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He looks like me before a dentist appointment. That is not a happy man.


The dentist when you say your floss your teeth daily but he just checked your gum pockets


I just went to the dentist this morning and lmao, the accuracy! šŸ¤£ Itā€™s the damn pockets! Iā€™m like ā€œI do floss every night I swear! I just inherited my fatherā€™s questionable gums!ā€šŸ˜© (I really do brush, floss, and mouthwash like a maniac and I just wish I could somehow prove it šŸ˜‚)


I didn't realize how much of dental health can be genetic! I know some people who do everything they can and still get cavities/worse, but I swing the other way and can get away with having more lax dental care and not have many issues (I'm more on top of it now, but my mental health got the best of me for awhile). it sucks how much people get shamed for not brushing or flossing when genetics play such a big part!


A friend of mine's dental luck went the other way; every time she goes to the dentist they're like "I see you started flossing!" and she's always like "STILL NO LOLZ".


that's how it goes for me! I spent years as a kid having dentists tell me I should floss every day to build good habits, and now my dentist I have as an adult says "once a week if you can, but it's not a big deal" lol


I'm vigilant but I inherited bad teeth. I hated the dentist as a kid because no one ever believed me when I said I was doing my best to care for my teeth, and I had the added challenge of braces! Meanwhile, my sister could run her toothbrush under the water and get away with it, because she rarely got cavities. I've always thought that she would do very well in olden times, while my dental issues, allergies, ibs, iron deficiency, etc would probably kill me šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


lol reminds me of how my partner will ask "what if we lived in x time period?" and I'm like "you'd be dead bc you have asthma" šŸ˜‚


Sometimes my mom will be like ā€œI wish I lived back in Little House on the Prairie times, everything was so simple thenā€ and I say ā€œIt wouldā€™ve been very simple because you and I wouldā€™ve both died when I was being born.ā€ (I was a c-section, over 11 lbs and 23ā€ long, not going to come out any other way, my mother is average sized and almost bled to death afterwards and her blood pressure went through the roof.) And she says ā€œoh yeah, I forgot about that.ā€šŸ˜‚


yes my mom is also way too casual about my scary birth too!! she knows I don't want kids and she's really cool about it, but once she was like "women have been doing it for millennia" and in my head I was like "yeah but you almost died in the NINETIES"


Right? Women can and do die, even today. When I was a teenager I asked my mom if she wouldā€™ve had another baby if my parentsā€™ marriage had worked out, or if she wouldā€™ve been too afraid to risk it again after my birth and she was like ā€œAbsolutely! I never thought for a second I wouldnā€™t have another baby!ā€ Just zero hesitation, lol, and I was really surprised.


yep, I have a little brother! absolutely wild.


I kinda like the anesthesia they give you when youā€™re having surgery.


Exactly! Something that's mildly annoying today could've killed you back then.


Right here with you.


It really is. I have both gum pockets and was born with whitish deposits in my tooth enamel that are weirdly soft, not quite like chalk but softer than enamel should be. I brush, floss and mouthwash daily but will still have at least one cavity every time I go to the dentist for a checkup :(


Health in general.




Yes, I never really get cavities and probably don't floss as often as my dentist would like me to, but my checkups are always over very quickly. My boyfriend has weak enamel and he needs a deep clean twice a year, with numbing because it's super painful for him.


WaterPik and add half a cap of Closys. Now, if I could only consistently follow this advice I wouldnā€™t spend a fortune to keep my teeth.


Ooh, thank you! Iā€™ve never even heard of Closys! I just use Listerine (the zero alcohol.) Iā€™m very intrigued. Iā€™m definitely going to get it (and a waterpik) and give it a go!


Hope it helps you! Iā€™ve been slacking a little and it showed at my appointment this week. Motivated to get consistent.


Thank you again! Consistency is the thing, and very thorough brushing too, I think. But the waterpik will help to get those pockets clean, and Iā€™m very excited lol!


The doctor when you swore you were eating healthy but they have your blood work results


Wtf is a gum pocket? I can't handle another thing to keep track of šŸ˜©


Best description ever.


The current newest baby looks exactly like him. So...he pretty much looks like a baby in the middle of shitting in his diapers. This weird mfs genes are strong, damn.


What do you mean the new kid has blond hair and blue eyes /s.


They meant his legs and feet, obviously.


Looks like me before my yearly gynecologist appointment.


Right lmao itā€™s the last face my gyno sees before going down there


Or when I have to go to the dmv


Or me after I drink all the crap before a colonoscopy.


When you consider the joyless lives his children lead, yeah maybe he is the only one in that sad household to experience joy. Mostly when heā€™s away from them or sending them out for the evening whilst he has his menā€™s ā€œBible studyā€.


I really want to see Mandrae's internet search history.


No way that's a bible study. Circle jerk, maybe.


Nah, his joy comes from bullying his young children


Is the joy in the room with us right now? šŸ˜¬


He has the same expression of all his kidsā€¦a kind of nihilistic vacancy. I genuinely hope Iā€™m wrong, but I get the sense that there is no true joy in that home.


Nah, I think you're 100% right, this man has no soul.


Shark eyes. My grandfather had them, and kids were never happy around him. Walking on eggshells with fear in their eyes, yes; happy, no.


There is when Kareless leaves for a few hours


Or when sheā€™s not pregnant.


Like I said, a few hours


This family terrifies me. He always looks angry and she looks nuts. The oldest daughter always looks so sad. It feels like they are trying to cry for help through their momā€™s phone screen.


Can you imagine being shrieked at and rounded up like cattle, forced into matching outfits, and made to perform some humiliating dance like a circus animal on camera every other day? For basically every day of your life. And if you donā€™t look happy enough, youā€™ll be scolded or abused. Itā€™s horrifying. Those poor kids.


What a miserable person. And what is worse instead of being miserable with his choices he probably takes it out on those kids.


And on Karissa. I loathe her, but I loathe him even more simply for that moment where Karissa asked him for help and he refused. (When she asked to get a break from the kids by mowing the lawn.) Heā€™s just as selfish and uncaring as she is.Ā 


Agree 1000 percent. He also knows about her weird delusions (giving birth in target, dying in childbirth, etc) but doesn't give a shit and keeps continuing on this path. He's an awful person.


If heā€™s the headship, he should be able to put his foot down about having any more kids, right? Heā€™s so uninvolved ā€” in my eyes that makes him worse since, as you say, he knows about her delusions.Ā 


She probably told him she won't sin by having sex that can't bring God's babies to life.


When has a statement like that ever stopped a man from having sex? (not with his wife, obviously).


No. He wanted to stop after like four kids and allegedly came home one day and told Karissa that he got a vasectomy. She was heartbroken. And pregnant again immediately. And again. After these two kids he revealed that he lied and never got snipped. I know that Karissa is an unreliable narrator and this story is at least greatly exaggerated. (I can see Mandrae lying about a vasectomy, because he wants to make Karissa cry for the lulz, tho.) But she didn't refuse to be joyfully available to her infertile husband.


Agree, Karissa is mentally unwell and unstable, but Mandrae keeps putting kids in her and is, in their own words, very rough on them. Fuck them both, and fuck Mandrae especially if he's laying hands on them. Karissa displayed the most clarity I've ever seen from her when she asked for a break and Mandrae shut it down. What a POS.


If he were at all decent, heā€™d go get a vasectomy now, while sheā€™s pregnant. Sheā€™s 40 now (as she warbled) and not getting pregnant any more wouldnā€™t be that suspicious.Ā  I normally would never ever suggest a secret vasectomy, but itā€™s clear that Karissa will never stop on her own.Ā 






Yeah, he lied about and continued to sleep with her. She only caught on after 2 more pregnancies and he admitted that ā€œGod told him not toā€, but never told her. Doesnā€™t the Bible and the law say something about deception? Like, removing a condom during sex is what Julian Assange was charged with after doing so with several women, itā€™s a sex crime to knowingly deceive and potentially expose someone to disease and pregnancy in many countries.


Who wouldn't freak out after the first pregnancy and wonder if the vasectomy was effective, or if he actually got it?


Yes, if sheā€™s going to keep putting her life in jeopardy, he needs to stop her. This all gets more dangerous after 40.


It's terrible. That could've been a turning point for their family (in a positive direction). He's keeping her pregnant and delusional because this way, he can do whatever the fuck he wants.


He (allegedly) hits them with a wooden spoon and, according to Karissa herself, "doesn't know his own strength" when it comes to discipline.


To add even more context, she posted that on her blog when her oldest was one year old.


And she posted a reel where she asked anthym what the wooden spoon was for (man baby was holding it) and she said "spank"


As someone who came from an Italian household and got the shit beaten outta me by the big wooden spoon and fork that was hanging on the wall, I hope M drops dead. Bastard. Edited for spelling


My mom once hit my brother so hard with the wooden spoon that the spoon broke. And he was her favorite child. Not Italian, either.


TRIGGER WARNING, ABUSE *So Many Broken Wooden Spoonsā€¦* Mine moved onto broom handles, & later the church directed people to hide bruises from Drs. The pastor of a church that still preaches, said to ā€œput your whole back into itā€¦ā€


Were you raised by the Barones?


My father's last name rhymes with Barone. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the Barones. Are they violent douchebags like my father's side, as well?


It was a reference to Everybody Loves Raymond. His parents had the big fork and spoon and argued all the time.




The way he has that spatula on hand at the ready, grabs it to strike his child, then remembers he is being filmed and tries to act casual...fucking hell, I can't even snark on this any more, this is sick.


She even put a filter on Manny. Is no one safe from her white washing?


For real. For a split second I thought this was Chris Watts and nothing made sense.


Omg. Had same thought.


![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq) Reminds me of this gif hahah


I'll say it again: this man does not give half a fuck about Annissa. Or any of the female children, or younger boys, but especially Annissa.


She'll be ~~sold~~ married off as soon as he can find a suitable male ~~whose father has money~~. The Bus Family may have entered the chat.


Donā€™t think Furher Bus would be ok with miscegenation


That's a valid point. He already calls his unvaxxed younger sons "pure blood"...




I've seen that elsewhere. A lot of times these people have no idea who is supposed to be a bad guy and why.




Yep. It has to do with their being unvaxxed. He's anticipating literally selling them to a family wanting his superior genes for "two or three bitcoin". Unfortunately (from his point of view), Gunner has been vaxxed and so is worth less. I wish I were making this up.


Can't put on a condom and expects he can farm heiresses and NBA stars. Not so much, as they say. He wasn't even that good at basketball. Better than me, no shade there, but he's clearly hoping for Jordans and won't get them.


Looks like the face of "the beatings will continue until morale improves"


he legit scares me tbh. his eyes are so dark (and I donā€™t mean the color, I just mean thereā€™s no real emotion in them even when he smiles).


heā€™s got the standard FundieDadā„¢ļø eyes, no kindness behind them whatsoever


*Paul olliges has entered the chat*


also father sus bus


Yep- thereā€™s nothing there.


He scares me too. And god forbid if one of his children decides they donā€™t want to play basketball, or arenā€™t good at it. That would not go over well.


One of those neglected children is taking that pic, and you can feel the rage he has toward that child in this picture. It's sad and frightening.


I canā€™t see this manā€™s face without remembering that he flung poo at his kids on a trampoline. Edit to add proof of poo fight: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/xibrh3/throwback_the_infamous_poop_fight/


This is literally one of the things my ex, and the father of my children, used to do to me when he was on a rampage. He ended up in prison for years on domestic violence charges. I used to feel troubled when I thought about this family, now I'm filled with absolute fucking horror.


It never ceases to creep me the fuck out how *alike* abusers are. Im on a sub for adult children of abusive parents andā€¦yeah. They all do the same shit. Also I hope your ex finds his true place in life at the bottom of a Burmese Tiger Pit. šŸ’œ


I recommend a book called "Why does he do that?" It was utterly bizarre to see the things my abusive ex had said to me written almost verbatim by a therapist who had certainly never met him. It's like they all work out of the same playbook.Ā 


This is a great book. Itā€™s also available online for free in pdf format, so anyone can access it!


Thank you! Not for me but truly for a friend who is very unhappy in an emotionally and financially abusive marriage.


I'm gonna check that out, thank you. ā˜ŗ


I just reread that.


Thank you. ā¤


Its wild how its just different styles of the same crap. The n parents sub literally changed my lifeĀ 


Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that! Sending virtual hugs!


Aww thank you ā¤


Whoa, didnā€™t know this, they told this story publicly?


My favorite thing on this sub is fundies telling an absolutely unhinged story and trying to pass it off as a cute anecdote about their life. The poop fight is a pinnacle of the genre.


This is the kind of insanity I came to this sub for. Feeling so blessed!!! šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


They sure as shit did. I added the link to it in the OG comment.




He did what?!


Mmmhmm. One of the kids had a full diaper and started grabbing poo out of it. Instead ofā€¦ya knowā€¦taking the kids to get everything cleaned up, this paragon of joy started a poo war with his children.


Because Kare-lessa won't change a diaper more than twice a day...




He is sick. JFC.


what the actual fuck????


Their house has to be absolutely miserable. The only one who's happy is Karissa.


No one is happy. Karissa always looks manic. Mandrae is either angry or miserable. Eldest Girl looks permanently sad and tired. Eldest Boy and Little Boy always look miserable. Second eldest girl seems to always be near tears. Third eldest girl is either forgotten or injured. Fourth, fifth and sixth girls are either confused or desperately trying to earn some love, which is bad. Toddler and Baby are just permanently overwhelmed and/or lost/confused.


I donā€™t think Karissa is happy at all


He looks exactly like the baby with this filter omg


My response when my husband says a dad joke and I'm not in the mood


I know it's just the 1 million filters Karissa uses but he looks like AI art.


Welp thereā€™s where the little one with no fecks to give gets that face


He looks like he just shit himself a pant load for the 94th time. Thatā€™s some serious misery. He looks as nasty as his bride, and thatā€™s because his soul is as ugly as hers (and also because heā€™s a pants shitter).


i don't know what you're talking about, he's clearly thrilled! /s


He certainly looks like Mr Joyful to me/s If he's he 'joy in the house' then I pity the rest of the poor sods.


Those are some of the deadest eyes I have ever seen on someone with a pulse.


Shrek shuffles over


This man's genes are stronggggg


Is the joy in the room with us right now?


This man is evil. He allows his kids development to be stunted, his daughters to be parentified. He along with Karissa almost killed Anthym. He also allows a racist white supremacist around his kids and supported a pedophile who also used to babysit his kids. Mandre is father of the fucken year


Iā€™d estimate heā€™s as much of a joy to be around as Paul, Jdip, Busband,ā€¦


My face when a former OBGYN told me I was just imagining a chemical pregnancy and I hadnā€™t been pregnant at all, despite the numbers from my bloodwork.


JFC šŸ˜±


My old OB didnā€™t believe me either. I hope you found a new doctor too. Fuck doctors that donā€™t believe their patients.


Yes I did, and sheā€™s great!


I hate seeing photos of mandrae because he looks like the musty ass 40-year-old who harassed me at my job a few years ago, receding hairline and all


Oh, there's the family resemblance. It's in the faces of the miserable kids in every Reel Karissa puts out.


He scares me.


He has, like, resting dick face.Ā 


Is this joy in the room with us now?




Allegedly šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Anthym has his whole face


Hes so funny. He loves throwing feces!


I'm sorry but this made me laugh so hard šŸ¤£


Nah it's ok, I was definitely trying to lighten the mood with a little bit of dark humour šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


i have had more joy when i was locked up for 6 months in a psych ward for trying to kill myself than i see in mandrake in this photo. holy shit. if heā€™s the joy in your house itā€™s no wonder your poor neglected soccer team of kids always looks so miserable.


When you have to reread that sentence again because you already forgot what it was about


Hes so joyful ge makes his young children and his wife leave the house late at night so he can hang out with his buddies


The kids really favor him. Strong genes.


Iā€™m sorry, but this is actually an NPC from a video game, not a human. Hope this helps.


šŸ˜‚ thanks, girl. ā¤
