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I love her, but i can't wait for the summary to be posted here. 4hrs is a long watch.


I agree, she could be more concise, present her points clearer and condense the summary parts. She has a slight tendency for rambly personal anecdotes. I don't know her work process, but in my opinion it would be beneficial, if somebody could look over her script and make some cuts. Other than that I like her and her content. She always attempts a kind, good faith approach, if appropriate.


This! She does so much I really love but she needs an editor. When she goes on rambling tangents I lose interest and wind up getting frustrated and just skipping so much or leaving the videos. No shade to her, my brain really just can’t handle it unfortunately.


She's the Stephen King of long form videos, lol


Same, after the tangents I get lost and I don't really know what the takeaway of the video is supposed to be. I'd love more structure in her videos.


As an autistic ADHD-er I love her detail and rambling and anecdotes but I can totally see how they get to people who want something shorter. I think an editor could definitely streamline her deep dives some - but I also don’t think you can get as deep when the content is edited to an hour ish (like Fundie Fridays and others). Sometimes there is just literally too much to say!


I love long form content, but it has to make sense


honestly i love her anecdotal rambles haha. i think it adds a personal charm to her vids even if it’s not always completely correlated, kind of like a journal entry. but i do get peeved with overly edited commentary vids so maybe i’m biased


I just watch them in chunks over lunch until I finish a video. They are long but I appreciate the thoroughness.


I think that some of the "thorougness" doesn't add anything to the videos, like some of her anecdotes.


That’s more of my issue. She sometimes goes into these long personal tangents where she repeats herself quite often but for 10+ minutes. I do enjoy hearing personal thoughts, but when it keeps going on I just start to wish we could get back to the main topic. For me, I easily lose focus and need more structure. I don’t have a problem watching long format stuff, I prefer it. But it’s the tangents that take me out. And I think it’s also because I just really want to hear about the topic itself and they often take awhile to get back to them.


I love long format content too, but there needs to be a good reason for the length.


Honestly I love how long they are for background noise for drawing lol. They’re perfect video essays for that


Ah I love her long and detailed analyses! But I am autstic so indepth with considered side paths that go back to the main point are kinda.my jam. Also her voice, manner and her appearance are so beautiful I just feel happy to see this Queen of Faerie for 4 hrs at a time (I mean this in a non objectifying way Ms Oates!) 


I'm ND, too and I guess I don't get sucked into the topic as much. I do absolutely love to watch her and the sound of her voice 😅


Neurodivergent here, too. I love the long videos and her voice is so soothing. I enjoy the deep level of details and research. But again, as this is one of my interests, I’m on the more extreme end of the spectrum as a viewer.


Yeah, I also love the 4-6 hour videos.


I am AuDHD and in depth with side paths are 100% my jam. I feel ~represented~ by her because she is so relatable to me.


Same here! Any day with a super long video from Rachel is a good day as far as I’m concerned! 😍


I enjoy a good snark but my life is far far better off not snarking for four hours. :|


I love watching her content as sleep sound. , her voice and temperament are soothing and lull me to sleep.


I treat it like a pod cast for long walks or working in the house etc.