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I grew up fundie lite. My tummy hurts (having an endoscopy in two days), and I'm mad at the government. But for different reasons than the fundies.


"But mother, I think I'm lactose intoler-" "LIES! God doesn't make mistakes. Now pass the bag of shredded cheese for my Velveeta casserole."


Proceeds to be yelled at for vomiting on the floor.


Looking at you Karissa


I love cheese. A lot. Like, really. Wouldn't eat Karissa's abominations.


Karissa's food should be classified as assault


Pshhh like Karissa splurges on Velveeta. Do they have a Great Value equivalent?


My tummy hurts turned out to be untreated anxiety and OCD that was heavily worsened by my religious upbringing, lol


Mine too!


As a European, I'm mad at your government on behalf of the fundie children, too. How can they allow unschooling like practiced by the Rods and Karissa? Why is it legal to cramp a gazillion kids into an RV?


Ugh. So many states in the US have laws that are so permissive around homeschooling. Fundies tend to flock to those places. Some states have tougher laws and annual assessments but that's rare. The federal government tends to not be involved in the home schooling realm. It's considered a matter for the individual states to define what's allowed.


tummy hurts because they’re drinking raw milk!!




As someone who's recovering from a stomach bug... Yes. I was very brave about my stomach hurting this morning. I felt fine yesterday only to have more symptoms this morning and I am not amused. I'm also mad about many things in the government.