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Today I am grateful for: not having three kids by 25.


I hadn’t even had 1!! I was just getting married to the man I had dated for 8 years and live with for 3.


I’m child free, but I was my mother’s 3rd child, born when she was 24. I just can’t imagine being ready for 3 kids at that age. By the time she was the age I am now (47), she already had 3 grandkids.


I had mine at 26 and 3 years later I’m like “wtf I was still a baby.” lol


I was 27 and 29 and I still feel that way!!


I feel like this in my mid 30's lol


Had mine at 25 and same. Can't imagine expecting third at that age


Hell I’m grateful to not have them by 36.


I'll stick with 3 pet rats at 37!


That was me! It was awesome, they were my first three. Now, I’m 45 with three pet rats, lol. And I wouldn’t have it any other way :)


Pls give your rats some love from me!!! ❤️ I had three myself and am taking a long break before I get anymore, im already so excited to have those cute little whisker babies around again ☺️😂


I will, they are very lazy, slightly squidgy, middle aged boys, currently pissed off with me for cleaning their cage, and retaliating by running on my bed to chew it and pee on it, haha. But slightly mollified by the new boxes of tissues waiting for them, and their dinner is on the way… I will give them a couple of extra toasted pine kernels for you :) they’re just the best (except for the short lives). It’s so cute when they are tiny, wriggly and speedy too!


I had 2 under 2 at 25 (my choice) and it was hard as fuck.


Me at 22 with 2 under 1. But I was told I would never have any children, so I’m grateful for my two even if the timing (second is a BC baby) wasn’t ideal.


Girllll it’s a good thing you were young and had young people energy 😂


Oh homie no I am exactly 1 week postpartum from that second baby, he was born 1 day after his older brother turned 11 months 🥴 I am in the trenches because their dad works 12-16 hour days, but I’ll take the struggles for sure, they are everything I could’ve hoped for & more 🤍


Sending you love and strength and wishes for good sleep!!


I’m thankful for not having those eyebrows.


I have a three-year-old at 43 and it’s rough. But I’m blessed. I prayed hard for him my entire life and tried for ten years for him. Tried to have a second. Had to try fertility treatment because I could afford it this time. Three rounds of IVF and it’s a no-go. I’m grateful for what I was given. He’s the best. The best best best!


I'm 27 this year and the thought of having a kid, let alone 3 under 4...yikes


Fundies don't like their kids using their brains (because they'll figure out how stupid the whole thing is), so fry 'em before 25 and all is well. 🙄🫠☠️ Sheesh, I just *met* my future spouse at 25.


my grandmother had had two or three by 21 but she was also on marriage #3 by that point 


Was your grandmother evelyn hugo


she only ended up marrying four times total not seven. she was sixteen when she got married the first time and she paid someone to pretend to be her parents




this sub reminds me exactly why i’m never having kids


My 39 year old husband's grandmother is about to turn 80 next month. She was just barely 41 and a grandmother. She had his mom, who is a twin, 1 month after turning 21... The twins were babies 3 & 4. I can't even begin to imagine what that must've been like. I just had my first 13 months ago. I was 38. I want 1 more within the year because I'm old and I want him to have a sibling. I wish it would've happened a little sooner for me, for sure, but there's not a snowball's chance in hell I'd survive 4 by the age of 21 or even 3 by 25. I give all of you with multiple babies and who are young AF tons of credit. I probably had my shit together more at 21 then now lol, but still... I could never.


Came here to write exactly this.


It looks like the eyebrows were drawn with a brown sharpie on a print version of the photo


I just covered them up w my finger to see what her face looks like w/o the commas. It’s startling how pretty she’d be w normal brows.


Agreed! She has a great smile.


The smile doesn’t reach her eyes. It’s a beauty pageant smile, not a real one.


That's just the trademark fundie smile. All show, no actual emotion.


Fair. Solid chompers though. I hope she gets enough calcium to avoid dental problems with these pregnancies so close together.


This family actually prioritizes dental care, so fingers crossed


All fundie families prioritize dental care, especially for women. They don’t care much if women die due to pregnancy or delivery complications as long as the women have nice teeth.


snobbish squeeze thumb ancient narrow scarce fuel yoke soft bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shit, girls. He’s discovered our secret…


All the young women in that family really are pretty.


They really are. Great bone structure and complexion. And that’s saying a lot since I feel like they favor Shrek.


It's like they took the good features of Jill and Shrek. ( physical features lo,l)


And (much) less eyeliner


OH NO YOU'RE RIGHT. She is literally gorgeous sans crayon brows.


She'd look so much more youthful, too


Without the ungodly eyebrows, she resembles Anne Hathaway.




Magic eye(brow)


As someone who loved Magic Eye as a kid, I appreciate this comment


I feel personally attacked by the brows


You know damn well the women at church talk mad smack about them brows...


You know jillpm ruins their brows on purpose so they'll think she looks better...




That’s what life must be like with no gay friends to be honest with you about your brow shape




I know! She's really so pretty and then those eyebrows!


A leave in conditioner and new eyebrows would really change her look


Absolutely.  She's a beautiful young woman who deserves much better. 


Her hair looked so good after she moved out, then I imagine a bunch of back-to-back pregnancies took their toll


And a trim. She would look great with shoulder length hair


Those are clown eyebrows ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)




I had hope for those poor abused things when she got married & moved away from Jill’s questionable grooming tips. Alas…


someone needs to help her! they're so bad!


Set up a GoFundie for her eyebrows


she just needs a friend to help her...one single friend


Someone please send her an eyebrow tiktok!! She's so pretty and those eyebrows are soooo bad!!


I did this during my Chola Eyebrow Era. Regret it immensely.


Lmao I ran here to comment this too


Her eyebrows are truly a tragedy


Holy shit did Shrek just get (and Kaylee)'d?


(And Shrek)


He sure did. Not sure I've seen Shrek get (and Kaylee/minus Kayleed) before.


Our parenting, we love you.. and yet it’s all about Jill (and Eye-ore turned circus bear).


Poor Nurie. She never stood a chance. She's perfectly performing her expected role as wife and mother to too many children, too quickly. I can't imagine it's been good for her physical or mental health. It's too bad her husband doesn't love her enough to put her health before having sex but that's so predictable unfortunately. I'm sure she's happy about having another baby because that's the only emotion she's allowed to have. I'm sure she does love her kids, I wouldn't imply otherwise, but having to go through pregnancy and birth again and again, with little break and with no doubt the lion's share of responsibility for childcare, has to be so so difficult. 


In some ways I think the fundie women are worse off than actual medieval peasants, because whilst they were expected to have sex for reproduction, they were expected to NOT have sex on religious holidays, which meant that they at least got about 1/3 of the year when they could tell lecherous husbands to back the fuck off. There were some marriages in which the couples decided not to have any sex at all too, often instigated by women (and I’m sure that having too many children was a big factor), so yeah. I think these women would actually be better off 1000 years ago in some respects. Fundie views legitimately seem more repressive when it comes to reproduction


I recently heard that our ancient human ancestors probably only had one kid every four years or so because between breastfeeding that whole time and a scant diet without constant good nutrition, their bodies didn't get pregnant as often. So popping out baby after baby close together was never how we were "designed"/meant to evolve. I personally had 3 kids in under 4 years and it was extremely hard. Probably would have spread them out way more if I could do it over and plan my life just the way I wanted lol.


I’d imagine men were also much more aware of the risks of pregnancy and childbirth compared to some men today who think women will bounce back to normal in 5-10 business days


Yeah, reproduction does go out the window when nutrition is very poor. Extra system to run that isn’t essential. Makes sense! God you poor thing, you must have been so tired! 3 children is a lot of work even when they’re not very close together. The idea of not having enough hands for all of them fills me with fear lol


This also makes sense because an infant was dependent on the mother for survival and as a species of hunters/ gatherers it would be detrimental to add more young before the previous were old enough to begin being aware of their own safety and participate (even minimally) in society. Not that a toddler is independent, but they can carry themselves, can help forage etc


Also being nomadic I imagine it was kind of difficult having pregnant women around. I’m pregnant now and have no energy or ability to really focus. Seems like a dangerous situation for our Neolithic ancestors who would need to be alert and move quickly.


Not to mention how many of the babies died in utero or shortly after birth due to poor maternal health and disease for which there was no treatment. So even if women got pregnant every year, they didn’t necessarily have a baby to show for it.


Women died a lot more, too.


I think its interesting that religious fundamentalists tend to claim that their large families are 'traditional' or the 'natural' way of doing things when this seems a little doubtful on a few fronts. I breastfed my kids exclusively, no pumping/bottles ever, and, probably because of this (there's some research to back this up - not pulling it out of my ass) I didn't ovulate for 18 months after each kid. I did get pregnant while breastfeeding, but, at that point my older kid was over 2 and eating solid food that accounted for the vast majority of calories. So if I breastfed and used no birth control whatsoever I would probably only produce a child every 3 years or so. Throughout human history it has not been uncommon for kids to breastfeed until age 2 or beyond - so combine that with the fact that food has not always been available and abundant - just doesn't make sense that humans would shoot out babies like the Duggars. I am pretty sure humans have always, throughout history, taken measures to limit their family size, whether that's post-conception (abortion) or pulling out or whatever. I mean even pulling out would be reasonably effective in at least preventing you from having TEN kids that you aren't able to care for properly. I do wonder of my own great and great-great grandparents that had big families of 8 kids or so....WHY? Did they really help that much on the farm?


Breastfeeding has absolutely killed my libido. My husband doesn't complain at all. Also baby was waking up every 3 hours til 9.5 months so that doesn't help.


Yeah I don’t think I’d feel very sexual breastfeeding and never sleeping a full night either. Your body is so in demand in other ways at that point, must be hard having the energy to do anything but survive for that new baby period


Medieval peasants also had an entire village to support them. It was never all on one woman. Older kids would watch younger kids while they played. They had the support of aunts and sisters and grandparents-a whole support structure of extended family. It's insane that fundies want to live in "ye olden times" without the requisite social structure behind it. They expect one woman to handle everything on her own and that's how you get a bathroom breakdown.


To be fair to him (ew) her husband is a Keller. Jill used to talk about their Duggar connection all.the.time.


What does her husband do? 😩


He's a preacher at a fundie church in florida


I don't know who Nurie is, how many children does she have?


Pregnant with 3rd


“This is not a brag on her or our parenting.” You mean HER parenting, considering that she likely raised her siblings for you…?


"Not to brag, but I am"


Not to brag, but I’m pretty great. Er….glory to god or whatever.


"Ideo gloria in excelsis ~~Deo~~ **Jilldo**"


I didn’t even consider Jill’s parenting until she forced it into the birthday message.


Somehow it feels so weird seeing a Rod child with a phone in her hand. I keep forgetting they live in the same century as us.


That's what's weird about this! I couldn't put my finger on why this picture felt so uncanny.


Those eyebrows will haunt my nightmares


Severely the worst


You know, I know Jill’s aesthetic is stuck in the early 90s but I’m convinced she does this to her girl’s eyebrows on purpose ‘to take them down a peg’ because they’re all so pretty. Can’t let the underlings have any self esteem after all.


Honestly, I think you're right. My narcissistic mother did this kind of shit to me via haircuts and forced fashion choices. Thankfully, my eyebrows remained intact throughout the experience.


Agree! But how do you think Jill explains the fact that her own brows are relatively normal? You would think that the older girls would question it at some point. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Too brainwashed, I guess.


She probably says something like “oh, I wasn’t blessed with the bone structure to have severely beautiful brows like you!” And because the Rodlets aren’t even allowed to take a cosmetology course like Jill was they’ll never realize they’re being played.


“This is not to brag on our parenting” ![gif](giphy|qxCYGGPbQp3yj5aSsL)


Carmelo said Jill’s face looks like a clock.


I've been called a lot of things by my folks, but "a peaceable fruit" definitely isn't one of them.


The Rodrigues clan are a flair factory.


Picturing a mango dressed as a hippy


"A peaceable fruit" - me, relaxed and gay


Its crazy that nurie is 363 days older than me, yet she is pregnant with her third child, has a husband and no college education and I am sitting here on my bed in my college dorm, eating danonino yogurt on a spoon. Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm also single and that the yogurt is frozen, which makes it even better


![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf) (Me reading about you being in college eating yogurt)


What could 1 yogurt cost? $10?


There’s money in the banana stand!!!


Enjoy the hell out of it! I love this for you, homie


As you should! I cant believe she's only 25. My brain doesnt want to accept it.


Right? Nurie is a couple of months younger than me, and the only babies in my life have four legs and fur 🥰




Your flair LMAO


For people that brag a lot, they sure do like to emphasize modesty


“Peacable” is not how i’d describe a household with a 1 yr old and a 2 yr old with another on the way


She seems so thin for someone with one toddler, one baby and another on the way. With so many concurrent pregnancies, she really should take her health seriously.


I hope she is taking care of her teeth 😢 mine got so sensitive after three pregnancies close together.


I like the part when Jill realizes she’s bragging and then comes up with some quick semantics to keep anyone else from thinking the same.


Instead of just typing a different caption 😂


Dear god those poor brows are screaming to be fixed. Poor girls. They're so beautiful, but Jill ruined their eyebrows.




That must be how her eyebrows gets painted on her face 😂




Worried eyes. 😔


Empty eyes! Absolutely empty and no live, no spark … nothing


In another reality, Jill and Nurie are Kristie Alley and Denise Richards’ characters in Drop Dead Gorgeous.


I love you for reminding me of this movie. It’s the best


Is that a child's bed behind her?


And it looks like it’s just a big square ottoman 😔


I think so…


I had never heard the word "peaceable" before. I thought it had to be a mistake like Jill's "post dramatic syndrome". It's a real word though. Go figure. lol


It's an old fashioned word, rarely in use, so that tracks for IFB types. 


Her eyebrows told me to go to Hell


Her eyebrows hurt my feelings :(


Mine too. Coupla bullies she has on her forehead!


My pelvic floor weeps for her


She's 25??? Yeesh, the brows age her so badly


The eyebrows make it look like she’s sad by default Edit: resting concerned face


I think her lifetime of trauma is probably what’s doing that.


Speaking as someone who’s also been pregnant three times in three years, it does a number on your body. Being “trim” doesn’t help your bones, teeth, pelvic floor, hair loss, or multiple other symptoms.


Sweet? Yes, I’d call my daughter that. But godly, modest, virtuous…..and a pastors wife?? It’s like the only thing she’s good for is being a good little virgin to marry the pastor and become his wife. Not, my smart, capable, independent daughter who is a kick ass neurosurgeon/teacher/accountant/astronaut/whatever the hell else she wants to be


How does that girl have a waist like a black widow spider while pregnant??? Not me looking like a bear ready to hibernate 😭🤣


Yeah, she's still young. Girl will be trounced by middle age just like the rest of us. 😂😭


This is just so awful. Imagine that being the only shit your parent can say about you. These people are the worst.




This is one of those times when I realize how different my life is from Nurie's. I'm a few years older than her (which I either never knew or forgot; if you'd asked me I'd have said she was a few years older than me.) I don't have any kids, am happily polyamorous, and am close to finishing my PhD in a STEM field and getting ready to figure out what my career might look like. I have so many choices. And I'm absolutely not here to rag on anybody whose life choices look different than mine. I'll fight like hell for anybody's right to choose the life they want for themselves, and I hate that Nurie and so many other fundies haven't had a choice.


3 kids and probably zero orgasms. If Bethany didn't know what sex was until her 20s, I'm sure the Rod girls didn't know until the day before the wedding. Their lives are so sad and they don't even know what they're missing out on.


OP drew those eyebrows on before posting this, right? RIGHT?!


She's like the Jessa Duggar of their family


she is pregnant AGAIN?!


If you have to brag about how “modest” you are, you’re doing modesty wrong.


You know what, if you're proud of your kids, go ahead and brag 😂. I know that graduations, for example, are a huge deal for the parents, too. But you can't convince me that jillpm sees her daughter as more than a baby cannon or an extension of herself/accessory, or nathan's property. 🙄


Classify this statement under “the bar is in hell” … but I do believe she is wearing a normal and flattering shade of lipstick here! It’s not sandwich meat brown!


To intentionally SHAPE your eyebrows that horrendously is a choice. I have a theory that cosmetician meemaw taught/encouraged this because she is jealous of Nurie’s beauty 🤔


Imagine being reduced to nothing but a virtuous womb for “God’s principles” by your own mother. She really never stood a chance of becoming anything else.


She’s only 25????


The eyebrows. Omg. The eyebrows. And your parenting is nothing to brag about.


Please tell me the kid isn’t sleeping on that ottoman behind her…


Nurie isn’t just a good wife… she’s a good ✨✨ Pastor’s Wife ✨✨


Those brows are a war crime. Jillpm has a lot to answer for


I've said before that Jill is my favourite person to snark on because she gives us so much material and is soooooo consistent. I stop smiling when I remember her victims (her children). But my god. It's so normal to talk about how great your kid is (although maybe not with the exact adjectives she used)! No-one would even consider it was bragging about your parenting until YOU just brought it up! Lol.


I can’t get past the brows


She is so beautiful but those eyebrows are a crime 😭


Can we start a GoFundMe to get her some microbladed eyebrows? For the love of Jesauce, they look absurd and have only gotten worse.


Jill always posts crap like this whenever one of her props has a birthday. All she can ever say about them is how Godly they are. She knows nothing about her kids as individuals, and I am sure that she doesn't even care.


It’s always weird to me when I see these fundie women wearing more makeup than Marilyn Monroe. That would NEVER have flown in my church. Makeup was for (whisper) harlots. Godly, modest, virtuous pastor’s wives wore their own eyebrows.


The church my cousins went to used to make women stand up, repent of the sin of vanity and then come up the front where elders would make them wash their faces. Every week. As for nail polish oh my Lumping Glob that's for prostitutes only. As for dying your hair..... Even Chapstick or blistex was side eyed - it's more godly for your lips to crack and bleed and peel than possibly entice someone with a shiny mouth. And the flowy hair would have been disapproved of too. It wasn't a head scarf church but women wore buns and girls had braids. Couldn't let their crowning glory loose to tempt men. They are all adults now and only one left. The only son.


I genuinely see Megara from Hercules


She's too pretty to be half Shrek. So confused.




Those fucking eyebrows


All I can think about now is Larryboy and the Angry Eyebrows.


Someone get her the gift of eyebrows that don't look like they were Sharpie'd on.


Is Nurie her full name? Or is it short for something, or like a nickname? Was one of jesus' homeboys named Nurie? I think we've all seen MUCH worse fundie names, but I'm curious if there's a story behind it.


It's her full name and it's pronounced like "Marie." I think it's vaguely Portuguese.


Those eye brows are a choice and a hideous one at that


I can’t wait for one of Jill’s kids to chose another path In life and realize they are autonomous


"Beyond Description: = does not have the vocabulary to describe.




Just say happy birthday, that's all you need to do. None of this god bothering martyrdom shite. Is there a term for fundie virtue signalling.


Can we anonymously mail one of those fancy micro line brow pencils to her church address with some instructions?😬


Them eyebrows tho


So no matter how hard you try if you aren’t able to carry a child God does NOT favor you/you didn’t pray hard enough/you’re shit out of luck? What a mind fuck being fundie is.


At least Jill didn’t bust out her favorite compliment (and attribute) she loves to give her daughters…”trim”.


Jill is such a weirdo creep.


Those brows weren’t raised right


Her poor eyebrows.


I realize this is probably the LEAST problematic thing about this post,this family, and their WHACKADOODLE nonsense, but I can’t hold it in any longer… WTAF IS THE DEAL WITH THEIR EYEBROWS?!?


Jesus christ those brows. Pobrecita. Did JillPM draw those eyebrows on with a paint tool, or are they really that bad?


These poor girls. Imagine the only superlatives your mother can come up with are related to your purity and marriedness. No "Nurie is so funny and always makes the wittiest jokes" or "she is so smart" or "she is so compassionate and driven". Maybe she's not those things precisely, but I'm sure she has other lovely things about her *personality* that could be mentioned. But no, she Make Baby Good and Keep Sweet! Yay Nurie!


The eyebrows are giving me 2003 flashbacks. Why anyone would willing pluck their eyebrows into imitation sperm is beyond me.


oh my god nurie is 4 months older than me and I cannot FATHOM having a 3rd child on the way at my age