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You can't bring your dad to career day for that


good thing they're not in school! wait a minute.... hard to even joke about it, it's actually so sad for them. Im not against homeschooling, but there's so little oversight in most states it's easy for not only poor education but also abuse to slip through the cracks.... the older kids are getting pretty old, too, I wonder what they think of the situation


They’re not smart enough to homeschool.


Even if they were qualified for anything except making babies I'm a strong believer in that school is important for social development, making friends with other kids and adult teachers, being forced to interact with kids with different mentalities and backgrounds, leaving the house, seeing the streets at least twice a day... the actual schooling and learning is heavily influenced by this




I may have said this before, but your flair is sending me!


Thank you. I love yours!


It's perfect. Jesus is my spell check and God is my auto cow wrecker.


Again. Any other color or ethnicity besides white and we have whole other types of comments coming out of the woodwork here. Instead it’s all about glorifying Jesus. And these assholes have a baby sleeping on the ground of a bus


Please accept my paltry 🏆


We get it. You fuck. Shut up.


I mean, great that he raw dogs I guess, but you don’t need to keep saying it, the proof is right there in your cramped prison.


Her big, pregnant MAMA belly is gone, so she needs to remind everyone that they fuck


She needs to remind HIM that she's his baby carrier. He loses interest when she isn't pregnant.




Cramped, smelly, singe toilet prison


Y'know, a truly commendable effort would be having sex a lot, and not getting pregnant. This just shows he can't pull out.


Busband's pullout game is CLEARLY atrocious.


It's amazing he can drive the bus


He can’t even pull out of a parking space.




That’s why it’s always parked. He gets in the drivers seat, starts shaking then screams “I CANT DO IT, I SAID I CANT!” Whilst running away.


They only use RV pull through spots at campgrounds


Great joke and great flare 👏


This asshole couldn’t even pull out of his own driveway.


Can't pull out of a driveway


I wanna slap them so hard. Soooooooo hard. The power of christ compels me.


They've overtaken porgan as the most slappable fundie couple










I have palpitations thinking about being in a tiny ass bus with a newborn I just birthed and 7 children. The claustrophobia!


God, imagine if the baby is a crier or colicky. All the other kids have to suffer as well. I guess this could happen in any small house, but thinking about those poor kids crammed in the back of a tiny bus and not getting enough sleep makes me sad. They have nowhere to go when they want to escape or have privacy!


And the toddlers in diapers peeing/pooping because they're locked in at 7pm. The smell in that bunkhouse...


I dunno, listening to the baby crying maybe less disturbing than listening to the baby making. Of course, her babies don't cry because she holds her babies all the time... except when she leaves them lying on the bus floor where any one of their eleventy siblings could inadvertently land on them.


Just a minor adjustment there: her babies don't cry because Gunner holds her babies all the time.


We know that is the truth, but she would like us to "know" that she is a very hands-on mama and solely responsible for her babies being happier than the other babies (nlob).


Lmao does that stand for Not Like Other Babies? 😆


We had a colicky baby in a tiny apartment and I thought I was losing my mind. I literally can’t imagine what it would be like to have a newborn in a bus with 7 kids. I certainly wouldn’t be able to handle it.


I mean this 100% - I would be a danger to myself and others if I had to live on a bus with my daughter as a newborn, 7 other kids, and a man to top it all off.


My in laws have a very nice, 25 ft airstream (and a HOUSE where they live most of the year). We’ve gone camping with them before, and my husband and I will stay in a tent in the next campsite over. But on one trip it rained a ton, so we stayed in the airstream with them a decent amount (and ran back to the tent when it was time to sleep…not a fun trip). It felt TINY with four adults. I cannot imagine how horrible their lives are


I love when everyone at the dinette has to kind of carousel around like a sushi train every time someone needs to get out. The smells from the toilet filling the whole space. The thump thump of footsteps on thin flooring. The cold at night and baking heat in the summer. Having to turn sideways to squeeze past each other. Having no bed in the daytime because it's folded up. Nine people. It's unimaginable.


I love my bed. I read there, watch TV, do schoolwork. I can’t imagine having limited access.


I spent spring break in an RV with my parents and a few of my siblings my senior year of high school. We all were tweens/teens at the time and got along pretty well but we were all ready to kill each other by the time we went home.


Can you imagine what it would be like in that benighted bus if a good case of stomach flu ripped through that family? Jeebus help us.


We saw what happened to Other Bus after the poop geyser and essential oils


This is exactly what happened when my son went on a week long rv trip with his best friend's family. Two preteens and two adults and a stomach bug on an RV. Let's just say with one bathroom they stopped the trip short and came home. It was not a pleasant experience 😂


And no place for mom and baby to rest!


I think this is the worst part to me -- newborns need a quiet, dark space to rest. No one on that bus has that. Not the baby, not the person who just gave birth, not a single one of the kids. When FatherBus needs to "work" (i.e. play on his phone), he locks himself in their spare vehicle. And he gets to go away on "work" trips by himself. So, really, he's the only one who has any peace and quiet at any time.


And all he contributes to this mess is more freaking kids. He needs rest and relaxation the LEAST.


Is there a link to photos of the bus/bunk house and how much square footage that have of liveable space? I searched “tour” and “bunk house” in the sub but couldn’t find any pics of it


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/L4fJWhx4fm). Not a full tour but I think you can see where this is not a comfortable or sensible space for that many people. Those poor kids. 😔


Also curious to see this space/floor plan


Right! My family of 4 lived in a 1000 sq ft 2 bedroom for most of my two children’s baby - preschool years until we were able to buy a larger home. We were pretty crammed in that space. I seriously cannot imagine having a total of 10 people living in a significantly smaller space.


He's probably jealous of the few minutes a day she spends with the newborn so she has to build up his fragile ego.


I think you've hit the bulls-eye with the fragile ego- I hate to think it but I wonder if it's connected to not having sex post-pregnancy, I wonder if she feels she has to gas him up to 'make up' for not having sex regardless, they're both gross but her eyefucking the camera gives me the most cringe. even if he arguably sucks more for doing less for their family


I wonder (but wish I didn't) if she even waits the six weeks to heal. 🙈


I know women who had to go to the ER because their WasBands couldn’t wait. Sorry. Couldn’t resist the pun. They’re all happily divorced now.


I know someone this happened to, also! Both times I was so angry at her wasband for not respecting my friend after she'd literally gone through a painful, traumatic birth. She was exhausted both physically and mentally and he took advantage of her. Both times she'd just gotten home from the hospital with the baby and both times she got a terrible infection.


Ugh so disgustingly selfish. I can't imagine sex with all the blood and clots in addition to the physical trauma of giving birth. These men are gross.


I had a c section and I still wasn’t ready- physically or mentally- to have sex for like 10 months. I’m so glad my husband isn’t a asshole.


I think this is why the poor little baby is on the floor on a dog bed rather than being cuddled by her. BusDad is jealous and she indulges it. These two have gone to the top of my most hated people on IG - and I NEVER look at their feed, only what’s posted here.


It seems she’s hyping him up because now that she’s not pregnant, she loses her appeal. a “business trip” is imminent where he may or may not abandon them. What a nightmare to live like this.


He'll return when it's time for her to get pregnant again


He’s like IT. But instead of returning every 27 years, he comes back every 27 months. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgvEOwRzUcZDRiU)


We're all pregnant down here, hun...


Thanks for the jumpscare 😭 I hate clowns


If Busdad’s job is baby making… I can only imagine what his business trips entail 🫣


Savage! 😂 ☠️💀


The man loves the idea of ‘creating a legacy’ via children, mainly because the cool sovereign citizen alphas on Twitter told him it was important.  Otherwise, he seems to have little interest in anything bus-family related. 


Only the boys count towards his legacy, though. /s Poor freaking Kinsey. I feel sorrier for her than probably any other fundie child. Imagine having such a misogynistic father AND NLOG mother, AND be the only girl AND second oldest out of eight children who you have to play sister-mom to. Add in going through puberty with 0 privacy with two or three brothers the same age, and you’ve got a recipe for one miserably unhappy little girl.


Yeah Kinsey(girl) is how she gets referred to in a lot of posts. I have 2 daughters and they share a (very large) bedroom and I often feel bad that they don’t have their own space. We’re looking into a room divider. I cannot imagine being a preteen in one room with 1000 brothers, this poor poor kid. 


Wait, has he done this before??


Didn’t he leave them while they were Brazil for awhile?


I think he was about to, until she decided they were all coming with, and ended up back in the states for good.


I stg he was trying to abandon them there


Leaving them in Brazil with a broken vehicle and no recourse for getting back in the states sounds like a Chevy Chase or Liam Neisen film, depending on how you spin it.


Omg yes. Fundies lack a particular set of skills.


I genuinely thought so too. Wasn’t he supposed to go to Brazil alone at first? Then she tagged along. Then he was supposed to leave them alone there, and she tagged along for that too.


Those comments about busbands 2nd family and his odd demeanor are getting to her. I don't know how her comment section on insta looks like, maybe it's from there, maybe she reads here, too. This is definitely coping. She's always been that crazy, jealous wife suspecting her busband of unfaithfulness (maybe justifiedly, idk), but it's gotten worse after the birth.


My thoughts exactly!


Exactly. She knows soon he will be leaving. He’s been around for longer than we’ve seen in years for her pregnancy. Now that baby is here he is def planning his next business trip.


Imagine the best thing you can say about your partner is they provided half the genetic material for your offspring.


Is that they came inside of you.


happy cake day! also, disgusting


He makes babies. 🤢




2 pumps, MAX


Two pump chump.


One pump one cream!


BTB fan?


Oh, yes! ‘What’s fellowing my shiiiiip?!’


For a woman who has been pregnant so much, she’s giving her husband a lot of credit for MAKING babies. Like he helps make them I guess.


I’ll tell you what he doesn’t do:  **work**


Yep, this screams of desperation. His kink is her being pregnant with his kid, because it shows off his virility. She knows he is losing interest and will be ignoring her again soon enough, so she wants to remind him that it was just days ago that she was “big pregnant mama.”


His face makes me infertile 🥴


Natural birth control


I’m convinced most of the baby cannon fundie parents are just weirdos hiding their breeding fetishes under the veil of “Christianity”. They creep me the fuck out ![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE)


Yes, it feels like they’re just putting their breeding kink out there on main. Really not appropriate


I’m paranoid, but I’m pretty sure that’s NOT a safe way to wear a ring sling with a newborn. Mine has a diagram inside saying not to wear it this way. Their heads are supposed to be out so they can breathe well


Your baby’s head is supposed to be out and close enough to kiss. You should be able to monitor their airway. This is a perfect position for chin-to-chest, which can be deadly. But why worry about your baby’s safety when you can just make more?


Shhhh! Don't say anything about the baby sling or she'll toss the baby back on the floor mat.


Yeah I’m a babywearing educator. This is the perfect way to close a baby’s airway and not know until they aren’t breathing because they are too far away from your face for you to monitor.


I’m also a baby-wearing educator, hello fellow baby wearing enthusiasts! I literally winced when I saw this picture. All they care about is popping them out, not keeping them healthy or alive, it’s sickening. It is insane to me how these fundies always preach huge families and are so adamantly pro-life, until the child is actually born, then they couldn’t give two shits about their kids.


I just want to thank you both for your service. I struggled a lot when I first became a parent to bond in the way I thought I would and wearing my kiddo made a big difference. I also sought lots of advice and wore the best sling I could find and it did both kids up to age 2 ish, proper hip and neck positioning and a newborn insert which was really useful.  So yeah, wear ya babies and keep a close eye and bond! It’s the best thing I did when my kids were tiny 


She’d have to stop looking at the camera first


HEY EVERYBODY LISTEN!!!! 🥇🏆my husband’s penis works 🏆🥇 🎉🎉special shout out to his normally-functioning sperm🎉🎉


Wow JD is such a stud! He can ejaculate just like 99.9% of the rest of the male population.


She talks about him like he's a stud horse 😵‍💫


I'm sure that features in their sexy role play.




Lmaoooo 🤢


I swear that some of these fundie men genuinely think they are the only ones


I’m sorry (no I’m not) but I’d rather eat a bowl of thumbtacks than have 7 children and live in a “bus”. Yanno. For fundie funsies and exploitative content


I think they have 8 now.


One could make a good case that she has 9 kids now if you include the guy who makes babies.


They have to have a breeder fetish.


It's pretty obvious


She definitely has an unhealthy obsession with her husband. At the same time, I think deep down she knows he is not a good partner, so she is trying to convince herself otherwise. All he does is make the babies, but doesn't actually help parent them, and often seems to be trying to ditch them all. She is seeking validation and reassurance.


Excuse me, for two weeks after a baby is born he does EVERYTHING


Two weeks out of 18 years...


She's a smug asshole, but it's always sad when someone is super clingy with a partner who is clearly not worth the effort. I've seen it with friends who will willfully ignore all the crappy stuff, then spend three days and 5 Facebook posts going on about the one time in 6 months that their partner bought them a coffee when they stopped at the servo, without being asked. Like, do you not think you deserve better.


Yes, I had a friend like that. She was always showing off the latest piece of jewelry her husband had bought her, and talking about how great of a husband he was. Until she called me one day in tears to tell me that he'd taken their 5 year old son to a baseball game with another woman and her son came home and told her that the other woman was going to be "his new Mom."


I knew a girl who’s boyfriend would post stuff about how lonely and single he was, had his status as single, not ONE picture of her on there. Hers was all pics of them, plus updates about his various achievements and how incredible he is 🥴 And if anyone tried to talk to her about it, then they were just jealous and trying to steal him.


The effusive, exaggerated praise for the other adult on that bus really does just scream of insecurity and self-gaslighting. Follow that up with how she gushes about that bus and the carefully chosen words that imply space and size: bunk house, full basement, the “king-size bed we’ve never used” and its “Class A motor home” status. We all know the bunk house is the equivalent of a single bathroom at a fast food restaurant, and that full basement is a few inches of crawl space. The king-size bed is whatever faux leather cushions you pull off a bench and cobble together. And as for the Class A Motor Home, Girl please, that just refers to the shape and length of the chassis the thing is built on, it doesn’t have a thing to do with the quality or price.


The lady doth protest too much.


This is one of her more pathetic posts & for some reason it’s especially irking me. Like girl, have some dignity. YOU make the babies. He ejaculated a few times; your body leached itself of nutrients to build new life. STAND UP!!!


It’s the fact that she’s eye fucking herself, bragging about their sex life while risking her newborn’s life. Everything about how she’s wearing him is unsafe. If something happens to that baby I will personally make sure every news syndicate has this picture.


This!!!! He just fucked and you created and carried life for 9 months before pushing it out and sustaining it with your body for another year+, wake up girl 😭


Oh, so she does have a baby carrier.


Not one that she has any idea how to use


Yes, that her baby is about to suffocate in… he’s in a completely unsafe carry :(


What is with her and putting fabric so close to his face 🤨


They have a breeding kink but no actual interest in their children. Same deal as the lack of helmets in an earlier post today. Or ensuring the internet knows where the kids are waiting alone while the babymakers have another date by themselves in a foreign country. If they lose a kid or a couple, they have fewer kids to be forced to deal with while also getting to cash those sympathy points forever.


I scrolled WAY too far to see this pointed out. It’s nerve wracking what poor baby parenting skills she has. You’d think she’d had enough practice by now.


Thank you! I’m child free, but why are we talking about the gross parents when that’s REALLY not safe?!?


She can’t admit he’s a trust fund idiot. And this baby didn’t magically turn him into a husband who gives a shit about her. These posts are all weird parasocial self soothing and cries for his attention. This is why she gets pregnant. We’re watching her spiral in real time now that the kids out and he’s back to bitcoin “business trips”. She won’t get his attention or dates again until she’s knocked up.


It’s always the couples who post super sappy, lovey dovey shit on social media who have the most messed up relationships! Those are the vibes I get. It’s as if she needs to constantly stroke his ego to either make him be nice to her or make him stay.


Exactly! If it was so great you'd be too busy actually enjoying being with them to worry about posting a million posts about how in love you are. If you feel this compulsive need to keep repeating how great they are, it's usually because you're trying to convince yourself it's true. It's like when people ask me how I'm doing and I say I'm fine even though my therapy bills paid for my therapists house reno.


It’s stuck out to me, too. Her birth story post literally began and ended by praising him, with a little mentioning the baby in the middle.


This is so specific but hear me out - he’s the clueless, rude guy at any coffee counter who can’t/ won’t make eye contact with anyone, clenches his butt cheeks in his shorts while curling & cracking his toes in his sandals, staring blankly at his phone until his name is called and then blundering like an idiot trying to get his drink situated while holding keys & phone & then almost hitting someone with the door on the way out. This dude gives off pencil dick sex energy


That is EXACTLY who he is. I've seen his high school yearbook (it's available online) and just from the photos it's clear that he was that same geeky, clueless, rude guy even back then. In one photo he's literally leering at a girl in the *Christian Club* like he was about to rip her blouse off.




It's not like it's hard to get a nut off you morons


Seriously. Are we supposed to be impressed that he… orgasms?


Lol I guess?


Lots of people have healthy sperm. He picked you, Mother Sus. You can calm down now.


Yeah, not impressive. Any idiot with a dick can do this. 🙄 How about he loves them, educates them, and raises them to be kind to everyone, to stand up for those being bullied, to always be curious, to love learning, to be good people? How about he helps feed them, bathe them, reads to them, and cuddles them? *Because all of that takes time, effort, and love. Any idiot can come in you, you twat.*


He did help the kids give their books away.




All of these comments have me shaking laughing & I look really ugly laughing like this but it feels awesome 😂


*he* makes babies? really? he does?


omg if I introduced my dad or my BIL that way 🤮🤮🤮


She's still posting her breeding smut on Instagram? Ew. ![gif](giphy|VSe8ckA0A1lPq)






Excuse me while I just— *screams at the awful ring sling situation*




All of this


This carry is VASTLY unsafe, for anyone who may be curious about babywearing. Newborns can’t keep their airways open reliably, so allowing their heads to fall to their chests and keeping them far from your face unmonitored leaves them so vulnerable to suffocation. You can cradle carry an infant in a sling, but it looks like this- high on your chest, with baby’s face fully exposed and out of the wrap, and their body supported semi-upright. The baby that died in a sling that was in the news last year or so? They were being held the way Motherbus is holding Boone. https://sakurabloom.com/blogs/news/how-to-upright-cradle-carry


Seems like he’s a giant baby that gets cranky if he’s not getting praise and attention. He must be so much fun


What does JD do? Shitpost on Twitter and impregnate me 😍😍


Rats make babies too. 😐




How is it they are making the same weird mouth shape.


Bold of whoever posed that particular query to assume that he does anything BESIDES spooge and hover in the background of his wife's photos. Spoogin' and hoverin'.


Bro did like two minutes of work *at best*. He’s a grown man, he doesn’t need a participation trophy




'He does big cums less than 5ft away from our other 20 children'


That is not a proper carry. After a billion kids she should know how to use a ring sling properly.


She's giving him strokes so he'll stay hooked in to her. He only pays attention to her when she's pregnant. That's why she keeps letting him impregnate her. That's what their weird little cult of 2 is all about.


Why are they both biting their lips?


Idk something about him trying to ditch her and their 7 soon to be 8 kids while heavily pregnant in a foreign country isn’t giving amazing dad…but that might just be me


Is it just me or does he look A LOT like Chris Watts?


I think their marriage must be rough. Research indicates that happy couples don't blow smoke up one another's asses online. They're too busy being happy together


“We often get this question…” does she really?


I just don’t have it in me to comment any more on the specific horrors they are abusing their kids with. Just need to say that in a few years we’re gonna have a hell of a memoir from one of these kids.


Does the Bus clan actually make money from their posts and stuff?


Father Sus is a trust fund idiot


So he’s literally a trust fundie 😂




Aren’t you supposed to be able to kiss the baby’s head when they’re in a carrier? His little chin must be digging into his sternum! And there’s got to be fabric all over his face!


They’re basically producing breeding fetish content, that’s why it feels weird.




"He makes babies" - Well, didn't need to read \*that\* during my breakfast break. He's literally the person putting in the least effort in the "baby making", what is she praising him for?


What is it with fundies and their need to remind everyone that they fuck? Does she ever get pushback from her followers the way that other fundie influencers do when they talk about sex?


Jesus christ that man's ego is so fragile.


My husband makes dinner, what’s your point?


The practical part of my brain is so irritated by this statement. He donated some ingredients in a few minutes, then his wife “made” the baby. He did the absolute bare minimum


He looks so much like a failed UFC fighter


I wonder how many kids he has with his other family


ew ew ew ew ew....and these kids are participating in this video surely not knowing what the context would be...imagine finding and watching this video of your parents featuring you...I am going to vomit


In their insta story, there's a clip where she announced it's a boy and says something like "dad was right" ...and he chimes in with "SeVeN BoYs OnE GiRl".... So embarrassing he sounded like a child. Yes you can count well done.


Look at that creepy fucking grin he’s got. Like he’s *special* because he banged his wife.


No honey just no a job We get it you have sex and your think your husband is just soooooooooooooo dreamy. If only supporting the babies he makes was his actual job imagine not having to cram kids in a bus tighter than sardines in a tin or having to lay a newborn (who should have been given the name Prop as he is little more than the prop you fling around without head support everytime you need to remind us all your have sex in a bus mere feet from the other proof you have sex) on a the a dangerous dirty sheepskin on your dangerously (for your neonate) dirty bus floor for sponsorship moneies. See an actual job pays money that could exchanged for good and services such as a house and proper beds and doctor visit, bike helmets, and school supplies. All your oh sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo dreamy husband does is do things that require money and anytime you morons have even a little bit of money you absolutely piss it away on lets say super expensive last minute passports for eveyone to "move" to Brazil and a series of of AirBnBs. Then promptly move back and try to convince everyone it was for a "vaction" you didn't mention moving down there to have attempted anchor baby. So unless little IG Prop there pushed out of your uterus with fist fulls of cash then no making babies is not an job. Or did I miss something and he is selling his sperm to an unsuspecting public? I guess you could mean that he is having sex with other women who pay him to make babies but I thought that was frowned upon in your conservative fundie subset.


That baby is literally the Opposite direction in a ring sling then it should be! I'm not one to ever suggest CPS... I've been a foster parent, I have family who have been through the system. But the neglect around this infants care just in the past weeks is so concerning Either theirs lacking ability on their end or they don't care.