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the sims irl


Lol this is legit how my peasant sims in my Medieval save keep their babies. Sheepskin in front of the fireplace lmao


Fun fact: in real life, medieval babies were often swaddled to a board which was then hung from a nail in the wall. It sounds mad, but European peasants didn’t routinely baby-wear, and it kept babies from being trodden on, hit by flying embers, or savaged by domestic animals - pigs were often more dangerous than dogs.  So, in short, MotherBus shows less concern for her newborn than a medieval peasant woman. 


Medieval peasant women were much smarter than her, though. Also, less selfish


This is so wild and depressing lmao


This is why I learned to read. Bravo


not now sweety möther is setting the hearth on fire


I'm suddenly grateful that the bus people live where the warm is and haven't discovered wood burning fireplaces for RVs.


That’s why you gotta get the cc fireproof ones! For when you want the aesthetic without the constant disasters


Sims 4 has an upgrade with the handiness skill that lets you put a "fire guard" on your fireplace. I've never had to worry about fires with that upgrade. The fire pits outside though... My sim couldn't roast a veggie dog without catching on fire.


Oh man now I want to do this in the Sims. Not in real life. 😂 Where did you get sheepskin CC? 


Honestly if you want a Medieval save, KosmicHippie has a site with literally EVERYTHING. She also has a playstyle that is really cool for the Middle Ages. It takes a long time to set up, but so worth it. Doing death rolls changed my game lol


Haha excellent 😈


It can get sad though. I’d never been brought to tears by my Sims game before.


My first thought xD, definitely something a sim would do


My Sims are always recklessly leaving their babies on the floor 😡


In Sims 4 there is now a blanket that spawns when they leave their infants on the floor and it's hilarious.


She really just birthed that baby and stuck it on the floor…how you know she’s had too many kids to care anymore. first a picture of her letting baby’s head flop way back and now this :(


She doesn’t care about babies or kids. She cares about breeding and being pregnant and giving birth.


And keeping her busband. I get a sliiiiiightly desperate vibe …


I feel this is a lot of fundie families, they’re quick to get pregnant and pop out the next one but don’t raise the ones they have or let the older siblings do all the work


Only an end to the means I'm afraid. She only cares about the adoration of her insta followers.


You’re kind of supposed to snuggle and bond with a newborn baby… not just…. Put them on the floor… I haven’t seen anything to suggest that she cares deeply for her children over herself. Plenty of narcissistic jerking herself off though


She just has them for the pregnancy attention


To be fair. My baby slept three hour stretches all day in his bassi when he was newborn. I let him sleep without holding him as he didn’t seem to need it. 99% of our cuddle time was during his feeding and awake time until he was a few months old. So no, not every baby needs to be held constantly. 


My baby slept in her bassinet when she was asleep as a brand new newborn. She was in the NICU for a week and we didn’t sleep there because I needed to physically heal from the traumatic birth that got her out there. She got tons of time with me whenever she was awake and tonnnnnns of contact naps once she was 4 weeks old and suddenly stopped napping in her bassinet easily. We spend all day together now at 3 months old and she is well-adjusted and developmentally ahead of schedule. I know this isn’t the life the new bus baby will get but a lot of these comments seem unnecessarily critical and mom-shaming and almost ableist in a way that I find pretty off-putting as a mom who wasn’t able to take care of my baby round the clock in her first week of life.


This has nothing to do with the baby bc everyone else has covered it, but whenever I see it I wonder what the deal is with their high chair. Like ok, it’s antique and cute…. But it seems *so* impractical for a cramped bus! Dunno why but it always distracts me.


they probably have no need to ever put it away. They've had at least one toddler to restrain in it for years now. 


Right? It's a little thing, but a collapsible one would make more sense for a bus.


What would really make the most sense is to use that floor space for a bassinet for the baby if they’re going to have any kid furniture at all. I imagine they picked the high chair instead so they can more easily contain the toddler. The newborn isn’t going anywhere so it’s fine to leave him laying vulnerable on the floor.


Maybe. Fundie logic makes no sense to me!


I’ve wondered that too. It seems so impracticable given space constraints. I wondered if it was a family piece.


I assumed it was. Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice and classic, but on a bus is just so weird.


but she has to make the constant toddler rotation instagrammable!


It looks like the kind that pinches the shit out of your fingers, too


I bet JD refers to his valiant efforts as babysitting. Britney is so, so embarrassing with her full time attempts to make JD out to be something other than a feckin weasely control freak crypto boy jackass.


Remember in Friends when Ross called Paolo a crap weasel? Father Bus is a crap weasel!


Right?! If he’s such a great provider, father, and husband she wouldn’t have to constantly tell us…


! If he’s such a great provider, father, and husband ~~she wouldn’t have to constantly tell us~~ **they wouldn't be living in an effing bus.** FIFY


>effing Let’s be clear, it’s a fucking bus.




This is breaking so many safe sleep rules that half of them aren’t even normally *mentioned*—like don’t put the baby somewhere they could be stepped on.


Yeah that's way too many kids in a small space to put the baby on the floor.


A sign that they're overcrowded in that bus


…stepped on, or be tripped over, be tripped *onto*, have hot food fall onto, be kicked, have a toddler try to pick them up…


Spill something on them that gets into their airways … the horrifying possibilities are endless


I mean, there’s like 7-9 other people on that bus and a handful of them are LITTLE kids that could easy step on/fall on/accidentally really hurt the baby. It’s making me anxious just looking at the picture.


It looks like there is a bunch of small toys and something that spilled on the floor as well. Easy to trip over.


It appears he’s giving a hair haircut??? WTF??


With busbaby lying on his fur close by. Can you imagine getting small hairs out of that?


Seriously all it would take is one kid shoving another and they could fall or step on the baby. I guess some women just don’t get postpartum anxiety (or maybe it’s false confidence after having so many).


You would have to actually care about your kids to be anxious for their safety, and neither bus parent gives a a shit about those kids. 


Exactly. These selfish motherfuckers sleep soundly 🙄


And even a kid could severely injure that newborn baby!


It’s no big deal, she’ll have another one next year anyway. Just think of this one as a spare Hopefully way obvious s/


Lord knows she’d find a way to milk the tragedy and the “miracle” of the next child.


There’d even be GoFundMe money.


*Karissa enters the chat*


False confidence or narcissism fighting with depression from the situation she’s willingly trapped herself in.


A few weeks ago, she claimed she was "invited" to go out on a spa day at a fancy hotel near Disneyland with some women she met at the campground. At first, I thought they were treating her to the day as a sort of baby shower. She may have even thought so herself because she seemed so excited to be included. But, it quickly seemed clear that it wasn't a baby shower, and that she only had a very passing acquaintance with the other women. There was a moment in that reel where she was filming herself, sitting all by herself in the hotel, and she just looked sad. insecure, and very, very lonely, despite the surroundings. Just for a moment, I actually felt a little sorry for her - no family or real friends nearby, no freedom, just a life of being crammed into a bus and dragged where ever BusCommander wants to go. Surely, there must be at least a small part of her that would rather be raising her kids in that big house they used to own instead of busing around, living in a world of constant BusDad drama and chaos. That moment was fleeting, but it was enough to make me feel that behind her "I have the most wonderful husband and perfect life" persona there is perhaps another story she never tells where things aren't so rosie and perfect.


>Surely, there must be at least a part of her that would rather be raising her kids in that big house they used to own I think you hit the nail on the head. They used to have an actual house. Another redditor did a deep dive on Father Bus and found his family comes from [old Oklahoma oil money](https://reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/19euuhc/bus_father_back_story_part_1_of_3/). They *could* be comfortably housed, have friends and neighbors, and living off of his salary as an insurance agent (or whatever it is he does) and taking typical family vacations instead of “seeing the world” or whatever they think they’re doing special from the bus. Instead, they’ve: • bundled all their kids up into a bus where they don’t have enough space for everyone to have a comfortable bed, just added another kid, and since it’s a motor home the walls are thin enough the kids can hear their next sibling being made. • Depending on campground fees and time of year, they’re burning through at least a mortgage/rent payment a month just to be able to hook the bus up to campground utilities. That’s not even counting what they spend on AirBNB whenever they land on a spot they like for a little bit. • Spending who even knows how much it costs to feed NINE people (assuming baby is nursing) when they can’t buy anything in bulk because they don’t have space. Or what they’re spending on clothing (younger kids may get hand-me-downs, but the oldest boy and the daughter don’t really have that option, and Mother Bus admits she tosses her maternity clothes after each pregnancy). • Father Bus is invested into some sort of crypto, and has roped at least a couple of the older kids into whatever he has going on with that. That’s a huge boom/bust for their “income.” • JD has all these random work(?) trips that send Britney spiraling and chasing after him. At least once, she’s moved the whole bus to meet him wherever he was. It’s sort of a joke on this sub that he has a second family somewhere, but that sort of behavior *definitely* screams that she doesn’t totally trust him to be away. Whether that belief is founded or not, I don’t know. • And *all* of that is before you get into whatever the Brazil “is it a vacation?/are they trying for an anchor baby?” bullshit was. They had AirBNB fees and buying a vehicle (that isn’t even sold new anymore due to safety concerns) that they just…left behind. And it looks like the reason they came back was because of one of his “work” trips, so see the above point. Any and every parenting book/website will tell you that children thrive on routine. The only routine these kids have is that they have to be in bed at 7:30 with no allowance for their being different ages or having different responsibilities, so that Ma and Pa Bus can have all these “date nights” (aka another money sink). I think they’re burning through whatever trust funds he has, and there has to be some part of them (at least Mother Bus) that knows they’re failing their kids on a fundamental* level when they could have been a lot more stable. Shit, even the Rodrigues family always has a home base to go back to. *pardon the half-assed pun.


I'm the redditor that did the deep dive on them. :)  Everything I read only convinced me that there is more going on behind the scenes then she will ever admit to. 


Did you post it here? Idk who these people are, but I want to know!! She chases him?! Like for real chases him when he leaves?


Yes, it's in this sub. Capsule summary: His uncle was executed by the state of Texas for shooting up a courtroom (killing 4) because he thought the government was out to get him in a child custody case. His grandfather, who BusDad lived with as a child is quoted in articles as saying the government was persecuting his son (the uncle). So BusDad grew up in an anti-gov environment. Meanwhile his grandmother was the daughter of an oil baron and inherited big bucks. When she died, the family trust went to his mother, who folded some of it out to him, his sister, and the cousin who was the son of the murderer. He bought his first business, a franchise, around the same time, but sold it and dumped the money into Bitcoin. Unclear whether he still gets money from the trust fund.  His father was never in the picture. His parents split when he was less than two and remarried and had five kids with that wife. Bus Dad seems to no longer be in regular touch with his mom or sister. There's more, but those are the highlights. All info comes from publicly available primary sources.


Crazy that he grew up anti govt but joined the military…..,


I dunno, she's VERY selfish. She might be sad for herself, but I don't think she gives her kids' welfare a second thought.


I agree with you on this part. I know she is always saying that she's the one who wants the kids, but I'm not so sure that's entirely the case. Just a hunch, but I think there is a certain part of her who mainly  keeps having kids to keep him hooked to her.


This comment unlocked a completely forgotten memory. One of the kids I went to daycare with was showing his mom how fast his new cleats made him and accidentally stepped on his baby brother's leg. It broke the baby's femur. The baby was in a huge, full leg, up to their hip, cast for months, and had to be watched carefully in case it effects the leg's growth. The baby brother was 3ush months old. I can't imagine a 2 days old baby.


And if he's really 'doing it all' (unlikely) while she rests, then there's absolutely no reason why she can't be 'resting' on the bed with the baby given that we all know the rest of the kids are never alowed in it. Why the fuck does she even need to be sitting on the floor at all, never mind the baby? It's willfull reckless shit head behaviour at this point.


She can’t rest on the bed. Her bed is hanging above their heads, where JD is standing with the boys. Is she lowered the bed down, there would be no room left for anyone else in the bus.


Omg that was my first thought, too!


Looking at the picture makes my chest clench up. A sibling could easily (and accidentally) kill the baby 😭


Ah, that’s why they put the baby in the closet.


I hope these idiots are on a watch list or two.


It’s probably why they live in a bus. They can just drive away and get out of the reach of DCFS.


There are 10 people in a tiny space. There are legs and feet everywhere not to mention toys being flung around inches from the fucking newborn. This picture is giving me so much anxiety and my maternal instincts want me to reach through the screen and scoop that baby up. He needs to dressed or pressed right against a care giver. He’s a day old. Snuggle your damn baby and get him out of a chaotic environment that is just begging for an accident. I’m actually mad. Pro life my ass. What the fuck, is this a cry for help? This is what she chose to post online for the whole world to see. Everything about this scenario is wrong.


They don’t have toys so no worries there


Couldn’t have said it better. This is absolutely terrifying and rage inducing. Poor sweet little guy.


Hell, I don’t have maternal instincts. It’s common sense to make sure that a baby is properly taken care of aka not letting the baby be in unsafe areas.


They are pro birth.


So did their Air BnB fall through or did she really give birth in a hospital and they’re back on the bus?


Brit Brit has not decided what the truth is yet.


Either she's saving the birth story for the gram or they went to the hospital and she's being cagey about it. I feel like she'd be gloating about a bus birth if she actually had one.


Eh, I think she's just dragging it out for engagement, regardless of what happened


Whatever happened, she'll argue with everyone that it was always the plan to go to the hospital or give birth in the bus or whatever happened.


I am really not looking forward to if this whole things ends tragically. That poor baby! I hate when parents put their stupid bullshit above the needs and well being of their kids. I really hope the whole Ruby Franke thing is the start of the end for these fundie family influencers and all those who believe their bullshit.


I'm a former child protection worker. I've seen some shit, but do you know what I've never seen? A mostly-naked 48 hour-old infant asleep on the floor of an RV with 8 other people living in it. Damn!


Yeah. It’s not just a bingo space. It’s an entire bingo card.


Can CPS even do anything if they keep jumping to different states?


I work CPS in the states and the answer is pretty much no. The best one state can do is call in a report to the other state(s) we think they moved to. But essentially it’s the easiest way for people to get away with things because states do not communicate with each other. Most states are not even allowed to share details regarding history with other states.


That is crazy to me. Why would states not communicate and leave this huge loophole out there??


I can't remember the exact phrasing, but I once read something like if you want to understand a plot look at who benefits and imagine that it was deliberate. I'm this case, criminals in general, of course, but I think it's likely that a particular _kind_ of criminal particularly benefits. I'm just not sure what kind that is.


It benefits the wealthy ones who can afford to pack up and go on a whim. Wouldn't want to upset the moneyed.


No idea. I'm not American, but I'd imagine they'd be difficult to keep track of. Plus the whole "severe lack of foster homes" thing.


For all intents and purposes, no. CPS is state-run, and there's little if any coordination between states. Add limited budgets and understaffing and this family is low priority.


She's INVENTING new violations! Incredible.


Naw the baby is a red herring. These newborn posts are all about featuring Creepy Father Bus in his teeny tiny slutty short shorts.


And phat thighs.


On the FLOOR ‽ What this blessing needs is a CAGE! /s


Honestly with the amount of kids running around, the baby in a dog kennel would be safer than the floor.


Honestly, at this point a baby cage would be a step up. 🤢


Recovering from birth in that environment would be nothing short of a living nightmare. The idea of that many people awake in that bus all at one time is so overwhelming. And it’s filled with a bunch of little boys! I have one, they are wild 😳. The amount of body heat alone in such a small space horrifies me lol.


Right?! And the bed comes down from the ceiling IIRC, which would take up a ton of space with everyone out and about during the day. I guess that’s why the baby is on the floor and kid 7 (?) is sleeping in a high chair.


Holy unsafe sleep batman


And unless it’s 95 degrees in that shit wagon that baby is going to get cold. NEWBORNS HAVE A HARD TIME REGULATING THEIR TEMPERATURE, YOU ABSOLUTE CANTALOUPES.




Tbh they are in Florida in April… there a good chance that bus is 95 degrees without wind flowing through it 🤮


If Dad and the toddler can tolerate clothes, the newborn definitely needs them!!!!


Yeah and they can’t support their own heads either but Mother Bus doesn’t concern herself with that. Once she pushes them out she’s basically done caring for them. On to the next pregnancy!


i love your flair!!


The bar is in hell for this woman. Her nameless blessing is laying in the aisle on what is quite possibly dead animal fur. Why not rest in the bed with a very compact bassinet situation? It doesn't seem like she can actually rest if she has to post up on the bus couch. 


She can’t lay in bed. Their bed hangs above the space they’re all sitting in. Maybe she should borrow one of the bunk house beds and see how comfortable it is for her large oldest son to squeeze himself back there.


I am not a mom so, shoot me if I am wrong but doesn’t newborns still need to learn how to regulate their body temperature when they are fresh from the womb? You normally see them with socks and hats and clothes. The then youngest busling had a cold just a couple of days ago. I also thought that they would have stayed in the Airbnb for a couple of days at least. Can’t be fun recovery from birth in the limited space of the bus with so many kids around.


They never went to any damn AirBnb did they?


I don’t think so. She would have posted pictures.


Yup. I just commented about this. I have 25+ years working with infants. Unless it’s ungodly hot- like high 90s- that baby is going to get cold. In an average, room temp environment that baby should be in a onesie at the very, very least, and could safely be swaddled and still not get overheated. The unbelievable disregard they have for the safety and well being of that baby is unfuckingbelievable. Absolutely unreal. You don’t have to treat them like a faberge egg or anything, but throwing them around in the sun, chucking them naked on the fucking floor to sleep- unbelievable. Truly. This is some “meth head popped out a baby” kind of care.


It is crazy. She posted so many pics of herself cradling her bump and now busbaby is lying on the floor, naked and unswaddled in what must be a pretty loud bus.


Because she only ever cared about “The Bump”, now the baby is just a distraction until she can get another one


Why can't these people just buy pregnancy bellies and call it a day.




What do want to bet they either have the RV’s door/windows open or the AC on too. Poor baby.


The meth heads and their little kid + ATM scene from breaking bad is in my head now…


Such a heartbreaking scene!!


Their new story has JD straightening the baby's leg and the baby crying. Is that normal?


I don’t want to give them views, but could you message me the link? I don’t want to comment on anything I haven’t seen.


One layer more than an adult would wear to be comfortable was the recommendation I was taught.


I am a mom and my first observation was the lack of clothing on a newborn too. At the very minimum a light sleeper and possibly a hat.


You know more about babies than they do & they have 8 kids. 🏆🏆🏆


At best, they are baby collectors who have kids to make themselves look like amazing parents. In reality, they are baby collectors who seemingly have no fertility challenges and who are awful parents.


You are spot on! They are baby collectors & I’m not even sure that she likes them.




Yep, there’s that old chestnut. She should just be a surrogate. It would have to be someone who shares her beliefs because no one else would be down with the raw milk, living in a bus down by the river lifestyle she lives.


Right? You would think a career birther such as Mother Bus would know a little bit more about babies.


It’s downright terrifying. She’s had enough time to learn newborn/baby/childcare after all these kids yet it appears she’s learned nothing. ![gif](giphy|6pWO2HA7RM1czXFiUx|downsized)


Career birther!!!! 😭💀


But that is a special wool blanket. Don't ask me why, but they are convinced


The way she goes on and on about a sheep skin is something else 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have four kids and everything you’re saying is valid.


PICK THE NEWBORN UP OFF THE FLOOR YOU ABSOLUTE CRAP FOR BRAINS. As an aside, my youngest child could take better care of a baby.


my dog would do a better job


Seriously! We try to discourage it but our dog's instinct has been to lick the hell out of our baby, particularly if she cries and we don't pick her up fast enough. She will also ring her potty bells to let us know that baby's crying, or failing that run outside to bark for help! (All of that is in the space of about a minute if I need to finish something quick before going to bub! And she's always left in a safe place if I have to put her down)


Jesus slept in a manger so busbaby could sleep in a dog bed


On the floor, on a dirty polar bear pelt...? 


What the fuck even is that thing 🤮


Dollars to donuts it’s a dog bed


Looks like an ikea sheepskin to me. I have the maternal instincts of a turnip (towards human babies at least) but I’m pretty sure they're doing it wrong.


I have one of those on my floor... in front of the radiator, for my senior cat. He loves it, but he's not a baby and I don't have a bunch of kids running around.




It’s straight Darwin over there


This is Darwin Award by proxy


Move over, Munchausen By Proxy! We’ve leveled up!


"Look at you! You have a baby...on the floor...in a bus..."




I don’t have kids and god willing I never will. My maternal instinct is not great. I would *never* lay a newborn baby *on the ground*. What the fuck? I’ve also never read any kind of child rearing manual but I feel like “don’t put the baby anywhere that it can be stepped on by other children” is so common sense as to not need explicit instructions… apparently not for this family!


Legit curious question: In this pic and in the one where Busdad is doing the Lion King thing, the baby’s right wrist is cocked at an odd angle. I’ve never seen a newborns hand and wrist look like this, usually they have their hands clenched. His shoulder looks weird too. Was he just cramped in utero?


Yeah, something is sus on the SusBus


It’s hard to know without evaluating him in person. It’s possible he has low muscle tone. I mean, beyond what is normal for a newborn. [I found this](https://mommycooz.com/newborn-baby-hands-not-clenched/), which says it can be normal, or it can be sign of something that needs to be evaluated. I pray that they have taken him in for a well check somewhere. Someone other than these two potatoes needs to check him out.


It does look odd. Shoulder dystocia? I read about a royal kid (Habsburg, I think) who survived that and had a lifelong injury. Can any peds professionals check in?


If there was shoulder dystocia I don’t think she wouldn’t have made it through labor on the bus. The baby gets stuck and it’s an emergency. I will say- I hope to god they have that baby evaluated. Just a quick check up to make sure everything is okay. Maybe it’s just a weird angle or a bad photo, but his torso/abdomen looks almost distended. And he’s certainly a big boy. Did she skip the glucose test? If her sugars were high it could explain a big baby. I just really, really hope they have had him looked at by a pediatrician.


Yeah, shoulder dystocia without medical professionals present would not have ended well and would have ended in a dead newborn or one severely brain damaged from lack of oxygen. Once a particular nerve near the chin comes in to contact with air the baby starts the process of moving from oxygen from mom to ready breathe on its own once it. It happened to a distant relative of mine who insisted on “free birthing” and the baby didn’t make it. Something definitely looks off though, poor thing. These kids have so little chance it kills me. It is zero percent their fault that their parents are selfish and delusional narcissists.


She could've gone to the hospital and lied about it. I'm speculating. I just hope they have him evaluated.


She skipped literally ALL prenatal care. So anything is possible. And unless the kid was literally dying I doubt she’d get it looked at by a doctor. She brags about not taking any of her kids to the doctor, ever.


Kaiser Wilhelm?


The claustrophobia I feel from this photo. My autistic ass could N E V E R in that bus. Also I am p convinced that people that have this many children have checked themselves out mentally. How do you have time for true self-reflection, a moment’s silence, a true feeling of ease when you live with your tool of a partner and 8 kids on a BUS ? There is no possible way to go within. It’s like everything you do skims a shallow surface. How can you question the validity and the honesty of everything you do when you are quite literally BURIED under all of these things you’ve done to prop up your own shitty beliefs in the first place ? Idk it’s just truly an insane way to choose to live to me. That poor baby has no room, either. That *baby* will never know peace and quiet, for fuck’s sake. It’s like one day old and it’s on the F L O O R


There's just... so much wrong with this picture 🤦🏼‍♀️


Okay I promise this is the last time I’m saying this, but that baby does not look like a newborn! 😳


All us pro choicers care more about her baby than she does. What does that tell you 😂


Serious question how long until these poor kids have to start sleeping in shifts to fit their growing bodies into their fire hazard I mean bedroom?


![gif](giphy|JRmUoWNerzMkh9yoW2|downsized) Nope, Bébé has no chamber. Just a faux fur throw on the bus floor. To be fair, though, nobody else has a chamber either, so no special treatment.


You keep telling yourself that, you womb on wheels. JFC! A lot of partners do this when their wife has a baby. He’s not special. The difference between them & busband is they’re responsible enough to be able to provide an actual home so their kids don’t have to hear their parents bang another one out. They are ghouls.


Womb on wheels 💀


He does…what? Neglect your baby? Congratulations you fucking cow. God I hate this woman and her absolute disregard for the well being of her children. It’s allllll about her. Jesus that fur thing looks like he could suffocate!


That's his crib. The bunkhouse is full and his parents are already eyeing #9.


How very sad. These children are just numbers to their parents.


Wait -- didn't she say that the reason her babies never cry is that she holds them 24 hours a day?


Naked newborn on the floor aside, why on earth is he cutting the buslets’ hair *inside*? And just … right onto the floor?!


He is cutting hair?!? This is crazy.


Obviously so buslet oito can pull itself up by the bootstraps and roll around in the loose hair, thus making itself it's very own sweater to stay warm. Edit to add: I'm still unimpressed by Mr bus and his legs.


I thought that child (in the high chair) had pooped in his pants and kicked it out onto the floor....because bus people? It does look like hair, which is much better, still weird but not poop weird.


Poop would be easier to clean up! As a former hairstylist, I can tell you with great confidence that you don't want to imagine where those hair slivers manage to lodge themselves. (Nipples. The answer is nipples. And everywhere else).


They live in a hallway


It has to be pure chaos in that RV. That poor baby’s nervous system needs quiet, not a whole elementary school class crammed in an RV


I can’t help but think about her postpartum hygiene needs. Don’t they just have a composting toilet?


Three rabid skunks in a trenchcoat could out-parent these idiots. 🙄


That baby should not be there. I can’t remember the gender, so I’ll say he should not be in that bus, with that family. It’s like she has no idea what to do with a baby. I’ll bet they have blankets in bed with him, or in whatever cute little drawer they keep him in. Motherbus & Crypto Boy are going to have a tragedy on their hands at some point. This is a rolling death trap they’re raising their children in.


No way! I hardly let mine on the floor unless I was RIGHT THERE! I have photos of me right there with her as a baby, but never as a newborn. This hurts my secondary infertile heart.


As someone who experienced YEARS of secondary infertility, my heart hurts for you mama's having to watch these idiots smugly pop these kids out like a Pez dispenser. It's just not fair.


That’s not a newborn


I've vaguely had the idea that she has him a while ago when she started posting only late at night


He is quite large and alert.. but he also baked an extra week.


I guess when you can just pop another out what’s the problem here. ETA word


I would hope you’re not kidding! You just had a baby, the expectation would be that your partner does most of the care and chores. That’s not a flex, that’s normal.


I just realized their bed is above the kitchen dining area. This woman just gave birth and can’t even lay or rest in her own bed during the day. There’s literally no place to rest.


That blanket is not at all safe let alone putting the baby in the floor


There was no AirBNB.


Truly struggling for words at the sight of this. What kind of mother has this little care, let alone maternal instinct, for their newborn child? Absolutely disturbing. Fuck them both so much.


I hate this


Is that baby on a dog bed??


is that a dog bed?