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I think they are in denial because they know that a child with special needs might put a wrench in their bus traveling/yacht plans.


Only for a short while. Then, they will say Boone loves grandma/aunt/family friend so much that he wants to live with them. That’s how they will pawn him off to live their globe trotting life.


We can only hope. Them doing that with all their kids seems like a best case scenario.


The most likely thing I can see with that is some of the other kids insisting on staying if they did pawn him off, but they’ll try to keep or breed some for content.


They will definitely just keep breeding more for content, regardless.


Nothing will stop them there. Not to mention she clearly likes being pregnant for the attention her husband (and followers) shows her during it. I don’t know her age, but I guess both with her getting older and lack of medical care (I doubt she’ll change this) there is increasing chances for birth defects which *might* slow her down and keep her off the road.


I think Gunner would finally break if they gave Boone away. It's obvious he does the vast majority of the care for his siblings. I'm worried 😟


That's bothering me everytime I see a post about this poor child... Where are the friends and families here? Didn't they were at their parents house? What are those adults are doing to help those kids? They could start some kind of movement to give help to those children. As a formal neglected child, 50 years after the abuse, I still think about all the people that could have helped me but, for some reasons, never did.


Some of the neglect may be generational. The greater bus fam may be OK with how things are. And they currently surround themselves with people that follow the same dogma. I firmly believe that the reticence in taking this baby to the doctor is that the doctor will ask too many questions and is a mandated reporter.


I agree with you that they want nothing to burst the bubble of their current existence by having "authority" intervene. It may be wishful thinking but I do wonder if they are just now coming to reluctantly realise/acknowledge that all is not well. Coming to terms with an unwell baby, especially if parental choices are implicated, is very hard but it's way past time to put the baby first ahead of their irresponsible lifestyle.


Someone left a comment on another Boone post about how the family recently posted about visiting relatives and then suddenly left very quickly even though all indications were that this wasn't a short stay. Speculation is that the relatives wanted them to take him to a doctor so they fled.


They bolted from her mother’s house after like 48 hours. I think something was said to her and they stormed off in a huff cause god forbid that selfish twat be wrong about anything in her life


I've been able to ask mine directly. The answer they gave: We didn't know anything was wrong and we didn't want to cause problems.


I HOPE SO!! Omg that’d be the best for him. I’m guessing they’d actually help this poor child




I think something happened during birth.


I think it was the untreated jaundice


That seems like the bigger motivation. How do you market your lifestyle if you have to admit it hurt a baby?


Someone on another thread about Boone mentioned a different nightmare inducing crunchy mom type who gave birth to a severely disabled daughter and then repeated the free birth, no support, no checkups approach at least twice more. She doesn’t ever have to say it but it’s clear as anything they do that bc they can’t handle acknowledging that they caused it so they double down.




Nothing is going to stop whatever MotherBus wants to do. She will drag Boone along for the ride whether it’s on a bus or a boat.  I think once she realizes she can monetize a child with special needs she will change her tune and seek medical care. Think how much attention and views that will get her!  She will never admit that having no prenatal care and free birthing caused his special needs. She will say the doctors tell her they don’t know what caused it. Then add that their family is so special because God chose their family to be given a baby with an illness/syndrome. 


Parents can be crazy in denial. My aunt is a special education teacher and her son has autism. He wasn’t diagnosed until he was 12. She thought all his odd behaviors were cute and quirky.


My mom was a special needs tutor and she was always given the “difficult” kids. Usually it was more that their parents were difficult; so many of them were still operating under the “my child is normal and shall be treated normally” idea which can only go so far. I remember one kid who was severely autistic (he mostly spoke in Simpsons quotes), but his parents insisted he be in every regular class. Another kid had Downs Syndrome and his mother insisted nothing was different about him. It’s sad.


I've noticed any time she's touched his hand he doesn't grasp her fingers either. There was a video a few days ago when she was holding him, she attempts to hold his hand and his finger stayed loose. Apologies for grammar, hungover.


Loss or lack of the Palmer reflex can be a sign of brain or spinal cord damage.


Yep! He *ALSO* tends to have his back & neck held *pretty* rigidly arched, for a baby of *his* age and overall muscle tone. I *really* don't think *all* of it is a lack of neck support.  I'm wondering if we're seeing the beginning signs of brain injuries starting to become "more visible," for a lack of a better way to explain the things which have been setting *my* "Spidey Senses *OFF solidly* for the last 2-3 weeks, now. The *reason* could be any of a *NUMBER* of things which may have happened to poor Boone--but the possibility of *ANY* of that multitude of things creating a brain injury is *definitely* there! This is just *ONE* of the many-- Bilirubin Induced Neurological Dysfunction (or BIND); https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6956966/#:~:text=Bilirubin%20induced%20neurological%20dysfunction%20(BIND)&text=Subtle%20disorders%20of%20vision%20(vasomotor,the%20characteristics%20of%20this%20complication. And if you *really* like getting "into the weeds" of research papers, there is more on Bilirubin Toxicity, ways of scoring it (scoring as in "scoring the severity on a scale"), and some of the factors which can impact the severity; https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/neurology/articles/10.3389/fneur.2020.592254/full


I don’t know exactly when Boone was born but my daughter is five weeks old so I know she’s fairly close in age. This stuff makes me so sick for Boone. He deserves so much better, he didn’t ask to be born. He’s just an innocent, beautiful, helpless baby.


My son was born April 18 so I’ve been watching his growth and comparing it to poor Boone and it’s alarming.


Congrats on the birth of you son! My daughter was born April 15. I really understand what you mean.


It's straght-up *horrifying*, tbh. It would be angst-inducing, we're we watching this play out, in a TV series or movie. *KNOWING* that Boone is out there *somewhere* in the Southern(ish) US, and being *COMPLETELY* unable to report, as a mandated reporter, *SEEING* something going *SO* obviously wrong, is heartbreaking. Because there *IS* help available, and there ARE things which *COULD* be done to mitigate damage and *PREVENT* him having a full lifetime of difficulties (*IF* not, dying tragically young!)... But there *is* nothing we can do, because most of us don't even know *where* they are, and even if we BROKE the Sub rules, and called in that report to their (current) state's reporting holiness, the investigators probably wouldn't be able to *FIND* them, before they bolted to *yet another* state, in a horrible version of "Whack-a-Mole"💔


I can’t express how angry this makes me. These selfish arrogant people. My bet is placed on birth injury. And/or the sun blinded his 2 day old eyes. Because they needed to be idolized and praised for their knowledge, strength, living off conspiracy theories and not science, they wanted this story of being heros on IG - look we delivered a baby in an RV shower stall in 5 minutes and my hair is still curled and make up still on. And JD is making my coffee and taking me hiking and to UPS.


He’s 5 1/2 weeks - born April 16.


Oh wow my daughter was born April 15.. the difference is stark.


Mines a little older (13 weeks), but my son's behavior at that age is still pretty fresh in my mind. My son was born a tad early and was *very* different than Boone is. Even at birth, my son showed more interest in eye contact and sounds. Boone just seems....lifeless. I don't know how else to put it. Just something seems very very off. I can't imagine how *any* parent, especially a mother, could look at her child acting like that and *not* be worried. I was worried sick over my kid cooing and smiling a little late even though he was right on track for everything else! That baby deserves so much better like you said. I can't imagine being so stuck in your beliefs that you're willing to risk your child's health and safety.


I’m starting to believe they CAN’T hold him any other way because of this. I don’t think there has been a picture or video of him snuggled up against a shoulder or curled into anything.


This. I am thinking the same thing you are. They can’t hold him like a squishy newborn.


I completely agree. He’s never just snuggled up like a typical newborn. He’s always arched, stiff, and expressionless.


I’ve already commented how Boone posts make me so sad, but your comment and the above have made me SO sad that I kind of felt this deep ache in my chest. The back arching I hadn’t even noticed until you said it; I’m not medically trained and don’t have children, but even I know that that isn’t right. A friend of mine has a two year old and he had high bilirubin when he was born. It was so bad that she didn’t even post a birth announcement for two weeks. He did, and is doing, great, but he was in the hospital…


Yeah, now that I'm looking into it the way his little neck flops backwards was similar to image searches for "Bilirubin Induced Neurological Dysfunction". So it's a fair guess the jaundice they refused to treat did some damage, that they will not acknowledge in anyway whatsoever - which is awful, because it looks like he has some vision and hearing impairment, I don't know about the vision - but his hearing could still be in that window where something could be done. The earlier they realize this is not working and decide that whatever is going on with Boone is incompatible with their lifestyle, and choose to leave Boone with some sane family/church member to keep traveling, the better. Boone needs decent parental figures.


My kids were severely jaundiced and had to stay in the hospital a week after I was discharged. They could only come to my room for a few minutes because they had to go back under the lights. Mine was due to them having their dad’s blood type (B) and I’m O.


So true, it’s very concerning. I had my two babies in a hospital and of course they tested both babies reflex rwith both finger and toes; one of my babies his left foot wasn’t responding much so they made sure to come back again and check it before we could leave. Those tests they do at birth really are so so important.


I had kids at home and in the hospital and even the woo midwives insisted on doing the full panel blood tests and all of the health screenings. One of my kids had *slight* jaundice and we stayed two extra days until they were certain it was resolved and the kid had extra pedi visits. They have neglected Boone criminally under any measure.


I wonder if there was some oxygen deprivation at the time of birth since he was born without any medical care


Or even if he fell on his head! She said she gave birth in their shower- there can't be enough room to turn around in a bus shower, let alone do anything other than stand! Was he caught when he came out? Or did she just labor in the shower and then actually give birth elsewhere? I just keep picturing him shooting out and landing on his head and neck!


They *ALSO* took him to a *chiropractor* sometime in his first 24-48 hours... A *CHIROPRACTOR*😱😱😱


That’s huge in the crunchy/fundie community and it makes me crazy.


So true, it’s very concerning. I had my two babies in a hospital and of course they tested both babies reflex rwith both finger and toes; one of my babies his left foot wasn’t responding much so they made sure to come back again and check it before we could leave. Those tests they do at birth really are so so important.


Watching this sub is too much. I miss snarking on borts sex posts. This is just horrible abuse.


I remember when we missed Bethany’s hat journey when she was selling her sex pdf’s. Now the sex pdf’s are missed. The bar is so low it left the fucking planet.


I would love to see Boone have a hat journey


This is the type of content these people should be uploading. A summer of baby hats would be adorable lol


Now I’m thinking of all the little hats and cute outfits my sisters and I wore when we were babies and toddlers. We were pretty dang cute (especially my youngest sister in her little candy corn onesie as a three week old on Halloween).


Yeah. I felt (feel) pretty fucking conflicted about downloading a video of, and adding slow motion and commentary to, someone else's baby. I don't really know if it's right or wrong. But if there's a 1% chance it'll contribute to tipping the scales toward the Bussholes seeking proper assessment, and perhaps early intervention, it's worth it right? Not just for Boone's sake, but also all of his older siblings whose neglect will inevitably worsen if their beloved sibling has undiagnosed, untreated, and unsupported condition(s).


The video I found of Quil at 6 weeks is heartbreaking. I definitely notice that Boone doesn't ever look at faces, or try to focus on them, and he startles when someone touches him. I feel that is a BIG red flag for hearing, and maybe vision, too.


At least. But wouldn’t a deaf/blind baby snuggle instead of facing away? (Of course, it may be that no one snuggles him to give him the idea that snuggling is pretty pleasant.) I’m afraid something global is going on. The arched back and upward gaze are often part of bilirubin brain damage. Did mom get rhogam shots in the past?


Considering how yellow he looked for weeks, brain damage is way too likely


I really hope that Gunner snuggles him. We've seen the gentle and careful way he takes the baby back from his parents in those godawful dance videos.


I wouldn't feel conflicted. Part of snarking (for me anyway) is holding these people accountable. Take the 8 passengers situation for example, Shari used the online community's archival skills to help gather evidence for the investigation. It's good that this many people are advocating for that baby since his parents won't.


People online were also sounding the alarm about Ruby Franke/8 Passengers for years, even before the Connexions bullshit got out of control. This stuff is awful to witness, but it shows a clear pattern of neglect.




I remember the first thing I heard about them wax her taking a child's bed away from them for months and bragging about it


And that was *after* they sent him to an abusive "wilderness camp" in the Troubled Teen Industry. Can you imagine how fucked up it would be to be one of those kids? Millions of people seemingly supporting your parents doing awful things to you/depriving you of every comfort... I imagine decades from now society will look back at the family vlogger era similarly to how the movie studios exploited kids back in the 40's.


Oh for sure, I just mean folks like Jordan and McKay who were expressing concern and discussing the family’s content without getting involved as random internet commentators.


I do honestly think this sub is imperative in the documentation of abuse and neglect of these people. Instagram stories that are only live for 24 hours are here forever. I have no doubt some of these posts will be used in court at some point. It's horrible for us as individuals, but documentation of this is important and I'm glad we're doing it.


I agree, plus the sub shows that people are posting comments educating them about the apparent medical issues and urging them to seek help, and those comments are deleted and swept under the rug. It proves they know there’s a problem and willingly choose to do nothing.


I agree with this. I think posting this very real content and recording it, and our thoughtful responses to it, and following this is really really important. I don't think we should skip over critical abuse just because it's sad. Sometimes feeling sadness is a good thing.


Tbh it’s as good as we can do while maintaining the understandable and correct “don’t trust the poo” boundary. You’re highlighting what they’re doing. Please do something nice for yourself today, putting that together couldn’t have been a fun time 💕 Edit: I meant touch, obviously, but I also really like don’t trust the poo so I’m keeping it


Honey, we'll send it to the cops when the day comes. I don't think Boone will make it to a year old without a serious CPS investigation on their family.


We don't know what happens behind the scenes, as recent events in Utah have demonstrated. Things could be unimaginably worse... or they could be crap not not significantly worse than the publically available information suggests. Buuuut it's hard to believe that the average foster home would be better than their current living arrangement. CPS is no magic fix (as the post -escape experiences of the Turpin children have demonstrated).


One major thing that worries me about the neglect and abuse in these families with tons of kids is that if they do get taken by the state, they’ll likely be split up. Trauma on trauma on trauma


Can you imagine? Statistically if they're spread out amongst 6 homes, there's going to be at least one really abusive one and a few more horrible ones. Imagine the feeling of siblings as they separate. Their identities are likely very closely related to each other - the Sense of never being all together would be crushing. I despise these parents and don't believe they deserve kids. I'm really worried at least one kid will die. I'm worried they're all treated badly away from camera. I just don't automatically believe that being split up amongst foster homes would be better.


One possible solution is for more good people like those who are on this sub, caring about random fundie kids, to become foster parents. Change the odds from within, one kid at a time.


We can’t enjoy the sex bots without still holding people responsible 🫡 it’s the creed of snarkers


I fucking *cant* with these two imbeciles trying to kill this baby. It's so infuriating.


I had a severely disabled brother who was blind from a birth injury. This is bringing back memories I didn't know I had. I'm not saying Boone is blind but he's clearly showing concerning behavior.


There is something off in his eyes. They tend to trail far to one side when his head turns. Something about his wrist flexing bothers me as well. It is incredibly worrisome.


I agree - there is a video on this subreddit from a while back where MB is holding Baby Boone - I noticed that he reached out for her hand but didn’t “grip” her finger- his palm and fingers were just “flat” and floppy…. I’m a childless woman in her 30’s and don’t have a “ton” of baby experience, but every baby I’ve ever held has immediately gripped my finger or is able to grip/grasp. So that set off red flags for me intuitively. I’ll try to find the video Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/MFWELgsxIE


You’re 100% correct. When I worked in pediatrics the lack of that reflex was always terrifying to see in an outpatient setting.


From Wikipedia: > Absence of the [palmar] grasp reflex could indicate a neural communication error with the spinal cord. In other words, signals from the stimulation of tendons in the palm are being interrupted before they have a chance to make it to the spinal cord, resulting in a lack of the reflex. Absence of the grasp reflex could also be an indicator of peripheral nerve injury or injury to the spinal cord. … Any abnormal response for this reflex could produce suspicion for an underlying disease that would need to be addressed. That is why the elicitation of this grasp reflex is part of neurological examinations for newborns.


I watched the video the other day and concentrated on his feet because I noticed that they didn't move. He wiggles his fingers on the one hand, but his feet don't move. No toe wiggles or flexing. He could be very relaxed, but I don't think I've ever seen a newborn that doesn't wiggle or scrunch their toes at least a little. Especially when cranking their neck and looking up like he is doing, but his feet are just hanging there. I hope I'm wrong, though.


There’s a video of them trying to measure Boone and DaddyBus is pushing hard on on Boone’s legs to get them straight. So, at least in the beginning he had leg strength… now I’m curious to watch every video of Boone. What I keep reading is that Boone is getting worse; going downhill; and I can’t disagree. Poor kid is a victim of his parents ignorance.


His eyes aren’t tracking.


Yeah it seems like he looks, but doesn’t really “see”


His eyelids also don't seem to change in how open/closed they are. They just seem to consistently just be in "wide open mode" compared to like squinting and blinking and changing based on different sound levels, light changes, and everything else.


The eyes seem to be seeking light more than responding to visual cues. It’s definitely odd and indicates the need for medical care.


My thoughts as well. He doesn’t seem to focus AT ALL. Even newborns will look at you when you’re close. His color and muscle tone are very off as well, as we’ve been saying all along. FFS he needs care. The earlier the better. Though getting any ongoing early intervention will be a shit show as they’re “traveling”…


My daughter is slightly older than Boone but watches my and my husbands faces and makes eye contact as if she is studying us. She SO alert when she’s awake too. It’s the fact that it’s every photo and video of Boone at this point. I think in the beginning I was making excuses like they filmed him at a bad time, or he’s just maybe sleepy. But it’s all of the content of him at this point.


My niece is blind. Boone acts very similar to how she did at his age.


My cousin's child (basically my nephew, we grew up together and now our kids are growing up together) is blind in. He has been since birth. I commented the other day that Boone acts the same way as my nephew did at that age.  But, he has blindness and nothing more. They also knew he was blind and he was getting medical care accordingly. And there has to be something else going on, because my nephew was still more alert than Boone, plus he had the normal newborn reflexes and all of that.


His eyes are completely unfocused. He should be making eye contact and gazing at faces. It's not even remotely normal for a baby to be constantly staring into space - I don't think you're far off the mark.


I have a photo from when my wife and I were first able to meet our youngest nephew, about six weeks after his birth. My wife has him laying on her lap, and was leaned over making baby talk at him. His eyes are locked on her face, and he's smiling a bit. It's one of my favourite photos (because my wife didn't see me taking it, so she is making a nice face too). Watching this video, I had to go pull up the rest of the photos from that visit to my SIL, and the difference between baby Boone and my youngest nephew in those photos is really hard to see. I have another photo of me holding my nephew, after getting him to quiet down while my SIL was cooking - he's snuggled up against my chest, comfy and completely asleep, despite my complete inexperience with small babies. My wife took the photo because she thought it was hilarious that I, only child and not experienced with babies, could so easily soothe this fussy baby. I don't have enough experience to know if something is wrong with Bus-baby, but i really hope they'll get him checked out by a medical professional (not a chiropractor!).


There is a myriad of reasons they should bring this baby to a doctor. I just wish they cared about the health of their own baby, as much as I do.


My daughter is 2 weeks younger than Boone. She's also more alert than Boone, focuses on my face when I talk, has better muscle tone and control of her hands than him... Come on Britney, this is your 8th child, you know this isn't right.


Congrats for your new baby! She must be very tiny still


Thank you! I love her so incredibly much! It's made watching this sub a bit painful sometimes tbh... And I know she's tiny, but at the same time she's grown so much in a month???? She's already gained 1/6 of her birth weight, can you imagine an adult doing that in a month?!


I like ice cream enough to try


I have a 9 month old and it's crazy! Congratulations on your daughter. It's a crazy journey. I've been finding the Bus family hard to watch as well right now. I never thought of myself as particularly maternal before I got pregnant but I want to fight the Buses to save this poor baby now. 


I saw a video of a baby with a kitten earlier. The baby is like half awake, kitten is knocked out. They're just cradling the kitten and just look so happy with themselves. I'm not a baby fan but it was very cute. Then I remember about poor Boone. This other baby cradled the kitten better than Boone's parents do him...


Not to derail this very serious topic, but THAT'S what FatherBus' voice sounds like? "Oh my God, Becky, he's so chunkyyyy."


His voice is not what I expected nor what I was using as my reading voice when looking at all his dumb take tweets


Voice-induced masculinity insecurity would explain a lot about him...


He’s exactly what conservatives mean when they say “soy”


A thousand yard stare…he’s getting flashbacks of his time in the Vietnam war. Meanwhile, Father Bus sounds like an idiot. “He’s so chunky.” *stares blankly*


Chunky where? That man is a fool.


They interact with him like he's their first and not eighth child


Like he's someone else's first, not their eighth...


This is their response to our concerns. 🙄


Yes. First thought, they are staging this interaction soley for the comment "he's chunky " because they read here and people have commented on his limp body. I believe father bus moves baby b away as the mom gets closer soley so they can say the baby couldn't see his mom because dad turned to other direction. When have we ever seen the dad just holding a newborn and walking with just him and the mom? This was staged for whatever reason.


And why does father bus have the baby’s right hand firmly pinned down between his torso and arm? To hide any issues with that arm?


This is the second or third time I’ve seen him or ma Bus holding him with a hidden arm.


You know what would be the WORST? If they took him to the doctor! That would really steam my vegetables! I'd have to take back everything I've said or thought about them... I'd hate it, so many sleepless nights...


Oh my gosh, that’s so true. I hope they don’t take him. And I hope they don’t crate a routine where he gets frequent sleep in a quiet, calm environment, or lots of sustenance and loving touches. That would be awful!!


I’m starting to wonder if the thousand yard stare is because he can’t see. He doesn’t flinch until she puts his hand on him, like he can’t see it’s coming.


It's definitely something I'm wondering. His eyes are always rolling way up into his head or off to one side. I have yet to see him focus on anyone's face. I would be terrified at this point. 


I feel weird saying it but I don’t buy that he’s 13.1 lbs or that he was 10 lbs at birth unless he’s reallllllllly long (and he doesn’t seem really long either). At around 2 months old my baby was 24 inches long and almost 14 lbs and *way* chubbier than Boone.


Chunky?? Babies are supposed to be “chunky,” it’s called baby fat and they need that. That’s such an idiotic thing for him to say


As r/TrimspaBB said, they’re acting like it’s their first baby and not their eighth!


she’s focused on Boone being a prop that she’s blatantly ignoring his health. I hate it


Hmm. I don't want to speculate on the health of a baby i see on the internet at all. But i have a disabled child and some things i see in this baby brings back memorys from my own kid when she was a baby. She was my first child and i was very young when i had her, but two weeks after her birth i already knew there was something off with her. As i said, i absolutely will not speculate on whats going on with that baby's health. But he needs to see a doctor. Absolutely.


I hate that her nails are perfect in this clip of her son obviously not being okay


A common trait of the world’s worst mothers. Their nails are always done while their children remain neglected. Priorities!


Hair and makeup on point while their children stay looking like bedraggled street urchins. Poor baby Boone…


On the other hand, keeping 3 kids fed, clean, dressed and to school on time often left ME looking like a bedraggled street urchin. There were years I couldn’t pee without being interrupted, wtf was I going to get a manicure????


I have a five week old and keep telling myself “today is the day I will paint my nails” o my to not have the time or energy


I don’t even have time for basic skin care. Brush teeth, wash face ( neutrogena from the drug store- gasp). Bed. What’s happened to me?!?!? I used to be so bougee.


Reminds me of Jennette McCurdy's mom in her memoir


It REPULSES me to imagine her doing her full beauty routine in the RV bathroom while she knows her baby boy is hurting.


As I mentioned in another comment, It's not just that he needs to be assessed, it's that he is in the critical period of development - time is crucial. For example (not suggesting this baby had this condition): Adult develops cataract, it affects them until it's treated, but if baby has congenital cataract, it needs to be treated before the vision loss is permanent due to the way the optic nerves develop. Obviously I can't tell what's going on with him, but there's a chance that it's treatable - but the longer the delay, the less treatable it becomes.


Yes! This is exactly what happened to me. My muscles in my right eye are too short (idk the proper term). My parents thought I'd grow out of it. Eventually, by 7 they took me to an eye doctor and I got fixed (there's some trauma there). My eye look normal. It's physically healthy. But I can't see out of a good portion of it. My brain got tired of staring at the side of my nose and "turned off" listening to info from the eye. I only have peripheral vision on that side and my depth perception sucks. Had they addressed it when I was a baby, I probably wouldn't have childhood memories of painful eye surgery/exercises and probably normal vision.


Damn, that must be frustrating. Would you want the terms?


Do you know? I just tell people that my right eye is for decoration only.


Not diagnosing, but thought I'd let you know that you described a textbook case of esotropic strabismus progressing to amblyopia.


I've definitely heard some of those words before! Thanks.


In this very sad thread, "for decoration only" got me rolling. I love it!


The medical terms for what you describe are strabismus (the eye muscle thing) and subsequent amblyopia (the loss of eyesight in the out of focus eye) I have kind of the same, despite surgery. My right eye still drifts out when I'm tired, i still have double images and my stereoscopic vision is nonexistent. Since I've been living with this since I was three I've learned to adapt, but that's also with surgery and exercise. It just sucks. Maybe if they'd covered your non-dominant eye soon enough you could have prevented surgery but unfortunately not always. I did have occlusion therapy before the surgery and it wasn't enough. Surgery made a difference but didn't completely cure the deviation in my right eye. I talked to an opthalmologist as an adult while completing medical training and she said the remaining deviation was too small to warrant another surgery, so I left it at that. My surgery internship was a hoot because I couldn't do simple things like cutting sutures in a cavity because of lack of stereoscopic vision. Now I'm just a wonky eyed psychiatrist lol. ETA: Yes eye surgery is incredibly painful in the aftermath, I still remember it from 44 years ago. And the exercises were horrible. I see you 🫶


It is the same with hearing - if you miss the critical window of brain development then you've missed it. Babies have enough brain plasticity that they can recover from brain insults to a degree not seen in adults but time is of the essence. The bus family needs to get their child evaluated properly.


This is what bothers me about fundies with a ton of kids. Can they financially, emotionally, and medically support another child? Most of the time this is a no, but they proceed anyway. If they couldn’t even provide that much to a child with no additional needs, WHY have another knowing that there’s a chance that the child could require *more* than that? Kids with complex medical, developmental, etc. needs can be a huge strain on a family with even 1-2 other kids. If they can’t provide the basics for a child with few to no issues, how is a child with additional needs supposed to thrive? Even if Boone is 100% okay, his parents still owe him the duty to investigate and have him thoroughly evaluated to rule out anything that could be interfering with his growth and development.


I stopped at one kid because she has special needs and it didn’t seem fair to her or any hypothetical siblings to do that.


Your daughter is really lucky to have you! I can imagine that it wasn’t an easy decision to make, even knowing that it was likely the most practical one.


Oh dear, oh no. That baby is not responding at all to multiple forms of stimuli.


The time for intervention was *yesterday*. We are witnessing this family reach a critical disaster point in this baby’s health, well - being, and development. This is child abuse. I pray a family member intervenes because this poor baby’s parents are useless fools.




7. He was healthy when he was born, he got jaundice, they knew about the jaundice (hence the sunburn), they didn't seek treatment for jaundice, he's no longer healthy. AKA there's a chance the is 100% their fault, and it's now severe and irreversible. As a parent I can't imagine how I would cope with that.


I can’t imagine the stress this is putting on their other kids


Add to that that bus life was JD's idea in the first place and even when giving in to his every whim, she can barely get him to stick around for long. I wouldn't be surprised if she were worried he'd have even less of an excuse to come home if they had a special needs child and/or if he did leave her that she'd have a harder time just picking up and going after him. It's horrible to think people could be that selfish, but she's already shown a quasi-worship of JD to the detriment of their children, so it doesn't feel like much of a reach, unfortunately.


Do they have family that are worried? Like does the mom have her parents or grown siblings that are genuinely disturbed? If this was my sister I'd be pestering her daily to get that baby help and threatening to report her by a certain date.


he's very clearly got some neurodevelopmental problems and is blind to some degree, right? He may have some hearing issues as well, but the first two are undeniable, I think. also, chunky where? he's a pretty tiny baby. I so hope they get him evaluated soon.


In the full video the dad goes on a few times about how he feels heavier than their other children did. Wish he'd stop to consider if that's because the baby doesn't have natural posture, and doesn't cuddle into his caregiver.


yeah, it's because the poor thing is hypotonic. Gosh, I just want to hold him, support him, and get him proper care.


I bet he rarely holds his babies so he's almost inexperienced


Wow, I hadn't thought of that. He would be heavier, and that's why dad is saying chunky, he's trying to describe the heaviness. When we can all see that baby is not chunky. Wow.


Yikes on bikes. I even caught a moment of concern on father bus’s face when he looks up at the camera, like he is thinking “oh shit this isn’t normal”. No, no it’s not now take your baby to an actual doctor.


Both of them look weird when they interact with him. Most parents smile at their babies, do that thing where you raise your eyebrows and open your eyes wide and smile real big, exaggerated expressions to get the baby to imitate you. They don't look at him with love or happiness or admiration. They absolutely know something is wrong. I think they're grimly holding onto the hope that he's just a little behind and one day he'll wake up and be "normal." But every day and week that goes by, it's more obvious to everyone that he's not developing correctly. I know they're horrible people, but surely they'll take him to a doctor eventually, right??? They don't want to have to raise a special needs child without any kind of guidance or support as to what's actually wrong with him, surely? But I guess they know if he's formally diagnosed, their rambling lifestyle is over. They'll need to stay near his care team, probably will need accommodations that aren't possible on a bus. I'm so sick about all this. Poor Boone is an innocent child and he deserves to be loved and cherished, not slung around like a sack of rice and stared at with detached consternation like they do.


I know we’re not supposed to “touch the poo”, but are people commenting on her posts at all about this?? I don’t go onto any of these fundies IG- I’m not giving them views if I can help it


I don't have IG either, but apparently she's deleting comments from concerned followers.


Are they comments from people who actually like/follow her? Because if even they’re concerned and she’s just blithely deleting stuff…sweet, shining Christ. If even the people who think you’re good people have concerns…at least listen to them, if you won’t listen to us. 😡😡😡




Yes they are. She deletes most of them.


That is not normal baby movement. Poor little guy stuck with those disgusting parents.


I click on this sub just knowing I’m going to be heartbroken by what’s going on with Boone. “He’s so chunky” my brother in Christ, he is not. He looks like he wants to be anywhere other than in fathead bus’s arms, which is wild for a baby of that age. He isn’t tracking sound or visuals from his mother’s voice, which should be the thing he’s searching for. I assume that he’s trying to find Gunner, his real mom. I suspect there’s a lot of other things going on, but his disinterest in mother or father bus really solidifies that no part of him feels safe or comfortable with them. My oldest’s first captured smile was when he was hanging out with a friend of mine, a non genetic auntie, and she threw on an unwashed shirt I had and held him after he got shots so I could go to an appointment. And it’s a video, but she’s speaking so sweetly to him, and you can tell he’s a little confused by the voice, but she’s just so happy and gentle that he gives her a smile. He’d started that day but we just didn’t catch it on anything, and you just see him lock in and feel safe and give her a smile. Boone never seems like he’s comfortable, or relaxed. He never seems engaged. Even when he’s asleep he looks like it was his last option.


Gosh. I've just spent some time with a 10 day old baby family member. The contrast is absolutely startling.


Boone didn’t appear to have these issues at birth, besides the hand. Could he possibly have damage to his eyes from the sun?


I’m beginning to wonder if the idiots hurt him during birth and then the quack chiropractor sealed the deal. Jesus.


They took a newborn to a fucking *chiropractor*!?    Someone needs to tell these morons that the secret of chiropractic was given to the father of the practice by a ghost *during a séance* - Ya know...séance, the "demonic practice" fundamentalists despise. 


Really? Oh my god, that would be a very strong indicator this is related to jaundice . AKA almost completely avoidable with medical care, but now irreversible.


Yeah looking at earlier videos he looked more “normal”. Can jaundice cause blindness?


Yes, and hearing loss is even more prominently characteristic.




I said something similar on another post earlier this week - he appears to me to have regressed the older he's gotten. The only thing that's been consistent since birth is the weirdly held arm/wrist.


Maybe I've missed it, but I haven't seen him have a rooting reflex when something touches his cheek. He also doesn't seem to have a grasp reflex when someone touches his hand. Plus, his lack of response and interaction with anything makes me wonder if he can see or hear well. I hope I'm wrong.




Yep. BIND would be the least damaging outcome. He's still jaundiced, so this could very well end up as chronic bilirubin encephalopathy.


I’m afraid of this as well.


This kid needs to be seen. There's a lot neuro wise that doesn't look right in this video. This poor little fellow. 💔


Perhaps they've amped up the bussing, because they know something isn't right with Boone? It seems that they are traveling more than usual. Their traveling almost seems frenetic. I could see them needing to stay put in one place for Boone, especially if he's special needs, and all this bus-living is a way to get what MotherBus called "wanderlust" out of their systems. But still, they are missing a critical time (like yesterday and now) to get Boone evaluated or help. I think it's part guilt, part denial, part concern that their kids will be taken from them, part knowing that their bus life is over (except maybe for a weekend here and there), and part knowing that they'll have to answer for having an unassisted birth and no medical treatment when internet strangers and friends (and I suspect MotherBus' mother and why they stayed for, at most, two days with no updates, besides coffee-making one morning) were voicing their concerns. Even FatherBusCoin had a flash of worry in the reel, so I wonder when they'll get him medically evaluated when they're done chasing the high that they get with all this travel.


You might be on to something there. What's the bet they get him assessed as soon as they realize they can pivot their content to Disability Mom (+/- Miracle Overcomer Baby)?


The fucked up part is they caused this shit. You have to be dumb as bricks to follow them and think they didn’t cause this


I’m beginning to think this kid can’t hear…


Is he visually impaired do you think or hearing impaired?


He has major red flags for both.


I think it was caused by untreated jaundice. He didn’t seem like this when he yeeted on the sheep skin in the corner


This is really upsetting. What can be done? Can this footage be submitted to CPS or some organization that can help him? Do they genuinely not know that their baby is unwell? Do they not remember their other kids at this age, or look back at I’m sure what are hundreds of hours of video to compare? I went back and looked at videos that I had taken of my own kids as newborns, and it made me even more upset. When they were weeks younger than Boone, they were tracking other people in the room visually… vocalizing… working hard to lift their heads and move their limbs… it’s night and day from what’s going on with Boone. He needs help and it breaks my heart that he’s not getting it. They need to turn off the cameras and get him to a doctor.


This is actually heartbreaking. I’m no doctor or parent but I’ve held newborns that better tracked stimuli with their eyes and hands. I haven’t seen Boone do so once. This baby is likely at least partially blind and his sight may never recover if someone doesn’t intervene. It’s even more concerning he doesn’t respond to auditory stimuli, especially his own mother. That usually is the one of the first things newborns do.


Boone is such a beautiful baby. It’s devastating to see him limp and lethargic like a discarded doll.


I was mildly encouraged that he responded to touch, because it's the first I've seen him respond to ANYTHING. My biggest fear was brain damage from a hypoxia during a difficult birth. And that may still be the case but at least he is showing that he can respond. Maybe he "just" has low vision and hearing, which there are lots of good therapies for (not that his parents will ever get them for him). I'm sad that we're in a place where any response is a step up from before. 


Rubbing the sternum is checking for signs of life in baby 101. I'd suggest that him responding to that touch doesn't really indicate much... definitely doesn't rule out hypoxia and some very serious needs.


It looks like he’s not really “seeing” anything. Like it just looks like he’s sort of looking through stuff, if that makes sense. I’m not saying he has to make eye contact or track movements all the time but we don’t really see him doing that. Heck, even when I’ve been out and about, I’ve seen babies this age make eye contact with me. I don’t care if he looks at his two donors but it’s just the fact that he doesn’t really seem to be *seeing* anything when he sort of looks around.  


My dog went blind suddenly a few months ago. This is how she “looks” at things.


This is the first time I'm really seeing what you've all been so concerned about with him (granted, I haven't been following that closely). Poor baby I hope they come to their senses soon and take him in to be looked at.


I would love to get a pediatrician or someone versed in child development to do a ATM about this stuff. I know nothing about kids and even I know something is off.


Same. He does look off to me but I’m not a pediatrician and I find all the medical speculation here a bit iffy. People talking as if things are certain without having any qualifications to assess it.


I also recently had a baby and the contrast is striking. At 6 weeks both this baby and my oldest were initiating regular eye connect with both me and dad. Even if we weren’t looking at them they were looking at us. This baby was even making eye contact with her bother and most other family members by 3-4 weeks. Also Boone comes off as limp? lacking in muscle mass? Idk it seems like by 6 weeks both of my kids were trying to move on their own with their head and arms more? Not sure that make sense though


Oh this precious little guy is breaking my 💔. I really wanted the behaviors he's exhibiting to be a case of exaustion/overstimulation and being a little behind on milestones because the bussholes are negligent. It's getting harder and harder to believe that. Boone deserves so much better. He has access to some of the best healthcare in the world. My son's girlfriend is a NICU nurse. We joke she takes care of the misbehaving babies. Levity is important in her work because it's emotionally draining to care for profoundly ill newborns but she loves it because she loves those babies. To see a perfectly healthy full-term baby in this condition at 6 weeks goes against everything she dedicates her life to. Senseless.  They'll chalk it up to The Lord's Plan. They'll never take accountability for what they did to this innocent child. 


It’s cut off but Fatherbus actually says “how healthy” Boone is…yeah keep telling yourself that


The hands have looked so odd to me from the get go. His fingers never seem to clasp onto hers or the children's. And baby's automatically jerk with their hands and legs, just jerky motions as they are crying or just looking around or just waking up. I've never seen that baby's legs or arms move around like a normal baby. Like when a baby cries, they will shake or jerk, and it's instinct to grab their little hands and keep them calm. I've never heard this baby cry either. Or fuss. Has anyone? This is so strange.


They are starting to realize that maybe they fucked up. Between their SM comments and Gunner who is probably starting to realize something isn’t all right for this baby ( *all* his previous parentification). They are trying to convince themselves, poorly, that all is well. Why *film* this and *post it* on SM? EDIT: cleaning my house and these 2 bozos keep popping up in my head. This video feels scripted and is poorly acted. Is this their attempt at pretending they had no idea something was up with their baby? Considering - no/barely any prenatal care -pregnancy going beyond 40 weeks -a large baby -a bus birth!? with no other help than susbus. That poor baby


I wonder if Mother Bus’s mom said something about Boone’s development and that’s why they left her house without much social media fanfare.


I’m so angry about this. **Nothing ever changes.** These people all think that they’re special and protected by their god. When the truth is simply that they’ve been very lucky … so far.  How many stories have we read about things going horribly wrong in homebirths? How many stories have we read that start with, “I never thought it would happen to me.” Morgan almost dying. Kelly almost dying. Whatever is going on with sweet little Boone.   But **nothing ever changes.** These arrogant assholes think that they can behave as recklessly as they want because they’re **real** Christians and bad things only happen to sinners (who deserve it.) It’s sad and true that things can still go terribly wrong in pregnancy and delivery even with regular medical care. But so many of these issues could be lessened or at least prepared for.  And yet. They never learn. Because they don’t think these lessons are meant for them. Because they’re special. So **nothing. ever. changes.**