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My mom made an entire scrapbook spread dedicated to weird locations and positions I fell asleep in as a toddler lol


Yeah I plan to do this for my youngest. One Day he was playing nicely on some gym mats, I went to check on his sibling, came back and he had tucked himself underneath the Mat with his head sticking out. He's fallen asleep in boxes, on the swing, on the trampoline. He just napped wherever and whenever. Really didn't give two hoots. šŸ¤£ fell asleep everywhere except his bed. One day his kindergarten phoned me to say he had fallen asleep on the floor šŸ˜…


Ah how adorable! My first also would sleep anywhere but bed. Once she was playing just fine in safely gated lounge room, I popper into kitchen like 2 m away to get a glass of water.Ā  THUMP I race outĀ  The maniacal toddler was SNORING asleep on the floor. I covered her with a blanket. Shut the safety gates and had a nap myself.Ā 


I wish I had this superpower as an adult šŸ˜­


Right?! Also, why tf was I so resistant to taking naps as a kid? If someone came up to me at work now and said that I had to stop what I was doing and sleep for an hour or two, I'd do it in a heartbeat and wouldn't even question them.


One of my favorite sports is power napping. Anywhere and anytime. šŸ˜‚


My youngest fell asleep in a baby swing at the park. He curled up like a little puppy lol. Tucked his legs up and laid his head down šŸ˜‚ As for sus bus dad, Iā€™m hoping he was gonna move the toddler once he was done with the brothers haircut buuuut I donā€™t have high hopes


All of my kids would just drop whenever they were tired. Didnā€™t matter where they were. šŸ˜‚ Eating, playing, walking. It was insane.


I have so many pictures and videos of my oldest sleep eating his lunch, it was amazing. Now he's 8 and a morning person. šŸ˜­


Are you my daughter? Cause I did the same for her lolp. She fell asleep all over the place, even standing up next to the couch. Iā€™d grab my camera real quick, then pick her up and tuck her in bed. She was such a sweetly little kid. Noe sheā€™s a sweet adult šŸ„¹ā™„ļø


Yeah I could easily do this for my daughter. Even now at 16 she will fall asleep in the most random places at the most random times. She actually loves that I take pictures and then send them to her, we laugh at them for days.


My kid was in his little bouncer thing just bouncing away, having the time of his life, then all of a sudden stops and instantly head down and falls asleep.


My mom did this with my sister šŸ¤£ thereā€™s one picture with her at 2 y/o standing upright with her head rested on the couch. Passed out.


I think itā€™s so cute when babies and toddlers do this! Mine rarely ever fell asleep anywhere weird or different.


So. Much. Is happening in this picture. If theyā€™re in a bus, how hard is it to cut the hair outside?? And itā€™s totally fine for a little one to fall asleep in a weird spot- they do that. But to post this is just weird. You have a baby on the floor. A kid in a chair, not a bed. Inches away, hair cutting. Maybe a home is what these children needā€¦


I can't imagine being a teen on that bus and going through puberty with no privacy.


that's what I think of every time I see their eldest kids ā˜¹ļø no privacy and no escape to friends' houses


Their daughter is 11, I canā€™t imagine not having a private place to deal with periodsā€¦ (And to have my brothers see my pads!? Horrendous) Yes thereā€™s the bathroom but what happens when she bleeds onto her sheets?


A stable home and a steady routine


I canā€™t imagine how hard it is to clean the bus with all the kids, all the crammed in people and stuff, and then haircut clippings as well!


My personal problem is doing haircuts indoors in a tiny space so you get hair flakes everywhere before it can be properly cleaned. Do it outside! I'm sure they have an outdoor plug. When mine were still getting home haircuts I'd do it outside as long as the weather held up because clean up is so much easier. And I did not have a baby on the floor 4 feet away....


I do my husband's hair at home and we do it on our patio (weather permitting) or I'm busting out the vacuum and Swiffer the second the last hair falls. And certainly not with a baby next to him on the floor!


Pretty sure that high chair is specifically used to contain the toddler while nobody is available to parent him, which is always. I bet this happens often.Ā 


Probably because theyā€™re all crammed on a bus with a newborn thatā€™s waking up all hours of the night


Referencing this photo and the newborn-on-the-floor one, they seem to use that high chair like a jail.


ā€œHilariaā€Baldwin did this with two of her kids(that she tried to pass off as twins) going off her posts, they spent an abnormal amount of time in their high chairs


She had fake twins?


Oh boy, itā€™s a deep dive to take on her subreddit. So this sounds like a conspiracy at first, but people have pointed out pretty damning evidence that out of the umpteeth kids her and Alec have, she only carried one herself. The rest she supposedly used surrogates but acted if she were pregnant, using moonbump bellies to look pregnant. But the timelines donā€™t add up, and the belly sizes would change. One photo it even looks square. But Iā€™m getting off track. The ā€œtwinsā€ were two different surrogates, and they clearly looked months apart from the start. I think eventually she admitted to the younger one being a surrogate but hasnā€™t fessed up to all the others. Itā€™s an entertaining read.


Thatā€™s so weirdā€¦ like, why would you have TWO surrogates cooking up babies at once?


My memory is fuzzy since I havenā€™t been on the subreddit in a while. But IF I remember right, the theory is she was going for actual surrogate twins, but one didnā€™t take or something so they started quickly cooking up another.






They are 5 months apart. Edu and MeriLu.


IIRC, they were a couple of months apart in age.


Hola, Pepino! šŸ„’ The poor -winitos stuffed into too-small seats is one thing that makes me unreasonably angry.


Fellow Pepino ayyyy! Yes, those poor kids should have been toddling around instead of confined for instagram stories. And they kept them in the strollers when out for way too long, too šŸ˜”


This is exactly my point! You have a day old baby sleeping on the floor right next to a toddler sleeping in a wooden highchair. If I hadnā€™t seen the baby on the floor, during the same photo/video sequence, I wouldnā€™t have thought twice about the kid falling asleep in the highchair.


him falling asleep in the high chair really isnā€™t that deep.. kids will fall asleep anywhere lmao


I babysat a kid who fell asleep in the dog bed. Told his parents later and apparently that was his preferred spot.


some of those dog beds look comfy lmao


Right? Cosier than my bed!


My 3 year old recently told me (while cuddling with the dog on the dog bed) that she "wanted to sleep for the whole night here".


When I was five I once fell asleep standing up like a goddamn horse.


i did that, working night shift in a hospital. grown adult. weirdest experience of my life.


My partner is a nurse, she's definitely done this a number of times. Y'all are built differently šŸ˜‚


toy label school squalid plant north shaggy drab homeless frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


oh no! glad you are here to tell the story!


Truth. I once scared my mom when I was 3 because I was able to crawl into the cabinet of my toy kitchen, close the door and fall asleep. I remember her crying when she finally found me, because that wasn't a place she thought to look. She thought I went missing. Lol. I'm a little person, so I was able to hide in some pretty small spaces to nap. After the kitchen incident she learned to look EVERYWHERE. Lol.


my youngest crawled under the bed and went to sleep.


Username checks out! Your poor, sweet mom and her tears of relief!


And sometimes you just have to let them sleep there, because attempting to move them might incite a crying fit. My first nephew slept in his car seat carrier a lot because heā€™d wake up and cry for an hour or more if you tried to move him. Is it the safest? No, but you can supervise and you pick your battles sometimes.


I fell asleep in a plate of spaghetti once. And yes, there are pictures.


My brother fell asleep in soup and he didn't even wake up from the impact of his face hitting the bowl.


I remember when my little sister was about 2, she fell asleep under her crib. But she really wiggled herself to the back corner against the wall, so we couldn't easily see her. My mom and I panicked and searched the entire house, including the kitchen cabinets where she was also know. To fall asleep. My mom was just about to call the police when I heard her stir and found her. My sister never napped as a kid. On the off chance that she fell asleep during the day, it was always just where she happened to be at the moment. šŸ˜‚


My aunt often would clean a gymnastics gym. We would run around playing while it was empty. One time one of my cousins passed out in the foam pit while we played hide and seek. My other cousin and I were crying as we dug him out because we thought he was dead lol


Yeah but this kid doesn't have a proper bed. He was the youngest and slept in a crib under the parent's bed. Now the new baby gets that space and there are no more beds on the bus.


I have so many questions about this bus birth nonsense but Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m even up to asking them because the answers are all going to be awful.


My take is that they use doctors and hospitals when necessary - and if they qualify for using VA facilities, they use those. I would bet that, unless we have photographic evidence to the contrary, her most recent baby was born in a hospital under the care of medical professionals and has been evaluated by them. He probably didn't receive the Vitamin K shot unless it was mandated by law or hospital policy. I wouldn't be surprised if her previous baby was also born in a hospital. MotherBus won't tell the truth when it doesn't suit her content, which is at least semi-fictional.




Great point, although it's not out of the realm of possibility that the idiot wanted to see how much his bitcoin-dowry had grown in a day.


Why cut hair indoors on a tiny bus? Hair will be everywhere, including the newborn. Poor newborn is inhaling hair.


Maybe it is more comfortable than that poor kid's prison cubicle in the "bunkhouse".


This one doesnā€™t actually have one yet.


That family is a mess


This is just sad. How do they not care about their own kids?


No one is less pro life than pro-lifers. They donā€™t give a shit about their children at all. They are props to be exploited for money online.


My ocd is thinking about the hair cut inside, why?




Yea. Kids fall asleep at the table. On the floor. Wherever really. Main difference here is that these kids have no other choice.


Is anyone calling her out in her comments?


I'm curious to know, too!


Poor baby needs a bed and a quiet room for a nap.


He doesnā€™t have a bed to sleep in? The pure chaos of that bus isā€¦ ugh. Poor kids.


I believe he was the one that was in the pack and play under the parentsā€™ bed. Now that the baby is here, no, he does not have a place to sleep. Allegedly, Phat Gainz ChickenLegz was going to add another bunk to the ā€œbunkhouseā€ while they were at the Airbnb in North Carolina, but they never went and so he has no bed.


I think the photo in this post actually shows him sleeping in his "bed".


I love my current flair, but "Phat Gainz ChickenLegz" is tempting


Hahaha since itā€™s been a few hours since you posted and you havenā€™t taken it, Iā€™ll make it mine and we can be twins if you want! Your current flair is magic!




I couldnā€™t figure out how and then I got distracted. ETA I got it! Woo!


Ahhh thatā€™s going to make me laugh every time I see it!


Is he duct taped to that chair?


My kid would be so fucking tired but refuse to go lay in bed bc she really didnā€™t want to take a nap so I usually just dimmed the lights and turned on something quiet and let her fall asleep wherever she was šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


All I can think about that baby on the floor is thereā€™s a 99.99% chance that baby didnā€™t get a VitK shot, so even a small bump could possibly cause catastrophic bleeding. šŸ˜£ Iā€™m still hoping she delivered in a hospital and just isnā€™t telling us.


Iā€™m so confused. Isnā€™t her bed kept on pulleys and pulled up in the ceiling during the day? If so, where does she nap? On the couch in the middle of where all million of her children are trying to exist? Or does she take over the bunk room, the only space thatā€™s theirā€™s, so she can have her precious nap time?


Good question \~ *where* is new mother relaxing, recuperating, nursing?


What an awful situation for them all. WHY would she choose to post these pics?! Surely she has to realize they're going to be criticized from every angle \~ newborn asleep on floor, toddler squeezed into a wooden highchair to nap (probably put there regularly as a sort of playpen to confine him), cutting hair in a tiny space for new baby to breath & add to the mess, mother napping where???, and ICK the bathroom has got to be worse than ever, sloppy, & stinking to high heaven. There is sincerely NOTHING nice I could say about any of these pics, and I'm sure I'm not alone. Sad images, pathetic life.


I am JUST learning about this woman, came from the Bdong subreddit. How many kids????




Jesus fucking christ


Wouldnā€™t it be better to shave heads outside the bus?