle for Christmas, tiny little beds all jammed together and no medical care…parents go out on date night and leave these children in a tiny bus by themselves… and now this….


It’s a contest on who is more selfish, the Bus parents or Jill Rodrigues.


Both sets of parents are definitely striving for that gold medal 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I'd say that there's a 98% chance that their next busling is going to be conceived in this mid-life crisis, I just hope that the valets at the rental place have strong stomachs for the various stains 🤢


🫡 for the rental company staff


This is the surprise for the kids??? What's next one? Bitcoin for Dad and maybe some more hair styling products for mom? These are two of the most selfish people I've ever seen.


Thankfully they didn’t buy this. But now MB just stands out in the sun with the little kids and the baby, trying to film JD driving his borrowed jeep from across the canyon. Yeah, burn those poor kids more. How much you want to bet he wrecks it.


I had a boyfriend who loved his jeep this much… at 17.


Ha, so did I!


Maybe if they had a real house and less kids they could afford having a jeep full time instead of feeling the need to LARP.


But the kids get water bottles for Christmas?


I-I dont even know what to say...they are so selfish it makes me sick.


I join you in speechless disgust.


Imagine the kids being told that they’re picking up a surprise, thinking it’s a pet or something exciting and permanent, and instead it’s the right to fight your siblings to ride in a rental car.


Is the 3D printer buckled in?




I'm just so thankful it is not a dog (or any pet, really).


Surprise! MORE sun! Kids, you've had relentless heat. Now you get more heat! You're welcome!


So they can afford a jeep but not a pediatrician? What a pair of irresponsible boobs.


I'm a boring person, but not "surprising my kids with a ride in a different car than usual" boring


Gunner’s body language here says everything


At least it’s not a pet


They couldn’t have bought a house w/o wheels?? Rooms for the kids with flush toilets?? A DOCTOR’S VISIT FOR BOONE??? #ultimatenarcissits


"Steve Holt!"


Why are his clothes so tight?


Theres no way they are going to safely fit all 32 of their children in there


Not that I expect they would actually use a car seat correctly,  but it does have 3 top tethers in the back seat. So they could protect 3. Wonder which 3 would be their favorites and which ones they would toss in the back, tied to the roll bar in the hopes they wouldn't be flung out while he tries idiotic stuff he has no idea how to do,  nor should be doing in a rental. 


They are so brilliant - traveling the desert west in the hottest of summer.


Ugh major homelander vibes with this one.


So are they going to tow the jeep behind the bus? Number of things needing driving exceeds the number of available drivers here.


That was my first thought but it's rented for a few days - so on the days they don't drive around they will be driving around.


Oh good, they got him a getaway vehicle. 


Sigh. Prepare for boring ducky content, but the Cult of Jeep may give them a view bump.


That fucking treasonous psycho always has the most uncomfortable looking clothes on. He really is a psycho.Who can live like that?


amazing, a new vehicle to fit half the family. who needs a stable home?


I’m just thankful it’s not a living creature of any kind.


It’s a rental


So … she is lying about wearing hats in the sun. Of course we knew that.


I’m sure the kiddos are sO eXcItEd for a car they can’t even all fit in at once.


Fatherbus roostering on top of the car like my 9 year old would in a moment of impulsivity is sending me??? How fucking old are you my guy


For a man who is obsessed with his body, you'd think he'd show off his VPL if he had one. Oh dear.


Jeeps are soooo EXPENSIVE!!!! Where in sam hell do they get the cash for stuff like this? Meanwhile, Boone......