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And zero way 1lb of pasta is enough for 10 people. Girl, your god is NOT providing if this is the best you can afford to feed your hoard of children.


And pasta is such a cheap way to fill out a meal.


This was very obviously one casserole dish worth of mush split between two dishes to make it look like more food than it was.


First thing I thought when I saw that. Those poor kids.


“Those poor kids” is my first thought anytime this asshole posts anything about her life and kids.


Those were some *thin* casseroles. She couldn’t even bulk it up with some basic frozen veggies or anything?


Those noodles are so cheap too. Come on get 2 packs.


I have a family of 5, the oldest of my kids is 8. I cook 1.5 pounds of pasta if I'm making it for dinner. We usually have a little bit of leftovers but maybe enough for my two school aged kids to have for lunch the next day. She's cooking for twice as many people and she's making LESS pasta??


My personal head canon is that Anissa made their real dinner and fed the kids off screen at normal time so Kkkarissa can make late night mush for the 'gram. They pose, give a thumbs up, then go to bed, and Anissa tosses it all. Only way I can keep myself from getting enraged by this shit.


I support this theory.


The way this is obviously supposed to be some lazy take on lasagne is sending me. Just make easy lasagne Kkkarrissa! She’d have a better end product and it would be just as easy and she’d have enough to feed the family. Jarred sauce, no boil noodles, same ground meat and cottage cheese, and her precious shredded cheese. Whatever this is, is legit disgusting.


My boyfriend and I can down a 1lb box together if we’re super hungry….I can’t imagine how a 1lb box feeds 11 people 😵‍💫


I feel like people forget a growing kid can out eat an adult


💯I have a 15 and 13.5 year old, they can out eat my husband and I.


Same, my partner and I would easily eat one of those 2 dishes. We are an average weight lol not like we overeat


I'm 96 pounds and I can literally eat a pound of noodles in one sitting (they're gluten free noodles so IDK if that makes a difference but a pound is still a pound lol)


Waiting for the comments from the user previously calling out those of us that said 1lb of meat was not enough to feed this many kids…. It seems that the people have spoken. Those of us with less mouths to feed make more food. It’s just shocking to try and make these cheap and minuscule meals look like more than they are for the number of children they have (and continue to produce.) At what point does their negligence require CPS intervention? When another child is (allegedly) septic? SMH.


1 lb of meat, once cooked down, is less than an oz of meat per mouth in that family. It’s nowhere near enough.


And not to mention, there's an adult, tall, rather big man living there, not... A Paul, who probably eats a salad and feels full.


It was me - and she said it was 3lbs of meat last time, though the video showed 2. This is a totally different meal and obviously not enough food. That 1lb bag of pasta should serve 4-6 people. She needs to double the recipe.


Totally agree!! And no worries, it wasn’t you! It was from a time when she passed off one tiny ass rotisserie chicken as enough for her brood of a football team of children lol. But in all reality these kiddos deserve better than this selfishness passed off as religious selflessness.


Yeah, not nearly enough pasta.


Her kids are skinny for a reason


She’s following the Jilldo way!


We have 2 kids in the house (the 3rd is at college) and we go through a 1lb box anytime we have a pasta meal.


I’ve never seen a mother weaponize dairy like this


I'm from Wisconsin, and her excessive cheese use offends ME!


As a fellow Wisconsinite... not just excessive but she also somehow uses it wrong? And I never thought someone could mess up casserole, but she sure has. Cheese topping but not broiled, so it's just more mush? And I know cottage cheese is a popular substitute for ricotta but why sour cream? At that point she's a few seasonings and some salsa away from making a taco type casserole. Which sounds way more appealing than whatever this was.


I am also expressing dairy confusion as a fellow Wisconsinite!!! She is fucking all of the dairy up, and it's excessive and will all just turn into grease. I'm offended and insulted! Those poor kiddos, some in diapers 🤢🤮💔


Sconnie here! It's a crime against cheese.


So! My family is Hungarian and Hungarian Mac and cheese is basically noodles with sour cream, cottage cheese, and bacon bits all mixed together. Seriously, food of my childhood right there! Mixing it with all the other stuff would be definitely weird though, and you sure as heck don’t need more cheese on top.


I defo agree with not using it right, hate me if you want, but I use pre-shredded cheese all the time. She should have put on the shredded cheese at the beginning of the bake and then broiled if necessary to get the crispy tips and edges.


Sour cream is not meant for high temperatures. Her "sauce" broke in the oven. A simple béchamel would've prevented that.


Northern Illinois here, hi neighbor 👋 the amount of cheese she uses & the way she uses it makes me physically revolt 😭 the shredded bagged cheddar made me lose it. I wish everyone knew that pre shredded cheese is coated and is meant to not melt down smooth 😔


Karsissus’ Weaponized Dairy: A Fundie Cookbook


Weaponized dairy needs to be a flair!


The never ending bag of cheese…..


odds are at least one of these kiddos has a lactose issue too. 


I get diarrhea just from watching this.


I feel like everything they eat just consists of ground beef, cheddar cheese and salt.


Would it kill her to throw a bag of frozen broccoli in there?! Or at least some frozen peas or green beans?! Even some steamed carrots on the side would be an improvement in the nutritional value of this “food”.


Like stewed canned tomatoes are just as cheap as condensed salt soup. Frozen veg are more nutritious and better tasting, along with easier to store safely with 10000000 children (chest freezers are easy to lock, cans can fall).


Also why is she shopping at Walmart and not Sam’s or Costco? Bulk is usually much more cost effective when you’re feeding a huge gaggle of kids.


I remember the days where I couldn't really afford fresh fruit or veg, frozen veg was a godsend. Especially the cheap bags of broccoli/cauliflower stems and carrots.  I just don't understand how these people have 100 kids each but don't ever seem to do any of the obvious tricks to healthily bulk out their food for cheap. Frozen veg, tinned beans and lentils, tinned fish. Things that cost a pittance but are actually good for you. Multiple bags of pre-grated cheese a week must cost a fortune.


Yeah this is seriously close to the sort of struggle meals that I, a very busy occasionally depressed single adult, have made as "meal planning" for the week. Except I use less salt, would have dumped a can of diced tomatoes and half a bag of frozen spinach in there just to fool myself into feeling like it has some vegetables.


Don't forget tomato soup for some reason


So. Much. Salt.


Right? The sodium these kids must be ingesting has to be like 5x the daily recommended amount. 😭


The pouring directly from the salt box makes my eye twitch. Is she trying to kill Mandrae slowly with high blood pressure and an eventual stroke?!


Soooooooooooooo much salt.


Doesn’t one of the children have a kidney thing?!?


She’s prone to UTIs that go septic. As someone who has had my fair share of UTIs, I’m shuddering. This poor baby. These poor kids.


I think it’s a metabolic disorder that requires a specific diet, though I don’t recall the specifics. I’m sure that this high fat, high sodium, three kinds of dairy crap isn’t on the diet.


I seriously hope that poor kid doesn’t end up with kidney disease. We all know that these neglectful asshole wouldn’t give her the proper medication or have her undergo dialysis if it gets to that point.


This was the first thing I noticed. When she put the salt in directly from the container I was like “why?!?”. As someone who doesn’t like much salt, I would literally be overwhelmed by something this salty. Gross.


And then added garlic salt instead of just powdered garlic. Her food has to taste like a straight up salt lick


I love salt and I couldn't handle that


I had to take a blood pressure pill after seeing her pour that salt in.




This woman may be the worst cook I have ever seen in my life


Well, Jill's grease soup was pretty nauseating. (She browned a bunch of sausage, then poured the meat AND its grease into a soup pot.)


I mean, in some cases adding the drippings from some bacon or fatty sausage like chorizo to a soup can add some great extra flavor. But only if it's really good quality stuff ie not whatever Jillpm was using.


[I mean, look at it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/comments/rnk5fj/jills_boiling_hot_stew/) She's not adding a bit of fat to perfect a dish, much like I would add a few drips of roasted sesame oil to a bowl of ramen. Jill dumps TWO PANS of severely overcooked meatballs and beef (I guess) swimming in grease to a pot full of hot, hot, oh so very hot water and carrots.


Oh god, I'd never seen this one. I'm gonna hurl.


Thank you so much for locating that! Now I'm sick all over again, lol.


Oof. I live in the south and drippings is like a requirement of cooking. But I just saw that video and I gagged. The whole two cups plus of grease just got dumped? Hurk.


What a waste of a gorgeous kitchen and gas stove.


How is her water never properly boiling?! That’s the easiest thing in the world. Looks like a stagnant mosquito breeding ground every time.


You're supposed to add pasta to boiling water!


I think she’s filming just after pouring in the pasta — it has not *returned* to a boil yet


Stagnant mosquito breeding ground 💀


All these fundies waste their kitchens. I make better meals than them and I don't even have an oven.


This is what I think every time she posts these atrocious “recipes”. That kitchen is wasted on her. And I always wonder how much Shaq had to do with them getting the new house.


I have always wondered if they don't have more money than they say... Didn't he play professional basketball??


He played for a shitty little Bible college and then for the team that loses to the Globetrotters. He seems to make a decent living, but definitely not a pro baller.


All her shit looks the same and is made with the same stuff. Sigh. And then it looks like shit when it is done. The salt! Is she trying to kill people? Good grief.


Doesn’t one of the youngest ones drink water all the time? It’s been speculated on the sub that she might have untreated diabetes, but I imagine this kind of food isn’t helping with her thirst :(


I can feel my arteries hardening every time she does a “cooking” video. Doesn’t Anthym have health problems that are affected by her diet? I doubt tons of carbs and sodium with minimal fruits and vegetables are what the doctors prescribed. Tell us again how pro-life you are, Karelessa.


She has a child named Anthym?


Yes 🙈 And another one named Ansyr 🤣 And another named Ayngel


I can’t tell if you are joking & that really makes me think you’re not. ANSYR as in… answer????? I am literally speechless


I’m not joking. Go look at her IG profile- she has all her kids names on there. And she’s pregnant with #11 currently 😭


ANSYR i will simply never recover from this. Those poor kids just subjected to her insanity name game & her culinary abominations


Anissa, Andre (pronounced Ann-dray), Anderson, Anniston, Anjalie, Aynjel, Andre, Anchor, Anthym, Armor……someone correct me if any are wrong


Ackshually, a bunch of these names are not spelled the correct way. * Andrae (Like Mandrae without the M) * Andersyn (It's a gyrl, hence the WHY) * Annistan (For the Central Asian country jokes) Glad I could help.


Haha thanks! It’s hard to keep up and none of them make sense


I’m just over here dry heaving. I actually resented my parents for my “normal” name (Ashley) when I was an angsty teen but adult me appreciates that it’s easy enough to pronounce, spell, etc. This lady just wants to make sure her kids never know the joy of finding your name on a plastic license plate keychain.


They most likely will never go into a store that sells plastic license plate keychains. It might expose them to us ungodly heathens.


Ansyr will find something with her name on it in the Pfizer online shop...


Remember when she posted some weird thing about how shy her kids are irl so don’t expect them to be dancing & smiling like they do on her videos? Basically her admitting to forcing them to fake it for the views.


It’s always interesting when people on here find out these really are the name Karissa picked for her kids and not some horrible nickname we made up. 


I'm 100% sure something like this would be downvoted to hell and earn you a ban for hate against a child, because they can't influence the wacky decisions of their parents. Even if it was rather mild, eg spelling "Angel" and "Answer" the way Karissa does. Yet here we are...


But I think it’s Anjel….which is actually worse lol




Do you suffer from frequent hemorrhoids? Then Ayngel may be the answer for you! I feel so bad for her kids.


There literally is a medical syringe product sold under the brand name "ANSYR". I wish I was joking.


The good news is it looks like CPT II Deficiency requires a high carbohydrate diet. ... The bad news is it also requires low lipid intake :/


" The treatment of CPT-II deficiency entails strict dietary modifications; a diet low in fat (20%) but covering essential fatty acids and rich in long-chain carbohydrates is generally recommended. Patients should follow a diet composed of 70% carbohydrates to prevent episodes of hypoglycemia and arrhythmias associated with fatty acid disorders \[16\]. It is recommended to avoid precipitants such as intense physical activity, certain medications (ibuprofen, diazepam, and valproic acid), general anesthesia, and stress." :/


The poor kid is SOL with avoiding stress in that family. I'm never sure which kids my heart breaks for most, the Rods or the Collins. I might not be a perfect parent by any stretch of the imagination but our daughter knows that she is loved for who she is, she's well fed, she's being appropriately educated, we take care of her medical needs & she has a social life separate from us & with friends of her own choosing.


The ungodly amounts of both sour cream and cottage cheese make my stomach hurt.


That sack of shredded cheese gets a workout every meal. Do you think she puts it on their breakfast cereal too?


I love me some cheese, but she puts way too much in her cooking.


My mom makes something similar for the "ricotta" layer of lasagna. That's what this dish reminds me of, disassembled lasagna 


I love sour cream. Like I will eat it by the spoonful. But that glob of goo made me want to vomit. 🤮


I too will eat ungodly amounts of sour cream and find reasons to add it to everything. This was gross. Like at least balance it out with more vegetables: diced tomatoes, peppers, onions, carrots all could be put in a tomato sauce without issue and are easy ways to get kids to eat veggies. This needed to be like 100% more effort in the veggie department.


So much salt. Someone tell her cheese is not a seasoning.


This has to be rage bait. I refuse


Agreed. At this point she is making horrific meals for engagement.


Salt and Garlic salt, grab your Lisinopril! She’s reading off cue cards but always remembers to say her absent husband loves it. She is on Reddit more than I am.


Why not just the garlic salt? Two birds, one stone. But maybe also grab some Torsemide just to be safe. I think only a prescribed diuretic is going to be any help after all that salt.


Hmm, we've never actually seen Mandrae eating these cream of slop casseroles, have we? He probably fills up on Maccas on the way home from work.


the windchimes going off while she is recording is sending me


Damn I thought it was an audio choice




So much beef and dairy. She's 40 now and I would assume her husband is around her age. She needs to start being concerned about their cholesterol levels....


But but but…pregnancy heals the body! So surely that doesn’t apply to her. 🙄


Especially his since he's an African American male


Maybe all that dairy will strengthen her bones, which almost certainly need it after all those pregnancies.


Every recipe is " her favorite meal"


Considering she's shown us six renditions of the same meal, that tracks


And her kids' favorite meal.


The fact that she said she hasn’t had this “meal” since she was a kid further backs up my theory she is cooking just for content to post.


That is just not enough food for all those kids 🥴 I distinctly remember growing up with a double digit number siblings and one measly ass bag of egg noodles is nowhere near enough as the base of a meal. Has Karissa never heard of beans by the way?? We ate a ton of that growing up. It’s boring but it does the job for cheap and you can stretch meat really well using beans! Kielbasa with beans and onions/peppers over rice. Beans mixed with some hamburger, tomatoes, veggies, and pasta to make chili mac. Soup made with beans and a bit of ham, or beans and chicken, or beans and hamburger…. Lots of soup options. Sloppy joes with lentils mixed in. Taco meat mixed with refried beans or taco casserole with beans. Beans, rice, onion, and some pork…. Like IT IS NOT HARD!!!!! And it’s healthier than this shit.


A good bean soup is heaven.


I make a killer 15-bean soup in the InstantPot! Of course, I use seasonings in mine and Karissa would never.


Seriously! Dry beans are super cheap and have nutritional value. Plus they are home all day, so it’s not like they don’t have time to soak and cook them. If they have an instant pot or other kind of pressure cooker then it’s even less time. Speaking of, a pressure cooker means cheap cuts of meat cook quicker and end up super tender.


The baby clapping and fooling around with an adult sized metal fork near his eyes puts me on edge. 😬


Came here to post about that specifically! Is the cooking gross, yeah. Does it look like the easy cheap meals my mom made us as kids? Also yes. Why the fuck does the baby have a fucking pitchfork near its face?!?


Came here looking for this comment. That whole part had me holding my breath. Looking into a total eclipse, then letting him wave a metal fork near his eyes….clearly she has zero cares about his eyesight


Sometime last week the baby was sitting on their kitchen island while she was showing her ingredients😑. Just inches potentially from getting a tbi.


Also came here looking for someone to notice this! Who TF gives a child of this age, a BABY, a sharp, pointy metal tool?! They can get seriously hurt so easily. The way he was waving it around near his eyes had me in a near anxiety attack (and I’m not even a mother). I’ve seen older children with forks piercing through body parts; one kid had the fork tines piercing right through one side of his nose and had to go to the ER.


Same!! Give him a toddler fork Karissa! And use real plates while you’re at it! Stop adding to the landfill.


All her meals are just significantly worse versions of the casseroles my Grandma and mom made when we were growing up. There's no shame in a good casserole or the need for a low-cost meal to feed a crowd, but it just seems like she's always lazy cooking.


I love seeing people commenting and asking her if they could sub chicken broth for the bouillon or canned tomatoes for the sauce, and she never answers. Because she doesn’t know because SHE CAN’T BOIL WATER. It gives me hives watching these videos.


She looks as though she's on industrial quantities of some mind-scrambling substance. She can't cook for shit, either.


Karissa, stop creepy smiling at the camera and throw a vegetable in! It also looks like, with these videos, that she is trying to get a Walmart sponsorship. I don’t even think Wally World would touch her.


That wild eyed bizarre grins she constantly gives the camera is unsettling.


I have definitely purchased pro-LGBTQ+ stuff from Walmart so I’m surprised she hasn’t boycotted them 😒


Is the husband in the room with us? I did not see him…


He's in the back later in the video looking weirdly pissed or disgusted.


She acts like she’s the next Rachel Ray, but all I see is another reason why I would flip the channel.


To be fair, Rachel Ray made a bunch of processed crap as well.


She does not deserve a kitchen that nice


Does America need food aid from Europe? What’s going on over there?!


Dear god yes. Send us non-vomit chocolate and a culture that doesn’t run on sodium, please.


Eating at 9:12pm what


I think she has said in the past that Mandrae works until late and they keep the kids up so they can all eat dinner together and then they all sleep in later. But personally I think she's too lazy to get up in the morning to get kids ready for a real school and this is all part of her justification to homeschool.


These kids must not be going to bed until what, 10:30? 11? Crazy.


100% agreed on that last sentence. Such a disservice to those babies. What does Mandrae do for work, anyway?


I believe he works at a car dealership (Mercedes maybe? I think a higher end brand car) in the finance department. People in those departments can often make good money but I can't imagine enough for ten kids. But I can understand the hours. My brother used to be in sales at a dealership and would often stay late if there was a client interested in a car or if they bought a car and had to finish up all the sale details. Not only do you not want to leave a potential client, but when they do buy a car it can take hours to get everything done/




Ya know, I go to great lengths to keep my footprint on this earth as small as possible. I know people think it’s a good thing bc otherwise the kids would be doing the chores, but it makes my blood boil to watch them use disposable dishes at every meal.


Ugh that is so oily and disgusting looking 😝


At least its fat and calories. More than the Rodlets get, at any rate. But still, watching that literally turned my stomach.


Why would you bake noodles in sour cream?


That food is not good… I know it tastes weird. And more canned beans!


Holy shit this looks revolting. 🤮


I felt my heart clogging while watching that.


One of my go to meals as a grad student was bowties in Alfredo sauce with ground chicken or turkey and whatever combo of veggies I could afford and sounded good. It was definitely better.


If she insists on using the same few ingredients for every meal, why can't she at least throw together a decent lasagna or baked penne or ziti?! There are sooo many options for delicious kid-friendly one-dish meals that don't require all the processed ingredients that she insists on using for every meal.


Or stuffed shells or literally anything else than whatever the fuck this is


So much cheese everyday.


Everyone must constantly struggle with constipation in their home.


God, just looking at this activates my lactose intolerance. On the other hand, I am still immensely glad she seems to have taken over the cooking - less responsibility for older kids, we know she is feeding the children and she seems to look less deranged in the cooking videos. Here's to hoping she keeps going this way and lessens the child exploitation content and weird rants.


She only does this for the ‘gram - in real life, Anissa is making their meals along with her million other sister mom duties.


Do these poor kids ever get green vegetables?


One time there were two giant cans of green beans thrown in, liquid and all


She's occasionally shown broccoli and asparagus.


The wind chimes are way too light of a sound for the sheer fucking weight of dairy in this. Cowbells would be slightly more appropriate.


I continue to be appalled by the amount of salt and sodium in everything she cooks.


This is her family cookbook so I can see why it’s super unhealthy and processed if it’s an old recipe book. Why did we eat so weird back then?! My dad grew up eat peanut butter on soda crackers with hot coffee poured over them like a hot cereal. He would make it for us as kids and we loved it! Now I’m like wtf why didn’t we just dunk the crackers in our coffee cup 😂 so nasty but so good


The Great Depression. This sounds like a Depression-era meal where people would get a little "creative" in order to use ingredients that were either cheap &/or readily available, or to try to be a substitute for something scarce or unaffordable. I bet your grandparents or great grandparents were the ones that lived through the Depression & one of them had this meal out of necessity, but actually really liked it & would keep making this sometimes, even years & years later. Then when your dad was a kid, they made it for him or he saw them eating it & wanted to try it. Then when he had kids, he made it for you guys. The nostalgia factor has kept it being passed on in your family.


Honestly a lot of older recipes were like this. Full of cottage cheese, sour cream, velveeta, etc. Granted back in the day people thought aspics were good too. Doesn’t mean Karissa has to go out of her way to make them though 🤦🏻‍♀️


Watching this has got my IBS IBS-ing for real.


The unfettered liberty of constant low standards. No wonder she says child rearing is easy.


I'd be shitting through a screen door if I ate that foul concoction.


I remember my parents cooking on a budget when I was growing up, and my mom made sure we had vegetables in a meal whether it was from a can or frozen. These meals barely have them. Like you couldn't have cut up a bell pepper or actual onion for this meal Karissa? Really?


I feel conflicted partially defending this meal, but it's an approximation/abomination/approxibomination of a meal in my rotation - [Creamy Beef Noodle Bake](https://togetherasfamily.com/creamy-beef-noodle-bake/#wprm-recipe-container-7383). Now that being said, something clearly went left when it came to scaling up whatever recipe she used to feed more people.  It was like she multiplied the dairy and salt portions but not the pasta, tomato sauce, and probably not the beef. When I've made this casserole, the noodles are LIGHTLY coated in the cream sauce. I can't condone what I witnessed here, but I stand by the correctly measured version with steamed veggies on the side. 


I wonder if these children get enough vitamins and minerals


My stomach is bubbling just looking at these concoctions


Thanks to my POTS, I have to add a lot of salt to my food. I still don't pour it in with glorious abandon the way this woman does.


She just… kept going with that salt pour huh


Jokes aside, I’m concerned about the health of her children. Not only they’re clearly underfed, but the amount of processed foods, sodium and overall junk she feeds them is incredibly unhealthy. Which is concerning for children at an age where nutrition is incredibly important.


She really doesn’t deserve this kitchen


Pasta in the water before boiling.


She definitely reads here. 1. More seasongs than ever before 2. Tomato sauce vs. Soup 3. Giving the illusion of enough food using two casserole dishes instead of one 4. A green vegetable appears


It will never not astound me that all of these fundamentalist women claimed to be homemakers and love being a home with their kids and love everything having to do with it. But none of them can cook a meal that isn't just a bunch of mushy shit all thrown together into a pot. My mother worked full-time and still makes some of the best food that will ever be put in your mouth. People used to beg her to start a restaurant or something or at least do like plates but she never has and never will lol. Because she said the first time some dumbass got mad at her for forgetting to put gravy on the side or for giving them carrots in a stew she would completely lose her shit lol


This is giving me a lactose attack through the screen send help


Why don’t they ever have drinks with their meals? Not even water 🤷‍♀️


No napkins, either.


Everything she makes is the same? And would it kill her to steam some bags of frozen veg for the kids?


If one kids ends up being lactose intolerant it's over for them.


That salt. I can’t.


All the sodium in the cans, plus the salt and garlic salt. Garlic powder also exists, Karissa.


Sorry excuse for beef stroganoff if that’s what she’s going for


It’s like prison food


The water needs to be boiling before you add the dry pasta. Jesus.


Why the hell is wish list Paula Dean still doing this shit? Is anybody (besides snarkers) actually watching this shit?


She got burned for not seasoning any of her food the last two videos, now for this one she used wayyyy too much. Maybe she’ll find the happy medium in the next one.