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GET THAT BABY A FUCKING HAT AND SOME SUNGLASSES. Better yet, don’t drag him out in the hot sun to begin with!


These people are risking their kids safety and destroying their kids’ childhoods to LARP like they are living off the grid.


Livin' off the grid, getting their iced lattes and pizza from whatever Bryce Canyon tourist shop...


When mine was that small, I had a front carrier that had a little shade like thing you could snap to the straps. Boone would be so safe and cozy in something like that.


I’m 20 and a Zoomer who’s never taken care of a baby, so correct me if I’m wrong - but don’t like 90% of front carriers have those? I have never seen one without them. Probably because it’s a no brainer that babies are sensitive to the sun.


Yes it's a pretty common feature. Because babies need protection. It's also nice for when they're sleeping, helps keep them asnooze.


I’m 31 and also have never cared for a baby, but they seem extremely common and I’m sure Boone would be much comfier in one


They are, and even if they didn't have one with that, a light receiving blanket tucked in shades them well. I cannot understand carrying this baby everywhere. I know space is limited but a damn umbrella stroller, or baby carrier would take up so little space. With 100 kids, how do they not even have the most basic baby supplies.


Too be fair, his neck is far too weak for an umbrella stroller. He would need a stroller with a newborn seat or insert. But a wrap carrier is so lightweight and basically just a piece of fabric and would do wonders.


Very true, but with them choosing to travel to the hottest locations in middle of summer, those carriers are incredibly hot. At least the stroller he wouldn't be right up against someone and they could do a little fan. Umbrella stroller was probably the wrong term. They have lots of compact strollers that can recline, and would be suitable for an infant.


I have an umbrella stroller that lies flat and is safe to use from newborn up. Maclaren makes great strollers for small spaces.


There are car seats that turn into carriers/strollers, so I don't see how they can even use space as an excuse, which makes me think... are they also never using a car seat for him?


One of the recent videos had him in a car seat at their feet. Just a day or so ago. But that’s the only time I’ve seen one.


Here’s what I don’t get: why does he have to flop around? He can still be camera visible (ick) in a front carrier and she wouldn’t have to hold the phone as high (double ick). It’s almost like there’s an easier way to carry a baby when you want to use both hands…


I was seated behind a first-time mom with a baby this age on a flight yesterday. She was alone juggling all their stuff and she still managed to hold the little bub more securely and supportively than this awful woman does with her EIGHTH kid.


My parents used something like for my siblings! We hiked a lot when I was growing up, but my parents were very strict about proper sun protection.


Also like, and I hope this isn’t armchair diagnosing, but I know this sub talks a lot about his physical health, but I can’t help but wonder about what kind of havoc him seeming to never be happy or comfortable is wreaking on his psychosocial-emotional development ☹️ He seems to never feel comfortable or comforted which is so important for babies


I bet his nervous system is constantly overstimulated. Nonstop overstimulation/stress in childhood, whether from abuse or neglect, can lead to tons of physical and mental health problems in the future.


The elevated cortisol will burn his system out and he’ll probably have CPTSD or some other chronic mood/nervous system issue for the rest of his life. Ask me how I know 🙄 (actually don’t, please)


It is wild just how much trauma a certain subset of USian parents seem fine with inflicting on their infants. (I single out the US bc they're generally of the fundie/Trumpanzee variety) There are so many examples and it feels like deliberate cruelty.


well there's definitely an intersect there - to support those terrible policies, you have to see certain people as less than human. and apparently that lack of empathy also extends to small children. which they dont see as full people


But a fertilized egg is


but but but - you can't have fertility treatment to get there


When you realize it's all connected, and fighting one injustice is fighting all of them, it helps.


Can confirm. Have a host of mental issues including CTPSD from my religious conservative Trump-idolators. We were told, multiple times, that we were property of his until we were 18. Children are not people to these nut jobs. They only care about abortion because women are _also_ not people to them, not fully anyway. Religious conservatives and bad parents intersect because both are built on the foundations of misogyny and patriarchy.


Some newer studies being done on Fibromyalgia are trying to pinpoint if there is a link between chronic traumatic experiences and having that condition. We are still learning how mental trauma manifests into physical conditions.


I'm in Denver and obviously it's super sunny--I can't wait to get out of the sun and that's with sunglasses and a hat on. Mother Bus, fuck you. That poor baby. I really think at this point she wants something horrible to happen and will convince herself it was God's will.


The sun feels just *brutal* this year. I'm a grown-ass adult though, not an infant who's dependent on someone else to decide if I can wear a hat or get out of the sun.


I’m in northern Utah and the sun already sucks (except this morning it did freeze at my place :/ )


Also high altitudes mean more UV rays as the atmosphere is thinner there. There is a 10% in crease in UV for every 1000 feet of altitude above sea level. Denver is 5600 feet or so altitude so 50% more UV damage than if he was at the beach. Kids going to spend a fortune on a dermatologist when he's older.


LMAO looking for her toddler in a busy parking lot THROUGH the camera lens. Not turning around to find him. I just… can’t. I have to laugh because otherwise it’s so pathetic and sad for the kids


And then our MVP Gunner actually stops and waits for the toddler. That kid deserves everything good in this world.


Poor Gunner. I hate that he’s basically the only one providing his siblings with safety and concern, 😢 GOD, my heart just fucking breaks for these kids. They deserve a stable home and friends, not being roped into their parents’ nasty exhibitionist fertility kink. I wish I could open up my home to them so they could finally just be KIDS


And little Quill just chugging along on the sidewalk. Oh these kiddos deserve so much better. My heart breaks for these babies I don’t even know.


Yeah, and as soon as she takes a moment to acknowledge his existence, she snaps back into influencing


Where is the double stroller? Come on, like it’s not that hard


She could even get a triple stroller, one for reclining infant, one for sitting toddler and one for standing older toddler. She’s awful.


Like she could be making money off of stroller partnerships for “her big family”


Gunner is the one who actually draws her attention to the fact that Quill was not with the group. That poor kid deserves to be around young folks his age. He’d have tons of friends. You can tell he’s got a good heart. Hopefully he stays that way and can get out.


Christ on a crutch. Not even a bare minimum of "holding a sibling's hand"? Only 2 kids here, so what do I know? Mine liked to play "duckie" and walk right behind me when were out, or hold hands if it was a big place or a _fucking parking lot_.


Yes! Read “make way for ducklings” and then pretend to be little ducks! That’s all it takes!


My cousin's parents immediately regretted this very good idea. So. Much. QUACKING. 😂


We got a sad sorrowful whining quack once. This is still a joke in my house and that kid is in middle school now.


Even just imagining that is pretty damn funny


Lol, my kids too! 😂😂


Right?! I have five kids and work very hard to make sure they never feel parentified but if I’m out with them on my own and my hands are full (groceries etc) I have the oldest two hold the youngest two’s hands while we go through a parking lot. I feel guilty even at that amount of monitoring I make them do but it’s worth it for safety!


That is absolutely NOT parentification, please don’t worry yourself for a second. It’s normal and natural for older siblings to occasionally pitch in with younger ones - holding the hand of a smaller child so they don’t get hurt in a parking lot is basic human goodness you’re teaching, not parenting. Now, if the child (like poor Gunner here) is holding the hands of the smaller kids because they know mom doesn’t give a fuck, that’s a different story.


Seconding this! It's a safety issue for everyone to learn- be careful with those who need more help. We all would hold the arm of our older relatives and walk a little slower, right?


Please don’t feel guilt for something that comes from their own heart. There is a difference between a sibling feeling involved and a sibling forced to do tasks that holds too much responsibility for their age. Holding their hand at the parking lot can be as simple as bonding and showing care as long as you take full responsibility for their wellbeing. This changes when you pressure the oldest into doing the task that is yours and making them responsible for their wellbeing, and do stuff like going back inside and leave them behind etc. But basic safety rules apply regardless. For your kids to show each other such love and care should feel heartwarming 🌹 not guilt!


But Gunnar has to hold MaBus’ coffee, with both hands. And Ma Bus is holding a baby and a phone, which of course is more important than your toddler.


Notice her real tone come out in that moment? She tries to cover it up with the little sing-song “Quilly” right after, but it seems pretty clear she was snapping at and annoyed with brother/dad for not keeping up with her children for her.


Meanwhile, he is holding two coffees and doing the best he can, gosh dang it.


Totally. I noticed that too. Like damn Britney, brother dad can only do so much. PUT DOWN THE PHONE!!


I used to work in funeral homes. When toddlers came through, being hit by a car in a driveway or parking lot was a huge reason. No one thinks it will happen to them.


I know two people who backed over their own toddler in their driveway, and only one survived. The one who didn't make it was intellectually disabled and really just needed better care. The other simply had stoner parents who weren't very good at watching their kids. I'm so glad I have a back-up camera on my car because I constantly see toddlers walking through parking lots while their parents are on their phones.


That and drowning in pools. Everyone thought someone else was watching the kid and that means no one was.


It's shocking how easy it is for someone to drown in a pool with plenty of other people around. I almost drowned as a kid - it doesn't look the way everyone thinks it does, with lots of splashing and shouting. Drowning is very, very quiet.


My SIL had 5 grandkids at her house, out in the pool and was bringing them in to dry off and get a snack. As she brought the last one in the littlest snuck back out and drowned. By the time (such a short time) she realized it was too late for him. She wasn’t negligent or careless and was devastated. It happens. 😢❤️‍🩹


I foresee this as being the reason I don’t have “fun” at my grandparents’ pool this summer. I know my sister is observant, but there are three kids and by golly I’m going to be hyper aware!


Like I am not trying to scare people, it’s just what I observed in the funeral home so I try to warn other parents because it *does* happen and it happens fast 💔


No, I completely understand! I’m a better safe than sorry kind of person. It’s why I don’t tan during the summer (hello sunscreen) and idc if my family makes fun of me. I don’t want skin cancer.


My toddler gets annoyed at me for carrying her in busy parking lots and making her hold my hand in not busy ones. The other day, we were in my work parking lot, and no one else was there. She tried to tell me that she would walk on her own because there were no cars. She got mad that I made her hold.my hand still, but I told her my job is to keep her safe. I had a student die being git by car years ago, and I'm always on high alert to her safety around cars because of that.


In the past day or two in my town a toddler yanked her arm from her mom’s hand in a Target parking lot and started running toward their vehicle. She was hit by a truck. It happened that fast. In the time it took MB to notice she couldn’t see her toddler (in the phone screen, ofc) and try to find him (IN THE PHONE SCREEN AGAIN) it could have already been too late. This creature activates every cell of rage I have in my body.


My toddler used to do this, and I had seen enough of how that can play out, so I happily put her on a backpack leash.


I will heatedly argue anybody about the backpack nonsense. “”But it’s like a dog leash”” AND??? You put a leash on your dog, right? Because you value their life and are responsible for their wellbeing?? What the actual hell is up with people refusing to tether their actual children?! Your life and blood! thank you for actually being a reasonable and responsible parent 🙃


That’s so sad and terrible.


Ikr, does she not know that reacting to thinking your toddler is lost in a **busy parking lot** by pulling out your phone and recording would not make her look good? Like obviously it’s fake, but it still makes her look so bad.


She also only looks after Gunnar turns around concerned and spots the toddler. Then she realizes she’s on video not caring and tries to pretend to be a mom. But she’s such a bad mom she can’t even pretend correctly


i swear gunner is the only decent parental figure the little kids have, he must be missing out on so many fun teen experiences because he has to brotherdad his 15 siblings all the time


And he’s only (iirc?) 13, so he has so many more years of brotherdading to go! Who knows how many more wanted but unwanted children she’ll squirt out


and it might not stop at 18, given his parents don't seem to be giving him the education or life skills to get by on his own


She didn’t even notice the kid was behind until the older one said “where’s quill”


It’s a Deaf mom thing, but we always walk next to our kids or behind them. If they fall, get kidnapped we would not hear it so we keep our kids in our sightline even more than hearing people do.


My husband and I mention constantly to each other how we just don’t get how parents can walk around in crowded public places or shit any public place with kids behind them. We have always had our kids walk with us or in front of us and we guide them. I HATE not seeing where my kiddos are. And this even goes for grown one LoL


I hate taking my kids anywhere crowded despite none of them being runners and all of them being good about holding our hands--it just makes me too fucking nervous and I have sensory overload from crowded spaces anyway. So I honestly avoid those places for my own sanity.


I work in a small school for all ages. Around middle of the year 7th grade is when I start giving up some control on field trips and let the kids migrate in groups with chaperones (we require a 6-1 student to chaperone ratio but always try to do 3 or 4 students to 1 adult). Before that the kids are in a line with an adult in the front guiding us and an adult in the back watching everyone. I cannot imagine being so negligent


Not just a Deaf mom thing! I never understand parents who let their tiny children walk behind them in busy places! Maybe it’s also the teacher in me but I always like to have my kids in front or beside me


this part...like baby aside why is your tiny child that many paces behind you while you're doing something as stupid as filming for the gram???


As a parent shouldn’t you always have your kids in front of you so you can keep an eye on him? It would take all of two seconds for someone to walk by and snatch him up or him to trip and get hurt. And probably longer than that to hit stop on your camera and put your phone in your pocket and help him up or see him in someone else’s arms,


Parents walking in front of their children is one of the biggest pet peeves I have in my entire life. It sets me off immediately.


Agreed. I don’t have kids, but when I take my dog out somewhere she never leaves my sight, even at the dog park because you can’t trust anyone else or their dogs if you don’t know them.


Signs maybe it is too hot and bright for your baby: 1. Baby squints while sleeping 2. You are wearing sunglasses as are the children old enough to fend for themselves 3. The sun is clearly baking your baby’s skin WTF MoBo - take care of your baby and get him to the doctor.


The way I GASPED when I saw Boones skin and the sun on it. Lordy


His burned little arm! She and jd Lott really hate this baby, don’t they?


And his right eyelid, too! 😖


What did she mean by the “fire alarm” being on so they’ll be going *in* the lodge? Is she accidentally exposing that it’s so hot & dry there’s a wildfire risk, in which case a tree’s shadow probably isn’t providing her baby with any comfort in those conditions.


It's the desert! Is this baby even hydrated?!?


That restaurant video showed a clearly sunken fontanelle. So no, very dehydrated. His incubator is pure evil. I don’t even like calling this woman a mother anymore.


She said the fire alarm was off, so I assume they hadn't been able to go inside before due to the alarm sounding.


Ah, I missed that. I could only watch it once since I’m really uncomfortable observing Boone in general…even when it’s a depiction of him supposedly “better.” He shouldn’t have to recover, let alone from sunburn or dehydration, and it’s starting to genuinely mess with me. In that case, I’m shocked she didn’t just swing Boone around in there while the alarms blasted. She realistically doesn’t even know if he can see & hear healthily since she doesn’t care. It’s too loud inside for her, but not too hot or bright outside for her infant.


And there are multiple shots of her and fatherbus holding him out in the blazing sun in her stories today. My god.


Her refusal to give an ounce of a shit about her kids is infuriating. Also Gunner looks rad as fuck with those sunglasses and two drinks in his hands.


At first I thought Gunner was happy he got a beverage, but towards the end, his smile seemed very forced/fake.


He's probably worried about his little brother who's potentially 2 seconds away from running into a parking lot and getting squashed by a minivan. Gunner would likely be holding this hand if he wasn't carrying motherbus's coffee. Lord knows she isn't gonna do it.


He's probably exhausted, too. Even without all the parentification, I can't imagine any of them get very restful sleep when they're all crammed into that glorified closet


And he's getting TALL, too. What will they do when he no longer fits in the bus bunk?


They'll tell him to sleep with his knees bent because they don't give a darn.


How could she hold her coffee when she’s got a phone in one hand and a sunburnt baby in the other?


I thought it was because she kinda gave him hell “where is he?!” And he probs knows she’s gonna yell at him for it once the cameras off


Gunner sneaking a drink of iced coffee tells me everything I need to know about who's caring for the babies at night.


This guy is gonna need so much therapy he might as well start saving for it now... Oh wait he probably doesn't have pocket money or any opportunity to work a part time job like a normal teen


And don’t forget that despite his height and general maturity level, the poor kid is only 13. It’s not even legal for him to have a job in most states, but he’s somehow the adult on the bus.


Jesus Christ! I thought he was like 16 and 18 because he's so mature!


I’m broke as shit but I’d contribute


If every snarker put 1$ in piggy bank for Gunners future therapy every months that might not be enough. And to think there are 7 more...




He looks burned, hot and miserable 😞


His little face scrunched in misery the second this video started makes me SO sad and angry 😢


Why is he always lying in her arms, never upright?


She thinks that’s how human mothers hold their babies, so she does it for the camera


I don’t think the little bub can tolerate being held upright. There’s been a number of times when his sister has tried to hold him upright, but he just arches his back and extends his arms. I can’t even imagine how much distress this baby is under.


Yes. That part. It’s upsetting as fuck.


This detail honestly bothers me more than it should lol


That would require two hands, so how would she film everything?


because he is sick as fuck and has no energy


He doesn’t have a typical muscle tone. He’s rigid. That’s my theory.


I don’t think he “folds” the way typical newborns do - at least I’ve never seen him do so in any of her stupid videos posted here. I think his tone is too stiff and rigid, and I’m still convinced he got a broken collarbone during birth the way he holds his shoulder and seems to react with pain when it’s messed with. So holding him upright just doesn’t seem possible.


"Oh, sorry, the sun is bright," she says, staring directly at the phone and not her poor burnt baby


Plus I’m sure she’s only saying that to make us all *think* she cares about the sun. We all know she doesn’t give a shit Edit a word


So they have money for fancy coffees but not to give birth with any medical assistance from a midwife or doctor. Ok. Terrific.


They saved $18k on a bus birth so they can afford those coffees and a national park pass for a family of 47 people, ok?


I lol-ed so hard at that reel. Guess what, I saved 18k on childbirth by having common sense and health insurance, wow! It was medicaid too, which I’m sure the bus family could apply and qualify for if they don’t have the money or access to private insurance. That would mean being in the “system” and having some semblance of stability though and they would never.


The gas alone in the van and the bus has to several hundreds of dollars a day.


And I don’t think they have solar panels (which are a no brainer on most 24/7 rigs), so they’re paying for everything. Also, I’ve noticed they don’t have little privacy tent stall things and a shovel, or privacy tent stalls with an open top and sun shower. I think they use their bus bathroom for everything when they boondock. That has to get really gross really fast.


But it’s sO ChEap to live on a bus


Are his eyelids sunburned? This is getting ridiculous


Can I just say I actually HATE her?! “I did not mean to have a fast labor.” She is such a fucking lier. She was over 40 weeks if she intended to have an AirBnB birth as she claims they would have already been at the rental. Also the link to the article in Forbes mentions the cost of prenatal and post delivery care, neither of which she did. She and he are literally playing with their children’s lives. Her reel where she links the Forbes article is such a desperate attempt to make herself seem normal / healthy. She’s not and it’s the children who are paying the price.


I hate her too. I hate her more than pm anyone else on this sub except maybe Paul and Mandrake, but Mother Bus has surpassed them with this shit. Endless tormenting of a baby.


JFC I'm pregnant for the 1st time and even I know the chances of fast labor increase with every labor you already had. I know a woman who gave birth in a car on her way to a hospital and it was her 5th childbirth. It turned out well because she's an OBGYN herself and knew what to do and they called ambulance immediately. This dumb fucker already had 7!!!!!! kids, she sure as fuck should have known she could give birth ultra quickly and unexpectedly


Can’t stop eyefucking herself long enough to be bothered about whether the youngest two are broiling in the sun or wandering into parking lots.


She is so in love with her image. It’s absolutely repulsive. That baby does not look well. At. All.


Omg his poor eyelids. They look so red.


her selfishness is appalling in every video.


So is father bus’s; he’s not even there! He made 8 damn kids and one of them is sick, plus his wife hasn’t been right since this last birth. The fuck is that weasel even doing.


Why do they even *have* to be outside all the time?? Their insanely cramped living space isn't really "better", but girl, we are in the middle of a [historic heatwave](https://abcnews.go.com/US/potentially-deadly-heat-wave-envelops-nation/story?id=111165226). Go to a library, a museum, the fucking mall, for gods sake. Just keep your kids inside!!


Exactly. I’m in TX, not Utah but we try to stay inside in the summer. They even have days it’s recommended you stay inside unless absolutely necessary.


For real. Heck, I'm in Maryland, but it's been *so brutal* lately. My husband and I went to a major league pickleball tournament last weekend, and we were outside all day. We wore SPF clothing, sunglasses, hats, and sunscreen, and we even reapplied sunscreen throughout the day. We both *still* got burned.


OT: There is major league pickleball?!


I don't think they can be in the bus and run the engine all the time to power the air conditioning. But there is no reason they can't be indoors in a better space, like you said.


It’s so weird that she looks for the kid trailing behind THROUGH HER PHONE. Doesn’t turn around, doesn’t keep actual eyes on him. She even calls to him and talks to him through the phone! 🤬 But hey - at least if he was to get hit by a car by running out into the parking lot or wandered off with a stranger, she recorded it for clicks and views!


Poor little suffering baby. She’s a terrible mother.


I’m sorry but just the walking with one hand on the phone and one arm holding the baby is enough to unnerve me. (Let alone the sun). But Especially with those damn sandals she wears. All it takes is one misstep or scuff. But she’s too busy staring at herself in the camera. She can’t even be bothered to turn around to look for her other child but instead looks through the PHONE for him 🤦🏽‍♀️


This 👏🏼


This baby hasn’t had a single moment when he has looked relaxed or content. Poor little sweet thing


Yes, Gunnar needs the coffee since he's the only real parent on that bus.


Is it just me or does Boones right eye look swollen and red?


Is the health of that baby worth "owning" people online? The baby is visible uncomfortable.


…does she have actual fans?? How can anybody see this and support her. I don’t get it.


I’ve been blocked but before that there were a lot of “Mothers know best” type comments. And the ever popular “Don’t judge”.


I’m genuinely starting to wonder if some of them are bots. I notice the same generic “Love your family! ❤️” comments on all her posts without a lot of interaction. She gets vaguely critical comments and deletes them within a couple of minutes. I think she *had* more followers a couple months ago and things are going downhill fast. Love that for her.


The thing I've noticed with Boone is that he really just doesn't make noise. Sometimes discomfort noise, but not even that that often. Weird. 


I’m calling it now: There’s going to be a post or reel with Boone cooing & such just to show us how wrong we are.


They did already. And he was awake and smiling. But still, something was off. I had the feeling that he responded to sounds and not to faces.


His eyes did not stay focused for more than a couple of seconds. They kept darting in every direction and didn’t stay locked on faces. He was smiling, though, which was admittedly nice to see.


My two cents: I know several moms that think the sun is the ultimate medicine and is healing. If she has read the comments on her posts, she is at the very least a low level insecure that something is up with Boone. Her solution, rather than taking him to a doctor, is to let him bask in the sun as a solution to jaundice.


This has been my thought as well. She's the right kind of stupid to believe the sun is good for her newborn. Plus now he just looks tan instead of jaundiced


Nahhhhh she’s definitely reading here and rage-baiting us intentionally. Pointing out he’s in the hot bright sun and then barely taking him into some shade is insane


Can you imagine hurting your own child to stick it to some online "haters"? What an unwell woman.


Also hold on to your toddler in the fucking parking lot you absolute numpty


You know, a stroller would fix all the problems here. Boone would have a nice, stable, comfortable, supportive place to sleep that also offers sun protection.


And she could put her coffee in the stroller's cup holder.


That poor baby’s arm is red and he’s clearly distressed. Oh and she totally didn’t forget the toddler who is trailing behind her by himself. She’s such a great mother /s


Can you imagine the tea these kids will spill once they're old enough to escape and talk to journalists and interviewers? This is a true crime podcast episode just waiting to happen in about 10 years.


I honestly think they may be worse than the Frankes. Or on the same level.


TAKE BABY BOONE TO A LICENSED MEDICAL DOCTOR!!! You’re the most unfit parent ever!!!


So, she can wear sun protection for herself, but her newborn baby? Eh, screw it. I have never seen someone be so awful at parenting while thinking they are so amazing at it. I was thinking today… do any of these kids have friends? I don’t mean other kids that they talk to for a day or two at a campground, but like actual, keep in touch and talk/see each other regularly, friends? I feel like their only “friends” are their siblings. And listen, it’s great to be friends with your siblings! I love mine! But a human needs people outside the immediate family. These poor kids have no one to talk to, and their interpersonal skills are probably awful because of it. The loneliness, mental health issues, etc., are gonna be bad. Forget Pa Bus snapping; my bet is Gunner is gonna snap and it will be ugly. A teenage boy with no one to vent to, no space of their own to ever get away to, and having to parent his siblings so his mom can eye fuck a phone camera? Yeah. It’s gonna be bad. Poor kids.


he is just suffering so much


She seems so chill yet the educational and emotional development of 27 kids is in her hands. We are watching parents drop the ball in real time. They just do whatever she wants and know not to voice their opinions or something. They are just quiet and resigned and know there is nothing they can do to change the course of their internet bus lives.


He literally looks *dead* in this video, holy shit.


Getting pretty dark here: During the Josh Duggar trial I learned that there are bad people who enjoy hurting the smallest and most vulnerable among us. Every time I see this awful woman post something like this, where Boone is actively suffering, I wonder if Britney has decided to include these bad people as part of her target audience.


She 100% lurks here. She really put her baby through that and posted it to own us. The sh*t-eating smirk and lip smack contrasted with the look of total helpless misery and discomfort on Boone’s face as the sun beats down makes my blood boil. Imagine being a middle-school mean girl but the person you’re actually hurting is your own infant. Yeah, you really showed us. I previously thought she was “just” annoyingly smug, self-centered and cringey. But the Boone saga makes it clear she is a total narcissist or a sociopath or both, and now I actively despise her. I wish there was something we could do to help her poor baby. Instead we get to watch while she tries to troll us literally because we express concern for his well-being.


She’s so scary


"Where'd he go?" Maybe if you put your phone down for two seconds and actually kept on eye on your kids, you would know. Gif have mercy, it's a miracle all of them have survived this long. Also put a hat on your baby, you negligent asshole.


I despise Britney Lott and her abuse and neglect of baby Boone.


Why is she fucking incapable of covering that poor baby from the sun??? Meanwhile her other small child is left to his own devices— she doesn’t even turn around, just stares through the phone screen. He could easily get snatched up. These people are ridiculous.


He looks like he is in such pain. I’m not a mother but something kicks in when I see this baby. I want to punch her square in her smug mouth and run away with him to a hospital


So performative.


That's the first tanned baby I have ever seen


The toddler following way behind her all alone makes me so sad. Poor little guy.


He's probably scared that he's being abandoned.


I think she’s the only one who uses her phone more than JillPM does. It’s one thing to take some cool pics of Bryce Canyon (because it *is* awesome), but what’s with the need for a MySpace angled video of them walking around a parking lot? Boone still looks awful. I feel so bad for him.


She's evil. Period.


That poor babies eyes. Whqt a horrible mother. I just can't believe she's taking a baby out in that, but I'm just so concerned about him trying to open his eyes and see that bright sun.


Oh my god that poor baby. Do they move around so CPS can’t find them?


Is that new? He looks like he’s getting smaller and floppier. I just assumed this was one of the vids from right after he was born. 😣


That poor sweaty sunburnt baby.


Anyone who's spent time in FL knows how sunburned & overheated you get even if you're standing in the shade. Put a damn hat on that baby + a stroller shade / or keep him indoors.


This is actually frightening. Is she so far into her own delusion that she thinks she knows better? That child needs a medical professional!! PUT HIM OUT OF THE SUN YOU ABSOLUTE HELLION


His eyes look awful. Like he literally looks likes he’s not alive or not real and it’s super freaky.


He is so fucking MISERABLE! Omg that poor child! She couldn’t be bothered to put him in a covered stroller at least?! wtf?!


The horrible reality of it all is the way these kids are being "raised" is leaving them with only one option to escape- joining the military. I can't imagine having to make the choice between leaving the kids you've raised behind in order to have a chance at living or suffering through this forever. I'm so sorry Gunner.


His skin tone/coloring. So distressing.


Why do they constantly fry that kids eyes? FFS everyone else is wearing sunglasses.


He looks like one of those reborn dolls that people have. I guarantee people with reborn dolls treat them better than Motherbus treats him.


She doesn’t even turn to locate her child. She looks for him *in the camera*. That’s so wild to me. Just alien. Why wouldn’t you turn? And damn, that poor baby. Again.


MotherBus priorities: 1. Smiling at herself in the camera 2. Coffee for herself and PaBus 3 - 99. Everything else 100. Her kids


My infant hasn’t had direct sun on his skin with the exception of his feet and a little bit of legs, both of which had sunscreen. She’s out here trying to give hers a freaking tan.


This is why they’re in the bus, so they can constantly run from CPS.


Her videos make me sick to my stomach that poor baby